The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced

The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced chapter 74

Revisiting the Past

Wen Yan was full of anticipation about returning to Ten Thousand Swords Sect. After all, it was the place where he had lived in his previous life.

However, as they approached the peak of Ten Thousand Swords Sect, he felt a bit of hesitation, reminiscent of the feeling of returning to one’s hometown.

Three thousand years had passed, and those fellow disciples who had once been close companions had long turned into dust. There was only him, seizing the opportunity of reincarnation, bypassing the cycle of life and death with a sip of Meng Po’s soup, still remembering the various experiences of his past life.

The first place Wen Yan went was the main peak of Ten Thousand Swords Sect. Without requesting the reception of the sect master, the two of them casually strolled around.

Standing on a high point with Rong Xiao, they watched the junior disciples practicing and chatting on the field. The young boys and girls played and teased each other, and a smile involuntarily appeared on Wen Yan’s face.

Although he was roughly the same age as the disciples present, this smile carried a touch of parental affection.

He said to Rong Xiao, “The disciples nowadays are much happier than we were back then. When I was an outer disciple, I had to get up before dawn for morning classes, and in the afternoon, I had to organize books in the library. But I often slacked off, hiding in a corner to eat roasted sweet potatoes. I even got caught by the library manager.”

At that time, due to the early wake-up, he almost lost half of his life. Every time he got up, it was painful, and he would feel sleepy as soon as he touched a book.

However, looking back now, he found it somewhat amusing. It was like when he graduated from high school and, although evening self-study seemed boring, he could still recall the joy of passing notes and playing chess with Li Zheng.

Rong Xiao looked at the disciples in white on the field, his eyes showing a slight movement.

He gently hooked Wen Yan’s finger and said with some regret, “Unfortunately, I wasn’t by your side back then, and I didn’t see what you looked like in disciple robes at thirteen or fourteen.”

When he encountered Yan Gu in his previous life, Yan Gu was already the Peak Lord, admired by all, and conducted himself with grace and charm. His every move stirred people’s hearts.

But in this life, when he met Wen Yan, Wen Yan was seventeen. Although still youthful and innocent, he had shed some of his childishness.

Rong Xiao wanted to see what Wen Yan looked like in his early teens in white disciple robes, perhaps napping in a corner behind books. It must have been adorable.

Upon hearing Rong Xiao’s words, Wen Yan’s eyes turned and, with a mischievous smile, he thought it was not difficult.

So when Rong Xiao turned around, the recently grown Wen Yan had disappeared. In his place was the appearance of a green and tender thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, with soft and chubby cheeks, a bit of baby fat, rosy lips, round eyes, and a height only reaching Rong Xiao’s chest.

He wore the white disciple robes of Ten Thousand Swords Sect, looking more attractive than all the disciples present. Like a straight and tall young poplar tree, he confidently extended his hand towards Rong Xiao, saying, “Hold me.”

Rong Xiao was stunned for a moment, then reduced his spouse by one size and picked up the small-sized Wen Yan, allowing him to sit securely on his arm.

Looking at Wen Yan’s youthful face, he felt a strange sensation, as if he had truly participated in Wen Yan’s growth.

At this moment, he didn’t seem like Wen Yan’s husband but more like an older brother next door, accompanying Wen Yan as he grew up, teaching him lessons. When Wen Yan became an adult, he could marry him.

Taking advantage of his smaller size, Wen Yan continued to act spoiled, saying, “I want to go back to my old courtyard. Carry me there.”

Rong Xiao looked at Wen Yan’s coquettish appearance, instantly understanding why the library manager repeatedly let Wen Yan off. Who could resist such a cute young man acting spoiled?

He carried Wen Yan and jumped off the cliff. Along the small path between the mountains, they slowly reached Wen Yan’s former residence.

As the Peak Lord, Yan Gu did not live on the main peak but rather with his disciples and servants on the Yulin Peak. Initially, the name of Immortal Wuyan was too famous, making the mountain livelier than elsewhere. However, now, the mountain was quiet, with only the sounds of plants and animals, no longer the lively disciples from before.

Wen Yan hugged Rong Xiao’s neck, looking at the closed gate. He felt that the gate was even heavier and more solemn than he remembered.

Just a while ago, he was joking and laughing with Rong Xiao, but now he found it hard to smile.

After jumping down from Rong Xiao’s arms, he transformed back into an adult. His attire changed from disciple robes to a green priest robe as an Immortal.

He looked up at the courtyard in front of him. Although he hadn’t pushed open the door, he could recall every blade of grass, every tree, every table, and every stone in the yard.

He remembered that, in those days, he also took in disciples. It wasn’t as solemn as his master accepting him as a disciple; it could only be considered as having their names recorded under him. However, these teenagers liked him very much. There were boys and girls, especially the girls who liked to stick to him and asked him to braid their hair.

