The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 21

“Why are you shouting?” Chen Xian obviously knew that Shen Jixue was drunk. Wu Bie’s outburst drew the attention of the other customers.

Seeing Chen Xian protect Shen Jixue like a mother hen, Wu Bie couldn’t stand it anymore, “Why do you always protect him like that? He’s not a three-year-old child.”

Wu Bie was in a jealous and excited state at this moment. His body language was particularly expressive when he spoke, especially fond of pulling and tugging with others. Chen Xian was sure, “I think you’ve had too much to drink too.”

“Bullshit, I know my own limits!” To prove he wasn’t drunk, Wu Bie insisted on walking a few steps for Chen Xian. But as soon as he stepped forward with his left foot, he stumbled over his right foot, lost his balance, and knocked everything off the table onto the floor.

Dishes and bowls crashed to the ground, drawing even more onlookers. The culprit fell to the floor, motionless.

Chen Xian quickly checked on Shen Jixue, who was fortunately sitting far enough away from Wu Bie to avoid the chaos. Shen Jixue continued to smile, oblivious to what had happened.

Being the only sober one, Chen Xian was both amused and exasperated. He paid the restaurant owner for the broken dishes, who, recognizing him as a regular customer, only charged a portion of the cost and helped call a taxi when he saw Chen Xian struggling with two drunk people.

Chen Xian managed to drag Wu Bie into the taxi. Just as he turned to get Shen Jixue, Wu Bie somehow woke up, opened the opposite door, and got out.

“What are you doing?” Chen Xian spread his hands in confusion. Why wouldn’t he just stay in the car?

Wu Bie stood there silently, forcing Chen Xian to go around and push him back inside. But as soon as Chen Xian closed the door and went to the front passenger seat, Wu Bie got out again.

This went on until the taxi driver, unable to bear it any longer, got out and helped strap Wu Bie securely with the seatbelt.

“Sorry about this,” Chen Xian apologized.

The taxi driver, accustomed to dealing with drunk passengers, waved it off, “No problem.”

The taxi finally started moving smoothly. Chen Xian glanced in the rearview mirror; Shen Jixue was sitting quietly with his hands on his knees, while Wu Bie, upon making eye contact, began to act up again.

Wu Bie struggled a bit, then fiddled with the seatbelt, “Driver, play some music.”

“Sit still and be quiet,” Chen Xian scolded, feeling bad for troubling the driver.

Wu Bie ignored him, “Yeah, play that song, ‘Sailor.'”

“Sorry about this,” Chen Xian apologized again. Just as he thought Wu Bie was the only problem, Shen Jixue suddenly started singing from the back, “He said, in the wind and rain, what’s a little pain, dry your tears, don’t ask why.”

Expecting Shen Jixue to behave, Chen Xian was caught off guard by his singing.

“Xiao Shen…”

Before he could stop him, Wu Bie joined in enthusiastically, “Yes, that’s the one.”

“He said, in the wind and rain, what’s a little pain, dry your tears, don’t ask why,” they sang together, albeit off-key but strangely in sync, repeatedly.

Chen Xian’s apologies were drowned out by their singing. They sang all the way until the taxi stopped at their dormitory gate, reluctant to stop even then.

Chen Xian paid the driver without waiting for change, “Keep the change.”

The driver, having seen much in his career, accepted it gracefully, “Thanks,” and drove off.

Exhausted from singing, Wu Bie fell asleep on a stone block by the iron gate. When Chen Xian came over to wake him, he was out cold.

“Wu Bie!” Chen Xian tried waking him for a long time but had no choice but to hoist him onto his back. “Let’s go, Xiao Shen.”

Drunk, Shen Jixue had no sense of direction and stumbled into the iron gate with a loud clang.

Startled, Chen Xian quickly set Wu Bie down to check on Shen Jixue, who collapsed bonelessly to the ground.

Despite his usual good temper, Chen Xian was about to give up. He wanted to leave Wu Bie there but remembered how Wu Bie had taken care of him last time when he was drunk.

He hoisted Wu Bie onto his back again, making way for Shen Jixue, “Xiao Shen, walk ahead, slowly.”

Shen Jixue, unable to walk straight, was guided back on track by Chen Xian each time he veered off. Climbing the stairs, Chen Xian counted the steps for him. Too exhausted to carry Wu Bie to the sixth floor, he brought him to his own place instead.

“Ouch.” When Wu Bie was placed on the bed, Chen Xian felt it was akin to unloading cargo, but a person weighing over a hundred catties was much heavier than a hundred catties of goods, making him exhausted. As he came out of the room, Shen Jixue was still standing in the middle of the living room, lips moving, but Chen Xian couldn’t make out what he was saying until he got closer.

