The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 15

When he opened the door, Aunt Wang stood there angrily, with a child who was usually close to the chubby boy beside her.

Seeing the hostile visitors, Chen Xian hesitated but opened the iron gate, “What’s wrong, Aunt Wang?”

“What’s wrong?” Aunt Wang pushed past Chen Xian, storming toward Shen Jixue. She pointed at him furiously, “I want to ask him that!”

The loud commotion startled Shen Jixue, making him curl up in the sofa corner. Seeing this, Chen Xian quickly stepped forward, using his body to shield Shen Jixue from Aunt Wang.

Seeing Chen Xian protect Shen Jixue, Aunt Wang’s anger flared even more. She dragged the child next to her, “Pengpeng, tell Uncle Chen what happened.”

Pengpeng, the child, shrank back, avoiding eye contact with Chen Xian and Shen Jixue. He was scared after the adults had searched so long for the missing boy. He hadn’t wanted to speak up but feared for the chubby boy’s safety, so he had quietly told Aunt Wang. He hadn’t expected her to confront them so directly.

“I…” Pengpeng stammered, trying to flee, but Aunt Wang’s grip was too strong.

Shen Jixue was sensitive to voices and recognized Pengpeng as one of the chubby boy’s playmates.

Aunt Wang, desperate to find her grandson, spoke harshly to Pengpeng, who was on the verge of tears until Chen Xian comforted him, prompting him to speak nervously.

“In the afternoon, I was playing with Xiao Pang in the corridor, and then he opened the door.” Pengpeng pointed to Shen Jixue sitting on the sofa, “After he opened the door, I left. But I think I heard him saying something to Xiao Pang about his parents not wanting him or something like that. I didn’t hear clearly, I’m not sure.”

Shen Jixue subconsciously gripped the armrest of the sofa, pursed his lips. There was something churning in his stomach, and his mind was fixed on one thought: deny everything to clear his name.

“I didn’t.”

Chen Xian glanced at Shen Jixue, whose tightly closed lips were trembling slightly. He looked pitiful, but… Chen Xian took a deep breath. Shen Jixue might not realize it himself, but he hadn’t fully adapted to being blind yet, unable to control his facial expressions well. At least when he lied, his expression was extremely unnatural.

Shen Jixue would lower his eyes, his gaze hidden beneath long and thick eyelashes, his expression strange, even his body language becoming stiff.

“You heard it! This kid is really cunning, Chen Xian, why are you still keeping him here? It’s because of him that my grandson ran away!”

Aunt Wang’s voice was sharp, even piercing to Chen Xian, let alone to Shen Jixue who perceived the world through hearing.

Shen Jixue was stubborn. The possibility of getting the truth out of him in front of outsiders was slim. He had to persuade Aunt Wang and Pengpeng to leave first.

“Aunt Wang, without concrete evidence, don’t say such things.” Chen Xian considered Shen Jixue’s face, but he already had a strong suspicion that he was involved.

Of course, Aunt Wang refused to leave, clamoring for Shen Jixue to hand over her grandson. Chen Xian pushed Shen Jixue into the room, persuading them both until they finally left.

“Finding the child is the priority, Aunt Wang. Rest early tonight, and tomorrow morning we’ll search together. Wu Bie knows many people, he can help too.”

Realizing that making a scene was useless, after Chen Xian’s assurance, Aunt Wang reluctantly returned next door. Chen Xian even gave Pengpeng a piece of candy. As he reached the corridor, he stopped Pengpeng.

“Pengpeng, did you really hear it?”

Pengpeng was frightened by the serious atmosphere. He was unsure, “Uncle Chen, I don’t know, I don’t remember well, it seemed like something was said, but maybe not.”

Seeing Pengpeng’s reaction, Chen Xian didn’t think he was lying. He didn’t want to falsely accuse Shen Jixue, but neither did he want Shen Jixue to do something wrong. He smiled kindly at Pengpeng and patted his back, “Go home then.”

After seeing Pengpeng off, Chen Xian’s smile gradually froze. He turned back to his own home, locked the door, and walked calmly to the bedroom.

The bedroom light wasn’t on. Chen Xian stood at the doorway, illuminated by the living room light, and saw Shen Jixue in the darkness. Even though it was just a silhouette, he could feel Shen Jixue’s tension.

He wanted to use gentle words to avoid hurting Shen Jixue’s pride, but Xiao Pang had been missing for several hours, and time was of the essence.

“Xiao Shen…”

Shen Jixue heard Chen Xian open the door, and he could feel Chen Xian’s scrutinizing gaze at the doorway. He had wanted to defend himself, but as soon as Chen Xian spoke, his psychological defense collapsed.

“It was me. So what?” Shen Jixue broke down, disappointed that it came to this. He might as well leave now, no need for Chen Xian’s hypocritical care. In any case, he was just like those people—feigned compassion, nothing more.

Chen Xian checked his phone for the time. It was late. He pressed on, “What did you say to Xiao Pang? Do you know where he went?”

“I don’t know.”

“He said he wanted to find his mom, to prove to me that his mom didn’t abandon him.”  Shen Jixue felt inexplicably pitiful as he spoke, wanting to explain himself but suppressing his grievance, stiffly adding, “I really don’t know where he went.”

Chen Xian dialed Wu Bie’s number, advising Shen Jixue to rest early after a stern reminder. Then he hurried out of the house. At the moment he closed the door, Shen Jixue heard him making a call to Wu Bie.

“Wu Bie, are you asleep?”

As he listened to Chen Xian’s fading voice, Shen Jixue collapsed on the bed. His thoughts were chaotic, various terrifying ideas flooding his mind.

