The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced

The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced chapter 13

Business Trip

Wen Yan thought he would be too excited to sleep that night. After all, Rong Xiao had been romantic like a dream. His appearance in the center of the dance floor was beautiful and cold, worthy of being printed as a photo and framed.

However, the reality was that he had barely laid down on the bed when his eyelids began to struggle.

He had just eaten the supper prepared by the housekeeper, feeling warm inside. The light rain outside gradually turned into a pouring storm, and the sound of raindrops tapping on the window became somewhat hypnotic.

He yawned, placing the fiery red flower that Rong Xiao gave him on the bedside.

As he looked at the flower, he couldn’t figure out what kind it was. It didn’t seem to belong to any earthly species. Considering Rong Xiao was a wood-type monster, he wondered if it grew on Rong Xiao’s own tree.

But he couldn’t come to a clear conclusion, and he gradually entered the realm of dreams accompanied by the sound of the pouring rain outside.

He had a dream.

In his dream, he saw a towering tree that seemed to cover the sky, growing in a desolate wilderness with nothing around, not even a blade of grass. The tree had no leaves; instead, clusters of red flames leaped and burned on its branches, as if to set the sky on fire.

Surprisingly, he felt no heat from the flames. His fingers gently touched the tree’s branches, feeling the rough patterns that pricked his tender fingertips. However, the temperature of the branches was warm.

“So, you’re an Endless Wood.”

He heard himself saying.

“Kunlun Mountain has only you… it must be boring.”

After uttering these words, the tree suddenly disappeared. In its place stood a tall human like figure, wearing a red robe and emanating a strong murderous aura, looking down at him from a high vantage point.

However, before Wen Yan could see the man’s face, the alarm clock rang, waking him abruptly from his dream.

He sat up with a start, reaching for his phone. He remembered that he didn’t have school that day, and the events of his dream had been completely erased by the powerful ringing of the alarm clock.

Checking the time, it was only 8 AM. He groaned and, burying his head in the pillow, tried to forget about the mysterious dream.

After spending most of the night out on Saturday, Wen Yan, who wasn’t fond of physical activity to begin with, was exhausted. He decided to rest and relax at home on Sunday.

The heavy rain from the previous night hadn’t stopped, creating a constant downpour. The sky remained overcast, making it hard to distinguish between day and evening, providing the perfect atmosphere for staying indoors.

He dug out several romantic movies, planning to watch them with Rong Xiao after lunch and teach him how fiancés behaved.

However, before he could select a movie, news arrived that Rong Xiao would be away for a few days, delivered by personnel from the Monster Management Bureau.

Around noon, the doorbell unexpectedly rang.

Curious, Wen Yan stuck his head out of the window. Since moving into Rong Xiao’s house, he hadn’t seen anyone visiting.

Especially in such weather.

The housekeeper walked through the courtyard to open the door, revealing a man and a woman. Both had handsome features, with the woman exuding charm and the man displaying a heroic demeanor.

They didn’t carry umbrellas but stood in the rain. However, the raindrops seemed to avoid them as if they had eyes.

Clearly, they were two monsters.

Rong Xiao, who had unknowingly positioned himself behind Wen Yan, also saw them entering. He wore an expression of disapproval, muttering, “Why are they coming over.”

Curious, Wen Yan asked him, “Who are they?”

Rong Xiao lazily replied, “The head and deputy head of the Monster Management Bureau, Qi Kong and Hu Ling. One is a snake monster, and the other is a fox spirit.”

Wen Yan knew about the Monster Management Bureau, but he hadn’t seen any of its staff.

With a thoughtful expression, he remembered that the name Qi Kong sounded familiar. Then he snapped his fingers—oh right, wasn’t he the one who came to propose to him on behalf of Rong Xiao?

He recalled that Qi Kong was the one who orchestrated his move to Rong Xiao’s house, pressuring Rong Xiao to marry him.

Before moving in, Qi Kong had even visited his parents to represent Rong Xiao and deliver the betrothal gifts. There were nearly ten cars full of gifts, even overwhelming his mom, who had seen a lot in her life.

