The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 39

The next day, it started drizzling before dawn. By the time they reached the neighboring province, the mountain road was difficult to traverse. The dilapidated bus rattled along the muddy road, stalling several times. Shen Jun and his wife complained all the way.

Chen Xian glanced at them sideways without saying a word. He looked at Wu Bie beside him, who had been sleeping since he got on the bus. Shen Jixue, sitting quietly with his face towards the window, clutching a bundle in his arms, didn’t change his posture. Chen Xian was starting to worry about his sore arms.

“Xiao Shen, why don’t you sleep for a while? I can hold that for you,” he suggested.

Shen Jixue turned his head at the sound, shaking it at Chen Xian. For this short journey, as his ‘son’, he wanted to accompany his father.

“We’re getting closer to my home,” Shen Jixue randomly said.

As they neared his hometown, it meant the time for their separation was approaching. He held Chen Xian’s hand lightly, saying, “The last time I traveled this road, I was still going to school.”

Things change unexpectedly. In just a few months, he had lost his sight, and his father was no longer here.

The bus, stuck in a mud pit, started again. The roar of the engine filled the entire compartment, drowning out other sounds. The two fell silent again, choosing to remain quiet for the rest of the journey.

After traveling for most of the day, when they finally reached their destination, the rain had stopped. The sky was gloomy, and a faint mist covered the distant mountains.

Shen Jixue asked for simplicity in everything, not even counting the time for the burial. After the helpers arrived, they buried his father’s ashes.

When Shen Jixue touched the newly engraved name on the tombstone, he could feel the sharp edges of the letters cutting into his hand.

After the last shovel of soil covered the grave mound, he thanked everyone. Chen Xian had paid for everything, from the burial to the offerings. They burned paper money, kowtowed, and then the group left.

Walking into Shen Jun’s yard, Chen Xian asked where Shen Jixue’s room was. He had hurried earlier and had not planned for Shen Jixue’s return, so naturally, there was no room prepared for him.

Shen Jun’s wife pointed to a room in the far corner. Chen Xian carried the luggage inside; it was full of farming tools and miscellaneous items, not looking like a place anyone had lived in.

Estimating that the first floor wasn’t suitable for sleeping, but knowing the second floor was inconvenient for Shen Jixue, Chen Xian decided not to argue with this family and rolled up his sleeves to start tidying up.

Wu Bie saw this and went to help. The two of them quickly cleared out the useless items from the room, creating a space for Shen Jixue to sleep.

Shen Jun and his wife watched from the doorway, seemingly afraid that Chen Xian might throw away something valuable.

“Actually, there’s no need to go through so much trouble. I probably won’t stay here long. I’ll ask my uncle to find me a job at a massage parlor.”

If one had to compare, having a job would indeed be better for Shen Jixue than freeloading at Shen Jun’s house. Being self-sufficient would make life a bit easier.

Chen Xian sighed and then said to Shen Jun and his wife, “I’d like to have a private word with Xiao Shen.”

It was a clear signal for them to leave. Shen Jun and his wife pouted and reluctantly left. Wu Bie, more understanding, offered to step out for a smoke.

With just Chen Xian and Shen Jixue left in the room, Chen Xian took Shen Jixue’s hand and sat him down on the bed, instructing, “Xiao Shen, if you have any difficulties, call me. If you really don’t want to stay at your uncle’s house, just let me know, and we’ll figure something out.”

Chen Xian had a decent salary, but he was just an ordinary person with a bit of money. Shen Jixue knew his own situation and didn’t want to burden Chen Xian.


Chen Xian then opened Shen Jixue’s suitcase, “Here, I’ve put some money for you. Don’t let your uncle and aunt know.”

Shen Jixue wanted to refuse but swallowed his words.

“I’ll write you an IOU. Didn’t you say you wanted me to write one?”

Sure, writing one would at least keep them in contact.

Chen Xian looked around and finally found paper and pen in a drawer. Unsure of how to write an IOU, he scribbled a rough one and had Shen Jixue sign it, making it an official note.

There wasn’t much in the room, so Chen Xian went to the small store to buy some daily necessities for Shen Jixue. He felt it wasn’t enough but had bought everything he could.

No matter how far you accompany a friend, there comes a time to part. Shen Jixue stopped him from bustling around.

“Chen Xian, these things are enough. You left me money, so I can buy anything else I need. It’s getting late, and if you don’t leave now, you’ll miss the bus out of the mountains.”

Before leaving, Chen Xian asked for Shen Jun’s phone number and took one last look at Shen Jixue.

“I’ll keep checking with the police about your father’s case. Justice will prevail; there has to be witnesses.”

