The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 13

Just like when he rented an apartment before, Shen Jixue was worried that Chen Xian might be scammed by a lawyer. He called his senior brother and found a trusted acquaintance to act as Chen Xian’s lawyer.

As Shen Jixue had predicted, Jiang Ying initially took advantage of Chen Xian’s character, thinking he was weak and easy to bully. So, when she found out that Chen Xian wanted to divorce her, she was first shocked, then angrily came to confront him.

That morning, Chen Xian had just finished a call with the lawyer and hadn’t had time to speak with Shen Jixue when there was a loud banging on the metal door.

The sudden noise startled Shen Jixue, and Chen Xian quickly stood up, recognizing the familiar female voice from outside.

“Chen Xian! Open the door!” It was Jiang Ying, and her voice was filled with anger.

Shen Jixue had met Jiang Ying once when he signed the rental contract with his father. He remembered her voice.


Chen Xian placed a reassuring hand on Shen Jixue’s shoulder, the warmth giving him a sense of security. “It’s okay, I’ll handle it,” he said calmly.

After settling Shen Jixue, Chen Xian slowly went to open the door. When the wooden door opened, Jiang Ying stood outside the iron gate, her face showing irritation. Her belly seemed larger than the last time they met.

This was Jiang Ying’s blatant betrayal, and Chen Xian’s tone became colder. “What do you want?”

“Chen Xian! What do you mean by this? Are you really going to sue me?” Jiang Ying couldn’t believe that Chen Xian, who was usually indecisive and soft-hearted, would take such a drastic step against her.

Jiang Ying was furious, looking at Chen Xian as if he were her enemy. Her eyes were filled with hatred, which startled Chen Xian.

“Do you have to push me to the edge? Do you know how much it costs to raise a child? Do you know how hard it is for me?”

Hearing Jiang Ying’s self-righteous tone, Chen Xian’s anger rose as well. Was her hardship caused by him? Raising a child cost money? What did that have to do with it? The child wasn’t his.

“Open the door! Let’s settle this face to face!”

Chen Xian also felt it was time to settle things, so he moved to unlock the gate.

“Chen Xian!” Shen Jixue’s voice interrupted Chen Xian’s action. He turned to see Shen Jixue walking towards him.

Jiang Ying’s voice alone had already overpowered Chen Xian. Shen Jixue, worried that Chen Xian would suffer, quickly reached his side and grabbed his wrist, whispering, “Chen Xian, don’t open the door.”

Chen Xian paused, realizing Shen Jixue’s point. If he opened the door and a conflict arose, it would be hard to explain later. He took a deep breath and tried to remain calm.

“Say what you need to say from there.”

Jiang Ying vaguely remembered Shen Jixue. She had hurriedly signed the rental agreement, noting only that the other party was a good-looking young man. She didn’t care why this young man was living with Chen Xian. All she wanted was to get rid of Chen Xian now.

With a vicious look at Shen Jixue, Jiang Ying assumed he was behind Chen Xian’s newfound resolve. Wu Bie was too impulsive to think of hiring a lawyer; it must have been Shen Jixue’s idea.

“It was you, wasn’t it? You told Chen Xian to get a lawyer. You’re young but cunning. I rented the house to you out of pity for your father, a man with a blind son. And this is how you repay me? You deserve to be homeless!”

Chen Xian looked at Jiang Ying, feeling as if he didn’t recognize her anymore. The woman who used to speak gently was now so different. Was it their failed marriage that caused this transformation? Was it his fault?

“Jiang Ying,” Chen Xian’s voice was calm and deep, “Don’t drag innocent people into this. It’s between you and me.”

His eyes were dark and unfathomable, making Jiang Ying momentarily lose her composure. She had never seen Chen Xian so serious. The once timid and honest man now seemed intimidating.

Although the shock was brief, Jiang Ying quickly composed herself and adjusted her emotions. “You also know it’s our business, Yet You repeatedly let outsiders interfere with our affairs.”

Chen Xian didn’t want to argue with her, “I’ve made my position clear. I agree to the divorce. We’ll divide the marital property as the court decides.”

Fortunately, it was a time when most people were either at work or school, and only a few hard-of-hearing elderly people were home, so no one came out to witness Chen Xian’s embarrassment.

After issuing the eviction order, Chen Xian shut the door, leaving Jiang Ying outside to curse loudly.

Jiang Ying’s curses were harsh. Chen Xian led Shen Jixue into the bedroom. “Stay in here. It’s too noisy outside.”

Shen Jixue didn’t mind. He felt Chen Xian must be suffering more than he was. Not knowing how to comfort him, he listened as Chen Xian said, “We can’t control her. She’ll leave when she’s tired of cursing.”

