The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 37

After completing the formalities, Shen Jixue didn’t even delay. On the same day, he had his father’s body cremated. He borrowed money from Chen Xian and chose the cheapest urn.

The next period of time was spent waiting. That day happened to be overcast, and standing outside the crematorium, Shen Jixue heard the wind rustling through the leaves, sounding like someone speaking.

He looked up, feeling the gentle breeze as if a hand were softly touching his face. His mind was blank, with an impulse to end everything.

Suddenly, his shoulder felt heavy, and he heard Chen Xian’s voice in his ear, “Xiao Shen, are you tired?”

Shen Jixue came to his senses and shook his head. He was extremely clear-headed, feeling no fatigue at all, just emptiness, unable to grasp anything.

The wait for cremation wasn’t long. Soon, the staff handed out the urn through a small window. Shen Jun stood aside, unwilling to take it, stepping back with his wife.

Wu Bie rolled his eyes. Why bother going through all this trouble to bring these two here? They were more trouble than they were worth.

Chen Xian didn’t want Shen Liang’s ashes to be left unclaimed. He didn’t have the authority to take them himself, so he held Shen Jixue’s hand and led him to the window.

“Here, Xiao Shen,” Chen Xian patiently guided him.

Shen Jixue’s fingertips touched the edge of the box. Then he covered it with both hands, carefully caressing it before finally hugging it tightly to his chest.

This was all that was left of his father—once a tall man, now reduced to this bit of powder. Life was so fragile, silent whether coming or going.

Seeing that the cremation was done, Shen Jun finally spoke up shamelessly, “Now that the person is cremated, can we go back? No one has been taking care of the house while we’ve been away.”

Even Chen Xian, with his good temper, was getting annoyed by Shen Jun and his wife’s behavior. Since they had agreed to come, they should act like elders. It was one thing to do nothing all along, but planning to leave halfway through was too much.

Shen Jixue, who hadn’t spoken to Shen Jun all along, suddenly spoke up, “Uncle, I need to trouble you with my father’s burial.”

Originally, Shen Jun thought Shen Jixue wouldn’t ask for his help, hoping to feign ignorance and brush it off. But Shen Jixue asked, so he had to keep his promise.

Chen Xian glanced at Shen Jun and his wife, then took Shen Jixue to Wu Bie’s side. “It’s not convenient here to get a car. I’ll go out and see if I can find one. You wait here.”

Perhaps feeling Chen Xian’s unfriendly gaze, Shen Jun and his wife muttered to each other once he left. “Why is he staring at us like that? If he hadn’t begged us to come, does he think we would have wanted to?”

Shen Jun’s wife chimed in, “Exactly.”

“Eh?” Shen Jun crossed his arms, seeming to think of something. “Can we leave after burying your dad? We’ve done our duty here. What more do you want from us?”

After all, it was Shen Jixue’s family matter. Wu Bie wasn’t like Chen Xian, meddling in other people’s business. He remained silent, glancing at Shen Jixue from the corner of his eye, wondering what he would say.

“Can I go back with you?”

Wu Bie was stunned. He hadn’t expected Shen Jixue to ask to go back voluntarily, especially since he had refused to leave Chen Xian’s house before. Was this a sudden change of heart, a pang of conscience, not taking advantage of Chen Xian anymore?

Shen Jun and his wife were not like Chen Xian. The woman immediately shouted, “No way!”

“Yeah, you’re an adult now. Why should we support you?” Shen Jun had already asked someone before he came. Shen Jixue was an adult and didn’t need anyone to look after him. He couldn’t see and with his father dead, who would be willing to care for him?  “Coming to take care of your dad’s funeral arrangements is already the utmost kindness. What more do you expect from us?”

Wu Bie furrowed his brow. Although he disapproved of Shen Jixue staying at Chen Xian’s house, Shen Jun and his wife’s attitude towards Shen Jixue made him even angrier. Even if they didn’t want to care for a disabled person, out of familial courtesy, they could at least speak more tactfully. Their eagerness to distance themselves from Shen Jixue in front of others was truly disgusting.

Shen Jixue was adept at playing the victim, which was why he could manipulate Chen Xian so effortlessly. However, this approach didn’t seem to work with his uncle and aunt, who were cold-hearted and solely motivated by self-interest.

Wu Bie took a deep breath, pulled out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and continued to watch the drama unfold.

Shen Jixue remained composed as ever and slowly spoke up, “My father was killed in a hit-and-run. If we can find the culprit, there will definitely be compensation.”

This kid… he’s really something. Wu Bie understood that different people cared about different things. Chen Xian was sympathetic; a slight show of vulnerability would lead him to offer all possible help. On the other hand, Shen Jun and his wife were driven by profit. Just mention money, and they would be hooked.

Sure enough, when they heard about compensation, their expressions changed immediately. “But they said they haven’t caught the culprit. Where would the compensation come from?”

Even though their tone was skeptical, the fact that they asked first showed their interest.