“He said in the wind and rain…”

Still singing, Chen Xian pressed his finger to Shen Jixue’s forehead. “Stop singing.” How could such a good-looking kid sing so off-key?

Seeing Shen Jixue’s eyelids battling, Chen Xian led him into the bathroom. With weather like this, not cleaning up before bed would surely make it uncomfortable.

Chen Xian turned on the tap. “Let me clean you up before you sleep.”

Even when he was drunk, Shen Jixue listened to Chen Xian, but the response was sudden. He scooped up a handful of water and poured it over himself, soaking his clothes instantly.

“Hey!” Chen Xian was still reaching for a towel for Shen Jixue when he realized his execution was too abrupt. “You didn’t drink much, just a small cup, how come your tolerance is so low?”

Chen Xian had no choice but to let Shen Jixue take off his clothes and quickly take a shower.

“Can you manage by yourself? Call me after your shower, if you can’t find your clothes, I’ll come in and dress you. Your underwear is here.”

Chen Xian wasn’t sure if Shen Jixue understood. He guided him to the rack where the underwear was, then fetched a chair for him to sit and wash.

After instructing everything, Chen Xian left the bathroom. He stood outside, listening stealthily. Shen Jixue should be undressing; soon the sound of water started, indicating he was earnestly bathing, but then a moment later, singing echoed from inside again.

“He said in the wind and rain…”

Chen Xian sighed, taking out a cigarette from his pocket. If Shen Jixue liked singing, let him sing. Normally, he might not even dare to sing.

As the song finished, the sound of water ceased as well. Chen Xian’s cigarette was almost burnt out when he heard Shen Jixue calling his name from inside.

“Chen Xian, where are my clothes?”

Chen Xian hurriedly put out the cigarette, pushed open the door, only to find Shen Jixue not only hadn’t found his clothes, but hadn’t even put on his underwear, rendering all his instructions futile.

“You…” Chen Xian was briefly speechless at the sight of Shen Jixue naked. It wasn’t that he hadn’t seen other men naked; sometimes colleagues on the ship would strip and jump into the river for a wash after docking. It wasn’t a big deal, but seeing Shen Jixue like this… a bit unexpected, yet not surprising.

While convincing himself, Chen Xian took a towel and started drying off the water stains on Shen Jixue’s body. Under the bright light, Shen Jixue’s skin seemed almost translucent, exceptionally fair compared to their weathered sailor skin.

Despite Shen Jixue’s delicate appearance, his body proportions were still masculine, his joints broad, especially evident when he was undressed.

As the towel passed over Shen Jixue’s knees, the scab from yesterday’s scrape was already forming, the scar slightly reddened, and above it, a lingering bruise.

Initially somewhat enamored, Chen Xian now felt only pity seeing the various wounds on Shen Jixue’s body.

“Let me check your head. How’s the bump?” Chen Xian quickly dressed Shen Jixue, then held his head, carefully examining it. Apart from a little redness, there was no swelling.

Shen Jixue had quieted down by now, not singing or moving, allowing Chen Xian to hold his face, even squashing his cheeks without a word.

Chen Xian squeezed out toothpaste, urging him to brush his teeth. “Alright, go to bed after this.”

Once Shen Jixue lay down, Chen Xian returned to the bathroom for a quick shower. When he came out, the house was quiet.

His room was occupied by Wu Bie, and Shen Jixue was asleep in the master bedroom. Chen Xian thought about enduring in the living room, but Shen Jixue, not yet asleep, heard him coming out of the bathroom and started calling his name repeatedly.

“Chen Xian, are you done showering? Chen Xian?”

Worried about disturbing the neighbors, Chen Xian quickly went into the master bedroom to check. Shen Jixue was sitting on the bed, facing the door, as if waiting for him.

“Why aren’t you asleep yet?” Shen Jixue wasn’t as obedient tonight, so Chen Xian’s tone was a bit harsher.

Just like yesterday, Shen Jixue made room for him. “You sleep too.”

The electric fan hummed. It reminded Chen Xian that he had forgotten to take the broken fan out for repair.

Looking at Shen Jixue, even though he couldn’t see his eyes, Chen Xian could still feel the earnest anticipation in his gaze. He couldn’t refuse him. He could only lay down next to Shen Jixue.

The mattress sank, and as soon as he lay down, Shen Jixue leaned against him. “Chen Xian, your ship is really interesting.”


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