The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced

The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced chapter 80

Extra 5 Past Life

When Yan Gu woke up the next day, he couldn’t remember the incident where Rong Xiao questioned him about his heart’s desire. He sat on the bed in a daze for a long time, unable to confirm if it really happened or it was just a dream.

He tried to ask Rong Xiao indirectly, but Rong Xiao wouldn’t tell him. Instead, he just gave him a cold look and walked away.

Yan Gu sighed, wanting to imitate a sentimental young girl. He wanted to pick a multi-petal flower and count the petals to determine whether Rong Xiao liked him or not.

He didn’t ask for much, just a little bit.

After all, Rong Xiao was a demon. He might not understand the complexities of human emotions, but as long as there was a trace of him in Rong Xiao’s heart, he would be satisfied.

He sighed and sighed in the courtyard, feeling like he was losing his hair.

He wrote a long letter to his friend Qin You, hoping she could discuss with him the possibility of him and Rong Xiao cultivating a true relationship.

When they came out of the Kunlun Secret Realm, before returning to theTen Thousand Swords Sect, they first went around to visit Rong Xiao’s two good friends—Su Meng and Qin You.

He and Qin You clicked immediately, even better than Rong Xiao’s relationship with him.

So, Qin You was the only one who knew about his feelings for Rong Xiao.

After sending the letter, Yan Gu, full of expectations, received a reply in just a few days.

Opening it eagerly, he thought Qin You might not analyze much, but she would surely give him some comforting words.

Unexpectedly, Qin You wrote only four words.

“Leave it to fate.”

Then, she used three whole pages to complain about how she seemed to be falling for Su Meng, but with Su Meng’s serious and traditional nature, marrying him would mean losing her freedom as a demon.

What should she do? Marry or not?

Yan Gu sneered after reading it and wrote a short reply.

“You’re dreaming. You like Su Meng, but Su Meng doesn’t like you.”

Qin You was so furious that she wrote back to scold Yan Gu.

The little boat of friendship was close to capsizing.

However, after a few days, Yan Gu temporarily didn’t have the energy to worry about Rong Xiao and himself.

Because cultivators from Lingyun Pavilion came to visit them.

Lingyun Pavilion was quite famous in the cultivation world. Firstly, they were known for their exceptional medical skills, and cultivators often sought their help when injured. Secondly, Lingyun Pavilion’s Fairy Bipoxian, known as the most beautiful woman in the cultivation world, had rejected countless marriage proposals.

This time, Fairy Bipoxian had come with her master to visit the Ten Thousand Swords Sect.

As the peak master, Yan Gu naturally had to attend the welcoming banquet of Lingyun Pavilion. However, Rong Xiao did not accompany him. Being a demon, he simply couldn’t be bothered with these worldly affairs.

Sitting alone in the courtyard, he had the dinner prepared by the kitchen but felt somewhat empty inside. After a few bites, he lost interest in eating and sat on the veranda, drinking.

He had become too accustomed to having Yan Gu by his side.

Since they came out of the Kunlun Secret Realm, Yan Gu had never been apart from him. For him, Yan Gu turned down many invitations from the cultivation world. Day by day, he stayed by his side, as if he naturally belonged to him. Yan Gu always had to be within his sight, making him feel at ease.

Under Yan Gu’s indulgence, his possessiveness had grown at an alarming rate. Apart from Yan Gu’s disciples, anyone who spoke a few more words to Yan Gu would incur his displeasure.

So now, with Yan Gu being away for just a little over two hours, he felt uncomfortable all over. The courtyard seemed too quiet and secluded, even the pear blossom wine in his cup lost its flavor.

He lowered his eyes, suddenly regretting not going to the banquet with Yan Gu.

He knew that Yan Gu enjoyed looking at beautiful people. However, no matter how beautiful the women in the mortal world were, they couldn’t compare to him. As long as he was present, Yan Gu’s gaze rarely strayed to others.

But now, with him absent from the banquet, would Yan Gu notice those one or two outstanding beauties? Yan Gu, with his handsome appearance resembling the clear wind and bright moon, held a high position but had a gentle temperament. Others would inevitably take this opportunity to get close to him, and perhaps… entertain inappropriate thoughts.

The more Rong Xiao thought about it, the more possible it seemed. He frowned, almost wanting to rush to the banquet and bring Yan Gu back.

But after some contemplation, he realized that doing so would only cause trouble for Yan Gu. He reluctantly restrained himself.

Drinking half a jar of pear blossom wine, he heard some movement at the courtyard gate. He thought Yan Gu had returned, and his eyes brightened.

However, he quickly realized he was mistaken.

It was Yan Gu’s group of disciples who entered, each carrying fruits and snacks, coming to keep him company.

They were no longer afraid of his cold demeanor. Although he always looked like he had a bad temper, he had never laid a hand on the children. As they entered, they chattered and sat in a row next to him.

The youngest one, named “Ruo Ruo,” climbed into Rong Xiao’s arms, familiar and at ease.

