The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 4

While tidying up, Chen Xian saw the empty instant noodle packages on the floor, even the seasoning packets were gone. He guessed that Shen Jixue must have been starving. Now, watching him devour the food, Chen Xian said nothing, silently moving the plate closer to him and discreetly asking if he wanted more rice.

The weather was hot, and they had been busy all day. Chen Xian didn’t have much appetite, and the whole pot of rice was eaten entirely by Shen Jixue. He didn’t rush him. Only after Shen Jixue put down his bowl and chopsticks and burped did Chen Xian softly speak.

“Are you full?”

Shen Jixue took a deep breath. He couldn’t see, so he didn’t know what his expression looked like. He just tried his best to appear natural. “Yes.”

He heard the sound of Chen Xian clearing the table. He wanted to help, but as soon as he raised his hand, he knocked the chopsticks off the table.

Chen Xian bent down to pick up the chopsticks and quickly stacked all the bowls and chopsticks together. “You sit and rest.”

Shen Jixue didn’t insist. He knew that in his current state, he was more likely to cause trouble than to help.

From the kitchen came the sound of water and dishes clinking. Chen Xian was quick and efficient. Soon, the sound of the cupboard opening indicated he was done. Shen Jixue guessed that Chen Xian had finished his chores.

Chen Xian wiped the water from his hands, took a small stool, and sat down across from Shen Jixue.

The electric fan was still humming, and after the brief coolness from their showers, both now had a thin layer of sweat on their backs from the meal.

Shen Jixue heard the stool being moved and could feel Chen Xian sitting opposite him, separated by a coffee table.

“Do you want to ask about your wife?”

Chen Xian was still thinking about how to start the conversation when Shen Jixue spoke up, making him sigh in relief. “Yes.”

Shen Jixue habitually turned his head slightly when speaking. “My dad and I met her at the hospital. It was our first time at the city’s big hospital, and we didn’t know the procedures, didn’t know we had to make an appointment in advance. After finally getting a specialist appointment, we still had to wait a week. We were like headless chickens at the hospital entrance, not knowing where to find a place to rent when we met your wife… Jiang Ying. She said her house was for rent. My dad took me to see the place. It was close to the hospital, and the rent was reasonable, so we rented it.”

“The hospital?” Hearing the word ‘hospital’, Chen Xian couldn’t help but worry. Why would Jiang Ying go to the hospital?

Shen Jixue replied lightly, “Yes. I was afraid of being scammed, so I asked the neighbors in the building. They confirmed she was the landlord and indeed planned to move, so I felt safe letting my dad sign the lease with her. I even had someone read the contract to ensure everything was fine.”

Despite all the precautions, things still went wrong.

Chen Xian pressed, “Did she tell you anything else besides renting the house?”

Although Shen Jixue had told him a lot, Chen Xian’s main concern was the hospital, worrying if his wife was sick. But Shen Jixue hadn’t lied; Jiang Ying hadn’t left any other messages.

Shen Jixue stood up, holding onto the sofa armrest. “The things your wife left, my dad packed them up. They’re in the other half of the wardrobe in the master bedroom.”

With Shen Jixue’s reminder, Chen Xian remembered the clothes he saw in the wardrobe earlier. He quickly returned to the master bedroom and pulled out everything from the wardrobe.

Inside were only his belongings—some clothes he hadn’t taken on his trip and some of his books.

Shen Jixue, feeling his way to the master bedroom door, said, “I think my dad mentioned there were some things at the bottom of the box.”

Chen Xian quickly turned the box over, and some small items tumbled out. A deep red household registration book fell open. Hesitating for a moment, he opened it. His breath caught when he saw that Jiang Ying had taken her page.

Shen Jixue added, “That’s everything.”

Jiang Ying had taken her belongings, including her copy of the marriage certificate, leaving only Chen Xian’s things behind.

“Check carefully, it should all be there.”

Chen Xian casually sifted through the documents. Suddenly, he felt like he was hit on the back of the head, dizzy and stunned. Jiang Ying had taken the family bankbook.

Could Jiang Ying really be that resolute? Chen Xian didn’t want to believe it. He frantically searched, but all the documents were there. No sign of the bankbook., no matter how thoroughly he looked.

Hearing the sound of searching and Chen Xian’s heavy breathing, Shen Jixue sensed something was wrong. “Is something missing?”

“The bankbook… I can’t find our bankbook.” Chen Xian was anxious. “Are you sure all our things are here? Is it possible your father put it somewhere else and didn’t tell you?”

Items related to money were sensitive. Shen Jixue immediately understood Chen Xian’s implication. He held back his temper, considering Chen Xian had helped him.

“Mr. Chen, I know you trust your wife, but my father and I are not dishonest people. We wouldn’t have any use for your bankbook.”

