The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 38

As they reached the doorstep, Chen Xian finally remembered Wu Bie was with them. He turned around and saw Wu Bie standing at the entrance of the corridor, not following them.

“Wanna grab something to eat together?”

Facing Chen Xian’s invitation, Wu Bie was too lazy to be sarcastic. He glanced at Shen Jixue, who had turned away from him at that moment. Unable to read Shen Jixue’s expression, and since Shen Jixue had decided to leave, he didn’t want to disturb their final moments together.

Final moments together?

The phrase made Wu Bie uncomfortable, as if they were a couple breaking up. It wasn’t as dramatic as that, but Shen Jixue relied heavily on Chen Xian. It was inevitable for him to feel melancholic about their parting.

“No, I’m going back to sleep. You two enjoy your meal.” Wu Bie waved his hand dismissively and disappeared into the dark corridor.

Chen Xian realized there wasn’t anything specific he wanted to eat at home either, so he didn’t insist. He took out his keys, opened the door, and stepped aside, letting Shen Jixue, holding the urn, enter first.

Shen Jixue stood still, gripping the edge of the urn tightly. Chen Xian took out his keys and turned to look at him in puzzlement. “What’s wrong?”

Shen Jixue’s fingers dug into the edge of the urn. “Isn’t it inappropriate to bring this thing into your home?”

Hmm, why did Shen Jixue think that? Chen Xian didn’t believe in ghosts or fate. To him, it was just a pile of ashes. He stood upright. There was nothing inappropriate.

 “Why would it be inappropriate? You’re young; why do you care about these things?” Chen Xian lightly nudged Shen Jixue, who followed the force and stepped into the house.

He didn’t believe in such things either, but it wasn’t a good omen after all. He didn’t want to make things difficult for Chen Xian.

“Put it down. You’ve been carrying it for so long; you must be tired.” Chen Xian took the urn from Shen Jixue and looked around the living room before placing it beside the television. “Do you want to rest for a while?”

Shen Jixue shook his head. With little time left between him and Chen Xian, he didn’t want to waste it sleeping.

“Then sit for a while; I’ll turn on the TV for you.”

Shen Jixue shook his head again. “I want to hear you cook.”

Chen Xian stopped just a few steps away from the TV and turned to look at Shen Jixue. “What’s so interesting about me cooking? I’m not a chef, and I’m not very good at cooking.”

The rumbling of the exhaust fan made Shen Jixue feel uneasy, and the sizzling sound after mixing oil and water would make his hair stand on end. But thinking that it was Chen Xian standing in the kitchen, these harsh sounds would give him unparalleled peace of mind.

Shen Jixue found a small stool on his own and obediently sat at the kitchen doorway. Chen Xian turned back several times and could see him concentrating. Shen Jixue seemed to be observing him. Chen Xian didn’t understand. What was it about him that attracted Shen Jixue so much that he would rather listen to him cook than listen to the TV?

Chen Xian wanted to chat with Shen Jixue, but his cooking skills were lacking, and he couldn’t multitask. It took a lot of effort for him to prepare the meal.

“Alright, go sit on the sofa. I’ll bring the bowls and chopsticks over, and we can eat.”

According to Shen Jixue’s preference, Chen Xian prepared dishes from what was readily available at home: a plate of vegetables and a plate of stir-fried pork, very simple.

“Here, let’s eat.” he handed Shen Jixue the bowls and chopsticks as usual.

Shen Jixue stirred his rice with chopsticks a few times and then set them down. “Chen Xian.”

“What’s wrong? Don’t like it? I said we should have eaten out.” Chen Xian tried to keep the conversation light. He didn’t want to bring up Shen Jixue’s father’s situation.

“After I send my dad back tomorrow, I won’t come here anymore.”

Chen Xian was stunned, as if he didn’t understand Shen Jixue’s meaning. What did he mean by not coming here anymore?

“You… won’t come back? Where will you go?”

Shen Jixue curved his lips into a dry smile. “I stayed here originally to find my dad. Now that I’ve found him, I shouldn’t continue to bother you.”

Chen Xian was speechless for a moment, realizing it was true, but wasn’t Shen Jixue homeless?

“I have somewhere to go.” Shen Jixue seemed afraid Chen Xian wouldn’t believe him and spoke cheerfully, “I’ve talked to my uncle and aunt; I’ll go live with them.”

“Your uncle and aunt?” Chen Xian finally found his voice again. “They agreed?”

It was an abrupt question, and Chen Xian immediately realized his tone was wrong. After all, they were Shen Jixue’s relatives, and he had no right to question them like that.

“I think…” Chen Xian tried to phrase it delicately, “I think your uncle and aunt are busy too. I heard they have their own children and farm work to do. Do they have the energy to take care of you?”