Had Xiao Pang been kidnapped? What if something bad happened to him? Actually, he didn’t want to harm Xiao Pang that much, at most… just wanted him to suffer a bit…

Wu Bie was awakened by Chen Xian from his bed. He yawned and met Chen Xian downstairs.

“They’ve searched several times and still haven’t found him, what can we do?”

Chen Xian didn’t mention Shen Jixue’s involvement. He took out the motorcycle keys from Wu Bie’s pocket. “I guess Xiao Pang went to find his mom. His mom lives in another district, so he must have gone far. That’s why they couldn’t find him nearby after searching several times.”

The motorcycle was parked in the courtyard. Wu Bie wanted to ride it, but Chen Xian was faster. Wu Bie could only sit behind, “Is it true or not? Let’s not waste a trip.”

As they spoke, Chen Xian started the motorcycle. He didn’t answer Wu Bie’s question because he wasn’t sure. They couldn’t just wait passively. If something happened to Xiao Pang, how could Shen Jixue face the world afterward?

At nine o’clock in the evening, the streetlights on both sides of the road flickered on and off. Chen Xian rode slowly, letting Wu Bie carefully look for Xiao Pang’s figure.

At this time, only some hoodlums were still wandering on the streets. There were no children in sight. Wu Bie leaned on Chen Xian’s shoulder, his drowsiness almost gone.

“Why didn’t we call Xiao Pang’s mom first? What if he’s already at her place?”

Chen Xian shook his head, “Xiao Pang’s mom has remarried. If Xiao Pang had really gone to her, she would have called back long ago to have Aunt Wang pick him up.”

Also, Wu Bie clicked his tongue in annoyance. Just as he was about to complain that Xiao Pang was running around for no reason, the motorcycle squealed to a stop at the roadside.

“Why did you stop?”


Following Chen Xian’s pointing finger, Wu Bie saw a small figure squatting next to a night market stall sign.

“It’s him for sure. I’ll go bring him back,” Wu Bie said without hesitation, jumping off the motorcycle.

Chen Xian reminded him, “Don’t be harsh on him.” Then he turned the motorcycle around at the intersection and parked it by the night market stall.

Wu Bie really did lift Xiao Pang up. Xiao Pang didn’t struggle, obediently curling his feet up like a puppy being carried back.

Perhaps due to Wu Bie’s notorious gruff demeanor in their building, Xiao Pang dared not speak. When he saw Chen Xian, he couldn’t hold back his tears.

“Uncle Chen… sniff…”

Wu Bie put Xiao Pang on the motorcycle’s fuel tank and said impatiently, “You dare cry? Who told you to run around? Your grandma is worried sick.”

Xiao Pang sobbed loudly, his speech unclear, unable to express himself properly. “I came to find my mom…”

Wu Bie was a straightforward guy and not good at comforting kids. He said bluntly, “Your mom doesn’t want you. Why bother looking for her?”

Chen Xian quickly pulled out tissues from his pocket and handed them to Xiao Pang, gesturing with his eyes for Wu Bie to ease up. “Alright, stop crying. Wipe your tears.”

Wu Bie’s words hurt Xiao Pang’s young heart. On the way back, Xiao Pang didn’t speak at all.

After a bit of a commotion, they finally returned. Wu Bie was yawning endlessly. He and Chen Xian parted ways on the third floor, Wu Bie heading upstairs alone. When he was out of sight, Chen Xian squatted down in front of Xiao Pang.

“Xiao Pang, Uncle Chen wants to know why you wanted to find your mom?”

Xiao Pang couldn’t hold back his tears again. He wanted to complain to Chen Xian to make him drive Shen Jixue away.

“It’s because of the person living in your house… He said my mom doesn’t want me.” Even Uncle Wu Bie said so just now. Xiao Pang pouted, feeling wronged.

Shen Jixue indeed had a stubborn temper, but so far what he knew about him was that he wouldn’t provoke others actively. Chen Xian guessed Xiao Pang must have said something to make him say those things.

Chen Xian handed a tissue to Xiao Pang to wipe his nose and said gently, “Can you not tell your grandma about this? He’s also quite pitiful. He can’t find his dad now, you know, not having parents is the most pitiful thing.”

Xiao Pang originally wanted to argue, but Chen Xian’s last sentence made him silent. He knew that feeling too well.

“His eyes can’t see well, so he’s easily bullied. That’s why he’s very defensive. Don’t blame him.”

Xiao Pang realized he wasn’t entirely right in this matter and drooped his head. “Mm.”

Chen Xian comforted him by rubbing his head. “Don’t run around like that in the future. Your grandma will be very worried. What if something happens to you?”

After calming Xiao Pang down, Chen Xian knocked on Aunt Wang’s door with him. Seeing her grandson back, Aunt Wang was both shocked and delighted. She hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her face. Soon, she became angry again and slapped Xiao Pang hard on the buttocks, only to be stopped by Chen Xian.

“Why did you go? You nearly gave me a heart attack!”

Aunt Wang was helpless. She couldn’t really hit him. After confirming that Xiao Pang was unharmed, she asked, “Where did you find him? Was it that Shen Jixue?”

“Pengpeng said Xiao Pang went to find his mom, right? So Wu Bie and I rode the motorcycle in the direction of where his mom lives, and we found him on the way.” Chen Xian didn’t mention Shen Jixue and gave Xiao Pang a subtle glance.

Xiao Pang nodded vigorously, downplaying Shen Jixue’s involvement. “I went to find my mom.”

Upon hearing this, Aunt Wang felt both heartache and anger. “Why did you go find her? Never mind, you’re back now.”

“You’re tired today. Rest early.”

Aunt Wang wiped her face, feeling a bit embarrassed after snapping at Chen Xian earlier. “Thank you, Chen Xian, for today.”

Chen Xian shook his head politely. After Aunt Wang closed the door, he breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the next door.

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