The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 14

The investigation revealed more than expected. The man, named Liu Jin, had a job and recently invested in a small business with a friend.

“He didn’t have much money before, and when he wasn’t working, he would just go dancing in the ballroom.” Wu Bie’s expression was meaningful. In other words, everyone knew how the man got his money. He added, “I heard it takes over a hundred thousand. A small office worker, at most, makes about a thousand a month.”

These days, Chen Xian had accumulated enough disappointment. Hearing this news, he remained calm, even thinking that this was typical of Jiang Ying’s character.

“What are you thinking?” Wu Bie asked tentatively, still worried that Chen Xian might have a change of heart and falter at a crucial moment.

“I’m not thinking about anything, I just want my money back.”

Chen Xian’s resolute attitude made Wu Bie look at him with newfound respect. Wu Bie then explained the current situation of Liu Jin and Jiang Ying in detail.

The two had met by chance and started frequently meeting at the ballroom where Liu Jin often danced. A single man and a lonely woman whose husband wasn’t home, they eventually got involved with each other.

Now, the two talked openly in front of Shen Jixue, who silently listened before coldly commenting, “Their business hasn’t started yet, and Liu Jin still has a job, so he can’t completely rely on his salary.” Shen Jixue implied that since Liu Jin had a job, he had a weakness that could be exploited. Just as Jiang Ying could threaten Chen Xian, Chen Xian could also threaten her.

Wu Bie raised an eyebrow, looking Shen Jixue up and down before turning his gaze to Chen Xian. His eyes showed approval and a hint of surprise, as if asking how Shen Jixue had become so insightful.

Chen Xian shook his head silently without commenting, just patting Shen Jixue on the shoulder as he stood up, saying, “Xiao Shen, Wu Bie and I will handle this. You stay home and rest.”

Shen Jixue paused. Although Chen Xian had behaved naturally, he still sensed a change in the atmosphere. Unable to see, he didn’t know what kind of silent exchange had taken place between them, so he quietly agreed.

“Okay, you both be careful.”

Chen Xian gave Wu Bie a signal, and they both walked out. As the iron door closed, Wu Bie said teasingly, “Who would’ve thought? Shen Jixue’s got quite a bit of wit.”

“It’s not good to talk about this in front of a kid,” Chen Xian frowned. He wasn’t sure if ‘wit’ was a compliment or an insult, and he was also worried Shen Jixue might overhear. “Let’s go.”

As they turned down the stairs and ensured they were far from Shen Jixue, Chen Xian added, “I know, he’s afraid I’ll kick him out, so he’s trying hard to help me…”

He didn’t know how to express it; he just felt uneasy. It wasn’t that helping him or getting back his money was wrong, but that Shen Jixue was too young. At his age, he shouldn’t have to do things that didn’t match his age just to survive. Shen Jixue was living a hard life.

The walls in the old apartment weren’t very soundproof, so even with two doors closed, Shen Jixue still heard their last conversation. He collapsed on the sofa, fists clenched tightly.

He didn’t want this either, but no one understood the feeling of living under someone else’s roof. He had no support now, and even though Chen Xian was kind-hearted, he still lived cautiously. He had to learn to please people but couldn’t grasp the right measure, unsure which unintentional action or offhand remark might upset Chen Xian.

At noon, the whole building seemed to enter a siesta. It was quiet, with only cicadas chirping incessantly outside. The curtains were tightly drawn, letting only a bit of sunlight seep into the living room. The electric fan was on full blast, barely cooling the room. Shen Jixue didn’t know how long he sat there, drenched in sweat, feeling the unique summer frustration that weighed heavily on his heart.

A loud bang sounded like something heavy hit the iron door. He snapped back to reality, noticing footsteps and voices in the hallway. The temperature dropped noticeably, and he wondered if Chen Xian had returned. He quickly got up to open the door.

When the wooden door opened, the iron door was hit again, accompanied by the sound of children playing. It didn’t seem like Chen Xian. Just then, a familiar childish voice spoke up.

“The blind guy living with Uncle Chen Xian is out.”

Shen Jixue recognized the voice as Auntie Wang’s grandson next door. Since it wasn’t Chen Xian, he thought of closing the door and going back inside, but the child suddenly clicked his tongue.

“I heard my grandma say he shamelessly insisted on living here! Isn’t he embarrassed? Doesn’t he have his own home?”

The scorching sunlight hit Shen Jixue’s face directly, making him feel like his whole body was boiling. Sweat seeped from his pores, forming a thin layer on his forehead.

He strained to listen, trying to catch any other sounds, to see if there were more people around besides these two children.

Another child, more timid and not fond of adults, whispered to the chubby kid, “I’m going back, you play by yourself.”

The chubby child got upset, “What will I do if you leave? My grandma isn’t back yet.”

Footsteps echoed in the hallway as the other child presumably ran off. The chubby kid, frustrated, took it out on Shen Jixue.

“Stupid blind guy, it’s all your fault.”

Behind the iron door, the chubby kid couldn’t do anything to Shen Jixue except curse.

