The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 26

When Chen Xian said “this way,” Shen Jixue instinctively looked in the direction of the voice, as if with Chen Xian’s guidance, he could actually see.

The night wind brushed his cheeks. He tilted his chin up, gazing foolishly at the pitch-black sky, his ears filled with Chen Xian’s descriptions of the night.

“It’s a pity, my building isn’t high. If it were higher, the sky we could see would be broader.” Chen Xian seemed to think of something, his tone suddenly lifted, “At night, on the deck, you can see many stars, the view is especially good.”

Shen Jixue remained quiet, not interrupting. Chen Xian, propping his chin, continued, “When the ship is docked at the shore at night and there are waves, lying on the deck, swaying, the sky above also sways. It’s quite interesting.”

This was one of the small pleasures in the otherwise monotonous life on the ship.

Shen Jixue listened intently, thoroughly enjoying it, as if he were immersed in the scene Chen Xian described, “When I was back home, during summer nights, I would go to the rooftop with my parents to sleep and watch the stars.”

Back then, the stars seemed especially numerous and bright, just like the night sky in Chen Xian’s descriptions.

Hearing Shen Jixue mention his past several times, Chen Xian hesitated but couldn’t help asking, “Your mom isn’t around anymore?”

Shen Jixue seemed to have accepted the fact of his mother’s death, his expression barely changing, “Mm.”

His story was simple. He was born into a not very wealthy but loving family. Although they lived in the mountains, he always had good grades. Until he went to university, he had been very happy. He thought that by getting into a good university, finding a stable job, he could bring his parents from the mountains to the city. But fate played tricks on him, and his life took a turn from his mother’s death.

Not long after starting university, news came from home that his mother had passed away from illness. During his second year of university, Shen Jixue often felt headaches. Shortly after, his vision deteriorated rapidly. One morning, he woke up completely blind. He had his eyes checked at the local hospital, and the doctor recommended he come to the current city hospital, as the eye doctors here were more skilled.

So, Shen Jixue had to take a break from school. His father came from their hometown to take him around for medical treatment. Treating his eyes required time and money. They had to rent a place here. After finally renting a house, his father planned to find a job to help with the medical expenses. But once he went out, he never returned.

This was the first time Chen Xian heard Shen Jixue tell his story completely. It made him feel very uneasy. He hadn’t expected Shen Jixue, at such a young age, to have endured so many hardships.

He gently patted Shen Jixue’s head, “Since the doctor asked you to come here, it means there’s hope for your eyes. Don’t be discouraged. Your eyes will definitely get better, and you’ll surely find your father.”

Perhaps Chen Xian had a high level of credibility with Shen Jixue. No matter what he said, Shen Jixue was willing to believe, “Mm.”

He was also willing to go out to work. He didn’t mind learning massage. This way, not only could he support himself, but he could also earn money for his medical expenses and help his father.

“Xiao Shen,” Chen Xian touched the corner of Shen Jixue’s eye with his hand. Shen Jixue didn’t blink instinctively but just faced his direction blankly. Chen Xian felt something heavy pressing on his chest.

He knew his abilities were limited and he shouldn’t harbor useless sympathy. But he couldn’t help speaking.

“When you went to the hospital with your dad, did you ask how much it would cost to treat your eyes?”

“Over two hundred thousand.” Shen Jixue’s originally round eyes became somewhat cloudy when mentioning the figure of over two hundred thousand. He might not have entered society yet, but that didn’t mean he had no concept of over two hundred thousand.

Even Chen Xian paused for a moment. He shouldn’t have asked, as it only added to Shen Jixue’s psychological burden. Over two hundred thousand…

Shen Jixue suddenly let out a long sigh, feigning relaxation as he turned to comfort Chen Xian, “Didn’t you find me a job? It sounds like a lot, over two hundred thousand, but if I can start earning money myself, I’ll be able to save it up eventually.”

He still held onto hope, so it wasn’t too bad.

Chen Xian raised his hand into the air, hesitated for a moment, and finally placed it on Shen Jixue’s head. “There will always be a way, Xiao Shen.”

Shen Jixue’s life had just begun; there would always be a way.

With the heavy hand on his head, Shen Jixue lowered his head, uncertain if there really would be a way. Even with Chen Xian’s reassurance, he felt uneasy.

“Go to sleep, it’s late. We have to get up early tomorrow.”

A warm breeze blew in through the window, pleasantly brushing against his cheeks. Shen Jixue’s eyelids grew heavy. Following Chen Xian’s words, he slowly moved back to the bed and lay down.

