The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 40

Shen Jun acted swiftly and, within a few days, found a massage parlor for Shen Jixue in town. Being in a small town, this massage parlor couldn’t compare to Wu Bie’s friend’s establishment.

As soon as he entered, Shen Jixue smelled the faint, almost evaporated scent of disinfectant in the air, giving the place a lifeless and uncomfortable atmosphere.

If his eyes weren’t impaired, he would have seen the blind massage therapists sitting side by side on the bench at the entrance. Business here was usually slow, and with no customers at this hour, they sat quietly to avoid causing trouble for others.

“Boss Wang.” Shen Jun’s voice carried a tone of flattery as he quickened his pace to greet the parlor’s owner.

A young woman’s lazy voice responded, “Here.”

Following that, Shen Jixue felt scrutinizing eyes on him. Instinctively, he tightened his grip on his suitcase handle, feeling uncomfortable under the gaze, wanting to flee.

But where could he run? From one pit to another. He just needed a job, Shen Jixue told himself, trying to calm down.

Boss Wang, after looking Shen Jixue over, asked, “He’s trained, right?”

“Yes, yes. He trained in the province. His skills are definitely good.” Shen Jun almost wanted Shen Jixue to demonstrate, afraid Boss Wang wouldn’t be satisfied.

“Alright, let him stay. You’ve explained the terms, right?”

Shen Jun tried to avoid the topic, having not told Shen Jixue much. As long as they got the money, he didn’t care about Shen Jixue’s living conditions.

But Shen Jixue spoke up, “No, Boss Wang, please explain them to me.”

Boss Wang raised an eyebrow, surprised that this seemingly inexperienced boy spoke up. She patiently explained everything to him.

“We provide food and accommodation. For the first three months, you get seventy percent of your wages. If you do well, you can be promoted earlier.” She added, “There are no holidays.”

With Shen Jun present, Shen Jixue didn’t ask about the salary. He nodded, understanding that having a place to stay was enough. Unlike before, not everyone was as generous as Chen Xian.

Boss Wang was straightforward, “If you agree, I’ll have someone take you to the dorm to settle in. Come back to the parlor in the afternoon once you’re settled.”

Shen Jixue nodded, and Shen Jun had no intention of staying longer. He didn’t even bother to accompany Shen Jixue to the dorm. After bowing to Boss Wang, he left the parlor, reminding Shen Jixue softly.

“Don’t waste your wages. I’ll try to come to town each month to collect them from you.”

Shen Jixue agreed, one hand dragging the suitcase, the other holding his blind cane. “Uncle, I’ll go to the dormitory first. You should go back soon. It’s late, and it’s not easy to get a ride.”

Seeing it was indeed getting late, Shen Jun, being stingy, didn’t want to spend extra money staying overnight in town. Without another word, he headed straight for the bus station.

Shen Jixue was led by a half-blind worker from the parlor. Seeing how quickly Shen Jun left, the worker asked softly, “Is he really your uncle?”

Shen Jixue could imagine how dismissive Shen Jun was, so it was understandable why the worker asked. “Yes.”

“He sure walks fast.” The worker shook his head, having seen many familial cold shoulders, guessing Shen Jixue’s uncle didn’t treat him well either. “Let me help you with your suitcase. This way, up to the second floor, is our dorm.”

Upon entering the room, Shen Jixue noticed an unpleasant odor. He understood that with several blind people living together, it was inevitable, and he could tolerate it.

“Excuse me, is there a phone I can use?”

The half-blind worker placed Shen Jixue’s luggage by his bed. “You need to make a call? The parlor has a phone you can use; the boss won’t mind.”

At this hour, Shen Jixue wasn’t sure if he could reach Chen Xian by phone. He decided not to call yet, fearing that his boss would be annoyed by how often he used the phone when the time came when he genuinely needed to contact Chen Xian.

No wall is completely impenetrable. Even though the company tried to keep the news of layoffs and bankruptcy under wraps, rumors still leaked. Once such news got out, people became anxious, and many lost their motivation to work.

Maybe Chen Xian had heard some hints from the beginning, or maybe he just had a good attitude. He continued to work as usual. Thanks to the others, he was spared from writing a self-criticism, and the leaders weren’t in the mood to review it now anyway.

The ships sailed as usual. Some people refused to go out on the ships, fearing they wouldn’t get paid when they returned. Chen Xian volunteered to go. Since they were short of hands, they didn’t hold his previous disembarkation against him.

