The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 23

The divorce proceedings went much smoother after that. Chen Xian met Jiang Ying at the agreed time. At the civil affairs bureau, the staff usually tried to dissuade couples from divorcing, but seeing Jiang Ying’s pregnant belly and the man loitering at the door, she didn’t say much.

After stamping the documents, the staff handed them their divorce certificates. With everything settled, Chen Xian originally wanted to say a dignified goodbye to Jiang Ying, but she pushed him away and hurriedly left with the man without looking back.

Chen Xian pursed his lips. After all the turmoil, he felt nothing inside. He wasn’t alone either. Outside the Civil Affairs Bureau, Wu Bie and Shen Jixue were waiting for him by the roadside.

Wu Bie stepped forward, snatched the divorce certificate as if Chen Xian had won a prize, and even praised, “Nice, you finally got it done.”

“It’s not a good thing,” Chen Xian said with a wry smile.

“Why not? You got your money back and divorced that bitch. Now you’re single like me, single and rich. What could be better?”

In a way, he was right. Nowadays, divorce wasn’t shameful. Escaping a bad past was indeed a good thing.

Wu Bie leaned in, covering his mouth with his hand for secrecy, “Jiang Ying has poor taste. That guy looks impotent, yet she treats him like a treasure.”

Chen Xian instinctively glanced at Shen Jixue, feeling his face heat up. Don’t make dirty jokes in front of the kid.

“Okay, okay, I won’t say it anymore,” Wu Bie said, raising his hands in a surrender gesture.

Shen Jixue, unaware that everyone was looking at him, just smiled dumbly, happy Chen Xian was happy.

“Alright, it’s hot outside. Let’s go back,” Chen Xian said, putting an arm around Shen Jixue’s shoulder. “You shouldn’t have come along in this heat. It’s just for a certificate.”

Shen Jixue felt the weight on his shoulder. It was indeed hot, but he didn’t mind Chen Xian’s body heat. He liked this close posture.

“I had nothing to do at home anyway.” Besides, Wu Bie said he should come to support Chen Xian, so he had to come.

Wu Bie hailed a three-wheeled motorcycle, “Forget going home, let’s head to the office. There’s a meeting today.”

The three squeezed onto the motorcycle and dropped Shen Jixue off at the dormitory courtyard entrance. Chen Xian wanted to go with him to see him up, but Shen Jixue, knowing he had work, refused.

“I can go up by myself, it’s fine. You go ahead and get busy.”

Although Shen Jixue had been going out more lately and had a cane Chen Xian specially bought for him, he was always accompanied. This time, Chen Xian was a bit uneasy about him going up alone.

“It’s not a big deal.”

Wu Bie, still waiting, shouted, “If he can go up himself, let him. You can’t tie him to your waistband.”

It was crude but true. Since Shen Jixue insisted, Chen Xian couldn’t say more. He happened to see Xiao Pang playing by the tree and called him over.

“Xiao Pang.”

Since that incident, Xiao Pang hadn’t met Shen Jixue. Seeing him now, he felt a bit awkward, “What is it, Uncle Chen?”

“Can you help me take Xiao Shen upstairs?”

Seeing Chen Xian’s face, Xiao Pang gritted his teeth and agreed, “Alright.”

After the tricycle drove away, Xiao Pang had to be alone with Shen Jixue. He was still a bit scared of what happened that night and was not as overbearing in front of Shen Jixue.

“Let’s go.”

Xiao Pang walked ahead, occasionally looking back at Shen Jixue. He wasn’t sure if Shen Jixue needed support. If he did, Xiao Pang didn’t dare to offer it; he was a little afraid of Shen Jixue.

Fortunately, Shen Jixue could walk on his own. They passed through the courtyard and entered the corridor. When it was time to go upstairs, Xiao Pang reminded him, “We have to go up the stairs.”

The blind cane hit the edge of the stairs, causing Shen Jixue to take two steps back. Moving was indeed difficult for the blind, and even climbing stairs was such a challenge.

Xiao Pang considerately counted the steps for him, “There are thirteen steps in total.”