Shen Jixue shrugged. “I can take care of myself, like I do here. I’ll get used to it.”

How could it be the same? Chen Xian had repeatedly adjusted the arrangement of furniture, and Shen Jixue had to repeatedly orient himself. Even so, Shen Jixue had bumped into things at first. It took him quite a while to become familiar with the place.

Others might not know, but Chen Xian knew better than anyone that a new environment was a huge challenge for Shen Jixue.

Shen Jixue reached out and covered Chen Xian’s knee, gently shaking it as if coaxing him. “I can commute on my own, taking care of myself is a piece of cake. Don’t worry too much. You know me; I won’t let myself be bullied.”

His knees felt warm—it was Shen Jixue’s palm. Chen Xian lowered his head and glanced at it, then firmly grasped the back of Shen Jixue’s hand.

Shen Jixue continued, “I’ve troubled you for so long. I can’t keep wasting your time. You’ve fulfilled everything you promised me, Chen Xian. I’m very grateful to you. But besides saying thank you, I have nothing to offer you now. In the future… when I have the ability, I will definitely repay you.”

Chen Xian had never expected repayment from Shen Jixue. He didn’t know what to say. He had already done everything he could for Shen Jixue. Indeed, there was no reason to detain him any longer. If Shen Jun had a change of heart and was willing to take Shen Jixue back, it would be better for Shen Jixue to be with his family than with him. Chen Xian had been drifting on the river for years without a stable place. Staying with him might not necessarily be better than returning home with Shen Jun.

“Chen Xian, I remember your number,” Shen Jixue said, turning to the landline phone. He picked up the receiver and carefully pressed each button until the phone in Chen Xian’s pocket rang. He exclaimed in delight, “See? I told you I remembered.”

Through his actions, Shen Jixue proved to himself that he could handle many things well, without needing others to worry too much about him.

Chen Xian took the receiver from Shen Jixue and put it back on the telephone. “Yes, Xiao Shen, you’re smart, capable, and have a good memory.”

Rough hands enveloped Shen Jixue’s hand. He smiled at Chen Xian. “I’ll call you often. Make sure you pick up.”

Since Shen Jixue had made up his mind, Chen Xian had no objections. “Sure, give me your uncle’s phone number. Even if I miss your call when I’m on shore, I’ll definitely contact you as soon as possible.”

Hearing Chen Xian’s words, Shen Jixue felt relieved but also empty inside. He didn’t want to leave, but he had to. There’s no never-ending feast in the world.

After dinner, Chen Xian helped Shen Jixue pack his luggage. Like the last time Chen Xian disembarked, Shen Jixue also didn’t have much luggage—just his father’s ashes, a few clothes, and some documents.

Chen Xian looked at the almost empty suitcase, took out a few hundred yuan from his pocket, and tucked it into the bottom of the luggage before closing it.

“I don’t have much to pack,” Shen Jixue said, feeling the room’s atmosphere was somewhat oppressive. He tried to change the subject, not wanting to be sentimental or cry in front of Chen Xian. “Actually, you don’t need to see me off.”

Chen Xian moved the suitcase to the corner of the room and said firmly, “I promised to take care of everything for you.”

When everything was ready, Shen Jixue patted the bed. “Let’s rest early tonight. We’ll hit the road tomorrow.”

After washing up, the two lay silently on the bed. After a while, Shen Jixue turned over. He knew Chen Xian wasn’t asleep yet. Previously, he would only touch Chen Xian after he had fallen asleep. After tonight, he might never have the chance to lie on the same bed with Chen Xian again. Thinking of this, he felt bolder.

He hugged Chen Xian’s arm. Chen Xian hesitated for a moment but didn’t pull away. Instead, he turned to look at Shen Jixue.

Neither of them spoke. Shen Jixue’s hands moved from Chen Xian’s arm to his shoulder, touching him delicately, as if trying to imprint Chen Xian’s outline in his heart.

“Chen Xian,” he called softly. “Let me write you an IOU.”

Chen Xian wanted to refuse, but the words stuck in his throat. If there was an IOU, it meant there would still be a bond and a reason for them to meet again.

“When I save up enough money, I’ll pay you back.”

“You write me an IOU,” Chen Xian added. “When you save enough money, use it first for your eyes. Once your eyes are treated, then you can think about repaying.”

Shen Jixue’s hands paused. Chen Xian…

Perhaps he was unfortunate, but he was also fortunate. Along this tragic path, he had met Chen Xian. Shen Jixue dared not imagine how difficult his situation would be without him.

Besides his parents, would anyone else be so good to him, so considerate? He had already lost his parents and didn’t want to lose someone as good as Chen Xian. But did Chen Xian even belong to him?

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