The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced

The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced chapter 23

I want the demon I like to also like me

It had been centuries since Rong Xiao last visited Shadow Mountain. For demons, a hundred years was but a fleeting moment, yet over the years, Shadow Mountain had established connections with the outside world and even developed tourist attractions.

During breakfast, Wen Yan struck up a conversation with a young demon nearby.

“What fun things do you have here? Anything different from the human realm?” Wen Yan asked.

The little demon was a young priestess from the Phoenix Bird clan, with a round face, red long hair, and straightforward speech.

“These tourist attractions are just meant to attract outsiders; the landscapes are similar to the human realm. However, there is a Feather God Festival parade at night; it’s quite entertaining. Not many outsiders get to participate, but the Mermaid Troupe’s songs and dances are right after the parade,” the little Phoenix Bird demon explained, “But we have many unique things here, such as jade, branches of the Love Yearning Tree, and various spices. You can take some with you.”

Wen Yan was delighted; the little Phoenix Bird was quite talkative. The two chatted for a whole morning, even gossiping about the ex-boyfriends of her sisters within the clan.

“I just think male demons are boring; they don’t understand romance. I want a mermaid sister as a partner, someone gentle and good-looking,” the little Phoenix Bird remarked.

Wen Yan gave her a thumbs up, “Ambitious. I’d choose a mermaid too if I were you.”

The two like-minded kids immediately exchanged a playful touch.

Rong Xiao, with a headache, pressed his temples; his morning had been incessantly noisy.

If he had known, he wouldn’t have gone out to eat with Wen Yan according to his wishes. He should have just eaten in the room for some peace.

Fortunately, the little Phoenix Bird was soon called away by her attendants, and before leaving, she waved goodbye to Wen Yan, inviting him to visit her home sometime.

“Sure, if you have time, come to the human realm too. I promise to entertain you,” Wen Yan cherished his new friend.

It felt like separating kindergarten classmates.

Rong Xiao twitched his lips, suddenly realizing that, despite some demons disliking Wen Yan because of him, Wen Yan seemed to easily win the favor of other demons in actual interaction.

After breakfast, Wen Yan dragged Rong Xiao out for a stroll.

Before leaving, he even changed into local Shadow Mountain clothes.

The demons in Shadow Mountain typically wore long robes. Wen Yan chose one with a white base and red stripes, clean and elegant. He handed Rong Xiao a set of bright red robes with minimal decoration, only simple cloud patterns on the cuffs, dignified and imposing.

“I seem to have never seen you in such bright-colored clothes before,” Wen Yan remarked.

Unable to resist Wen Yan, Rong Xiao changed into them.

He didn’t avoid Wen Yan’s gaze, directly unbuttoning his clothes. His well-defined, slender figure was fully exposed in the morning light. Wen Yan’s eyes almost stuck to his abdominal muscles.

Once he had changed, Wen Yan was even more captivated.

He had mostly seen Rong Xiao in pale blue or light green clothes before. Even though Rong Xiao rarely smiled, the clothes still brought out a sense of gentleness.

Now that Rong Xiao was in these fiery colors, his dominant and captivating beauty was fully highlighted. His eyes exuded an intimidating presence, making people involuntarily submit, yet unable to resist admiring his beauty.

Wen Yan regretfully cursed himself for not turning eighteen sooner.

How much longer would he have to wait for the day he could openly admire such beauty!

Rong Xiao noticed Wen Yan’s gaze.

“If you keep staring, your eyes will fall out,” he teased, poking Wen Yan’s forehead with his finger, feeling a sense of secret satisfaction. He enjoyed taking advantage.

Wen Yan didn’t argue; he was indeed captivated.

“Why do you always like plain-colored clothes? Although you look good in blue, red really suits you,” Wen Yan commented.

Rong Xiao remained silent.

In fact, he used to wear red quite often in his earlier years.

But one day, he began cultivating himself, and even his choice of clothes favored lighter colors like pale blue and gray. He had forcibly created an image of tranquility and detachment.

Wen Yan pulled Rong Xiao out for a stroll, buying a tourist guide and wandering aimlessly.

Indeed, as the young Phoenix mentioned, many sights in Shadow Mountain were similar to those in the human realm. The unique offerings were found in the local shops.

Wen Yan stopped to choose spices. They were stored in elegant satin boxes, emitting a unique fragrance.

The shopkeeper introduced each spice, some claiming to balance life force, some to evoke memories, and others to reunite with a loved one in dreams.

As Wen Yan was happily choosing, Rong Xiao stood by, listening. When it came to spices that could bring about encounters in dreams, he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow.

The shopkeeper recommended, “These are gifts from the Feather God. Planting them will fulfill your wishes.”

Wen Yan was delighted, considering how many he needed. “For my parents, for Li Zheng and Jin Yueze, for the class president and the student council members, and a few for the school in the demon realm…”

Rong Xiao, who was listening, finally felt dissatisfied when Wen Yan mentioned gifts for everyone, even those unrelated to the trip.

“Why don’t I get one?” Rong Xiao asked.

Wen Yan, surprised, looked at him. “Didn’t you sort out a bunch of fragrances from the warehouse recently, gifts from others?”

All were top-quality products from prestigious families, flooding the place.

