The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 27

Massage is a physical activity, and Shen Jixue soon noticed Chen Xian was starting to sweat. “You’re doing a good job.”

As soon as he stopped, he heard Chen Xian turn over. After a brief pause, Chen Xian patted the spot next to him. “Take a break, you’re starting to sweat.”

Hearing this, Shen Jixue obediently lay down. Chen Xian made a point of lying flat so the breeze from the electric fan could blow over him. The nighttime temperature was much cooler than during the day. The humid air from the fan quickly evaporated the sweat on his body, and his previously racing heartbeat gradually steadied.

It was midnight, and there weren’t many vehicles passing by downstairs. Occasionally, a car would drive by, and after the engine’s roar faded into the distance, the room returned to silence, with only the sound of their breathing filling the air.

With his vision gone, Shen Jixue’s hearing was especially sharp. He consciously focused on catching the sounds of Chen Xian—his movements, his breathing, his heartbeat, and even the occasional sigh that Chen Xian made, all of which captured Shen Jixue’s attention.

Shen Jixue found it hard to fall asleep. After a while, he spoke softly, “Chen Xian, are you leaving soon?”

In that brief moment, Chen Xian was already feeling drowsy. Had Shen Jixue not spoken, he would have fallen asleep. He wanted to comfort Shen Jixue, to tell him that he would call and reassure him to stay peacefully at home.

Why… does this feel so much like when Jiang Ying was at home? Chen Xian was choked by his own strange thoughts. “Hmm… Xiao Shen, could you…”


Shen Jixue strained to listen. He thought Chen Xian’s tone sounded sticky, likely because he was too sleepy and his voice was hoarse.

Chen Xian turned over, closed his eyes, and lay on his side next to Shen Jixue. “Could you stop calling me by my full name? I’m much older than you.”

Chen Xian wasn’t trying to act superior; it was just that he was ten years older than Shen Jixue. Even if Shen Jixue didn’t call him “uncle,” he could at least call him “ge.” Always calling him “Chen Xian” felt… Chen Xian couldn’t describe it, but it felt strange.

Shen Jixue was silent. He understood what Chen Xian meant, but he didn’t want to call him ge. He couldn’t say it. He just wanted to call Chen Xian by his name. After all, others called Chen Xian that way too, like Wu Bie and Jiang Ying. Why couldn’t he?


In his half-asleep state, Chen Xian heard Shen Jixue’s voice. It took him a few seconds to process it. Normally obedient, Shen Jixue had refused so firmly on this matter. He found it amusing and couldn’t help but laugh out loud. He couldn’t understand why Shen Jixue wouldn’t change how he addressed him.

“Why? I’m much older than you. Calling me ge wouldn’t hurt you.”

Shen Jixue seemed resistant to discussing this further and turned away from Chen Xian, remaining silent.

Chen Xian found this even more amusing. This kid, what’s going through his mind? He didn’t press the matter. If he didn’t want to, he didn’t have to. After all, it was just a form of address. He wasn’t that particular about it.

The room fell into silence once more. It was unclear if Chen Xian had fallen asleep, but Shen Jixue remained awake. He turned over and softly asked, “Chen Xian, are you asleep?”

The only response was Chen Xian’s light breathing, indicating he might have fallen asleep.

Summoning his courage, Shen Jixue touched Chen Xian’s arm. When there was no reaction, Shen Jixue grew bolder. He held Chen Xian’s hand, interlaced his fingers with him, and tightly clasped their hands together.

He didn’t want to call Chen Xian uncle, probably because doing so would make their relationship seem like that of an elder and junior. He didn’t want to call him ge either, though he couldn’t quite explain why.

Calling Chen Xian by his name made them seem equal, even though he knew that he wasn’t on the same level as Chen Xian. Chen Xian had always been the one helping him.

“Chen Xian.”

Shen Jixue called his name reverently, so softly that even he could barely hear it. After speaking, he leaned his head closer, feeling Chen Xian’s body heat.

Their arms entwined, palms pressed together, and sweat quickly seeped from their skin. In the darkness, Chen Xian opened his eyes and looked at Shen Jixue lying beside him.

From the moment Shen Jixue touched him, Chen Xian had been aware but was too tired to open his eyes. He thought Shen Jixue just wanted to check if he was asleep. He didn’t expect him to hold his hand in such an intimate, interlocked way and call his name so reverently.

Even though it was the same “Chen Xian,” Shen Jixue’s tone was different from others. It seemed especially cautious, making Chen Xian feel particularly soft-hearted.

Was Shen Jixue reluctant and scared because he was leaving? After all, he was still a kid. And also traveling alone to and from work would be a bit challenging.

Chen Xian didn’t let go of Shen Jixue’s hand. Instead, he tightened his grip.

