The idiot is getting married

The idiot is getting married chapter 8

Stray cat or dog

Alpha had been worried lately.

 it was because a certain little fool hadn’t called him “husband” for one, two, three, four, five… fifteen, sixteen, seventeen days.

Seventeen days, which is equal to 408 hours, which is equal to 24,480 seconds!

Seventeen days, rounded up, is approximately twenty days, and another rounding makes it a month! How many months are there in a year?

After much contemplation, he finally chose the most straightforward and efficient approach.

He decided to directly approach the other party involved at that time: the young master from the Gao family.

As the saying goes, “He who started it should be the one to end it.”

It means that whoever bullies the little fool should be bullied back.

However, Alpha didn’t expect that Ms. Sheng still had a thieving heart. It was quite a coincidence that on the day Alpha went to the Gao family, Ms. Sheng also happened to be there, not for any other reason, but to bring the delicately crafted vases she had just purchased to reconcile with her future “son-in-law”!

Sheng Zhi stood aside and couldn’t help but find the two vases displeasing.

He  suddenly thought of the ceramic rabbit that was shattered when Little Fool fell.

by accident, Alpha pushed the vases and they rolled down to the ground.

Oh no, with a “crash” sound.

They were gone.

In the midst of Ms. Sheng’s tearful crying, Sheng Zhi remembered what had happened earlier.

Angered, he even wanted to smash another vase.

After his anger subsided, he began to feel anxious.

He and Little Fool were not married, and they never obtained a marriage certificate.

But only Little Fool would foolishly call him “husband.”

The facade of peace was torn apart, and he realized their marriage was nothing more than a calculated attempt to please.

It was even explicitly stated, Xu Father used a small trinket for exchange of Sheng Zhi’s leniency towards the Xu family.

But throughout the whole arrangement, no one asked for Little Fool’s thoughts. Being abandoned or being given away, he wasn’t given the right to choose.

Would he be happy? Or would he be sad? If he was sad, would he secretly cry…

No one even considered him.

No wonder that person dared to provoke and call Little Fool “stray cat and dog.”

No wonder Little Fool refused to call him “husband” again.

They were never truly a family.

But Sheng Zhi knew how much Little Fool longed for a family.

His Little Fool was afraid of being abandoned.

later that day…

He walked back and forth his office countless times, and finally made a call to his assistant.

“Hello?” His tone was extremely unnatural, stiff, and awkward as he gave orders, “Come upstairs.”

The assistant  couldn’t help but tremble. Is the company going bankrupt? 

Anyway, Shen’s tone was enough to freeze a person.

Trembling, Xiao Li pushed the door open.

“General Shen?”

“Yeah,” Shen Zhi replied expressionlessly. “Sit down. It’s about you young couples and your misunderstandings, arguments, and making each other angry and sad.”

“Oh, and shedding tears,” Shen Zhi thought of the tearful Little Fool.

Xiao Li: ???

“Ahem, how do you usually handle it? Is there a specific way? How practical is it?”

Xiao Li:…

What had been going on with his boss? That’s the question Xiao Li has been pondering every day recently.

 Xiao Li noticed that his behavior had been very unusual lately.

For example, today the boss went through the entire company, scaring everyone so much that they didn’t dare slack off.

 the boss also previously brought along his rumored spouse

Little Fool who followed Alpha, his wrist gently held by the man.

Little Fool curled his fingers.

He felt a little embarrassed; there were so many people in the company, and he was shy.

Alpha looked at the reddened ear and the hand clutching his sleeve, his mouth slightly curled up imperceptibly.


The Little Fool who hasn’t seen the world is really cute.

Alpha turned his hand around and changed their position to interlock their fingers.

“Stay close to me,” Shen Zhi said.

Wherever Shen Zhi is, it is Little Fool’s home, Alpha added silently in his mind.

Alpha intentionally coughed twice, swaying their interlocked hands in front of the dumbfounded subordinates.


Little Fool was led around the company by Alpha for two days and had reached the point where he could enter and exit using facial recognition.

After having lunch, he picked up a cup of hot tea and cautiously knocked on Alpha’s office door.

“Come in.”

” you have something to say,?” Alpha looked at Little Fool tugging on his own clothes.

“Can I not come tomorrow—” Little Fool’s mind was simple, and he had no idea what it meant for Alpha to lead him around like that

He gently rubbed his sore legs. He was really, really tired. He felt like his legs were no longer his own.

“Tomorrow?” Alpha looked up from a pile of documents. Alpha still wanted him to come tomorrow? 

“Ahem, come tomorrow too,” Alpha turned his face away. 

It would be a good opportunity for everyone to meet his future spouse

“Huh?” Little Fool instantly wilted, and the fluff on his head drooped down.

He has to come again tomorrow? Once again, he was forced to be a laborer, 

He felt so wronged, but he didn’t dare to speak up.

He felt deflated and decided not to make osmanthus cake for Alpha in the next three days.

No, make it seven days!

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