“Master went to the banquet today, and we were afraid you’d be bored, so we came to keep you company,” Ruo Ruo said seriously to Rong Xiao, feeling quite responsible.

Rong Xiao pulled the corners of his mouth, neither warm nor cold, “Well, thank you.”

Ruo Ruo didn’t mind Rong Xiao’s lack of enthusiasm, still enthusiastically sharing gossip with him. “Actually, I also want to go to the banquet and see. I heard that the number one beauty of Lingyun Pavilion, Fairy Bipoxian, is here. I really want to see how beautiful she is.”

The number one beauty?

These four words successfully caught Rong Xiao’s attention.

But before he could say anything, another disciple beside him took over the conversation, “I’ve seen Fairy Bipoxian. The title of the number one beauty is definitely not an exaggeration. She is as beautiful as a goddess, just a bit cold and aloof.”

Another disciple named Tong Xin laughed and continued, “Whether she smiles or not depends on who she’s with. This afternoon, I passed by the garden, and Fairy Bipoxian was chatting happily with our Immortal Lord. She was smiling a lot. Did you hear that? Lingyun Pavilion actually came this time to propose a marriage. They want to marry Fairy Bipoxian to our Immortal Lord.”

The little disciples all exclaimed, bombarding Tong Xin with questions.

At first, they misunderstood Rong Xiao as Yan Gu’s romantic partner. However, after these days, the entire Ten Thousand Swords Sect knew that he and Immortal Lord Yan Gu were just friends.

So, when gossiping, no one paid attention to Rong Xiao and felt that they should share gossip together.

Rong Xiao was still holding the little girl named Ruo Ruo, holding her gently without tightening his arms to hurt her.

But his face had lost any trace of a smile, becoming as dark as the sky before a storm.

He also remembered the kiss from a few days ago. When he kissed Yan Gu, his heart was pounding, as loud and chaotic as a noisy drum. But Yan Gu looked at him with irritation and reprimanded him, making his heart grow cold again.

Later, when he pressed Yan Gu for information about his crush, Yan Gu refused to disclose it.

But now, it seemed that it might be this so-called number one beauty.

A hint of hostility flashed in Rong Xiao’s eyes. He had been following Yan Gu these days, always pretending to be gentle and harmless, but his true nature was not so.

As the inexhaustible wood from Kunlun Mountain, his nature was domineering and full of plunder. What he wanted, he would never let go even if it cost him his life.

The number one beauty? So what?

Even if she gained Yan Gu’s favor, so what?

As long as she dies, Yan Gu will still be his.

The more he thought about it, the more restless and agitated he became. Even his green eyes showed a hint of crimson.

The little disciples around him gradually sensed something was wrong, anxiously glancing at him, afraid to speak.

The yard suddenly became extremely quiet.

In this silence, the sound of the door being pushed open again became particularly clear.

As soon as Yan Gu entered, he saw Rong Xiao sitting in the middle of the corridor, surrounded by a group of children, resembling a big monster nurturing cubs.

He couldn’t help but smile and asked, “Why are you all here? Have you finished your assignments?”

The disciples immediately rushed to his side, chattering and asking about the banquet, inquiring about the beauty.

Yan Gu always had a good temper with them. He answered each question and then asked about their studies before sending them off one by one as they left.

After the door closed, he walked towards Rong Xiao.

As he approached, he noticed that Rong Xiao’s footsteps had unconsciously slowed down. He curiously asked, “What’s wrong with you? Why do you look so unhappy?”

Rong Xiao did indeed seem unhappy.

When Yan Gu returned, Rong Xiao restrained the hostility throughout his body, no longer adopting a demeanor ready for bloodshed.

As he looked at Yan Gu, there was even a hint of grievance in his eyes. His emerald green eyes were like a lake shrouded in mist, softening Yan Gu’s heart.

Seeing Rong Xiao’s silence, Yan Gu had to make his own guesses. Sitting beside Rong Xiao, he held his hand and softly asked, “Did I come back too late? Are you upset? Or is it because I didn’t take you to the banquet?”

Rong Xiao’s lips moved. He wanted to ask Yan Gu if he truly intended to marry, if that Fairy Bibo was prettier than him, and if Yan Gu would prefer her over him. However, he didn’t dare to ask, fearing an answer he couldn’t bear.

Meanwhile, Yan Gu continued to comfort him, “I won’t be back so late next time. Today was a rare opportunity to meet friends, and I chatted a bit longer. If you want to come with me to the banquet next time, I’ll take you.”

Hearing this, Rong Xiao’s heart softened even more. He reached over and held Yan Gu’s fingers, embracing him. Yan Gu’s slender body fit perfectly in his arms.

Rong Xiao, like a large beast, rubbed against Yan Gu’s neck. “Don’t leave me alone again, okay? I don’t like it.”

Yan Gu found it amusing but also loved how much Rong Xiao cared. He readily agreed, “Okay, I promise.”

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