The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced

The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced chapter 28


Over an hour later, physicians emerged from the room and reported to the two prominent figures waiting outside, saying that Young Master Wen had already passed the danger.

They were all demon physicians, and while Wen Yan’s injuries seemed perilous to humans, they didn’t consider them severe. He just needed a few days of rest.

However, it was the most heart-stopping treatment they had ever experienced.

Two notorious fierce gods from the demonic realm stood guard outside the door, not uttering a word. The only sounds were the swimming carp in the courtyard and the wind chimes clinking under the eaves. Still, the invisible pressure made the physicians break into a cold sweat.

The treatment concluded without any issues, and Wen Yan’s chest wound had been healed. The physicians wiped their sweat, and finally, they dared to straighten their backs and talk to Rong Xiao.

Rong Xiao opened his eyes and looked at the physicians. “You have my thanks.”

The physicians waved their hands. “It’s nothing. It’s our duty. Sir, you can go in and check on the young master now.”

This was exactly what Rong Xiao was waiting for. Even he, in such situations, had to listen to the doctors. Since they said it was okay to go in, he immediately stood up and entered the room.

Yu Bu Wen escorted the physicians outside, giving each of them a prepared token of gratitude. The physicians didn’t refuse; after all, they were temporarily summoned, and two of them weren’t even locals from Shadow Mountain.

Inside the room, Wen Yan was still in a state of unconsciousness. The physicians had just informed Yu Bu Wen and Rong Xiao that Wen Yan would wake up later in the night.

His complexion was a bit pale, and his lips lacked their usual color. The blood-soaked clothes had been changed, replaced by a refreshing blue robe, making his skin appear exceptionally fair.

Rong Xiao lifted his collar, inspecting the previous wound on Wen Yan. It had almost completely healed, leaving only a red scar that would take several more days to fade.

Although he knew Wen Yan couldn’t feel him sitting by the bedside at the moment, Rong Xiao still held his hand for quite some time. His hand was a whole circle larger than Wen Yan’s. Normally warm, Wen Yan’s hand felt a bit cool now. His slender fingers, like green onions, rested in Rong Xiao’s palm.

Standing on the other side, Yu Bu Wen found it hard to adapt. He was accustomed to the lively and energetic appearance of this young master. Now, seeing him lying so quietly in bed, it was genuinely heart-wrenching.

After a while, Rong Xiao tucked Wen Yan’s hand back under the blanket. He gently rubbed his cheek with the back of his hand and asked Yu Bu Wen, “Where is the Zhuyan tribe now?”

Upon hearing the name Zhuyan, Yu Bu Wen’s eyes quickly cooled.

“In the dungeon. Do you want to bring them out for questioning?”

“Take them to the council chamber and summon the leaders, elders, and priests of the other three tribes.”

Yu Bu Wen understood.

“I’ll go now.”

A moment later, in the council chamber

Rong Xiao sat alone in the main seat, with Yu Bu Wen standing to his left. The Lord of Shadow Mountain and other high-ranking creatures from the three tribes stood below. In the center of the empty space were the Zhuyan tribe members who had committed the crimes.

It was already dark outside, and blue candle flames lit up the room. The candlelight, usually serene and gentle, appeared eerie and terrifying tonight. Rain began to drizzle outside, and the cool autumn rain, in this silent night, seemed particularly desolate.

At least, that was how it felt to the other creatures of the three tribes.

They almost dared not look at the Zhuyan tribe members in the center. The Endless Fire was the most terrifying among demonic fires. Unless Rong Xiao stopped, it would never extinguish. The Zhuyan members, now in chains, still had scorching flames burning on them. The recovery abilities of the creatures, even the strongest, could not match the speed of the flames. The air was filled with the smell of burning flesh.

Younger creatures, who were just over a hundred years old, couldn’t bear to keep their eyes open. Even though their elders warned them that he was not to be trifled with, the overly handsome creature still made them let their guard down.

