The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced

The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced chapter 27

The Unending Fire

Wen Yan was almost driven crazy by the ropes binding him.

Tightly bound with no room to maneuver, and it was undoubtedly crafted by demons; the earthly ropes would have been easily escaped. Now, he couldn’t move at all, and both his wrists were close to being rubbed raw. His fingertips couldn’t reach the red bead.

Meanwhile, Zhu Yun’s mood visibly improved, especially when he saw the refining formation becoming more complete.

His mood seemed to brighten, and he took the opportunity to mock Rong Xiao, apparently unhappy with him. He also took the chance to criticize the Lord of Shadow Mountain, calling him a lackey who only listened to the Demon Bureau and Rong Xiao.

“Rong Xiao is a scourge in the demon world. Establishing something like the Demon Bureau, allowing demons to coexist with humans, has forced us all to Shadow Mountain. Over a hundred years ago, my clan member killed someone from a village, and he actually demanded my clan member’s life,” Zhu Yun let out a contemptuous laugh, “Ignorant and foolish. He was just lucky not to be reckoned by the heavens. If our ancestor were still alive, he wouldn’t have been so arrogant. When our ancestor is reborn, the demon world will inevitably not be the stagnant water it is now.”

Wen Yan couldn’t bear to listen anymore. These idiot Zhuyan Clan members were just a group of antisocial demons who felt oppressed all these years. They didn’t like the current harmonious society and aimed to return to the feudal era, where demons could kill people indiscriminately without consequences.

He rolled his eyes. “Your clan member sounds like a murderer. Do you think that it’s only modern society that makes him pay for his crimes? In ancient times, he would have faced a slow and painful death. Our Rong Xiao has a good temper. You can’t even compare to his little finger.”

Before he could finish speaking, his face received a heavy slap.

The slap left Wen Yan stunned.

But he quickly glared at Zhu Yun like an enraged little lion. “F*** your ancestor!”

Zhu Yun stopped smiling.

His expression became sinister as he said coldly, “you’re just a weak little human, yet you dare to arrogantly judge the right and wrong of the demon race.”

Wen Yan felt a surge of anger.

He had never suffered such a grievance in his life. His parents had treated him like the apple of their eye since childhood. After coming to Rong Xiao, Rong Xiao also protected him and was reluctant to let him suffer any harm.

Now, this flat-haired demon in front of him dared to hit him!

When he finally gets rescued, he would pluck Zhu Yun’s hair and cook it in a soup!

He was truly infuriated. He secretly exhaled a breath and reluctantly swallowed the blood that had risen in his throat.

He didn’t know if it was Zhu Yun’s actions that had infuriated him, but he felt that the flow of energy in his body had become smoother than before. When Zhu Yun first tied him up, he also sealed the spiritual power on him. Now, he felt that his spirit bones were working more smoothly again.

But before he could try it out, he heard Zhu Yun say, “It’s done.”

His heart tightened.

Sure enough, the next moment, Zhu Yun lifted him up. He felt like a chicken about to be slaughtered, thrown into the formation they had been drawing, facing Zhuyan’s ancestor’s bones.

Wen Yan discreetly retreated. His fingertips were almost touching the glass bead. He could crush it at any moment.

But a hand stretched out from the side and forcibly took the glass bead away.

He looked up and met the gloomy face of the High Priest. This face he recognized, the High Priest of the Zhuyan Clan.

After taking the bead, the High Priest offered it to Zhu Yun. Holding the bead, Zhu Yun sneered, “I underestimated you. I didn’t expect Rong Xiao to value you so much.”

Zhu Yun held the bead between his fingertips, feeling cautious. He originally thought Rong Xiao wouldn’t care about this human, but now, it seemed uncertain.

Not wanting any trouble in the long night, he ordered the other unrelated clan members to step back, leaving only the High Priest on the sacrificial altar.

“Go ahead,” Zhu Yun commanded. “Don’t leave any loose ends.”

The High Priest nodded, pulled out a dagger from his waist, and stepped towards Wen Yan.

Wen Yan felt genuine panic this time.

His already fair complexion became even paler.

He tried to step back, but the entire sacrificial altar was empty, with nowhere to hide. In the midst of his panic, he could vaguely see the ancestral bones of Zhuyan, almost golden under the sunlight, with red flames flickering in the hollow eye sockets like dim ghosts.

But before he could look for a second time, the gloomy High Priest pressed his shoulder with one hand, raising a dagger high with the other—

These Zhuyan Clan members didn’t follow the rules of villains. They didn’t babble before taking action, not even giving Wen Yan a chance to say his last words.

Wen Yan’s breathing almost stagnated, and all he could see in his line of sight was the snowy white and chilling dagger.

In an instant, many things flashed through his mind. He remembered his parents waiting for him to come home, Li Zheng asking him when he would return, and Yu Bu Wen asking him which kind of flower tea he wanted to drink in the morning.

He also recalled the confession under the tree, the fireworks exploding in the sky…

As these images flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern, the High Priest’s hand descended.

In movies, the protagonist always manages to turn the tide at this moment.

But in reality, nothing happened.

The dagger pierced through Wen Yan ribcage.