With Chen Xian’s departure approaching, Shen Jixue’s days of living alone were drawing near. Chen Xian became more nagging. Although Shen Jixue could have three meals at the shop, Chen Xian still prepared a lot of snacks at home.

“I put the snacks in the kitchen cabinet. If you’re hungry after work, you can have some,” Chen Xian said, feeling it wasn’t enough. “If anything happens, call me.”

Thinking about how he wouldn’t always be able to answer Shen Jixue’s calls while on the ship, Chen Xian added, “I’ve also talked to Auntie Wang. If I’m not home and you have an emergency, go next door and knock.”

Knowing Shen Jixue’s reluctance to ask for help, he earnestly advised, “The neighbors may gossip, but they’re good people. As long as you ask, they’ll help.”

Shen Jixue didn’t want Chen Xian to leave with worries. “Okay.”

“And,” Chen Xian felt he hadn’t covered everything, “since you’re just starting work, even if you get your salary, I’ve left some money at home for you. It’s in your room, at the bottom of your wardrobe.”

“Chen Xian.”

Shen Jixue called out to Chen Xian, who responded with confusion after being interrupted, “Hmm?”

He thought he hadn’t explained himself clearly and worried that Shen Jixue wouldn’t be able to find him.

“Why aren’t you more cautious?”

Chen Xian was stunned by Shen Jixue’s words, unable to react for a moment, “What?”

“You’ve been deceived once already, why aren’t you more cautious? What if I also took the money and left?”

It was only then that Chen Xian understood Shen Jixue’s meaning. Being spoken to like this by a child made him feel a bit embarrassed. He smiled, “Well… if you really leave, it means you have somewhere to go. It’s not a bad thing. What if you urgently need money and I’m not at home? Should I leave you locked in the room again like last time?”

Apart from his parents, only Chen Xian could care for him like this. Perhaps it was because Chen Xian was naturally kind-hearted, always ready to help anyone, which wasn’t particularly special, but in Shen Jixue’s eyes, Chen Xian’s kindness truly took care of his feelings, providing him with a moment of warmth while he was alone.

He really couldn’t understand why someone would leave Chen Xian, like Jiang Ying did.

“Tomorrow, you don’t need to accompany me. I’ll go to work by myself.”

Chen Xian hesitated a bit initially, but considering that he would leave sooner or later, letting Shen Jixue adapt to taking the bus alone now would be better than leaving him feeling helpless after he departed.


Though he agreed verbally, the next morning, he secretly followed Shen Jixue when he left. He kept a distance from him, afraid of being noticed.

Waiting by the roadside for the bus went smoothly. Shen Jixue actively asked passersby and clarified with the driver when the bus stopped.

When everyone boarded the bus, Chen Xian stayed behind, finding a seat far from him. Peering over a few rows of seats, he watched as Shen Jixue faced the window, enjoying the view outside.

The journey went without incident until the bus announcement played. Shen Jixue gripped his cane tightly, preparing to get off. The patient driver, seeing he was blind, patiently waited for him.

Chen Xian didn’t hurry to follow when Shen Jixue got off. He watched Shen Jixue enter the massage parlor, then breathed a sigh of relief.

In the afternoon, Chen Xian waited early by the roadside, accompanying Shen Jixue up the overpass, waiting for the bus together, and finally taking the bus home.

Taking advantage of Shen Jixue’s lack of notice, he went ahead and arrived home first. When Shen Jixue knocked on the door, Chen Xian casually opened it.

“I’m back.”

Shen Jixue seemed much stronger than he imagined, managing to commute alone without any trouble.


Although he had followed Shen Jixue all the way, he pretended not to know, “How was today? Did everything go smoothly on the road?”

“It went smoothly.” Shen Jixue put down his cane, washed his hands in the bathroom, then came out with a smile, facing Chen Xian, “I felt like you were with me all day.”

Chen Xian was taken aback. Was the blind man so sensitive? He had kept his distance and been so cautious, yet Shen Jixue still noticed?

“You don’t have to worry, I can manage on my own.” Shen Jixue’s tone was relaxed. Then he asked, “Have you decided? When are you leaving?”

Chen Xian had gone to the office today to settle this matter. “Yes, I’m leaving the day after tomorrow.”

So soon? Leaving the day after tomorrow.

Shen Jixue didn’t voice his thoughts, pretending to be calm as he nodded. He hoped Chen Xian could leave without worries, “Is everything packed?”

However, his facial expressions weren’t quite convincing. It could also be that Chen Xian understood him too well; even the slightest change in expression could be seen by him.

Seeing Shen Jixue trying to maintain composure was heart-wrenching. He patted his head, “Not yet. Help me pack tonight.”

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