The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced

The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced chapter 31

Moments of Affection

In this year’s lord election, the current lord, Qing Zixuan, was re-elected. Although he didn’t have major achievements during his term, he had no faults either and maintained good relations with other clan leaders, so there was little opposition.

However, unlike the bustling Feather God Celebration of the past two hundred years, this year, the Zhuyan clan was expelled due to criminal activities, and they did not appear at the celebration. The number of participants dropped by a quarter. Even the ancestral bones of the Zhuyan clan were destroyed by Rong Xiao, leaving only three ancient bronze skeletons on the sacrificial platform.

Although the other three clans didn’t have deep emotional ties with Zhuyan, seeing the emptiness on the sacrificial platform made them uneasy. The smiles on their faces appeared forced, and they couldn’t fully appreciate the dances and prayer rituals before them.

This Feather God Celebration was unusually subdued, and even the planned events were significantly reduced.

Wen Yan sat with Rong Xiao in the high seats, feeling bored after a while.

That day, as the fiancé of Rong Xiao, Wen Yan was considered an honored guest at the celebration. He had been dressed early in a specially tailored ceremonial gown, and indeed, it looked good on him. The luxurious crimson color complimented him well, and the embroidered peonies looked vivid. However, it made him appear a bit too young, giving off a sense of immaturity.

He could feel that many eyes were on him. After all, the Zhuyan clan had been condemned for kidnapping him, and Rong Xiao had taken drastic actions because of him.

Wen Yan pondered that even though he was the victim, in the eyes of the residents of Shadow Mountain, his identity as a demonic concubine was probably solidified.

“Are you bored?” Rong Xiao, noticing his distraction, turned his head and asked softly.

“It’s okay,” Wen Yan replied honestly. “It’s just that sitting here doing nothing is a bit dull.”

“It’ll be over soon. Not just you, but most of the monsters here want to go home early,” Rong Xiao said with a smirk. “They probably don’t want to see me.”

Wen Yan contemplated for a moment before understanding Rong Xiao’s meaning.

Indeed, Rong Xiao was right. Compared to the usual festivities that continued into the late night, this year, as soon as the ceremony was completed, the lord was eager to declare the celebration over. Everyone seemed more eager than ever to return home.

At the end of the celebration, the Phoenix clan presented the unique spirit wine of Shadow Mountain to the guests. This spirit wine, prepared since the last Feather God Celebration, was precious and couldn’t be found elsewhere.

Naturally, Wen Yan received a cup.

The spirit wine, poured into jade-colored small cups, had a clear and bright color. There was no smell of alcohol, but instead, a sweet fruity fragrance. Wen Yan took a tentative sip and found that it didn’t taste like alcohol at all; it was more like sweet syrup. Satisfied, he boldly finished the cup.

Rong Xiao hadn’t paid much attention initially, as the spirit wine of Shadow Mountain had no harmful effects on humans. However, when the empty cup was taken away, and Wen Yan mentioned that the wine was quite delicious, Rong Xiao suddenly recalled the side effects of this wine.

This side effect had no impact on demons, but for humans, it was challenging to resolve.

He frowned and looked at Wen Yan, only to find that Wen Yan was perfectly fine—sober, clear-minded, and without any effects.

“What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?” Wen Yan noticed his gaze and wiped his cheek with his hand.

“Nothing,” Rong Xiao replied without saying much. If Wen Yan was unaffected, perhaps it was due to his unique constitution that made the spirit wine ineffective.

The long-awaited celebration hastily ended, and as darkness fell, Wen Yan followed Rong Xiao back to the lord’s mansion. Yu Bu Wen was already packing his bags, ready to leave tomorrow.

Wen Yan realized that he was starting to miss home. Although he had seen many interesting things during these days, it was too thrilling for comfort. He felt more at ease back home.

He wanted to go back and see his parents, as well as return to the courtyard full of flowers and plants that Rong Xiao had.

Thinking about it, he had only been living in Rong Xiao’s house for a few months, but he already felt a sense of belonging. He liked Rong Xiao’s courtyard, where plants thrived throughout the year. He also liked the sofas next to the French windows, where Rong Xiao would read, and he would do his homework. Meanwhile, Yu Bu Wen baked cakes in the kitchen.

The air was filled with a sweet fragrance, and sunlight poured in through the French windows, creating a brilliant atmosphere. Even though it was an ordinary day, it felt serene and happy.

After taking a shower, Wen Yan went to pack the special local products he had bought, sorting them by recipients.

When he turned around, he saw Rong Xiao sitting on the bed, gesturing for him to come over. Before he could understand what was happening, Rong Xiao pulled him onto his lap. Wen Yan’s freshly washed hair hadn’t dried yet, and a drop of water fell from his hair onto Rong Xiao’s pajamas.

“You don’t even know how to dry your hair. Are you planning to sleep with it all wet?” Rong Xiao scolded him, but there was no real intensity. He used a soft towel to wipe Wen Yan’s hair and then used demonic energy to dry it.

His demonic energy had always been used aggressively against enemies, mighty and overwhelming. This was the first time he delicately controlled it, all for the sake of the human on his lap.

Wen Yan, however, remained indifferent to the romantic gesture, behaving like an unromantic straight guy. He touched his dry hair and, surprisingly, his first reaction was, “Your monsters really save electricity.”

