The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced

The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced chapter 77

Extra Past Life Side Story 2

Yan Gu gazed at Rong Xiao’s extraordinary face, feeling a bit ambiguous in his thoughts.

The word “companion” coming from Rong Xiao’s beautiful thin lips was enchanting, making his bones feel half-melted. Unable to resist, he felt a bit restless.

When his master asked him why he brought back the divine wood from Kunlun, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He stammered and couldn’t answer because he felt guilty.

He clearly had developed feelings for Rong Xiao.

During these months of close companionship, he initially thought Rong Xiao was amusing. Despite his beautiful and clever appearance, Rong Xiao could be easily pleased at times.

However, as he continued to amuse him, Yan Gu unconsciously invested genuine feelings. All his emotions seemed to revolve around Rong Xiao.

Under the pretext of friendship, he brought Rong Xiao out of Kunlun.

But when it came to having any inappropriate thoughts about Rong Xiao, he absolutely did not. He just enjoyed having Rong Xiao by his side, feeling happy.

Taking advantage of the situation, he secretly wished, ‘I actually hope you would be my companion.’

But he explained seriously, “No. My fellow disciples misunderstood. Seeing me bring back such a good-looking person, they thought I was having good fortune in love. I’ll explain to them later, so they won’t bother you.”

After a brief pause, Rong Xiao understood Yan Gu’s intention.

Yan Gu didn’t have a companion, and he didn’t want him to be his companion either.

He gave Yan Gu a cold look, emitting an unhappy atmosphere from head to toe.

Yan Gu had no idea where he went wrong, unable to figure it out for a while.

At night, Yan Gu had to meet with the Sect Leader for something. Before leaving, he was worried about Rong Xiao getting bored and finding trouble while he was away.

So, he brought him to his study, handed him a bunch of random books, and said, “Here, since you like reading strange tales, have these. Behave and wait for me to come back.”

Rong Xiao, still displeased, responded with a lukewarm acknowledgment.

Sighing, Yan Gu thought to himself that he brought such a troublesome ancestor home.

The Sect Leader’s meeting with Yan Gu was for a significant event. There was a flower appreciation banquet in half a month, where many sects would participate. It was ostensibly for flower appreciation, but in reality, it was an opportunity for various sects to discuss and exchange views on cultivation. As the representative face of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, he naturally had to attend.

While he had never refused to attend the event in the past, this year he hesitated because of Rong Xiao. He was afraid that someone might notice his identity at the flower banquet.

He vaguely said, “I might have something at that time, maybe I’ll be in seclusion. If I can’t make it, let Elder Ruosong go on my behalf.”

The Sect Leader didn’t insist, and whether Yan Gu went or not, it was still a display for their Ten Thousand Swords Sect. If Yan Gu wasn’t willing, then it could be considered.

“Let’s decide when the time comes.”

After discussing the event with the Sect Leader, Yan Gu took his leave.

Originally, he was going straight back to his courtyard. However, after leaving the main peak, he remembered that there was a kitchen used for preparing novel dishes for the elders. He stopped by and ordered a box of pastries to bring back to Rong Xiao.

Even though cultivators had long abstained from regular meals, there were still some who were fond of delicious food. Yan Gu was one of them, so the cooking skills of the kitchen were quite good.

When he brought the box back, as soon as he entered the study, he saw Rong Xiao sitting in the same spot as before. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw his well-behaved appearance.

He placed the food box on the table and was about to talk to Rong Xiao when he noticed him looking intently at a book in his hands. Yan Gu, curious, asked, “What are you so engrossed in?”

As he spoke, he approached to take a look.

Upon seeing the content of the book, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Rong Xiao wasn’t reading anything else but the explicit romance novels he had secretly bought from the foot of the mountain! And they were illustrated!

He felt his blood rushing up to his head, his face turning red, and his eyes unbelievably moist. He still scolded Rong Xiao, “Why are you rummaging through my things!”

Rong Xiao, however, was even more unhappy. The book was snatched away before he could finish reading it.

