The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced

The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced chapter 16

Exam Results

The exam at Ronghai School came two days earlier than at A University. Due to staying up late watching horror movies the night before, Wen Yan overslept in the morning.

When he and Li Zheng stepped into the classroom, all the kids were already present, and the teacher was calling attendance while watching them enter from the door.

Wen Yan scratched his face, feeling a bit embarrassed, and dragged Li Zheng to the last row.

Fortunately, they were only two minutes late, and the teacher didn’t say much. She just announced some instructions from the podium, emphasizing that using magical tools to cheat was not allowed, and anyone caught cheating would be disqualified.

The little monsters around visibly became nervous, whispering under the podium.

Wen Yan, with good hearing, overheard two little monsters in the front row murmuring, “It’s over, it’s over. Without magical tools, I doubt I can even get into the top ten in the class.”

The other one said, “Come on, I’ll be satisfied if I can rank in the top one hundred in the grade. Otherwise, my dad will definitely punish me.”

Wen Yan felt very sympathetic. It seemed that whether human kids or monster kids, they couldn’t escape the pressure of grades.

He turned to Li Zheng and asked, “Your exams here are quite serious. I thought it was just a formality?”

Li Zheng spun his pen, “how can it not be serious? Almost everyone in the school is from various distinguished monster families. Once the exam is over, everyone will know who did well and who didn’t. Also, there are rewards for the top three in the grade, real good stuff that many little monsters desire.”

“What kind of good stuff?” Wen Yan was curious. “You guys seem quite humane. I didn’t get treated like this during high school exams.”

“This time it hasn’t been announced, but last year it was something like a Water-Avoidance Pearl and a weapon,” Li Zheng couldn’t remember exactly. “This year seems to be in the category of protective items.”

While they were talking, the exam had already begun.

The exam took place in another classroom, and the teacher called out names. Li Zheng and Wen Yan were assigned to seats 23 and 24, respectively.

The tension in the room escalated noticeably. One little monster even got so nervous that he started shedding fur, causing the bird-feather allergic one nearby to sneeze several times.

But Wen Yan was not nervous at all.

He lay on the desk without any burden, playing a game of Gomoku with Li Zheng, engaged in a fierce battle.

By this time, some little monsters had become acquainted with him. A small sloth spirit approached, poked him slowly, and asked, “Sir… How well… Do you want… to score?”

This little sloth spirit looked white and tender. Wen Yan couldn’t resist the urge to tease him, pinching his bouncy face and answering with a gentle smile, “For me, as long as I’m not at the bottom.”

The surrounding little monsters instantly showed envy in their eyes.

The little sloth spirit, overwhelmed with envy, nearly cried, “So… lucky…”

Wen Yan couldn’t console him, so he could only encourage him by patting his shoulder.

The exam proceeded relatively smoothly.

After two hours, it was Wen Yan’s turn.

Li Zheng cheered him on, asking him not to panic.

Wen Yan, with an indifferent expression, entered the examination room.

And then, in less than five minutes, he came back.

Li Zheng was shocked. After all, other little monsters took at least seven or eight minutes to come out, and some exceptional ones even had additional questions.

Wen Yan came out in three minutes, which obviously meant something went wrong.

Seeing Wen Yan’s serious expression and the fact that he sat down without saying a word, furrowing his brows like he was troubled, Li Zheng thought, “Oh no, Wen Yan has been performing well since childhood. He probably can’t accept this setback.”

He hurriedly comforted Wen Yan, “Hey, it’s okay. It’s just a small exam. It’s not a big deal. Besides, it’s already remarkable that you, a human, can participate in the exam. I ranked third from the bottom two years ago, and nothing happened.”

Wen Yan then regained his senses and glanced at Li Zheng, saying, “Your score is really terrible.”

Li Zheng choked, “…” You little bunny, I consoled you, why aren’t you appreciative!

However, since Wen Yan didn’t look very sad, Li Zheng relaxed. He took Wen Yan’s score sheet and prepared to take a look.

Because this exam was practical, they were graded on the spot.

As soon as he opened it, he saw a large “S” on the report card.

Looking at the score below—105.

Li Zheng: “……………”

He stared at Wen Yan in disbelief, “What on earth did you do in there? How did you manage to get a score of 105?”

