The idiot is getting married

The idiot is getting married chapter 9

Husband’s tender love

Another day of sunset.

Little Fool sat at his “workstation,” bowing his head and dozing off. He was really sleepy~

He had been working with a certain tyrant for two weeks now! He had visited all the small and large branches.

Sigh, working was so tiring.

he was no longer a happy little fool.

He borrowed a stack of tall files from his colleague’s sister and used a shelf with a 9.9 shipping fee to set them up neatly on the desk.

It happened to block Alpha’s line of sight.

—Commonly known as a must-have for slacking off.

He licked his lips, nodded his head slowly, and started to snore as if no one was around.


The tyrant casually draped his coat over Little Fool.

Alpha listened to the sound of his little snores for three hours for the first time.

“Cough.” As the end of the workday approached, Alpha suddenly spoke up.


Little Fool was startled and subconsciously rubbed his sore legs.

“Sir.” Little Fool obediently stood up, yawning and looking dispirited.

“You don’t need to come to the company tomorrow.” Alpha spoke coldly.

Don’t!!! Need!!! To!!! Come!!! To!!! The!!! Company!!!


Little Fool rubbed his ears and instantly became dumbfounded!

“Sigh, this sentence truly brings joy to the working class.”

he was overjoyed, even when it was time to leave work, he was still bouncing with excitement.

The next day, he woke up early again.

Don’t ask, it’s the miserable biological clock of a working person.

“Good morning, sir~” he came out of his bedroom, wearing bear pajamas and rubbed his eyes, walking groggily towards the kitchen.

Usually, Alpha would wake up early, exercise, and then prepare a simple breakfast for the two of them.

But it was strange today, the kitchen was empty.




Little Fool wandered around the villa but couldn’t find Alpha anywhere.

Huh? Why is there a sweet smell in the air?

Little Fool stretched his neck and sniffed.

It smelled like cotton candy!

He followed the scent and ended up in Alpha’s bedroom.

Yes, it was Alpha’s bedroom.

Ever since seeing that “marriage” contract, he stopped living with Alpha. Alpha wasn’t his husband, so he didn’t dare to get close to Alpha anymore.

He was also really afraid of being kicked out by Alpha.

But fortunately, the villa was incredibly huge, and he quickly found another room. This room wasn’t too big though, and the lighting wasn’t as good as the previous one.

As long as he had a bed, a meal to eat, and occasionally a bouquet of flowers, he could live anywhere.

Back to the present.

Following the scent of cotton candy, he eventually arrived at Alpha’s door.

“Sir?” Little Fool knocked on the door.

no response.

he poked his head in and gently pushed the door open.

“Is Sir here?” His voice was soft.

Still no response, but the scent of cotton candy seemed even stronger.

Little Fool suddenly perked up his ears.

There were rustling sounds coming from the wardrobe.


he hesitated but soon opened the wardrobe which was a mess, with all kinds of clothes stuffed together.

Alpha was curled up, surrounded by a circle of Little Fool’s clothes. He had buried himself in the pile of Little Fool’s clothes, holding the jacket Little Fool had worn earlier in his arms.

“Sir?” Little Fool’s slow-reacting mind processed the scene, and cotton candy bubbled like rainbow-colored bubbles, surged forward.

How sweet.

Alpha sensed the cabinet being opened, looked up, and his usual cold and stern face suddenly turned pitiful.

he blinked, and a tear fell.

“Sniff… ..” Alpha choked, reaching out his hand to Little Fool.

Little Fool’s face instantly turned red.

“No, no…” he hurriedly shook his hand, waiting for the Alpha to explain what was happening.

But before he could start speaking, Little Fool saw Alpha’s emotional face.

Alpha held onto Little Fool’s sleeve. ” don’t reject me…”

Alpha grabbed Little Fool’s hand, speaking in a pitiful and incoherent manner, as if accusing, “you keep ignoring me, and… and don’t even make osmanthus cake for me anymore… you don’t call me husband as well… haven’t even kissed me…”

“Sniff…you don’t seem to want me anymore…”

Little Fool sighed. “But we’re not married, and the agreement…”

“We’ll get married then” Alpha rummaged through the wardrobe and pulled out some documents, like a child seeking praise. “We’ll, we’ll get married and spend our lives together.”

Looking at Alpha, holding the documents earnestly, and looking at him eagerly, Little Fool’s mood became complicated.

Well, he was quite happy.

Marriage! It’s all he ever wanted!

“We’ll get married?” Little Fool blinked, and repeated the question.

“Yes, get a real marriage certificate, have a big beautiful wedding, and order incredibly gorgeous flowers…” Alpha started rambling.

“Enough,” Little Fool held Alpha’s hand,softly “that’s enough.”

He  smiled happily

He lowered his head and gently kissed Alpha’s forehead, whispering softly, “Then, husband, hello

 Little Fool was so happy, and he felt dizzy as Alpha lifted him up in his arms.

As the end of the sensitive period approached,  Alpha was still clingy, wanting to stick to him at home and even wanting him at the company.

On the way to the company

” I want a kiss.” Alpha leaned closer to Little Fool, trying to squeeze his 6-feet-tall body into Little Fool’s embrace.

“A kiss,” Little Fool couldn’t help but be surprised.

“~ I also want us to have a baby together—”

“Shut up!” Little Fool slapped a hand over the Alpha’s mouth, nervously looked at the assistant driving in front, and his ears and neck turned completely red.

“If you keep talking like this, I’ll… I won’t get married to you!” Little Fool was super fierce!

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