The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced

The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced chapter 5

Public Execution

Not long after finishing dinner, Wen Yan returned to his room.

The housekeeper’s cooking skills were excellent, deserving a five-star rating. Wen Yan felt a bit bloated as he went upstairs.

It’s not that he didn’t want to spend more time with Rong Xiao, but his wayward heart was not immune to Rong Xiao’s beauty. The more he looked, the more his heart raced.

Staying longer might be detrimental to his health, so Wen Yan, after careful consideration, reluctantly chose to take a shower.

Since they wouldn’t be sharing a room, Wen Yan didn’t wear the sexy pajamas he hastily purchased but opted for his favorite light yellow pure cotton pajamas. He looked like a giant rubber duck lying on the bed.

He lay in bed, reading game strategies to help with sleep, but due to inner melancholy, he couldn’t cultivate any drowsiness.

He was troubled about how to pursue Rong Xiao.

Although he had bravely declared today that he wouldn’t give up until he won Rong Xiao’s heart, he had no idea how to go about it.

This wasn’t entirely his fault; he had only been pursued in his life and had never pursued someone else.

Although there was an old saying about not having seen a pig run but having eaten pork, those rich second generations around him pursued people quite straightforwardly—no fate, just money.

And the models and internet celebrities they attracted were only interested in the money.

It wasn’t working well.

There was no useful reference.

The only person with a similar view on love, Li Zheng, was still single.

Wen Yan sighed heavily, feeling that his situation was tough.

He originally thought that with his looks, whoever he set his eyes on would be easily captivated. Who would have thought he’d fall for someone even better-looking than himself?

Yes, only a little better. Even if it was his future husband, Wen Yan wouldn’t deny his own good looks.

After much thought, he decided to seek help from books.

Using a search engine wouldn’t work; those results were full of advertisements.

Knowledge is the ladder of human progress. Just as there are books teaching cooking and gardening, there must be books teaching romance.

Wen Yan took out his phone, opened a shopping app, and searched. Sure enough, a page filled with books appeared, including titles like “Singlehood Cultivation Manual,” “How to Make Your Loved One Love You,” “Love Cheat,” and “One Hundred Ways to Pursue Your Dream Guy.”

Wen Yan placed an order for eight books in one go, a hundred times more proactive than when he did math problems before the college entrance exam.

After completing the payment, Wen Yan felt relieved.

If he could get into A University with his intelligence, then winning over Rong Xiao through study should be a piece of cake.

He crawled into bed, this time without insomnia, and peacefully fell asleep.

The books arrived the next day at noon.

However, at this time, he had just woken up and was brushing his teeth with foam in his mouth.

So, the one who signed for the books was the housekeeper.

And then, adhering to the principle of checking the safety of the items, the housekeeper kindly opened the package for him.

So, when Wen Yan, still sleepy, went downstairs and cheerfully asked the housekeeper what was for lunch—

He saw, on the small tea table in the living room, several books. The covers seemed familiar, all in a pink and tender appearance that clashed with the elegant interior decor.

What’s more terrifying was that Rong Xiao was seriously reading them.

Wen Yan’s words were stuck in his throat when he saw the situation, and a sense of impending doom rose within him.

Once he clearly saw the titles on the cover – “One Hundred Ways to Pursue Your Dream Guy,” he almost fainted on the spot.

Public execution was nothing compared to this.

Even more terrifying, Rong Xiao noticed him coming down and actually read aloud, “To capture a dream guy, you must first understand his preferences, create common topics, prepare thoughtful gifts for holidays, but not too deliberate…”

Wen Yan was on the verge of tears, pleading, “Please stop reading.”

Calmly pointing out, Rong Xiao said, “The book says that if the object of affection is older, you can call him ‘Brother,’ and if younger, you can use a nickname. Not calling me brother is an incorrect example.”

Wen Yan, dejected, stood there, feeling that it would be more merciful to find a brick and hit himself.

The housekeeper, feeling guilty, came out from the kitchen and apologized to Wen Yan. “I’m sorry, Young Master. Your package didn’t have your name on it, so I thought it might be an unknown item and opened it to check.”

Wen Yan’s delivery name was “A Hunky Guy with Eight-Pack Abs,” clearly indicating his needs.

Wen Yan weakly waved his hand at the housekeeper, telling him not to say anything. It was too late for anything now.

Despair settled in his heart.

He sat down next to Rong Xiao, snatched the books from his hands, and sternly said, “No more reading.”

But his sternness lasted only a second before he deflated like a punctured balloon.

He covered his face, attempting to smother himself with a pillow.

That day’s lunch was also one of Wen Yan’s favorites, lamb chops, but he only took a few bites before feeling full.

Rong Xiao, on the other hand, had a good appetite.

After lunch, Rong Xiao had to go out for something, leaving only Wen Yan and the housekeeper in the house. The housekeeper diligently did household chores, while Wen Yan kept bothering him, pouring out his teenage troubles.

Wen Yan’s personality traits were evident here—he treated himself as part of the family and was quite talkative.

“Do you think my pursuit of your master has failed? He just laughed a moment ago; I saw it. He must think I’m incredibly stupid,” Wen Yan, feeling frustrated, took a bite of an apple. “I’m probably the dumbest among his pursuers.”

The housekeeper once again assured him that he wouldn’t arbitrarily open his packages next time.

But he had a different view on this matter.

“Master wasn’t mocking you; he found you cute,” the housekeeper said while storing the dishes and plates in the cabinet.

“Forget it, you don’t need to comfort me out of guilt. Where am I cute? I’m more like an idiot than cute,” Wen Yan didn’t believe it at all.