Rong Xiao snorted but resisted pushing him off. He took out something and tossed it into Wen Yan’s arms.

It was a palm-sized wooden box made of high-quality rosewood, adorned with exquisite hollow patterns.

“What’s this?” Wen Yan picked it up and shook it. “Is it for me?”

“Is there another person here?” Rong Xiao retorted.

Wen Yan immediately opened it, fantasizing for a second that it might be an engagement ring. That would be embarrassing, but he would accept it without hesitation…

Unfortunately, upon opening the box, he found not a ring but a silver-white bracelet.

Rong Xiao took the bracelet, grabbed Wen Yan’s wrist, and helped him put it on. He explained, “Since the glass bead I gave you before is gone, I made a new one. You can wear this bracelet without feeling anything, so there’s no need to take it off. If you encounter danger again, it can help you resist for a while—enough time for me to arrive.”

Wen Yan understood.

This was specially designed for him. The previous glass bead only served as an alarm, while this bracelet served both as an alarm and a self-defense item.

Wen Yan raised his wrist to take a look. The bracelet did indeed fit his wrist almost unnoticed. It was a silver-white open bangle with two ends embedded with polished blue gemstones, shimmering brightly.

“Do you like it?” Rong Xiao asked casually.

Wen Yan immediately answered, “I like it.”

He turned around and looked at Rong Xiao, rubbing against Rong Xiao’s shoulder like a cat. Sitting in Rong Xiao’s arms, swinging his legs, he acted coquettishly with great skill.

Rong Xiao didn’t push him away; they sat like that in each other’s arms for quite a while.

Both of them were well aware of the ambiguous atmosphere, but neither of them mentioned it. Only the faint sounds of autumn insects outside the window could be heard, creating a background noise that seemed to echo through the silent night.

Late at night,

Wen Yan fell asleep quickly that night. Perhaps thinking about going back tomorrow, he relaxed entirely and soon drifted into a dream.

Rong Xiao, on the other hand, couldn’t fall asleep. He left a lamp by the bed, casting a faint light on the ancient book in his hand. This book, which he had found recently, recorded many unknown treasures. Reading it before bedtime helped him pass the time.

However, after a short while, he heard uncomfortable and muffled groans mixed with a hint of low moans coming from beside him. It sounded like someone was in distress, yet there was a sense of pleasure in it.

Rong Xiao immediately realized that something was wrong.

He lifted the quilt and saw that Wen Yan’s nightshirt had been pushed aside, exposing his fair skin, tinged with a light blush. Wen Yan’s face was flushed, and sweat covered his forehead. He seemed to be biting his lips in discomfort.

Rong Xiao knew immediately that something had gone wrong, likely due to the spirit wine he had consumed at the celebration.

This spirit wine contained many herbs and had a certain exhilarating effect. While it was almost imperceptible for supernatural beings, it was a strong stimulus for a young human like Wen Yan.

Thinking that the wine had not taken effect on Wen Yan during the night, Rong Xiao didn’t expect this delayed reaction.

Wen Yan, at this moment, was finally awakened by the heat.

His mind was a mess, and everything in front of him seemed hazy, but he could still recognize Rong Xiao.

Instinctively, he grabbed Rong Xiao’s sleeve and called out to him, “Rong Xiao…”

His voice carried a crying tone, a rain-like, captivating, and lingering sound, entwining Rong Xiao like a spider’s silk.

“I feel uncomfortable…”

He didn’t know what had happened, looking at Rong Xiao for help.

Rong Xiao’s heart was in turmoil.

He held back his tightened grip, calming down for a few seconds before gently removing Wen Yan’s hand tugging at his sleeve. In a calm tone, he said, “Wait here; I’ll call the physician.”

However, Wen Yan refused.

When he heard that Rong Xiao was going to leave, he protested, raising his hand to wrap around Rong Xiao’s neck.

“No… don’t go.” He didn’t know what he was doing but knew he didn’t want Rong Xiao to leave. Like a puppy, he rubbed against Rong Xiao, even trying to kiss him.

His kisses were clumsy, random smears and licks on Rong Xiao’s lips, turning Rong Xiao’s pale lips red.

This kiss was inexperienced and inappropriate, lacking any technique, yet it successfully ignited a flame in Rong Xiao’s heart.

“Rong Xiao!” He called Rong Xiao’s name in a somewhat pleasing manner, his voice ambiguous.

The room was so quiet that Wen Yan’s groans and murmurs sounded exceptionally clear, as if they were right next to the ears.

Rong Xiao’s hand clenched. He glanced out the window, the room dimly lit, while outside was bright. The window reflected the silhouette of maple leaves.

The entire mansion was asleep, and everything seemed distant and quiet, dissipating like mist.

Only the warm, real presence of Wen Yan in his arms remained.

He lowered his eyes, turned the tables, and embraced Wen Yan.

In this silent night, he knew exactly what he was doing.

Wen Yan was still young, and his spirit bone had not matured. His body appeared slender, unable to withstand any excessive pleasure.

But that was fine.

Rong Xiao had many ways to give Wen Yan relief.

After kissing him for a while, Rong Xiao skillfully untied the belt on Wen Yan’s robe, and the quiet and elegant gray-blue sleepwear fell to the ground.

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