The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 3

After a brief pause, Chen Xian snapped back to reality. Faced with the mess inside, he decided to start cleaning. He reached out to pull Shen Jixue, but sensing his movement, Shen Jixue stepped back abruptly, nearly tripping over something.

Seeing his strong reaction, Chen Xian quickly explained, “Don’t be nervous. The house is a mess. I’ll need some time to clean up. It’s not convenient for you to stand here.”

Shen Jixue stood silently, his fingers tightly gripping the hem of his clothes, stubbornly trying to hide his confusion, but not very successfully.

A blind person in front of a healthy person felt so weak. Chen Xian noted Shen Jixue’s small actions, sensing his helplessness and sensitivity.

“The sun is strong now. I’ll take you to sit in the hallway where it’s shaded and cooler.”

Shen Jixue’s nostrils flared slightly, showing he had heard Chen Xian’s suggestion. Seizing the moment, Chen Xian said, “Shall I lead you there?”

After a moment’s hesitation, Shen Jixue slowly extended his hand. Chen Xian quickly reached out, and once Shen Jixue held onto him, he guided him out of the house.

The warm sunlight felt life-giving, reviving every ailing life. As the sun shone on Shen Jixue’s pale face, he instinctively stopped, having not been outside for days. This long-missed feeling was full of vitality.

“I’ll stay here,” Shen Jixue said.

Thinking about how Shen Jixue’s dad hadn’t returned for over half a month, Shen Jixue probably hadn’t been outside either. Enjoying the sunlight, Chen Xian set down a chair and settled him.

“Sit and enjoy the sun. If it gets too hot, call me. I’ll start cleaning.”

Shen Jixue responded softly, hands gripping the chair, feeling its back before turning to face the sun.

It was midsummer. Chen Xian wanted to warn Shen Jixue about the risk of heatstroke, but seeing his guarded face light up with a smile in the sunlight, he didn’t disturb him and went back to clean.

Cleaning the house was a big job. Chen Xian rolled up his sleeves and started, packing up damaged items and taking them downstairs one by one. After throwing out the last bag of trash, he bought new household items from a nearby store.

Returning to the dormitory building, he saw Shen Jixue lying on the railing, eyes closed, basking in the sun. From the third floor, he couldn’t clearly see Shen Jixue’s expression, but he felt he was at ease.

Without lingering, Chen Xian quickly went upstairs to continue cleaning. On the ship, he not only had to keep his room clean but also took turns with colleagues to clean the deck, so cleaning was no trouble for him.

Sweating profusely, he cleaned two bedrooms before starting on the kitchen, washing all the dishes. By the time he reached the living room, the sun had moved to the other side.

At this time, the once lifeless dormitory building began to come alive, with even Aunt Wang next door, who had been dozing off while watching TV, opening her door.

“Hey there.” Aunt Wang opened the door and saw Shen Jixue sitting by the railing, which was surprising. Ever since the boy’s father left, he hadn’t opened the door. Could it be that his father had returned? Just then, there was a noise from inside the house. Curious, Aunt Wang craned her neck to look, “Chen Xian?”

Lost in the sunlight, Shen Jixue turned slowly at the sound, hearing Chen Xian’s heavy breathing and the noises of cleaning.

“Chen Xian, why is it you? I thought it was this boy’s father.”

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Chen Xian didn’t know how to explain, “I’m tidying up.”

Aunt Wang covered her mouth with her hand and lowered her voice, gossiping, “Is the kid planning to move?”

Chen Xian noticed Shen Jixue gripping the railing tighter, the veins on his hand bulging. “No, we agreed that I would move in. He’s waiting for his dad. I…”

Talking about himself, Chen Xian paused. He knew his family’s situation would become the neighbors’ gossip over tea.

He spoke gently, “As for me… I won’t be going out to sea for now…”

Aunt Wang was eager to pry more, but just then, her grandson returned from his extracurricular class. The chubby boy dragged his school bag on the ground and shouted that he was hungry. Feeling sorry for her grandson, Aunt Wang immediately went back inside to cook.

The chubby boy didn’t hurry inside. He glanced at Shen Jixue sitting in the sun and, seeing Chen Xian, complained angrily.

“Uncle Chen, hurry and get him out of here. He smells awful!”