Wu Bie had already discussed things with Zhang ge. Not only did they invest money, but Chen Xian also contributed his technical expertise. Wu Bie didn’t care about the company’s situation anymore.

“Why are you still going out on the ship at a time like this? Everyone else is hiding, afraid they’ll make a trip for nothing and not get paid. But you, you volunteer. Should we call you a conscientious comrade for sticking with the company through thick and thin?”

In response to Wu Bie’s sarcastic remarks, Chen Xian just smiled faintly. He didn’t think he was that noble. The company hadn’t collapsed yet, and it wasn’t time to complain.

“It’s not that high-minded. If I stay home, I’ll just be idle. This way, I can pass the time. Besides, you’re handling the investment matters. I don’t understand much about it. I’ll do whatever you say. If you need me, just let me know. I’ll definitely help.”

Wu Bie just liked to poke fun at Chen Xian. He knew Chen Xian wasn’t the type to kick someone when they’re down. The company was going through tough times, and out of respect for the leaders who had promoted him, Chen Xian wouldn’t refuse to sail.

After going back, Chen Xian packed his bags as usual. Once everything was ready, he took out his phone and checked the time. It wasn’t too early or too late. He wondered what Shen Jixue was doing at this hour.

Since returning, Chen Xian hadn’t been in touch with Shen Jixue. One reason was his busy work schedule, and the other was that Shen Jixue didn’t have a phone. Calling Shen Jun’s house too often might annoy him.

This trip would last at least three to four months, a significant amount of time. He had to inform Shen Jixue, just in case… in case Shen Jixue needed to reach him.

Convincing himself, Chen Xian sat on the bed and dialed Shen Jun’s home number. The phone rang twice before a rough male voice answered.

“Hello? Who is this?”

It was Shen Jun. Chen Xian cleared his throat. “I’m looking for Shen Jixue.”

Shen Jun recognized Chen Xian’s voice and sounded impatient. “He’s gone to work in the county. He’s not home. Don’t call here if you don’t have to. Do you think it’s free? Who’s paying for this call? You?”

Ignoring Shen Jun’s unfriendly tone, Chen Xian focused on Shen Jixue.

“So soon? He’s already found a job?”

Realizing Shen Jun was about to hang up, Chen Xian quickly stopped him. “Wait! Do you have his contact information in the county?”

“No. He went to work, not on a trip. Where would he get a contact number?”

Chen Xian sensed something was off. Shen Jun seemed indifferent, just dumping Shen Jixue in the county without any contact info. What if something happened to him? How could he reach his family? Shen Liang’s situation was a case in point, and they hadn’t learned from it.

“I’m hanging up. Phone calls cost money.”

With that, Shen Jun hung up. Chen Xian couldn’t stop him in time. The line went silent.

Sure enough, Shen Jun wasn’t reliable. Who knew how Shen Jixue was doing at home? Sending him to the county like this, who knew if he could adapt?

Chen Xian regretted not asking for Shen Jixue’s work address earlier. He could have asked someone to check on him. He called back, but Shen Jun, seeing it was his number, refused to answer.

After several attempts, Chen Xian gave up, holding his phone with concern. It was too late this time. He’d have to check on Shen Jixue when he returned or ask Wu Bie to help out.

On the morning of departure, a light rain was falling. The flood season had been delayed this year, and the hottest days were already past.

Braving the drizzle, Chen Xian stepped onto the deck. Running into a few colleagues, he wanted to greet them, but they all seemed dispirited.

“I really didn’t want to come. Going out for months, who knows if we’ll get paid.”

“Yeah, I’d rather stay home.”

“If they fire me, so be it.”

The impending bankruptcy had dampened everyone’s spirits. Chen Xian quickly reassured them, “Don’t talk like that. Think positive. What if it’s just a rumor? If it reaches the leaders’ ears, they might actually fire you.”

Jobs were hard to find. People their age were settling down. If they had to go out for work again, who would take care of their families? Going out on a ship meant months away; working out of town meant not seeing family all year.

His colleagues, calmed by Chen Xian’s reassurance, muttered, “It’s been raining upstream for several days. Now it’s raining here too. Who knows when it’ll stop.”

Chen Xian glanced at the sky. The drizzle, though light, felt like it could bring the sky down, making people feel gloomy and unhappy.

After chatting for a bit, everyone went about their tasks. Chen Xian carried his suitcase to his room. He maintained his good habits, cleaning the room briefly and hanging his clothes neatly in the closet. Even on the ship, even alone, he didn’t want to slack off.

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