But now, looking at Rong Xiao, they felt he was more terrifying and cruel than the demons in the Asura Realm. Beneath the enticingly beautiful exterior, his heart was colder and harder than anyone’s.

Rong Xiao stared straight at the Zhuyan tribe leader, Zhu Yun.

Zhu Yun, despite being shackled and scorched by the fire, still refused to bow his head.

Rong Xiao secretly thought he had underestimated this creature. Before, he vaguely remembered this demon, plain and unremarkable, face blurred as if he made no difference with or without him. Yet beneath the inconspicuous appearance hid such an ambitious heart.

He actually attempted to revive ancestors to lead the whole tribe back to prosperity.


Rong Xiao asked him, “Do you have anything to say for yourself? Although I don’t plan on hearing it, you still have the freedom to speak.”

Zhu Yun’s voice was hoarse from being burnt by the intense fire, but his eyes were full of malice as he looked at Rong Xiao.

He had prepared for so long, summoning ancestral spirits, collecting demon blood, and even killing fellow tribesmen as the first sacrifice.

Yet, it all fell apart at Rong Xiao’s hands.

“What are you proud of? I just happened to be a step late, allowing you to sit here and give orders,” he said with a rough voice. “If our ancestors were resurrected, you would be nothing more than a defeated underling.”

Rong Xiao remained unperturbed. Self-deception was something both demons and humans excelled at.

Even if Zhuyan’s ancestor were alive, he wouldn’t be a formidable opponent.

“I almost forgot. Thank you for reminding me,” Rong Xiao smiled slightly, but his gaze was icy. He addressed the lord of Shadow Mountain City, “Go bring Zhuyan’s ancestor’s remains, so that his descendants can see him one last time.”

The lord of Shadow Mountain City commanded his subordinates to bring out the hidden remains of Zhuyan’s ancestor.

The fire in the eye sockets of the remains had already extinguished, leaving only a bronze-colored skeleton. Despite the efforts of Zhuyan’s tribe to gather the soul, it had dissipated entirely.

Zhuyan’s tribe members let out a painful lament. The four clans in Shadow Mountain had an instinctive reverence and admiration for their ancestors and the feathered gods they worshiped.

As the leader, Zhu Yun had sensed that something was wrong. Ignoring the shackles on his body, he crawled forward a few steps, panic finally appearing on his face. He hoarsely asked Rong Xiao, “What are you going to do?”

Originally, he thought that even if Rong Xiao was furious, he wouldn’t harm the ancestors of the four clans. Now, he wasn’t so sure.

Rong Xiao had reached the side of the skeletal remains. With a casual gesture in the air, a flaming long knife appeared in his hand.

Back on the battlefield, he had swept through thousands of troops with a flame as his blade.

Looking at Zhu Yun with pity, Rong Xiao smiled maliciously. “Of course, I’m sending your ancestor back to dust and soil.”

After saying this, amid the stunned expressions and roars of Zhuyan clan, he raised the long knife and ruthlessly chopped it onto the skeletal remains.

The bones of the great demon were indestructible, having borne the weight of millennia, but they couldn’t withstand the relentless burning of the eternal flames.

The long knife and the flames effortlessly cut the remains into pieces, bursting into several fragments in the air, each piece adorned with flames.

Rong Xiao’s hand grabbed one of the bone fragments, crushing it forcefully in his hands. The bronze-colored bone turned into powder in his seemingly slender and beautiful hands.

Then he held this handful of powder and walked up to Zhu Yun.

He looked down at Zhu Yun, as if observing an ant, or perhaps a long-dead ghost.

Zhu Yun’s face had been burnt beyond recognition, covered in black mottles.

Rong Xiao released his grip, and the powder of Zhuyan’s ancestor scattered onto Zhu Yun’s face.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!”

A painfully agonizing howl erupted in the room, more pitiful than enduring the torment of fierce flames.