Shen Jixue’s cheeks moved, wanting to say something, but he only nodded in the end.

Wu Bie checked the time a few times and urged, “Let’s go. If we don’t leave now, we’ll miss the bus.”

The bus arrived just in time. If they had been even a little late, they would have missed it. After paying the fare, they sat in the last row by the window, and Chen Xian craned his neck to look back towards Shen Jun’s house.

“That’s enough. You can’t see that far anymore.”

Chen Xian sat back, looking worried. “I wonder what Xiao Shen’s life will be like in the future.”

“You’re worrying too much. Everyone has their own path. Can you help him for a lifetime? Who are you to him?” Wu Bie crossed his arms and continued, “He’s lucky to have met you. If it were anyone else, his situation would be worse. But people shouldn’t be too greedy; you’ve already done enough, Chen Xian.”

Wu Bie was right. His abilities were limited, and staying there wouldn’t help Shen Jixue.

Wu Bie, a heavy smoker, pulled out another cigarette. “You’ve been so focused on Shen Jixue these days, you don’t know how much has changed at work.”

Chen Xian looked puzzled. “What?”

“Last time, we avoided layoffs, but this time, it’s uncertain.” Wu Bie took a deep drag, flicking the ash out the window. “The company’s not doing well. Zhang ge said… it might even go bankrupt. Maybe not that bad, but layoffs are inevitable.”

The threat of layoffs had reached them. Just as Chen Xian was starting to feel a bit better about Shen Jixue, work troubles began to weigh on him.

“Zhang ge said, instead of waiting to be laid off, we should think about our options and take the initiative. He’s talked to a few trusted captains about starting a small fleet.”

Chen Xian had indeed been out of the loop at work. “Is it that serious?”

“Two ships are almost at the end of their service life, and the company can’t afford new ones. You think it’s not serious?” Wu Bie whispered in Chen Xian’s ear, “I think whether the company survives or not, we should join the small fleet. Better safe than sorry.”

With so many companies going bankrupt, their unit wasn’t a secure job anymore. They had to plan for the future.

“Not many people know about this. Zhang ge only told a few trusted friends. He asked me to ask you, if you’re in, we’ll settle it.”

Investing in the fleet was risky and would likely deplete his savings, but Chen Xian thought, being alone, he could afford to take the risk. The worst outcome would be losing the money.


Wu Bie clapped his hands, causing the ash to fall. “We’ll discuss it with Zhang ge later.”

Shen Jixue didn’t have much. Even with the new things Chen Xian bought for him, everything fit into his small suitcase. He neatly packed everything, repeatedly checking to make sure nothing was missing.

As soon as Chen Xian and Wu Bie left, Shen Jun and his wife entered from outside. Seeing Shen Jixue squatting on the ground, they spoke up, “You said you wanted us to find a massage parlor job for you to help with household expenses.”

Shen Jixue nodded. He had no intention of staying at his uncle’s house permanently. “Yes, I’ll start working once you find a place.”

Shen Jun glanced at Shen Jixue’s suitcase, curious if there was anything valuable inside. After scanning through a bunch of junk, his eyes landed on an envelope-like object. His eyes lit up. Could there be money inside? Considering how much Chen Xian cared for Shen Jixue, it seemed likely.

“Didn’t Chen Xian give you any money?” Shen Jun stepped forward to probe. Without waiting for a response, he snatched the envelope, peered inside, and found only a piece of scrap paper. “Why isn’t it money?”

Shen Jixue remained calm and replied coolly, “It’s just a letter. He didn’t give me any money. I wrote him an IOU.”

“An IOU?” Shen Jun’s wife was shocked. “That’s your business, not ours. Don’t expect us to help you repay it.”

“I’ll pay it back myself.”

Shen Jun’s wife continued to nag, “Chen Xian seemed like an easy target. Why write an IOU when he said he would cover the costs? Someone was willing to pay, yet you still tried to be self-reliant.”

Realizing there was no money to be found, the couple didn’t want to waste any more time on Shen Jixue. As they left, Shen Jun’s voice could be heard from afar.

“I’ll find a massage parlor for you in town by tomorrow. You should start working soon and stop being a freeloader at home.”

After his uncle and aunt left, Shen Jixue checked the pocket of the pants at the bottom of his suitcase. The money was still there. He didn’t take it out, closed the suitcase, and began to explore the room.

Chen Xian had tidied the room, removing any sharp objects and placing all chairs and stools against the walls, leaving enough space for him to move around freely.

Shen Jixue, feeling lost, didn’t know what his future held. However, Chen Xian’s kindness gave him a glimmer of hope.

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