Rong Xiao pursed his lips, wondering if this was a case of lacking or not.

However, he couldn’t force Wen Yan to buy one for him, so he just remained silent.

Wen Yan yielded, paying the shopkeeper. “Another one, the Qingwu fragrance, like the one just now.”

Fortunately, he had exchanged currency for the demon realm yesterday; otherwise, he wouldn’t have had the money to pay.

Soon, Rong Xiao also paid for a gift from him.

A much more extravagant one.

Rong Xiao bought him an entire jade carving, depicting the mountain of Shadow Mountain city.

Wen Yan found it heavy in his hands, barely holding back the words, “My grandpa would probably like this gift.”

He pitied Rong Xiao, thinking, It’s a good thing you’re good-looking; otherwise, with this level of gift-giving, you’d be single forever.

The two spent the afternoon like this. By the time the night market opened, they held hands and joined the festivities.

Compared to the regular sights, Wen Yan preferred places with a festive atmosphere. Demon vendors set up small stalls, selling various snacks and trinkets.

Wen Yan even saw a stall labeled “Human Specialty Snacks” and couldn’t help but burst into laughter. It turned out to be stinky tofu. He bought a portion of fried swordfish, a type of demon beast that looked strange but tasted good. He even fed a piece to Rong Xiao, like a child sharing his favorite things with someone he liked.

Rong Xiao was used to it and took a bite.

After finishing a fried snack, the parade for the Feather God Festival began. The procession was grand, filling the entire street.

At the front were four enormous bronze skeletons, resembling the remains of ancient demons. Although the owners of these bones had long passed away, their skeletons remained imposing and intimidating. Illuminated by the candles, they looked somewhat enchanting, with faint glows in their empty eye sockets, as if they would awaken from slumber and descend to the mortal world at any moment.

Seeing the scene, Wen Yan murmured, “The customs in your demon realm are quite bold.”

The front of the procession had a few large skeletons that seemed to belong to ancient demons, almost treated like demigods. The local demons continued to worship them.

Rong Xiao explained, “Those are the remains of the first patriarchs of the four tribes of Shadow Mountain. They were ancient demons, significantly different from the demons living today, almost considered as demigods. That’s why the four tribes still worship them.”

He had encountered these demons a few times in his early years. Now, he stood here, and these four great demons were buried deep underground. Even he felt a sense of unpredictability in the passage of time.

“Who among you is the strongest?” Wen Yan asked.

He swore he had no intention of stirring up trouble; he was merely curious.

Rong Xiao didn’t bother being modest. “I’m strong, but they are not far behind. They just didn’t fight against the Heavenly Dao, so they fell.”

Wen Yan applauded with enthusiasm, expressing his admiration with a colorful praise.

Actually, he hadn’t seen Rong Xiao’s abilities yet, but when it came to his fiancé, praising him was always right.

Rong Xiao playfully rubbed Wen Yan’s head.

The procession had moved quite far ahead.

Such festivities, occurring once every two hundred years, attracted not only the local demons but also many demons from other places. The streets were crowded.

Wen Yan, being short, couldn’t see much when surrounded by other demons.

He was worried until a hand appeared around his waist, gently pulling him upward. Rong Xiao carried him to a higher place.

Embraced by Rong Xiao, they settled on a tall tree nearby.

“This way, you can see everything,” Rong Xiao said.

Wen Yan glanced around and noticed other demons standing on trees nearby.

Looking down, he saw the entire parade. The procession members wore colorful demon-like costumes, adorned with totems peculiar to demons. They walked and danced in a way that seemed incomprehensible to humans. Beautiful women and towering men walked side by side, occasionally creating sparks around them.

When they reached the middle of the road, they scattered things to the sides.

Seeing Wen Yan’s curiosity, Rong Xiao caught one and handed it to him.

Wen Yan picked it up and found it was a seed, translucent and the size of a small finger joint, glowing like jade in the moonlight.

“Why do they toss these?” Wen Yan asked.

“These are seeds blessed by the Feather God. Demons in Shadow Mountain used to believe in the Feather God, and there is still a Feather God shrine. They think that by planting these seeds and making them bloom, their wishes will come true.”

But the Feather God had long fallen.

His bones transformed into mountains, rivers, and lakes, no longer blessing his former followers.

However, considering the well-being of children, Rong Xiao refrained from telling Wen Yan this outcome.

“Do you have a wish?” Rong Xiao asked him. “If you do, no need to pray to the Feather God; you can ask me.”

This statement wasn’t a joke. There were few things in this world that he couldn’t achieve. As long as he was here, Wen Yan could enjoy everlasting peace.

Wen Yan held the seed in his hand.

He did have a wish.

A wish that didn’t require praying to the Feather God but could be fulfilled by Rong Xiao.

The procession had moved far away, and the narrow space suddenly became quiet.

Only Rong Xiao and Wen Yan remained standing on the tallest tree, concealed among the lush leaves. No one could see what they were doing.

Wen Yan looked at Rong Xiao, and the light breeze gently lifted Rong Xiao’s black hair. His emerald-green eyes turned into a deeper forest green in the night, stirring warmth in his chest.

Wen Yan tightened his palm around the seed, its tip pricking his tender palm.

“I have a wish,” he whispered. “I want the demon I like to also like me.”

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