The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 24

Not knowing how to bring it up with Shen Jixue, Chen Xian bought some expensive Hong Kong chocolates on his way home, recommended by the clerk.

As soon as the door opened, Chen Xian saw him sitting on the sofa as usual. The TV wasn’t on, and he sat there motionless, his mind seemingly lost in thought. Seeing him like this, Chen Xian, who initially had some reservations, felt once again that Wu Bie’s words were correct.

Shen Jixue needed to get out. Whether he could find his father or not, or whether he could heal his eyes or not, he had to go out. Otherwise, continuing like this, before finding his father or healing his eyes, his inner self would surely face problems.

“Chen Xian? You’re back.” Hearing the door open, a bit of emotion finally appeared on Shen Jixue’s previously expressionless face. He stood up to greet Chen Xian.

Chen Xian closed the door behind him and quickly walked forward, the plastic bag in his hand rustling noisily.

Shen Jixue’s fingers touched the plastic bag and asked, “Did you buy something?”

“I bought it for you.” Chen Xian pulled Shen Jixue to sit down and placed the plastic bag filled with chocolates into Shen Jixue’s lap. “Take a look.”

Curiously, Shen Jixue opened the bag, finding individually wrapped pieces inside. He crinkled the wrappers noisily. “What is this?”

“Candy,” Chen Xian explained. “This was recommended to me by the cashier. It’s chocolate, give it a try.”

Peeling off the outermost wrapper, Shen Jixue brought it close to his nose and sniffed. There wasn’t the expected sweet fragrance but a faint bitterness mixed with a milky scent. He took a small bite, and the bitterness slowly melted in his mouth, leaving a slight sweetness aftertaste.

“It’s delicious.”

Seeing him smile, Chen Xian thought, indeed, he is still a child. “The cashier told me it’s from Hong Kong. Kids these days all like it.”

Upon hearing that, Shen Jixue stopped eating. Seeing this, Chen Xian asked, “What’s wrong? Didn’t you say it was delicious?”

“Since it’s from Hong Kong, it must be expensive, right?” Nowadays, anything labeled as an import could be several times more expensive. This chocolate must not be cheap.

The price was indeed a bit higher than the fruit candies or milk candies he had bought before, but it wasn’t beyond Chen Xian’s means. It was just some candy; Shen Jixue didn’t need to worry about it.

“It’s just a bit of candy. How expensive can it be? It’s not like you eat it often.”

Hearing Chen Xian say this, Shen Jixue reluctantly stuffed the half-eaten piece of chocolate back into his mouth and mumbled softly, “I’m not a child anymore.”

Chen Xian chuckled and didn’t refute him. Instead, he followed up with, “Alright, then let’s talk about something grown-ups should discuss.”

Seeing Shen Jixue nod seriously, Chen Xian continued, “I’ve been scheduled for a shift, and I have to be on the ship by the end of this month at the latest.”

The light in Shen Jixue’s eyes visibly dimmed, but he couldn’t stop Chen Xian from leaving. He had to stay calm and composed.

“I wanted to ask if you might want to find a job,” Chen Xian said, fearing he might use the wrong words and upset Shen Jixue. “I think… if I leave and you’re home alone, you might feel lonely… and disconnected from society… I just think…”

Chen Xian clumsily explained, not wanting Shen Jixue to feel like he was being pushed away. He just wanted him to quickly adapt to society.

“Mm.” Unexpectedly, Shen Jixue’s eyes brightened a bit, and he nodded in agreement.

“You… you’re agreeing?” Chen Xian was surprised. “We know a massage parlor owner. You could go there to learn massage. Would you be willing?”

Not knowing if Shen Jixue could accept such a job, Chen Xian watched his expression closely.

After talking with Wu Bie last time, Shen Jixue had thought about finding a job, but he didn’t have any connections and didn’t want to trouble Chen Xian. Now that Chen Xian had friends who could offer this opportunity, there was no reason to refuse.

“I would.”

Hearing Shen Jixue’s quick agreement, Chen Xian was both surprised and delighted, but he also had to warn him about the difficulties.

“The shop provides three meals a day, but you’ll have to take the bus to and from work on your own and come home alone.”

A job that provides meals was already pretty good. Shen Jixue nodded. “Mm.”

“When I’m on the ship, I won’t be able to call home every day. I’ll have to wait until the ship docks, but this time it’s a short trip, so I won’t be gone for long.”

Shen Jixue kept nodding. “I know.”


Shen Jixue suddenly interrupted Chen Xian, “Chen Xian, did you buy candy just because of this?”

Seeing through him but not saying it outright, Shen Jixue had always been so straightforward. Chen Xian fell silent, feeling embarrassed to be seen through by someone ten years younger.

“You were just trying to placate me like a child.” Shen Jixue’s tone wasn’t unhappy; it had a sticky, playful tone.

Chen Xian thought, isn’t he just a child?

