The idiot is getting married

The idiot is getting married chapter 2

The book is turned upside down

Alpha seemed to be scalded, feeling a strange sensation when Omega held him.

he curled his fingers and his first reaction was to retract his hand.

Despite being young, Alpha had to shoulder the heavy burden of the family early on. In order to control those below him, he had developed the habit of keeping a cold face all day long. Over time, many people said that he had a gloomy personality. Even meeting him, many people would choose to take a detour to avoid him.

However, Omega didn’t seem to be afraid of him at all, making him feel uneasy.

“Let go. What are you doing?” Alpha’s tone was stern.

“Huh?” The idiot blinked.

“But, but couples can hold hands.” His Alpha seemed even more foolish than him, not knowing that couples could hold hands? The idiot thought for a moment, staring at Alpha seriously. The movement of his hands changed from holding Alpha’s wrist to interlocking their fingers.

“You,” the idiot pointed at Alpha, then pointed at himself, “we’re married.”

Alpha: It seemed to make sense.

Time flew by, and when Alpha came back to his senses, he had already spent the whole afternoon with Omega.

The reason was that the omega said that couples should familiarize themselves with their new home together.




Omega was so noisy that Sheng Zhi followed him silently.

“Husband~ What is this room?”

“Study,” Alpha spat out two words. 

“Then husband, can I come find you after I make a dessert? Will it disturb you while you work?”

“You can come, and it won’t.” Alpha swallowed his words and stopped the idiot’s endless chatter.

“Husband~ Where’s our bedroom?”

Alpha led him into the room opposite the study.


“Wow~” The omega’s eyes lit up as soon as Alpha opened the door. The bedroom arranged by his stepmother in the Xu family was small, barely enough for a bed and a desk, let alone any light.

But this room was so big! The large window faced the distant river, and the sunset cast a warm yellow glow on the windowsill.

Having a husband is so great! He thought.

“Husband, wuwu, husband is so good.” The omega suddenly pounced.

Alpha, who was confused, instinctively reached out and caught Omega’s big embrace.

Sheng Zhi looked at his own hand: …

It must be his own hand that was the problem. It had only been afternoon, and he already had his own thoughts.

“Cough cough, you should pack your things first.” Alpha’s ears turned slightly red.


Alpha sat alone in the study for a long time, curling his fingers and rubbing the warmth left behind.

How could there be an Omega without any defenses? He talks too much, and everything he thinks is written on his face.

He can he even be so close to a stranger, without knowing how to keep his distance!

He’s not reserved at all! Sheng Zhi concluded.

They had dinner together. The omega had been bustling around for a long time, with a mark still visible on his face.

 looking tired and dirty. So ugly.

Alpha turned and went to the washroom, wetting the towel with warm water.

“Close your eyes.” Alpha’s voice remained cold.

The naive fool didn’t understand, but obediently closed his eyes. His eyelashes fluttered as he innocently raised his head.

Wow, are we going to kiss? The silly fool wondered, but what is his spouse doing with the towel?

Alpha’s movements were gentle. He placed the towel over the fool’s face, one hand resting on the back of their head, while the other wiped his face. The omega truly had no defenses, allowing him to act as he pleased, moving his head slightly.

Alpha quickly cleaned the fool’s face, then took the towel back to the washstand.

The fool kept his eyes closed, but didn’t hear any movement from Alpha for a while.


Is that it?

he cautiously opened his eyes just a crack, only to meet Alpha’s eyes that seemed to be smiling.

“What are you thinking about? Let’s eat!” Alpha felt victorious, thinking that now the omega must know they won’t indulge them.

He didn’t want to kiss the foolish spouse.

The fool was a bit tired. He had been out shopping all afternoon and tidying up things and had unknowingly fallen asleep while watching TV together.

Alpha carried him in his arms.

The bedroom door was opened, and Alpha placed the fool on the bed.

“Darling, do you prefer to sleep on the left or right side?” The fool woke up when he was being carried and asked Alpha in a soft voice. His slightly blushing face nuzzled against Alpha’s cheek

“I…” Alpha had originally intended to put the fool down and go back to his own room, but when he lowered his head, he discovered the fool’s hand clutching onto his clothes tightly. “Left side.”

That afternoon, Alpha had actually taken a look at the information the assistant had provided about the omega.

When the omega was young, his half-brother accidentally locked him in a storage room. It wasn’t until the next day that he was discovered. During that time, the fool developed a high fever and upon waking, his reactions were slower than the average person’s. He also became more afraid of the dark and easily felt unsafe when sleeping alone.

“Okay!” The fool happily heard Alpha’s response and rolled over to the right side. “I… I promise I’ll be really, really good when I sleep!” The fool assured him.

“Mmm.” Alpha laid down and casually picked up a magazine from the bedside table.

The fool soon fell asleep, huddled up with the blanket, his head buried in it, only revealing a fluffy crown.

Feeling a bit cold, the omega instinctively searched for a source of warmth, placing his soft hand on Alpha’s waist. As if dreaming, the omega murmured softly and lifted his leg as well.

It’s so warm. Did he hug a big stove? In a drowsy state, the omega sleepily opened his eyes.

“Huh? The Alpha is working so hard. still holding a book and not sleeping.

But, why is the book upside down?”

Alpha’s inner thoughts: My spouse is hugging me! My spouse’s hand is resting on me! My spouse is so soft~

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