Maybe there would be a solution by the morning.


In the following days, Chen Xian accompanied Shen Jixue to the massage parlor every morning. After dropping him off, he would go to his unit to prepare for his own work on the ship. He would then pick Shen Jixue up after his shift.

As a newcomer, Shen Jixue had limited tasks and mostly learned from his mentor. While the mentor was working with clients, Shen Jixue would wait nearby and help clean the room once the client left.

Being new, Shen Jixue was unfamiliar with many things and often made mistakes, even with simple tasks like cleaning the room.

After a long day, he would wait for Chen Xian to pick him up. At night, back home, Chen Xian would still ask how his day went before bed.

“The colleagues are nice, and the mentor is good too.” Probably because everyone was blind, they were all very kind and supportive. “But…”

Chen Xian, lying with his eyes closed, pretended to nap but opened his eyes at Shen Jixue’s hesitation. “But what?”

“But the mentor is very busy. He teaches me, but doesn’t have time to practice with me.”

After all, it’s a hands-on skill; just talking about it isn’t enough. They initially said it would take one or two months to master, but without practice, Shen Jixue wouldn’t satisfy customers when he started working on his own.

However, the mentor couldn’t neglect his own work just to teach Shen Jixue.

“It’s just practice,” Chen Xian turned over, lying on the pillow. “Come, practice on me. Press anywhere you like.”

Shen Jixue hesitated, “Huh?”

His skills were still basic, and he didn’t dare press randomly, fearing he might hurt Chen Xian.

“I’m not afraid, so why are you?” Chen Xian grabbed Shen Jixue’s hand and placed it on his shoulder. “You need to practice, and while I’m home, I can be your practice. Take advantage of it.”

With Chen Xian’s encouragement, Shen Jixue agreed reluctantly. “If it feels uncomfortable, you have to tell me.”

Chen Xian hummed in response, reaching to turn on the light but stopped halfway, realizing it wasn’t necessary. Shen Jixue couldn’t see, and he only needed to lie there, so he didn’t turn on the light, retracting his hand.

Shen Jixue knelt beside Chen Xian’s waist, placing his hands on his lower back. Despite having never been to a massage parlor, Chen Xian was sensitive to touch, instinctively resisting when Shen Jixue touched his waist.

Trying not to let Shen Jixue notice, Chen Xian gradually got used to the movements on his back.

Working on a ship, doing physical labor, it wasn’t surprising to have some back pain. Shen Jixue’s touch made him aware of previously unnoticed aches.

Shen Jixue’s hands, forming fists, slowly pressed down along Chen Xian’s spine.

“Mm…” Chen Xian buried his face in the pillow as Shen Jixue, despite his gentle appearance, applied considerable pressure, making Chen Xian’s entire face sink into the pillow with each downward press.

As he got used to the massage, Chen Xian gradually relaxed, finding it quite comfortable. No wonder his colleagues often visited massage parlors when docked.

Unconsciously, Shen Jixue’s hands moved to Chen Xian’s shoulders, kneading the muscles. When Chen Xian tilted his head slightly, the weight on his shoulder lightened. Before he could turn back, warm breaths brushed his earlobe, and a great force pressed down from his neck to his back.

He turned his head slightly, finding Shen Jixue leaning over him, using his elbow with such force that their bodies nearly touched.

Massage was physically demanding. Chen Xian heard Shen Jixue’s heavy breathing and heartbeats, unsure if they were his own or Shen Jixue’s.

An odd thought crossed Chen Xian’s mind: his colleagues might not visit massage parlors just to relax. If it were a female masseuse, this close contact would likely be what they sought.

Fortunately, Shen Jixue wasn’t a girl. A blind girl in such a place would surely be bullied.

But… Chen Xian’s thoughts stalled.

The moonlight shone on Shen Jixue, casting a clear shadow on the wall. Chen Xian looked up at the wall, noticing how even his shadow appeared delicate.

“Xiao Shen…” Chen Xian’s voice was hoarse.

Focused, Shen Jixue didn’t stop his movements, softly responding to Chen Xian.

Afraid of scaring Shen Jixue with clear words or that Shen Jixue might not understand his meaning, Chen Xian racked his brain, finally saying gently, “If a customer bullies you, you have to tell me.”

Shen Jixue paused, confused, then understood. “Mm.”

He wouldn’t let others bully him. He wasn’t that spineless. He would protect himself.

If it weren’t for Chen Xian, he wouldn’t have lowered his guard. He had always been cautious of others, but with Chen Xian, he was willing to be close.

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