Seeing Chen Xian remain silent, Shen Jixue unexpectedly laughed.

“You’re laughing?”

Shen Jixue replied, “Actually, you didn’t need to buy anything. I would have agreed to work.”

Seeing Shen Jixue’s expression showing no reluctance, Chen Xian finally breathed a sigh of relief. He asked Wu Bie to contact their friend who owned the blind massage parlor, and the owner, being a straightforward person, asked Wu Bie to bring Shen Jixue for an interview.

The first time Shen Jixue went, Chen Xian and Wu Bie accompanied him. From the moment they left the house, Chen Xian, like a nagging mother, repeatedly explained the route to Shen Jixue.

“From home to downstairs, then out of the courtyard, and to the street. You should be familiar with this route.”

Shen Jixue nodded; Chen Xian had walked this route with him many times.

“This is the bus stop. Your time is the same as Xiao Pang’s school time. Let him help you watch for the bus. If not…”

“If not, I’ll ask the people waiting for the bus.”

Hearing Shen Jixue answer quickly, Chen Xian felt relieved. “Yes, that’s right, ask others.”

At that moment, the bus arrived. Chen Xian let Shen Jixue try boarding the bus himself and taught him how to pay the fare. After paying, Shen Jixue used his cane to find a seat. The bus wasn’t crowded, and he easily found a seat.

Chen Xian sat down in the seat behind him, “There are only five stops to the massage parlor. Just listen for them. When it’s XX Road Station, get ready to get off.”

Wu Bie, who had been ignored for a long time, kept rolling his eyes at Chen Xian. When Chen Xian finally noticed him, he didn’t ask anything and continued talking to Shen Jixue, treating him like air.


The five stops passed quickly. When Shen Jixue heard the announcement, he stood up and slowly got off the bus. He then heard the sound of the bus leaving, with the bustling traffic behind him. The unfamiliar environment made him very nervous.

Fortunately, Chen Xian’s voice came at that moment, “Xiao Shen, go up the steps, there’s a utility pole. Then turn to your right and walk straight for about ten meters. That’s the massage parlor. Their shop is right on the street, it’s easy to find.”

After calming down, Shen Jixue followed Chen Xian’s instructions to find his way. He walked very slowly, his cane bumping into things everywhere, but thankfully there were no major issues. He heard Wu Bie shout, “We’re here.”

The sign at the massage parlor was quite large, and the interior was very grand. There was even a receptionist at the door. Wu Bie briefly explained their purpose, and they were immediately led inside.

As soon as they entered the door, a rosy-cheeked bald man came out, extending his hand to Wu Bie. “Wu Bie!”

“Boss Liao.” Wu Bie quickly introduced, “This is Chen Xian, my childhood friend. And this is the kid who’s here for the job, Shen Jixue.”

Although it was an interview, since Wu Bie was a familiar face, it was just a formality. Boss Liao personally explained the job terms to Shen Jixue. Since he was still an apprentice, the salary wasn’t high, but the shop covered three meals and transportation. If needed, he could also stay in the dormitory.

“What do you think?”

Shen Jixue had no objections, “I’m willing to work.”

His awkward response and naive appearance made Boss Liao ask a question he had in mind, “Wu Bie, is he an adult? You know we can’t hire minors.”

“I’m an adult!” Shen Jixue, afraid Boss Liao wouldn’t hire him, quickly fumbled for his ID card, “I’m twenty.”

Looking at the ID card, he indeed was twenty. Being an adult was fine.

“In that case, you can start work tomorrow. I’ll have someone prepare the dormitory.”

Chen Xian declined, “Boss Liao, Xiao Shen doesn’t need the dormitory. He can go home after work.”

“That’s fine too.” Boss Liao clapped his leg, insisting on treating them to experience the shop’s services as a gesture of hospitality.

Chen Xian, feeling it was too much trouble, politely declined, “We need to help Xiao Shen learn the route back, so we won’t impose.”

Before leaving, Shen Jixue borrowed the restroom, leaving Chen Xian and Wu Bie waiting outside.

The luxurious decor made it clear that coming here wasn’t cheap.

“Coming here must cost a lot, right?”

“You just refused their offer to let you try for free.” Wu Bie lowered his voice, “Why didn’t you let Shen Jixue stay in the dormitory? He could have moved out.”

Chen Xian explained seriously, “I encouraged him to work because you’re right, he needs to interact with people. But I promised him I wouldn’t make him move out before finding his father. The dormitory would be inconvenient for him.”

Wu Bie was stunned, speechless at how foolish Chen Xian seemed, not even taking advantage of an easy opportunity.

“You…” Wu Bie was at a loss for words, thinking Chen Xian only agreed to let Shen Jixue work as a delaying tactic. But Chen Xian genuinely wanted to help.

Just then, Shen Jixue came out of the restroom. Chen Xian gestured to Wu Bie to be quiet and took hold of Shen Jixue’s wrist.

“Xiao Shen, let’s go home.”

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