Chen Xian’s hands paused mid-action. Hearing Shen Jixue’s somewhat angry tone, he realized that he had misspoken in his haste. “Sorry,” he said.

Out of good intentions, Shen Jixue added, “Since you can’t find the bankbook, you’d better report it lost and get a replacement as soon as possible. Otherwise, if money goes missing, it will be hard to explain.”

Jiang Ying had taken the documents and the bankbook with her, which explained a lot of things. Despite this, Chen Xian still didn’t want to admit it. He quietly packed his things, saying, “Maybe she needed them urgently.”

The money belonged to him, and so did his wife. Since he, the involved party, was willing to believe in his wife, as an outsider, Shen Jixue couldn’t say much more.

The sun gradually set, and the earlier unpleasantness left an awkward atmosphere in the room. Chen Xian, feeling uncomfortable, got up and went to the door to smoke.

A faint flame flickered in the darkness. With a sizzle, the cigarette was lit. Chen Xian took a deep drag and heavily exhaled the smoke. He wasn’t a frequent smoker, only lighting up sometimes during night shifts to stay awake. This was the first time he smoked to relieve his frustration.

It seemed all the evidence pointed to Jiang Ying running away, and he should face reality. But…

He couldn’t figure out why. Hadn’t he done enough? Balancing work and family, he thought he had given Jiang Ying everything he could…

A loud “bang” came from inside the door. Chen Xian quickly extinguished his cigarette on the railing and opened the door to find Shen Jixue squatting on the floor, picking up a chair he had knocked over.

“Sorry,” Shen Jixue said upon hearing the door open. “I wanted to use the restroom and didn’t pay attention.”

In his anger, Chen Xian had forgotten that many things in the house had been rearranged, making it a completely new environment for Shen Jixue, who was still getting used to it.

“I’ll help,” he said, placing the chair against the wall and seeing Shen Jixue stand up. “Did you manage to use the restroom?”

Shen Jixue bit the inside of his cheek. “No.”

Chen Xian walked to the restroom door, opened it, and said, “You go ahead.”

Shen Jixue wanted to say thank you but seemed still upset about earlier, his face flushed red. He turned slowly and groped his way into the restroom.

Watching the restroom door close, Chen Xian came to his senses. He shouldn’t have suspected Shen Jixue’s father without evidence. They were in the same boat and should help and encourage each other, not hurt each other.

After a while, the restroom door opened. Shen Jixue groped for the right direction at the doorway, aware that Chen Xian was in the living room but unwilling to ask for help.

Chen Xian sighed slightly. “I was too careless. The house has many things moved around, and you’re not used to it yet.”

He walked up and asked, “Shall I help you get familiar with the place?”

Shen Jixue was too stubborn to accept the offered olive branch. His arms tightened, and he didn’t respond.

“Let’s both take a step back. I wasn’t suspecting you or your father. I was just anxious.”

Shen Jixue’s blindness affected his ability to control his expressions like a regular person. When he relaxed, his face showed it clearly.

Chen Xian continued, “It’s too late to report the bankbook lost today. I’ll go first thing tomorrow.”

Despite his stubbornness, Shen Jixue was easy to appease. Once everything went his way, he relaxed noticeably, even the veins on the back of his hands less prominent.

Chen Xian tentatively extended his arm, supporting Shen Jixue’s hand with his elbow. When their hands touched, Shen Jixue instinctively drew back but then slowly placed his hand back upon realizing it was Chen Xian.

“This is the restroom.”

Blind people rely heavily on touch. Chen Xian let Shen Jixue feel the door frame thoroughly before helping him up. “Do you have a general idea of the layout now? The living room is to the left, the kitchen to the right, and the bedroom is past the kitchen.”

Shen Jixue had a general impression of the house layout and nodded.

Chen Xian guided him to feel the living room furniture, from the refrigerator to the TV and the chairs and stools. “I’ll try not to change the position of these items, especially the stools, so you don’t trip.”

The kettle and cups were on the cabinet near the TV. Chen Xian guided Shen Jixue’s hand to touch them. “These cups and the kettle are for cold boiled water. I’ll put one in your room too. You should stay in the master bedroom, as you’re used to it.”

Shen Jixue felt the smooth glass cup, a rare unbroken one. The cool touch brought back fond memories.

Losing his sight was terrifying, and the hope of regaining it seemed distant. He feared that as time went on, he would forget what the world looked like.

“Do you have a general idea of where things are?” Chen Xian asked.

Shen Jixue nodded lightly, holding the glass cup in both hands. “Thank you.”

One Comment

  • Nabong_uwu

    “The money belonged to him, and so did his wife.” Hope it’s not meant as in: My wife is my property qwq

    It’s nice of Chen Xian yo help Shen Jixue familiarize himself with the environment

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