“Really, I’m not comforting you,” the housekeeper wiped his hands, took out a box of ice cream from the refrigerator, and looked at Wen Yan. “Do you know how many times Master laughed this morning?”

Wen Yan had no idea. “Three or four times?”

“Four times,” the housekeeper provided the exact number and asked, “But before you moved in, I wouldn’t see him laugh that many times in a year.”

Wen Yan was dumbfounded, biting the spoon of ice cream, unable to imagine. “Really… I thought he was quite easygoing.”

At first, he thought Rong Xiao was cold and aloof, but after real interaction, he found that although Rong Xiao couldn’t be described as having a good temper, he wasn’t bad either. Yesterday, he accidentally hit Rong Xiao’s face with his phone, but Rong Xiao didn’t get angry.

“That’s the strange part,” the housekeeper said seriously. “The Master I know, the one in the impression of the entire demon world, and the one in front of you, are different. I originally thought you couldn’t move in because the Master didn’t want to marry a human, and the Demon Management Bureau couldn’t force him to do anything. But in the end, you moved in.”

Although the butler had pulled out the contract at the time, no one had much hope. 

So when Rong Xiao really agreed, they couldn’t believe their ears.

Wen Yan understood, “So, you’re saying that I’m quite special to him?”

But the housekeeper shook his head, “I don’t know. The Master is not an easy person to move, and I’ve never seen him like anyone. But compared to others pursuing the him, you already have priority.”

The housekeeper also patted Wen Yan’s hair, “So, do your best, Young Master.”

The flame in Wen Yan’s heart reignited immediately.

The melancholic mood from earlier disappeared without a trace.

A moment ago, he was sad enough to jump off a building, and now he was starting to fantasize about adopting several children with Rong Xiao.

“I find you a good person, no, a good demon,” Wen Yan patted the housekeeper’s shoulder forcefully, “except when you open my packages.”

The housekeeper accepted this evaluation with a smile and continued to wipe the glass.

Having stayed at Rong Xiao’s house for only a few days, Wen Yan’s summer vacation balance was officially depleted.

University classes were about to begin.

At the same time, he received another piece of bad news. After looking at his university course schedule, Rong Xiao promptly enrolled him in the demon school.

Yes, a school specifically for underage little demons. In human terms, it was like sending a university student to kindergarten.

Wen Yan’s face twisted, and he even suspected that this was Rong Xiao’s revenge for his pursuit, especially since yesterday, he had made a failed matcha cake and secretly mixed it into Rong Xiao’s afternoon tea.

“I’m almost eighteen, and you want me to go to elementary school. Are you bullying me or bullying other students?” Wen Yan protested, “I won’t go!”

The housekeeper, as a former academic underachiever, empathized with Wen Yan’s feelings; otherwise, he wouldn’t have ended up studying home economics.

But this matter was irreversible, and he could only console, “It’s okay. You’re the youngest in the class, and the other demons are at least fifty or sixty years old.”

Wen Yan: “…”

He overlooked the fact that demon ages and human ages were not on the same scale.

“Then I won’t go. What can I learn in a demon school as a human? I don’t know any spells,” Wen Yan was not deceived, “And I’m the only human in the whole school. I’ll be isolated, right?”

Rong Xiao glanced at him indifferently, “Rest assured, they wouldn’t dare, even with three times their courage.”

But after thinking about it, Rong Xiao explained to Wen Yan, “Most of the students in this school are from well-known demon families. Since you’ll be dealing with demons in the future, it’s good for them to know you early on. It’s also good for them to have some respect for you. Besides, I found that you seem to have spiritual power, so learning some basic spells at school wouldn’t hurt.”

Wen Yan understood; this was a way to socialize him.

He didn’t expect to learn anything, and failing a subject wouldn’t matter. It was just a formality.

He looked at Rong Xiao, feeling frustrated. “But I still have university classes. How long do I have to attend this school?”

Rong Xiao said, “You only need to go to class on Fridays; I know you don’t have classes at the university that day. Just attend for a semester. I’ve arranged for a young member of a family subordinate to me. He’s very familiar with both the demon and human worlds and will accompany you to class.”

Wen Yan understood. He was assigned a companion.

Rounded off, it was essentially a little maid.

At this point, there was no room for further negotiation. Besides, when Rong Xiao said this to him, he was sitting right next to him, and that face, precise and targeting him, was less than ten centimeters away.

Wen Yan weakly swallowed saliva, trying to secure some benefits for himself. “If I perform well at the demon school, will you reward me?”

Rong Xiao raised an eyebrow, “What do you want?”

That meant it was negotiable.

Wen Yan’s mind quickly turned, “I haven’t figured it out yet; we can discuss it later.”

With beauty before him, let’s just go to school. After all, it was only one day a week.

“And the companion you assigned to me, how old are they? Male or female? Are they good-looking?” Wen Yan asked again.

This question stumped Rong Xiao. He rarely met his subordinates, let alone their children or grandchildren.

“It’s a male, should be handsome,” the housekeeper timely answered, “He belongs to the Bai Niao Clan, and they generally look good.”

Wen Yan was reassured, “That’s fine then.”

Rong Xiao silently watched him, his gaze not very friendly.

Wen Yan shivered and quickly explained, “Considering external aesthetics, having a good-looking companion would motivate me to study better, but you are still my favorite.”

Rong Xiao snorted, showing no signs of being comforted.

After Wen Yan left, the housekeeper spoke to Rong Xiao, “Do you know what the young master just did is called among humans?”


“Sea King. It means he has countless fish in his pond, and you are just the most beautiful one among them.”

Rong Xiao immediately grasped the deeper meaning.

He nodded and graciously accepted this knowledge.

Then, he deducted the housekeeper’s one-week salary with a backhanded swipe.

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