The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced

The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced chapter 50


The Li family wasn’t as doting as the Wen family when it came to their children. As soon as Li Zheng entered university, they kicked him out to live on his own in a penthouse apartment not far from Wen Yan’s house.

Wen Yan was familiar with the route and, as he rode the elevator to the top floor, he felt a burning sensation in his chest.

At this point, he hadn’t connected all the dots, and hadn’t figured out what had happened to Rong Xiao. He was just guessing whether Rong Xiao had gone somewhere dangerous, afraid that he would get angry, so he kept it a secret for a while.

But as he rode in the elevator with his arms crossed, he felt extremely frustrated. He had decided that when Rong Xiao returned, he would definitely give him a good scolding.

Reversed roles, even Li Zheng knew about it, but they were keeping it a secret from him alone. If someone didn’t know, they would think he, Wen Yan, was the outsider.

Wen Yan impatiently rang the doorbell at Li Zheng’s house. After waiting for almost a minute, the door finally opened.

However, the living room wasn’t occupied by just Li Zheng. Sitting beside him was Jin Yueze, both looking at him with troubled expressions.

Wen Yan couldn’t help feeling strange, and as he changed his shoes, he asked Jin Yueze, “Why are you here too?”

Jin Yueze spoke slowly, “I’ve been at Li Zheng’s house all day. When you two were on the phone just now, I was in the guest room reading manga.”

In fact, he had been staying at Li Zheng’s place for the past two days. On one hand, he didn’t want to face his uncle in the ghost realm, and on the other hand, he and Li Zheng were also accomplices. Two days ago, after Yu Bu Wen found them, he went to see the Ghost King. After explaining everything, a word prohibition was cast, silencing both Jin Yueze and Li Zheng.

Wen Yan didn’t pay much attention and simply responded with an “Oh.”

He changed into slippers and sat down opposite Jin Yueze and Li Zheng. Although his face was as beautiful as jade, he looked like a debt collector.

He casually opened a bottle of soda on the table, took a sip, and placed it heavily back on the table.

“I won’t beat around the bush. Tell me,” he said, looking at Li Zheng and raising his chin, “What do you know, and what are you hiding from me? Where the hell did that bastard Rong Xiao go?”

Wen Yan waited left and right but didn’t get any answers. His suspicions grew thicker.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?” Wen Yan looked at the two suspiciously. “Did Rong Xiao threaten you not to tell me?”

Still, silence.

The atmosphere in the room visibly sank, and it felt suffocating.

This had never happened before. Li Zheng and Jin Yueze were his childhood friends, not Rong Xiao’s. There was no reason for them to hide something from him.

A foreboding chill quietly crept up Wen Yan’s spine.

He started to feel a bit anxious and urged them, “Aren’t we still brothers? Can’t you help me instead of that old monster Rong Xiao? If he threatened you, I’ll beat him up for you when he comes back. Tell me what happened.”

The word “back” touched a chord in Li Zheng’s heart.

Because he knew Rong Xiao wouldn’t come back.

He looked up at Wen Yan’s young and lively face, thinking of how Wen Yan had joyfully and passionately arranged the proposal scene just a few days ago. His heart and eyes were filled with love. But in an instant, he was left behind, sitting alone.

This made Li Zheng feel uncomfortable and, from the bottom of his heart, unwilling.

He struggled for a while, raised his chin, and pointed to his neck. “It’s not that I don’t want to tell you. Jin Yueze and I are both under a word prohibition, and we can’t say anything.”

A prohibition is a form of control imposed by a powerful individual on someone with lower power. It can force the silenced person not to speak about a certain thing or a specific person.

To lift the curse, the one removing it must be stronger than the one who cast it.

The caster of this prohibition was Yu Bu Wen, a well-known killer god in the demon world. Li Zheng guessed that even if the three of them were combined, they wouldn’t be able to lift it.

He thought that, in any case, this prohibition would buy them some time.

But before he could finish his thoughts, golden threads like steel wires wound around his and Jin Yueze’s necks. With a light flick, a sound of rupture echoed in the air, like the shattering of jade, falling to the ground.

Li Zheng felt his neck loosen and shockingly discovered that the prohibition was lifted.

The source of the golden threads was Wen Yan’s fingertips.

Li Zheng widened his eyes in disbelief. How could Wen Yan possibly lift Yu Bu Wen’s curse?

But before he could ask anything, Wen Yan urged him, “Alright, the prohibition is lifted. Can you talk now?”

This time, there was really no reason to hesitate.

Jin Yueze sighed and said to Li Zheng, “Tell him. There’s no use keeping it a secret. He seems to remember everything.”

Li Zheng swallowed nervously.

He hesitated as he looked at Wen Yan, “Then promise me first. No matter what you hear, you have to stay calm. Think about your parents even if you don’t consider me and Yueze.”

His words were so solemn that Wen Yan’s heart skipped a beat.

But he still nodded, “You say it. I promise to stay calm.”

Li Zheng took a deep breath and slowly revealed everything he knew.

Yu Bu Wen didn’t seal his words casually; he roughly explained the reasons to him. Yu Bu Wen even said, “For the sake of Young Master Wen Yan’s well-being, you should understand how to choose, right?”

