The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 36

Shen Jixue cried for a long time, his tears wetting a large patch on Chen Xian’s chest. As his energy waned, his cries grew quieter until he could only sob quietly in Chen Xian’s embrace.

Chen Xian remained silent, quietly comforting him. When Shen Jixue finally cried himself out and lay still in his arms, Chen Xian lowered his head to find that he had fallen asleep on his chest.

Tears still hung on Shen Jixue’s eyelashes, his eyes and nose red from crying, lips swollen. Chen Xian sighed and carried him into the bedroom.

Shen Jixue felt heavy, more solid than when they first met, enough for Chen Xian to feel he could hold on and not slip away from his embrace.

After laying him down on the bed, Chen Xian fetched a basin of water from the bathroom, wrung out a towel, and gently wiped Shen Jixue’s face. Shen Jixue didn’t sleep peacefully, furrowing his brow and instinctively avoiding the towel.

After wiping his face, Chen Xian planned to clean Shen Jixue’s hands. Shen Jixue clenched his fists so tightly that his fingernails left marks in his palms.

Seeing these reddish marks, Chen Xian felt distressed. He knew no one could truly empathize with Shen Jixue right now; only Shen Jixue himself knew how deeply hurt he was. Any words of comfort seemed pale and powerless before him.

Perhaps the only thing Chen Xian could do was accompany him through arranging his father’s burial. The rest, Shen Jixue had to overcome on his own.

The next morning, Chen Xian was awakened by Shen Jixue.

“Chen Xian? Wake up.”

Still groggy, Chen Xian opened his eyes and took a few seconds to remember yesterday’s events. Shen Jixue had learned of his father’s passing.

Shen Jixue had even shed tears before sleeping, but now, after a night had passed, he seemed much calmer, albeit with slightly swollen eyes.

“You…” Chen Xian wanted to ask if he was alright, but the words stuck in his throat.

Seeing Chen Xian awake, Shen Jixue got up from the bed. “Is it too early? I want to settle my father’s affairs as soon as possible.”

“Not too early.” Chen Xian quickly got up. “I’ll get ready.”

With Chen Xian’s help, Shen Jixue changed clothes, washed up, and sat quietly on the sofa, waiting for breakfast.

Chen Xian made some simple rice porridge and eggs. Standing in the kitchen, he discreetly glanced at Shen Jixue, who was very calm, as if he had detached himself from the grief. Chen Xian felt conflicted; it was good that Shen Jixue seemed strong, but he also worried it might be a facade.

He placed the porridge in front of Shen Jixue. “After breakfast, we’ll set out. I’ll call Wu Bie.”

Shen Jixue didn’t object. He ate the porridge slowly while listening to Chen Xian call Wu Bie downstairs.

Wu Bie seemed to still be half-asleep when he received the call.

“Are you up? Come down for breakfast, then we’ll go to the police station.”

Wu Bie moved swiftly, still half-asleep, and soon arrived downstairs. Upon seeing Shen Jixue there too, he glanced at Chen Xian questioningly.

Chen Xian placed a bowl of porridge in front of Wu Bie. “Xiao Shen is coming with us.”

Had he told Shen Jixue?

Wu Bie was quite surprised; after all, Chen Xian had been hesitant and indecisive just last night. Had he finally made up his mind? Whatever Chen Xian’s reasoning, it seemed like a good thing.

After finishing breakfast, the three of them left together. On the way, Chen Xian explained more about Shen Jixue’s uncle and aunt.

“We’ll go pick them up first, and then we’ll go to the police station together.”

Wu Bie sat in the passenger seat, glancing in the rearview mirror. Shen Jixue nodded calmly in response. Wu Bie was puzzled; what had Chen Xian said to this blind boy to make him so composed?

“Chen Xian, where are they?”

“At a guesthouse.”

From his knowledge of his uncle and aunt, they wouldn’t willingly spend money to handle his father’s affairs. “Did you pay?”

Chen Xian wanted to joke, but Wu Bie beat him to it. “Isn’t that obvious? If Chen Xian didn’t pay, would your uncle and aunt come? Even your father’s memorial was funded by Chen Xian.”

Chen Xian frowned and gave Wu Bie a look. Wu Bie shrugged; he really didn’t understand why Chen Xian was footing the bill and hiding it from Shen Jixue.

“Don’t worry.” Chen Xian lightly patted Shen Jixue’s hand to comfort him. “I promised to help you with your father’s affairs, and I will.”

Shen Jixue pursed his lips, curling his fingers subtly. He didn’t know how to repay Chen Xian; he had already said too many thank-yous, which felt inadequate. If he were Chen Xian, he would probably have grown tired of them.

The journey didn’t take long before they reached the guesthouse. With extra people in the back seat, it felt cramped, so Chen Xian shielded Shen Jixue in his arms.

Shen Jixue was not close to his uncle and aunt. They did not even greet him. He just tightly held Chen Xian’s hand, listening to the sound of the taxi engine as they swayed all the way to the police station.

After verifying their documents, Shen Jixue signed all the papers himself. Then, under the guidance of the police, they all went to the funeral home.

In the heat of summer, the room where the body was placed inexplicably made people uneasy. Shen Jun and his wife refused to go in to see. Wu Bie smoked outside, while Chen Xian accompanied Shen Jixue inside.

The moment they stepped into the room, Shen Jixue stopped in his tracks. He could smell the air in the room was different from outside, cold and filled with the scent of death.

“Xiao Shen?” Chen Xian saw him stop and quietly called his name. Shen Jixue snapped out of it and followed Chen Xian again.

There were sounds of things rubbing against each other in his ears, and soon he heard the staff speak again, “Family of Shen Liang, come this way.”

Shen Jixue’s mind went blank. He couldn’t find his bearings at all. It was only with Chen Xian’s support that he managed to touch the cold coffin.

Compared to last time, Shen Liang’s body had shrunk a lot. No matter how well preserved the body was, the deceased never looked good.

Shen Jixue’s fingers gripped the edge of the coffin. Several times he wanted to reach out and touch the person inside, but he didn’t have the courage. He couldn’t believe that his father, who had been running around for him just a few months ago, was now just a cold body.

“Xiao Shen?” Seeing Shen Jixue’s trembling arms, Chen Xian reached out to support him, trying to give him strength.

Shen Jixue pressed Chen Xian’s hand back and said in a low voice, “I’m fine.”

At that moment, Chen Xian felt a bit fortunate that Shen Jixue could accompany his father on his final journey. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think it through earlier. I kept your father’s situation from you.”

Shen Jixue shook his head. Without Chen Xian’s help, he didn’t know where he would be now—maybe wandering, maybe bullied, maybe ending up like his father, already a decaying corpse. No matter what Chen Xian did, he was his savior.

“Do you want to take the remains away yourselves, or should we arrange transportation for you? You can inquire at the lobby about the costs.”

Chen Xian thought about it. The body should be taken back to their hometown for cremation.

However, Shen Jixue shook his head. “We won’t take him away. I want my father to be cremated here, and I’ll take his ashes back to our hometown.”

He didn’t want to trouble Chen Xian further. Chen Xian had already done enough, and if his father knew, he would agree with his decision.

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