The sound of a knife cutting through flesh and blood.

The red blood quickly soaked Wen Yan’s white clothes.

For the first time in his life,he felt this kind of pain.

It was real pain, not the kind of playful pain he exhibited when scalded by hot water and coaxed by Rong Xiao.

He could even feel the blood draining from his body…

But he endured it, refraining from screaming.

“The sacrifice begins.”

The High Priest pulled the knife out of Wen Yan’s body.

He raised the blood-stained knife high for the tribe to see before descending from the altar.

Wen Yan was left alone on the altar.

He was wearing an ivory-white robe with the embroidered pattern of a dim orchid on the cuffs, reminding him of the day Rong Xiao took him on a date.

That day, he kissed Rong Xiao, marking their first kiss.

He had been confident that Rong Xiao would come to save him.

But now, lying on the altar, his body growing colder, he wondered if Rong Xiao would indeed come.

He was confident that Rong Xiao would not abandon him.

Unfortunately, he didn’t know if he could hold on until then.

If only he had kissed Rong Xiao again earlier, at least having a passionate moment under the peony tree.

Wen Yan thought ironically.

His mouth tasted like blood, and he glanced laboriously towards the edge of the altar.

The fanatical Zhuyan tribe members were staring in that direction, a bunch of criminals without a shred of mercy.

Wen Yan couldn’t imagine what his parents would do if he died here.

Others might be fine; Rong Xiao and Yu Bu Wen were big shots in the demon world. Li Zheng and Jin Yueze would have other friends. But his parents had only him, raised him with hardships until he turned eighteen. What would they do if he were gone?

If only he had persuaded his parents to have a second child.

Feeling bitter, tears finally streamed down his face.

But just a few seconds later, he suddenly saw a raging fire ignite at the edge of the altar.

This fire, whose source was unknown, bloomed like a red lotus, swiftly engulfing the Zhuyan tribe members gathered around the altar.

In the midst of this endless flame, a familiar figure approached, walking through the fire. Clad in red, he almost blended with the flames, his features seductive, yet his expression ice-cold.

Wherever he went, the flames burned like scorching lava, easily swallowing the demons attempting to resist.

Wen Yan widened his eyes.

It was the first time he had seen Rong Xiao in such a godlike appearance.

When at home, Rong Xiao was mostly in a retired state, liked wearing light-colored clothes, and seldom showed any emotions, appearing like nothing could rile him.

But now, watching Rong Xiao from the altar, Wen Yan could vividly sense the killing intent emanating from him. The demons trying to stop him were like paper mache, unable to touch him, instantly turning into wriggling shadows on the ground.

Yet, Wen Yan didn’t find this version of Rong Xiao frightening. Watching that figure in red rushing toward him, with boundless flames behind him, Wen Yan felt that the dust had finally settled.

Just like the hero always arrived last, even if he was a little late, he would always save the hostages.

As he lay on the altar, his body becoming colder, Wen Yan felt dizzy from blood loss. He couldn’t say anything to Rong Xiao, but the scene before him became hazy, and he lost consciousness.

Before he fainted, his last impression was of Rong Xiao’s eyes.

No longer the familiar emerald green, but an incredible golden-red, like a setting sun sinking into gold.

Rong Xiao lifted Wen Yan and swiftly flew back to the City Lord’s Mansion. Physicians were already waiting, and they immediately began treating Wen Yan, doing their best to save him.

Rong Xiao stood outside.

He could smell the scent of blood in the air and hear the physicians talking softly, passing things back and forth.

Wen Yan remained silent and motionless, unconscious, making Rong Xiao uncontrollably anxious.

He knew Wen Yan’s injuries were not fatal, and demon healers were not like human doctors. Even if Wen Yan was on the brink of death, there were plenty of ways to bring him back.

In a few days, Wen Yan would be bouncing around again.

But before him, the scene of Wen Yan lying on the altar kept replaying.

He broke into the forbidden area behind the Feather God Temple, thinking he wasn’t too late…

But as he looked up amidst the raging fire, he saw Wen Yan lying alone on the altar, surrounded by bright red blood, even more vivid than the flames.

If he had come a moment later, Wen Yan’s blood would have drained, pouring into the ancestral remains of the Zhuyan tribe. Wen Yan himself would have turned into a pile of white bones.

With just a brief recollection, a murderous intent appeared in Rong Xiao’s eyes.

He lowered his gaze to the blood on his clothes – Wen Yan’s blood, now dried up and turned into a deep brown stain.

He was never a gentle and healing wood-type demon.

He was the only Endless Wood beneath Kunlun Mountain.

Born to burn everything with the endless fire.

Footsteps echoed in the corridor, and Yu Bu Wen walked over, holding a knife, and sat down next to him.

Glancing into the room, he knew that physicians were treating Wen Yan.

Wiping the blood off the knife, he reported to Rong Xiao, “All the Zhuyan tribe members have been captured. The tribe leader and elders were severely injured by your fire. They are hanging on, and Lord of Shadow Mountain dared not take action without your orders. They are all waiting for your decision.”

Rong Xiao closed his eyes briefly. “Let them wait.”

Only when Wen Yan was confirmed safe did he have the time to deal with these waste beings.

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