Zhu Yun shouted at Rong Xiao, “You will face divine punishment! You definitely will! Our ancestors were virtuous demons; you’ll undoubtedly face divine retribution for desecrating their remains!”

The other three demon clans also turned pale. They all worshiped the remains of their ancestors, understanding the painful scene before them was equivalent to the destruction of the entire clan’s beliefs and foundations.

Rong Xiao wasn’t just punishing Zhuyan; he was also using it as a warning to the others, indicating the consequences of committing crimes.

The remains of Zhuyan’s ancestor were still burning, and the crisp sound of crackling was particularly clear in the silent night. The firelight illuminated the room even brighter, accentuating Rong Xiao’s face, now more eerie and enchanting.

Rong Xiao borrowed a handkerchief from Yu Bu Wen, wiped his hands that had just touched the bones, and casually tossed the handkerchief on the ground.

“Divine retribution?” He looked at Zhuyan’s people in the hall, disdainfully curling his lips. “Do you think I’m afraid of that?”

He turned to the lord of Shadow Mountain City, who, unlike the other demons, managed to keep his composure.

Rong Xiao asked him indifferently, “How do you plan to handle the matter of Zhuyan’s clan?” The lord’s face twisted for a moment.

He wanted to say, “You’ve already fucking dealt with it, why ask me?”

But, constrained by the situation, he dared not.

After careful consideration, he finally spoke, “Although Shadow Mountain has been avoiding the world for a long time, it is still a city registered with the Demon control Bureau. I propose that the demons involved in this crime from Zhuyan’s clan be judged by the Demon Realm Court. Those who did not participate and the young ones can remain in Shadow Mountain and be integrated into the other three clans. Mr. Rong, what do you think about this?”

Rong Xiao seemed to smile without a smile.

The lord of Shadow Mountain City had been able to stay in his position for so long for a reason. This proposed solution followed the procedures of the Demon Realm, not protecting Zhuyan but also not exterminating them entirely.

Rong Xiao wasn’t cruel enough to drag other innocent members of Zhuyan’s clan into their demise.

However, he still had objections. Pointing to the ashes of Zhuyan’s ancestor’s remains, he ordered, “Take that mess and suppress it into the sea.”

The lord of Shadow Mountain City almost passed out at once.

Burning them was ruthless enough, and now they had to be suppressed into the sea. Even if he wasn’t part of the Zhuyan clan, he was developing psychological trauma.

But it was clear that Rong Xiao wasn’t negotiating with him. After handling everything, Rong Xiao left without even sparing a glance at the demons in the hall, accompanied by Yu Bu Wen.

Before leaving, he casually picked up a dagger from the table, threw it out, and consecutively pierced the hearts of Zhu Yun and the high priest of Zhuyan.

Demon life was resilient, so they wouldn’t die from this. However, since the injuries were in their hearts, the two masterminds should suffer together.

After Rong Xiao left, the demons from the other three clans in the room looked at each other in silence.

Several clan leaders sighed with a pale expression.

Under the dim blue lights, they could all see how unpleasant each other’s faces were. Shadow Mountain, being in seclusion, had the condition that it should not threaten the stability of the human realm, and Zhuyan’s clan happened to target Rong Xiao’s human fiance.

An elder from the Qinggeng tribe sighed, “Zhuyan tribe is at fault, but Mr. Rong is being too harsh.”

The lord of Shadow Mountain City glanced at his own clan member, “Is this the first time you’ve realized he’s ruthless?”

The leader of the Phoenix tribe snorted, “I would say it’s Zhuyan digging their own grave. They should be thankful that Mr. Rong set his own rules, always following the laws of the demon realm. If this were a thousand years ago, Zhuyan’s clan might have been instantly wiped out.”

The other demons remained silent, just sighing.

After years of Rong Xiao withdrawing and taking a step back, they had almost forgotten how terrifying a demon he was. However, after today’s events, they all remembered.

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