Wen Yan felt a bit embarrassed, “I had a test on Fireball Technique, but, well, the fire got a bit out of control, and I accidentally burned the teacher’s hair. I guess that affected the score?”

He had turned the teacher’s hair into the Mediterranean Sea. The originally handsome male teacher now looked like he was balding.

Li Zheng slapped the report card on him, not wanting to talk to this fake human, “How did it affect anything? Do you know ‘S’ is the highest grade, with a total score of 100? The teacher gave you an extra 5 points.”

Wen Yan really had no idea, blinking his eyes, “Oh? Is that so… Well, the teacher is pretty nice.”

Li Zheng refused to communicate with him any further.

He had just scored an A level, feeling proud, but now, in front of Wen Yan’s score, he instantly turned into rubbish.

His heart was broken, irreparably broken.

When the final total scores were announced, Wen Yan did indeed secure the first place.

No one doubted the scoring.

Because the teacher excitedly showed Wen Yan’s exam scene to the classmates, urging them to learn from it.

On the screen, Wen Yan controlled all spells with extreme precision. He could freeze them into a miniature pavilion with frost or destroy a copper wall and iron barrier with intense flames. If the space wasn’t limited, he could have leveled the entire building.

The little monsters were convinced, looking at Wen Yan like he was a pro monster.

Mama, this human is scary! Who’s the real monster here?

In the midst of the shocked gazes, Wen Yan calmly received the first-place award, showing no signs of arrogance or humility. He even took out the special candies the housekeeper had prepared and distributed them to the surrounding students to console their wounded hearts.

But the truth was—

As soon as he left the school gate, he started calling Rong Xiao to brag about his performance.

“I actually didn’t want this result. Being too outstanding isn’t good; you have to leave some room for others. But, there are just some things that can’t be helped,” Wen Yan sighed, implying that he didn’t intend to top the exam. “Maybe this is what they call fate!”

He said it shamelessly, thinking that he truly combined beauty and intelligence.

Li Zheng was already rolling his eyes.

Rong Xiao chuckled on the phone, not interrupting Wen Yan’s self-praise. Instead, he found it quite amusing.

After Wen Yan finished boasting about his extraordinary talents, he reminded Rong Xiao of more serious matters, “When are you coming back? Do you remember what you promised me?”

“I’ll be back the day after tomorrow. What do you want?”

Rong Xiao wasn’t planning to go back on his word. Encouraging a little kid who scored so well was the right thing to do.

He actually knew that Wen Yan ranked first; the results had been sent to him by Ronghai School in the morning. They probably wanted to win his favor and praised Wen Yan eagerly, saying that the little bride was indeed Rong Xiao’s person.

Rong Xiao didn’t think Wen Yan’s score had anything to do with him.

But hearing Wen Yan invite praise so cheerfully, he found it quite interesting.

Wen Yan turned his eyes and cleared his throat, “Actually, I’m easily satisfied. I don’t have any excessive demands…”

Li Zheng, considering his presence, didn’t want to engage with this fake human anymore.

Wen Yan, keeping in mind the person beside him, felt a bit hesitant to be too explicit. He even turned slightly away.

He whispered into the phone, “When you come back, accompany me on a date.”

Rong Xiao was silent for a moment. He hadn’t expected this to be Wen Yan’s request.

If it were someone else, requesting a reward from someone like him would include careful planning to maximize benefits. Holding such power, he could make humans skyrocket in wealth or pass on a heritage that even monsters couldn’t cultivate for thousands of years.

But Wen Yan said he wanted him to go on a date.

A date for ordinary people.

For a moment, he fell silent.

Wen Yan, misunderstanding, hastily added, “Just one date is enough. I’m not that greedy.”

Rong Xiao, feeling wronged by Wen Yan’s explanation, softened his heart slightly. Such a simple request, yet he worried it might be considered excessive.

Should he say Wen Yan was silly or praise him for being well-behaved?

Looking at the sunset outside, painting the sky golden, Rong Xiao promised, “Alright, I’ll come to School A the day after tomorrow to pick you up.”

Wen Yan was instantly elated.

Li Zheng, who had listened to this dialogue in disbelief, marveled at his friend for falling into such a situation. At the same time, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that he had just consumed a ton of dog food.

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