“You put it on the shelf; why can’t I read it?” He raised his chin, displaying dissatisfaction on his beautiful face, and brought up old grudges with Yan Gu, “Didn’t you say that everything of yours is mine, and we have no boundaries between us?”

Yan Gu was left speechless.

However, he was still just a young man in his early twenties. It was too embarrassing to be caught with explicit content by his crush. He looked at Rong Xiao with anger, on the verge of tears. His eyes, round and moist like a cat’s, had a hint of redness, as if he had been bullied but was trying to hold back his tears.

Rong Xiao, under his gaze, inexplicably felt a bit guilty and short of breath.

After a moment of silence, remembering that Yan Gu was several thousand years younger than him, he found no harm in compromising a bit.

“Alright, if you don’t want me to see, then I won’t. I don’t care about such trivial matters. It’s just a book with people naked,” Rong Xiao dryly found a way out for himself, “here, hide it better so I won’t find it.”

Yan Gu, holding the romantic novel, just wanted to smash it on Rong Xiao’s head.

After staring at each other for a while, they both eventually took a step back.

Yan Gu silently repeated to himself ten thousand times that he shouldn’t argue with an ignorant person. He reluctantly swallowed down the anger in his heart.

He took out the box of snacks to share with Rong Xiao. The kitchen deliberately kept them warm, so the snacks were still tepid. Since Rong Xiao didn’t like sweets, Yan Gu intentionally ordered more savory ones.

As the two chatted, they managed to brush off the previous dispute like children having a fierce brawl but quickly making up.

Yan Gu noticed a crumb on the corner of Rong Xiao’s mouth and reached out to wipe it away, teasing him, “You drop crumbs while eating.”

Rong Xiao lowered his head to look and, naturally, bowed his head. He used his tongue to clean off the crumb from Yan Gu’s fingertip, making a playful turn with his tongue.

Yan Gu froze, feeling as if a flame had ignited on his fingertip, burning all the way to his heart. His face blushed again, resembling small persimmons hanging from a tree. He wanted to scold Rong Xiao but, seeing his clear eyes, couldn’t bring himself to say anything. He just pretended nothing happened and stuffed a piece of osmanthus cake into his mouth.

This late-night snack left Yan Gu physically and mentally exhausted, and he finally endured until bedtime.

After such a day, he felt weary and just wanted to lie in bed peacefully, sleeping until noon the next day.

He had prepared a guest room for Rong Xiao, right next to his own room. Whatever happened, he could hear it, and the room’s arrangement was tailored to Rong Xiao’s preferences.

He thought Rong Xiao would be satisfied, but he didn’t even spare a glance at the guest room. Instead, he resolutely insisted on crawling into Yan Gu’s bed.

Once in Yan Gu’s bed, he looked like a picturesque beauty indulging in springtime sleep. His long hair spread over the pillow, and he wore a sheer white undershirt. His chest muscles were faintly visible through the open neckline, and he raised an eyebrow slightly.

Yan Gu, unresisting, swallowed another mouthful of saliva and averted his gaze from Rong Xiao’s chest.

However, Rong Xiao, completely unappreciative of the celestial showdown happening in Yan Gu’s mind, sat up, crossed his arms, and looked at him coldly.

“Don’t you want to sleep with me?” Rong Xiao questioned him, sounding like a beautiful lady interrogating her lover. “If you really dislike it, I can go back to Kunlun right now.”

Great, now he’s using the threat of returning home. Yan Gu looked at him with mixed feelings, deeply suspecting that he had learned how to argue from mortal wives.

But the conversation had reached this point, what more could he say?

He pinched his brow, reluctantly surrendering.

“Fine, sleep wherever you want. If you want to sleep with me, then sleep with me.”

Only then did Rong Xiao reluctantly accept. When Yan Gu lay down, he, like an octopus, embraced him and even sniffed Yan Gu’s freshly washed hair, mumbling, “Smells nice.”

Yan Gu stared out of the window at the moonlight.

Unable to bear pushing Rong Xiao away and unable to control his lively heartbeat.

In the end, he could only chant the calming incantation all night.

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