Of course, his parents had declined. Jokingly, they said they couldn’t accept betrothal gifts for a son.

In the meantime, Wen Yan was happily ignorant, deeply asleep upstairs.

Qi Kong recognized him instantly. After all, Wen Yan was the one he had personally delivered to Rong Xiao.

He greeted Wen Yan with a hearty laugh, “Isn’t this the little bride? Do you still remember me? I’m Qi Kong, the one who proposed to you. You look even better than in the photos. You and Mr. Rong indeed make a perfect couple.”

Wen Yan was flattered by the compliments and felt his favorability towards Qi Kong skyrocketing. How could he not? Qi Kong must have a good eye to become the head of the bureau!

“Of course, I remember, Mr. Qi, hello,” Wen Yan smiled happily. He also greeted Hu Ling, who hadn’t spoken, with a sweet “hello, sister.”

Both Hu Ling and Qi Kong exchanged a smile.

Rong Xiao watched their interaction, reminiscing with a subtle expression. He recalled how Wen Yan had called him “brother” so sincerely the first time they met, completely ignoring his age of over ten thousand years. Now, seeing him proficiently address someone else as “sister”…

Rong Xiao coldly thought, this little rascal is indeed insincere.

He motioned for Wen Yan to sit on the sofa and forbade him from fidgeting. He also took a seat beside him, looking at the two monsters who usually couldn’t wait to run away when they saw him.

He asked, “I think I’ve said it before—unless the sky falls, don’t disturb me on weekends. Coming here now, are you ignoring my words?”

Rong Xiao said this with a gentle and friendly tone, but there was no hint of a smile in his eyes. Qi Kong and Hu Ling, familiar with his true nature, couldn’t help but swallow nervously.

Qi Kong, with Hu Ling in tow, conscientiously took a seat on the farthest sofa, appearing more like an ordinary visitor than the current head of the Monster Management Bureau.

He looked at Rong Xiao with difficulty, earnestly saying, “Master Rong, it’s as if the sky has really fallen this time. Otherwise, even if you gave me three times the courage, I wouldn’t dare disturb your peace.”

Rong Xiao reminded him, “You said the same thing last time when you lied to me to deal with those vampires abroad.”

Qi Kong, intermittently forgetful, looked genuinely puzzled.

Hu Ling couldn’t bear to watch his terrible acting.

But he quickly dropped the playful facade and looked at Rong Xiao seriously. “Master Rong, I’m not lying to you this time.”

Rong Xiao took a sip of tea. “Go ahead and tell me.”

Qi Kong sighed, feeling mentally exhausted. He had received this information only recently, or else he wouldn’t have rushed to disturb Rong Xiao.

He explained to Rong Xiao, “I just received a message from the branch saying that there’s abnormal monster energy detected at Wei Yan’s location. Even the protective seal there was damaged, affecting the nearby mountain residents, and several guards were injured. Although the loophole has been patched up, there may still be oversights. So, I need to trouble you to make a trip and investigate the cause. Currently, Mr. Su and Miss Qin are not in the country, and only you are here. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have bothered you.”

Upon hearing the word “seal,” Rong Xiao’s expression finally lightened a bit, and he became more serious.

This was indeed a significant matter.

Qi Kong referred to a seal, not an ordinary one to suppress monsters, but a few seals that suppressed disturbances in the heavens and earth.

Three thousand years ago, there was a great upheaval on Earth, with collapsed earth veins, rampant demons, and the world was on the brink of destruction. It took him, along with a few other monsters and human cultivators, a great price to quell the chaos.

The seals they left behind were the ones being discussed now.

The current peace between the human world and the monster realm was partly due to a human cultivator who had repaired the earth veins at the cost of his life and the presence of these seals.

Now, Qi Kong informed Rong Xiao that one of these seals was damaged.

No wonder the Monster Management Bureau was in such a panic.

However, Rong Xiao didn’t show as much surprise as Qi Kong expected. He remained calm, as if he had heard about a trivial matter.

After contemplating for a moment, he asked Qi Kong, “Did anything unusual happen at Wei Yan’s place?”