At that time, Li Zheng nodded heavily, although he was sad, he selfishly thought it might be for the best, at least Wen Yan wouldn’t be heartbroken.

But now, he had to explain everything Yu Bu Wen told him to Wen Yan. This included Rong Xiao’s injuries, the truth about the engagement, and the memories that should have been erased from Wen Yan.

Li Zheng’s words were not long, but with each sentence, the temperature in the room seemed to drop.

Jin Yueze looked elsewhere, not sure what he was thinking, but he couldn’t help glancing at Wen Yan’s expression, afraid that Wen Yan would lose control on the spot.

Wen Yan originally thought he could stay calm.

When Li Zheng hesitated to speak, he had given himself psychological guidance. He had considered the worst-case scenario, but what he thought was the worst and the actual worst were worlds apart.

When Li Zheng was halfway through, Wen Yan’s eyes even showed confusion, suspecting that Li Zheng was lying to him.

The old monster was so powerful, the most formidable backing in the demon world, the controller behind the demon control bureau. Everyone relied on his every word.

How could he suddenly reach the point of exhaustion?

Wen Yan genuinely felt that this was too absurd from the bottom of his heart.

He was Rong Xiao’s intimate partner. Just two days ago, he had kissed and hugged Rong Xiao. Rong Xiao was fine everywhere, holding him to watch the changing scenery outside the window, using magic to carve a lotus flower for him. There was no sign of fatigue.


Rong Xiao had just agreed to his proposal, saying they would be together forever. How could he just give up like this?

He didn’t believe it.

But then Wen Yan remembered the injuries on Rong Xiao’s body.

He had witnessed the injuries, deep to the bone, blood constantly oozing out, staining Rong Xiao’s clothes red.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt a small hammer pounding in his heart, specifically on the sharpest part. It didn’t cause pain; he just felt the heartbreak turning into ashes.

He tightened his grip, his nails embedded in his flesh, oozing blood, but he didn’t notice.

When Li Zheng paused after speaking, Wen Yan seemed to still be unaware. He didn’t say anything; the room was quiet, only the sound of breathing remained.

Contrary to Li Zheng’s expectations, Wen Yan didn’t cry. Instead, he seemed a bit numb, as if his soul had been pulled away, sitting blankly on the sofa. His fingers were gently playing with the ring hanging on his chest.

Li Zheng watched his expression nervously, wanting to speak but not daring to disturb Wen Yan.

He began to regret telling Wen Yan.

Seeing that he was still in a daze, lost in his own world, Li Zheng couldn’t hold back. He cautiously looked at Wen Yan and said, “Yan Yan, I know you have feelings for Rong Xiao, but… but, Wen Yan, you are my best friend, and your parents have only you. You can’t really do something foolish…”

He wanted to say more, suggesting they find a way to truly erase Wen Yan’s memories, to start anew as if they had never met Rong Xiao. But Jin Yueze held his hand, pointing to the corner of Wen Yan’s eye.

That’s when he saw it.

A tear hung on the corner of Wen Yan’s eye, stuck to his eyelashes. He clearly had reddened eyes, but he held back, refusing to let the tears fall.

But eventually, the tear dropped onto the back of his hand, leaving a transparent trail.

Li Zheng fell silent, not daring to say more.

After a while, he heard Wen Yan asking, “Do you know where Rong Xiao went? How far has his condition progressed? How many more years can he live?”

Wen Yan asked this question with extreme reluctance.

As if admitting it would confirm that Rong Xiao’s time was running out.

But he had to ask; he had to know about his lover’s situation from someone else’s mouth.

But Li Zheng really didn’t know.

Jin Yueze didn’t know either.

“I heard my uncle say that he seems to have gone to a villa in the mountains for recuperation. But I don’t know the specific location. As for how far his condition has progressed, my uncle refuses to say,” Jin Yueze sighed. “But considering how hastily he left, it won’t be too long.”

Wen Yan’s fingers gently played with the bracelet on his wrist, a silver bracelet with two tear-like blue gemstones.

It was the protective item that Rong Xiao gave him. Rong Xiao didn’t take it away; it still hung on his wrist.

He stared blankly at the bracelet, thinking whether, when he was under attack, Rong Xiao would come rushing over.

But after looking for a long time, he still couldn’t make a move.

He was eager to see Rong Xiao, to question him, to have a quarrel. But at the same time, he was afraid.

He didn’t know what to say to him, how to resolve all this.

He was also afraid that Rong Xiao had made up his mind to let him go, erasing his memories again after meeting.

His mind was in chaos, and he couldn’t figure out what he really wanted.

The only clear thing was the sadness, deep into his bones, almost hollowing out his heart.

He wondered… What kind of feelings did Rong Xiao have for him during these days?

When he took his ring, lied that he wanted to spend his life with him, and planned the wedding decorations, what was Rong Xiao really thinking?

Wen Yan bit his lip, and finally couldn’t hold back the tears. Although tears were already all over his face, his sobbing was stuck in his throat, more pitiful than loud wailing.

He realized… Rong Xiao was just a liar.

A liar who deceived him while he was in a dream, leaving him to face this messy reality alone.

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