The third floor wasn’t very high, but helping Shen Jixue climb the stairs felt like it took a long time. Xiao Pang, with his physique, was sweating profusely after just a bit of movement. Several times he wanted to support Shen Jixue but didn’t dare to touch him.

Finally, when he got Shen Jixue to the door, he was already panting heavily.

Shen Jixue fumbled for his keys in his pocket, with Xiao Pang’s heavy breathing in his ears. As he was about to unlock the door, he paused, “Sorry about what happened last time.”

Xiao Pang, still gasping for fresh air with his hands on his knees, was taken aback by Shen Jixue’s sudden apology. He quickly responded generously, “I’ve forgotten about it, and I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that.”

Under the scorching sun, the cicadas were chirping louder and louder, making the silence between them less awkward.

Shen Jixue was not good at apologizing because he used to think that being weak and kind would make him bullied. Only by disguising himself as prickly and never admitting his mistakes could he minimize the harm.

But the world wasn’t as bad as he imagined. At least Chen Xian wasn’t.

“Where’s your grandma?” Shen Jixue broke the silence, noticing no sound from the next door, indicating no one was home.

Xiao Pang wiped his sweat with his clothes, “She went to bring something to my dad. She’ll be back soon.”

Shen Jixue, not good at socializing, forced out a sentence as he opened the door, “Do you want to come in for a drink?”

Xiao Pang, covered in sweat, was already thirsty and planning to drink from the tap at the courtyard gate. Hearing Shen Jixue’s offer, he licked his lips, “Yes.”

Watching Shen Jixue clumsily pour water, Xiao Pang wanted to help several times but didn’t have the courage. He stood by the door frame, waiting for him to shakily hand the cup to him.

“Thank you.”

As he spoke, a big hand fell on his head. He looked up to see Chen Xian, “Uncle Chen.”

The tricycle hadn’t gone far when Chen Xian, still worried about the two who had previous conflicts, insisted on getting off despite Wu Bie’s objections, wanting to see Shen Jixue enter the house safely.

“Chen Xian?” Shen Jixue noticed another person at the door.

Chen Xian, embarrassed to admit his concern, made up an excuse, “I forgot to ask you to help me bring back my documents. I was afraid I’d lose them if I kept them on me.”

After putting away his documents, Chen Xian saw that Xiao Pang had finished his water and went downstairs to play, leaving only Shen Jixue in the living room waiting for him.

Shen Jixue, not stupid, knew Chen Xian had returned out of concern, “Were you worried?”

“Huh?” Chen Xian thought it was an adult’s tacit understanding not to point things out, but Shen Jixue, still childlike, exposed everything.

Seeing Chen Xian’s discomfort, Shen Jixue found it amusing and urged, “You should go to work and not delay your important tasks.”


At the unit’s meeting to summarize the first half of the year’s work and arrange shifts, Chen Xian, usually very active, hesitated until the last minute while watching his colleagues sign up.

Wu Bie reminded him, “Even if you’re worried about Shen Jixue, you have to go on a ship this month. Otherwise, you’ll run out of money.”

Chen Xian knew Wu Bie meant well. Now divorced, he needed to think for himself. Only making money was practical. Even though he was worried, He signed up for the shift.

“That’s right. It’s not easy to find someone. You know it’s like finding a needle in a haystack,” Wu Bie shifted the topic, “I still think it’s not sustainable to keep supporting him. Before finding his father, at least find a way for him to earn his own living. If he can get a job, even better.”

Chen Xian mumbled, “He can’t see. Even daily life is a problem. What work can he do?”

“Do all blind people not work?” Wu Bie’s question left Chen Xian speechless. He continued, “If… just if, we never find his father, what then? He needs to fend for himself. Blind massage—let him learn a skill. It won’t hurt to have more skills, and he won’t starve.”

Wu Bie had a point, but could Shen Jixue, a prospective college student, accept such a drastic change? Asking him to learn blind massage now was implying his eyes couldn’t be cured.

“I’m afraid he can’t handle it.”

“How do you know he can’t handle it if you haven’t asked him? If it were someone else, would he just not live?”

Chen Xian was speechless. Wu Bie continued, “I know someone in this business. I can introduce him. He’ll have something to do and won’t be idle all day. What do you think?”

“I’ll find an opportunity to ask him.”

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