Shen Jixue remained expressionless, as if he didn’t hear anything. When the chubby kid finally stopped, he nonchalantly asked, “Where are your parents? Why aren’t they here?”

During his stay, even without stepping out, Shen Jixue had learned a bit about the neighbors. The next-door Auntie Wang’s son worked on a ship and had divorced his wife long ago, leaving Auntie Wang to take care of her grandson.

The air suddenly grew quiet. Shen Jixue heard the chubby child’s breathing intensify. He continued, “Your parents don’t want you.”

“You’re lying!” the chubby child screamed, his voice carrying a sobbing tone, “Your parents don’t want you either!”

Shen Jixue clenched his hands, a smile playing at the corner of his lips as he feigned nonchalance, “So why don’t you live with your parents? Why are you staying with your grandma?”

“My dad is just out working on a ship!” the chubby boy defensively responded, pale with anxiety.

“Most of the kids living here have dads who work on ships, but their moms are at home. What about your mom? Why isn’t she here?”

It was easy to break down a child’s defenses, especially one who had experienced similar hardships. Shen Jixue knew exactly where to hit, and within a few sentences, he had shattered the chubby boy’s psychological defenses.

“No! It’s not like that…” The chubby boy, still very young, lost his ability to think clearly and could only mechanically deny Shen Jixue’s words.

A malicious thought surged in Shen Jixue’s mind, “Then show me your parents. Prove it to me.”

Tears welled up in the chubby boy’s eyes. He wanted to find them, but where could he go?

“Coward. You can’t find them, can you? Just wait obediently at your door for your grandma to come back. After all, your parents don’t want you.”

Shen Jixue’s words stung the chubby boy. If he waited for his grandmother to come back, he wouldn’t be able to leave. He wanted to go out and search now, so that this blind guy wouldn’t have anything to say. He wiped away his tears. “I’ll find them!”

Hearing the chubby boy’s footsteps going downstairs, the smile on Shen Jixue’s face froze. He slammed the door shut, wishing he could shut out the entire outside world.

It seemed like everyone despised him, like everyone thought he was a nuisance in Chen Xian’s house. Would they only be satisfied when they drove him to despair? What about Chen Xian? Would he be influenced by these people one day?

By the time Chen Xian and Wu Bie got home, it was already dark. Chen Xian had specially bought dinner and hurried back, but as soon as they stepped into the courtyard, they saw a crowd of people with flashlights. Aunt Wang was sitting on the ground, wailing.

Chen Xian and Wu Bie exchanged glances and pushed through the crowd, asking a neighbor what was going on, “What’s the matter?”

“Aunt Wang’s grandson is missing.”

Chen Xian and Wu Bie exclaimed simultaneously, “What?”

“Xiao Pang didn’t come back after his extracurricular class. We haven’t seen him since. We searched around after reporting to the police, but couldn’t find him.”

Aunt Wang cried out, saying she couldn’t face her son and didn’t want to live anymore, but was eventually persuaded to go back home by the neighbors.

Having watched the boy grow up, everyone felt bad about his disappearance. Chen Xian and Wu Bie consoled Aunt Wang briefly before heading home.

When Chen Xian opened the door, the house was pitch black. He assumed Shen Jixue had gone to bed and turned on the living room light, only to find him sitting stiffly on the sofa, startling him.

“Xiao Shen, you…” Chen Xian began to ask why Shen Jixue didn’t turn on the light, but remembered that he couldn’t see, so he swallowed his words, “I thought you were asleep.”

The commotion downstairs had kept Shen Jixue awake. After his anger dissipated, he began to worry about the chubby boy, fearing he might encounter trouble or be kidnapped. But he was too scared to confess, afraid Aunt Wang would blame him.

“Xiao Shen?” Seeing Shen Jixue’s troubled expression, Chen Xian called him again, “Are you feeling unwell?”

Shen Jixue felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He stood up abruptly, swallowing hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing. Should he tell Chen Xian? Would Chen Xian blame him?

“What’s wrong?” Chen Xian put down the dinner and pulled Shen Jixue closer, feeling his forehead. The temperature was normal.

Chen Xian’s touch calmed Shen Jixue a bit. He whispered, “It’s nothing.”

Seeing that Shen Jixue didn’t look fine, Chen Xian guessed he was still distressed over his father and tried to change the topic.

“Xiao Shen, I have some news. After we found Liu Jin, Jiang Ying contacted us. She finally gave in.” Although another man being Jiang Ying’s weak spot was sad for Chen Xian, recovering the money was at least a relief, “Seeing how determined I was, she didn’t want to go to court.”

Shen Jixue’s mind was blank. It took him a while to process Chen Xian’s words, “Really? That’s good…”

“Yes.” Chen Xian’s tone lightened, but before he could say more, a loud knocking interrupted him.

“Open the door! Chen Xian, open up.”

Chen Xian paused, recognizing Aunt Wang’s voice. He sensed Shen Jixue stiffen but had to answer the door. “Coming.”

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