“As you said, we haven’t caught them yet, but I trust the police,” Shen Jixue replied calmly, much calmer than his uncle and aunt. “Besides, I’ve learned massage therapy. If you help me find a place to stay and eat in the county, I can earn money. Not only will it cost you nothing, but I can also contribute some money.”

They might not get the compensation money upfront, but if Shen Jixue could work and earn, it would be an attractive proposition for the family to have an additional income.

Wu Bie was surprised. Shen Jixue’s mind was clearer than he had imagined. For Chen Xian, Shen Jixue leaving would be a good thing, but Wu Bie didn’t want Shen Jixue to leave in this manner. After all, Shen Jun and his wife didn’t seem like they would treat him well.

Wu Bie tried to speak several times but didn’t know what to say. He had almost finished his cigarette when he heard Shen Jun and his wife discussing for a while. Finally, they reluctantly said, “Alright, come back with us.”

They colluded shamelessly, showing their true colors in front of Shen Jixue. They couldn’t negotiate properly while he was around, making excuses to go to the bathroom and calculating how much money Shen Jixue could earn for them.

Now, only Shen Jixue and Wu Bie remained. Wu Bie flicked the cigarette butt away and waved away the smoke in front of him. “Are you really going back with your uncle and aunt? Shouldn’t you ask Chen Xian?”

“Weren’t you the one who wanted me to leave the most?” Shen Jixue replied bluntly, not beating around the bush.

Wu Bie wasn’t afraid of Shen Jixue seeing through him. He shrugged, realizing Shen Jixue had a point. “Then why are you willing to leave now?”

“I know I’ve cost Chen Xian a lot of money,” Shen Jixue paused, and when he spoke of Chen Xian, his usually calm face showed a hint of emotion. “You didn’t get wages midway and you have to write reports. He didn’t tell me the truth because he was afraid I’d think too much. Staying here will only hold him back.”

Initially, he had refused to leave because his father hadn’t been found. Now that his father had been found, he had no reason to stay. He didn’t want to trouble Chen Xian anymore.

So he’s not just stubborn, Wu Bie thought. He understood Shen Jixue a bit better now. Shen Jixue had no one else to rely on except Chen Xian, so he had to boldly ask for Chen Xian’s help.

Wu Bie glanced towards the restroom. “Your uncle and aunt won’t treat you like Chen Xian does.”

“I know, but just because Chen Xian treats me well doesn’t mean I can take advantage of him,” Shen Jixue said calmly. “He’s wasted a lot of time on me already. With me gone, he can return to a normal life.”

Shen Jixue did have a conscience after all. Wu Bie put his hands in his pockets and reminded him, “Then you have to tell Chen Xian yourself. You’re not someone who doesn’t know how to plan. If you really go back with your uncle and aunt, keep some money for yourself instead of giving it all to them.”

“Thank you. I know you’ve been running around for me,” Shen Jixue said appreciatively. “Despite everything, you helped me for Chen Xian’s sake. That means a lot.”

A taxi pulled up. Chen Xian waved to them from the back seat. Wu Bie spoke quietly to Shen Jixue, “Take care of yourself.”

Then he hurried forward. After the taxi parked, Wu Bie immediately got into the front passenger seat. Meanwhile, Shen Jun and his wife, muttering near the restroom, also rushed over.

The driver, seeing extra people and noticing they were holding something like an urn, looked hesitant. “More people…”

“I’ll give you an extra two yuan, okay?” Wu Bie knew all too well how these drivers operated. The mention of money immediately changed the driver’s tune.

The back seat became cramped with four people. Chen Xian used his body to create a bit more space for Shen Jixue, who leaned against the car door to give Chen Xian more room.

“Chen Xian, I’ve decided. I want my father to rest in peace sooner. My uncle and aunt also have things to do at home, so it’s perfect that we leave tomorrow morning.”

As long as it was Shen Jixue’s decision, Chen Xian had no objections. However, he was concerned that when he left to find a car, Shen Jun and his wife had forced Shen Jixue. He glanced at Wu Bie, who pursed his lips innocently, looking like nothing was wrong.

“Alright, since you’ve decided, Wu Bie and I will accompany you back tomorrow morning.” With more people, there would be more support, and Chen Xian didn’t want Shen Jun to look down on Shen Jixue.

Wu Bie’s face sagged even more. Had Chen Xian even asked for his consent? Why was he making decisions on his behalf?

After a long day, Chen Xian had initially planned to take everyone out for a meal. Shen Jun and his wife were eager, thinking they could have a good meal. However, Shen Jixue declined outright.

“Let’s forget it. I want to go back early; I’m a bit tired.”

Seeing Shen Jixue looking weary, Chen Xian didn’t insist. After dropping Shen Jun and his wife off at the guesthouse, he instructed the driver to head towards the dormitory building of the shipping company.

“Can’t just skip dinner, right? What do you want to eat? Should I go buy it?”

After getting off the car, Wu Bie felt nauseated seeing how Chen Xian was so attentive to Shen Jixue.

Shen Jixue shook his head. “Let’s just make something with whatever we have at home. You’re good at cooking.”

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