At that time, he was easygoing and often bought hairpins and rouge for them, pampering them like younger sisters.

But now, where had those little girls who surrounded him gone?

Had they lived a good life? Did they fulfill their initial aspirations and become righteous female cultivators, defending the region?

And his senior brothers and sisters, where did they go?

He remembered his senior sister liked to wear apricot-colored clothes and was skilled with a sword. His senior brother, loyal and fond of drinking, always helped him skip classes and cover up.

As Wen Yan thought about it, his eyes unknowingly turned red. He didn’t want to cry. He thought he was strong-willed enough to face everything.

But why was he still shedding tears?

Silently watching Wen Yan’s reddened eyes, Rong Xiao, who didn’t possess Wen Yan’s tender heart, could still understand his sadness.

He reached out and embraced him, pressing him against his chest.

“If you want to cry, just cry,” he gently patted Wen Yan’s back. “It’s not shameful.”

Wen Yan couldn’t hold back any longer and burst into tears. He grabbed Rong Xiao’s clothes, and tears soaked Rong Xiao’s front.

Because of crying, his voice became somewhat blurred, but Rong Xiao could still hear what he was saying.

Wen Yan said, “I… I really want to see them, my master, senior brothers, and senior sisters, and the little disciples I took in. Are they all safe?”

He had never asked about the fate of the sect after his death three thousand years ago. He didn’t want to face the fate of these old friends.

But now that he was back, he could no longer escape.

He wanted to know about his fellow disciples. Were they able to return to the sect safely without him? Without him, did Ten Thousand Swords Sect still shine as brightly among the many sects?

Rong Xiao patted his back and told him everything he knew.

“Your master later became the sect leader and passed away two hundred years after you left. Your senior sister and senior brother both returned. Senior sister remained unmarried throughout her life but took in many disciples. Your Senior brother, on the other hand, got married and had a pair of children. As for the disciples under your name… they are all doing well. They grew up in the sect and are as outstanding as you.”

When he received this news back then, he had already forgotten everything about Yan Gu. At that time, his heart was indifferent, not paying much attention.

But now, holding Wen Yan, he felt fortunate that he had patiently listened back then, allowing him to give Wen Yan some relief now.

“That’s good…” Wen Yan rested his head on Rong Xiao’s shoulder, crying and smiling at the same time. Once again, he said, “That’s good.”

They were all doing well, and that was good.

He had a shallow connection with them, only a fate from one lifetime. In this life, he didn’t know where they had scattered, but knowing that they had lived fulfilling lives comforted him.

He raised his head, feeling a bit embarrassed, and blinked at Rong Xiao, hastily wiping away his tears.

Rong Xiao held his hand, stopping his rough movements and gently wiping away the tears for him.

He said to Wen Yan, “Because of you, they could have a lifetime of peace and joy. Ah Yan, you are wonderful. You saved the world and saved many people back then.”

The two of them lingered at the door for a while until Wen Yan stopped crying. Then, they pushed the door together.

Wen Yan, before pushing the door, thought he would see a scene of ruin and decay. Although Ten Thousand Swords Sect had been trying to maintain the place, the passage of time was inevitable.

But after pushing the door open, he froze.

Because what he saw inside the door was almost identical to when he left. Time seemed to have frozen, as if he had just gone on a long journey, and everything remained unchanged upon his return.

He saw the stone table and stools where he played chess with Rong Xiao in the courtyard, the ginkgo tree in the yard, and the waterside pavilion on the lake.

Looking through the window, he could also see furniture and soft couches, all in the same state as when he was here.

Wen Yan stared blankly at everything in front of him, and memories were brought back to three thousand years ago in an instant.

Before Rong Xiao came, he lived here alone. Although it was comfortable, he sometimes felt a bit lonely. However, when Rong Xiao arrived, this courtyard seemed to be filled with warmth.

He remembered snuggling with Rong Xiao in the study on a snowy day, looking at the snow-covered ground outside the window, and watching small sparrows leaving fine footprints in the snow. Rong Xiao held him by the waist, hugged his neck, and shared a sip of warm wine. After that sip, their lips and tongues entwined.

He also remembered Rong Xiao holding him to watch a sky full of flowing flames, using delicate vines to weave a lampshade for him, and catching a flying flame to make a lantern.

And there were nights when he couldn’t sleep well, and Rong Xiao sat beside him, reading stories to him. The stories weren’t serious at all, full of romantic and sensual tales, making him more and more heated. Unable to sleep, he would pull Rong Xiao over and share a passionate kiss.

All these memories were gathered in this courtyard.

Every corner of this courtyard was evidence of their love.

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