Hu Ling, upon hearing this, immediately took out a tablet. Apparently, monsters also kept up with the times. She exhibited photos sent by Wei Yan’s colleagues to Rong Xiao.

“The anomaly at Wei Yan’s place didn’t spread; it disappeared after the seal was repaired. However, the damaged forests and mountains cannot recover.” She explained.

The photos depicted the land turned to charred black, water turned blood-red, and shadow-like entities crawling on the ground.

Wen Yan, curious, glanced at them but soon felt uncomfortable after seeing a few pictures.

He couldn’t understand what Qi Kong and Rong Xiao were discussing, but he sensed that it was an urgent and important matter.

He even thought about retreating but was habitually pressed against by Rong Xiao.

Wen Yan had to give up the idea of returning to his room.

After examining all the photos, Rong Xiao had a clear idea of the situation.

“Alright, I understand. I will go there tonight, and the special operations team will accompany me.” Rong Xiao made up his mind, and his voice turned cold as ice. “And you, you have to come along. You only know how to seek help. If I were you, I wouldn’t show my face.”

Qi Kong reluctantly agreed.

He was willing to contribute, but young monsters born after the upheaval like him couldn’t compare to ancient monsters like Rong Xiao.

Perhaps fearing another scolding from Rong Xiao, Qi Kong didn’t even stay for lunch. He left with Deputy Director Hu Ling in tow.

Before leaving, he left a gift for Wen Yan, a cute little golden pendant with protective properties.

Once Qi Kong and Hu Ling left, Wen Yan raised his doubts. Although he didn’t understand what Qi Kong had just said, he succinctly extracted the main idea.

He asked Rong Xiao, “Are you going on a business trip?”

Rong Xiao was momentarily surprised but then thought that, in human terms, it was indeed similar to a business trip.

“Yes, for a few days.” he explained briefly, clarifying the situation to Wen Yan. “There’s a problem with a seal at a certain location. It’s a seal left by me and a few friends, and only we can repair it. So, I have to go to ensure the seal is intact and avoid causing a bigger mess.”

Wen Yan nodded vaguely, seemingly understanding.

Having stayed there for a few days, he had noticed that Rong Xiao wasn’t as leisurely as he had initially thought. Although the Monster Management Bureau managed the monster realm, Rong Xiao was the true pillar.

He gently prodded Rong Xiao’s abdomen, expressing his concern. “Will repairing the seal be tiring? What about your injuries? Aren’t they serious?”

He remembered the bloody scene on Rong Xiao’s body from three thousand years ago. It had frightened him immensely. Rong Xiao’s injuries were a result of the chaos at that time.

However, Rong Xiao didn’t expect him to remember his injuries.

Wen Yan was rubbing his abdomen over his clothes, and he felt a subtle itch like a feather lightly touching his heart.

His attitude toward Wen Yan improved several times compared to how he had treated Qi Kong just now. He even spoke in a mild tone, saying, “It’s okay. It’s just a quick visit, won’t take much effort.”

Wen Yan didn’t say anything more, lowering his head, lost in thought.

Since moving to Rong Xiao’s house, he hadn’t been separated from him, except when he had to return to his own home. Especially yesterday, Rong Xiao had even danced with him, leaving him with a dreamlike and enchanting memory. It made him wonder if Rong Xiao was also slightly moved by him.

Now, suddenly parting for several days, he couldn’t help but feel reluctant.

Rong Xiao also vaguely sensed what Wen Yan was thinking but didn’t say anything.

This wasn’t a vacation; it was dealing with potentially dangerous things that could harm the human world. Moreover, Wen Yan, with his naturally attractive spirit and bones, was not someone he could bring along.

The two fell into silence, with only the rain tapping on the French windows and the lotus flowers in the pond losing a few petals in the rain. The pink boat was spinning in the pond.

After finishing lunch, Rong Xiao still accompanied Wen Yan to watch a tedious and dull romance movie.

It was said to be a classic of the year.

He couldn’t understand why the female lead cried so much and seemed to be on the verge of death because of a breakup. After all, it was just a man. If one didn’t work out, couldn’t she find another?

But seeing Wen Yan beside him sighing constantly, he swallowed the internal complaints.

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