Her loud voice would certainly disturb the neighbors upstairs and downstairs.

“If people hear it, they’ll definitely laugh at you.”

“What can I do? Let them laugh. Things are already like this. She doesn’t care about her reputation, so what can I do?” Even though he was completely disappointed in Jiang Ying, Chen Xian still couldn’t accept seeing her true colors. “She wasn’t like this before.”

After a while, the noise outside stopped. Chen Xian went to the living room to check and saw Jiang Ying’s figure pass by the window. Soon, footsteps echoed in the stairwell.

“She should be gone.”

Thinking about Jiang Ying’s aggressiveness, Shen Jixue felt reasoning with her wouldn’t work. Her confrontation indicated she feared a lawsuit, knowing she was in the wrong.

“Chen Xian, Jiang Ying is furious now because she’s scared.” Shen Jixue paused before continuing, “Do you know much about her current partner? Do you know their situation? You’re at a disadvantage now. Understanding more could benefit you. Jiang Ying values this man; she can threaten you, but you can threaten her too.”

Chen Xian was startled by Shen Jixue’s words. He had already come to terms with Jiang Ying being with another man, so the emotional turmoil wasn’t as intense as before. Shen Jixue’s suggestion, however, surprised him. He hadn’t expected such insight from him.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?” Shen Jixue sensed Chen Xian’s gaze and wondered if he’d said something wrong.

“You’re right.” Chen Xian responded casually, adding, “Xiao Shen, I didn’t expect you to think more than I do.”

Shen Jixue’s face stiffened. Since losing his sight, he’d endured many hidden grievances, making him more sensitive. In darkness, he naturally thought a lot, often selfishly striving for his best interests. Helping Chen Xian also helped himself; it was instinctive.

Knowing Shen Jixue meant well, Chen Xian wasn’t upset. He was just surprised at how much this seemingly naive boy could think.

“Don’t be nervous. I’m just surprised. And you’re right, your intention is to help me, and I know that.”

Not wanting the atmosphere to be awkward, Chen Xian squeezed Shen Jixue’s shoulder, trying to bridge the gap between them with physical contact.

“Recently, I’ve been focused on the divorce and haven’t had anyone look into your father’s whereabouts. Don’t worry, I’ll ask Wu Bie to help. Even minor traces can lead to some information.”

Shen Jixue nodded, lips pressed together.

In the tube-shaped building, secrets were non-existent. By the afternoon, everyone knew about Jiang Ying coming back to quarrel with Chen Xian. Wu Bie, just back from playing cards, heard the gossip and rushed to Chen Xian’s house. Chen Xian had just finished cooking dinner and was calling Shen Jixue to eat.

“That woman Jiang Ying bullied you at your doorstep, and you still have the mood to eat?” Wu Bie, with his hot temper, couldn’t hold back.

Chen Xian seemed indifferent. “Perfect timing, join us for a meal.”

Despite scolding Chen Xian, Wu Bie sat down to eat, grabbing a bowl and chopsticks to devour a few mouthfuls.

“By the way, you didn’t soften, did you?”

“Why would I? I’m not that weak. As for the rumors, people can talk all they want; I can’t control that.” Chen Xian briefly explained his thoughts to Wu Bie, expressing his desire to investigate Jiang Ying’s current partner.

Wu Bie, satisfied with Chen Xian’s progress, said, “Good, finally not taking silent losses. I’ll look into who that man is.”

Amid Wu Bie’s teasing, Chen Xian smiled calmly, then signaled towards Shen Jixue sitting nearby. Wu Bie looked at him, puzzled.

“There’s one more thing.” Chen Xian took out a small photo of Shen Jixue’s father. “You know a lot of people. This is Xiao Shen’s dad. Help us find him.”

If not for Chen Xian’s reminder, Wu Bie would have forgotten about Shen Jixue. Chen Xian, despite his troubles, still made time for Shen Jixue’s concerns.

Just as Wu Bie was about to grumble, Chen Xian pleaded with his eyes for him not to refuse. Wu Bie rolled his eyes, snatched the photo, and stuffed it into his pocket.

“Fine, I’ll look into this too.”

Chen Xian gratefully bowed and gently rubbed Shen Jixue’s head, “Wu Bie agreed.”

Shen Jixue knew Wu Bie was impatient and only agreed because of Chen Xian. But he was relieved nonetheless.

“Thank you.”

Without looking up, Wu Bie continued eating. “Don’t thank me too soon. We might not find him. You and your dad aren’t locals.”

Chen Xian gave Wu Bie a gentle shove. Wu Bie, irritated but restraining himself, tried to be more accommodating.

“We’ll see once we find him.”

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