Though the chubby boy was just stating a fact, saying it in front of Shen Jixue was hurtful. Shen Jixue was blind and didn’t intend for this to happen.

Chen Xian quickly checked Shen Jixue’s expression. Although Shen Jixue’s face remained calm, Chen Xian saw him clenching his fists.

“Alright, aren’t you hungry? Go inside, your grandma is making food for you.”

Chen Xian sent the chubby boy back next door, then turned to Shen Jixue. He wanted to say something comforting but decided against it, as it would only reopen Shen Jixue’s wounds. Instead, he suggested something practical.

“The house is almost cleaned up. How about you take a shower?”

Shen Jixue didn’t respond, his pale cheeks flushed red from the sun, his whole body warm.

Chen Xian didn’t mention his smell, casually adding, “After your shower, we’ll have dinner. We’re both tired today, so let’s rest early.”

Shen Jixue finally stood up, holding onto the railing. Seeing his difficulty, Chen Xian instinctively wanted to help, but Shen Jixue stepped away.

“I can manage myself.”

Hearing this, Chen Xian didn’t insist and made way for him.

Having adapted to the clutter, Shen Jixue now found the rearranged room challenging, often stumbling and almost falling.

Chen Xian quickly cleared the obstacles in his path, following closely behind, “Just a few more steps to the bathroom.”

Once Shen Jixue reached the bathroom, Chen Xian heard the water running and objects being moved around.

“I’ve turned on the water for you. The soap and shampoo are next to the sink. Do you have other clothes?”

Shen Jixue nodded, “In the wardrobe.”

Chen Xian hurried back to the bedroom. Shen Jixue’s belongings were sparse, his clothes pitifully few. Chen Xian hesitated but opened the other side of the wardrobe, finding his own clothes neatly folded. He also saw some household items stored in a box at the bottom.

For some reason, this made him relieved. It showed that Shen Jixue and his father weren’t troublesome and knew how to take care of others’ things.

Remembering Shen Jixue was waiting, he quickly grabbed the change of clothes and returned to the bathroom.

Shen Jixue stood still in the bathroom. Chen Xian placed the clothes on a rack, gently patting it to signal their location.

“I’ve put the clothes here. Call me if you need anything.”

Leaving the bathroom, Chen Xian went to the kitchen. He had bought some groceries along with the household items earlier. While he could clean, his cooking was basic at best.

The water ran continuously in the bathroom, with occasional sounds of items falling. Each time, Chen Xian paused his work, listening in case Shen Jixue called for help. But Shen Jixue never did.

When Shen Jixue emerged from his shower, Chen Xian had just finished two dishes, with rice cooking in the electric pot. He took off his apron and brought out the tableware.

“Wait, the rice isn’t ready yet.”

Shen Jixue’s hair, a bit long, hung in wet strands against his forehead, water dripping down and soaking his shoulders.

Chen Xian placed a towel over his head. The sudden movement left Shen Jixue startled, but then he heard Chen Xian’s voice again.

“Sit down for a bit. I’ll take a quick shower too.”

Taking his clothes, Chen Xian headed to the bathroom. Shen Jixue followed, intending to retrieve his washed clothes to dry them.

“I’ll hang my clothes to dry.”

This kid was more stubborn than Chen Xian had imagined.

“You sit, I’ll do it.” Chen Xian blocked him at the door, “Walk four steps forward, to your right is a lounge chair.”

It took repeating himself twice before Shen Jixue complied. Seeing him sit down, Chen Xian turned on the fan and went to shower.

Fearing something might happen to Shen Jixue sitting alone outside, Chen Xian rushed his shower. When he came out, he found Shen Jixue obediently sitting on the lounge chair, hands gripping the sides, looking both restrained and uneasy.

Chen Xian originally had a lot to ask Shen Jixue. He wanted to ask about his future plans and about the details of how Jiang Ying rented the house to him, but seeing him looking so pitiful, he couldn’t bring himself to ask anything.

“You’re hungry, right? Let’s eat first.”

Chen Xian served the rice and placed the bowls and chopsticks on the table. He lightly tapped the table with his fingers. Shen Jixue instinctively turned his head at the sound. Chen Xian said, “The rice bowl is here.”

Let’s eat first. Even if the sky falls, you should fill your stomach first.

Author’s note:

The two are ten years apart.

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