The idiot is getting married

The idiot is getting married chapter 11


Silly fool was finally going to get married!

It’s the kind of marriage with a marriage certificate. He was so happy. Since receiving the marriage certificate, he hadn’t stopped talking.

“Husband, the marriage certificate is so red.”

“Husband, you were smiling in the photo just now!”

“Husband, you look so good when you smile.”

Sheng Zhi watched the ecstatic omega dancing around as he held the marriage certificate and read the words on it loudly:

“Name: Sheng Zhi; Name: Xu Ke!”

“Application for marriage—”

“Hehe~ Approved for registration, issuing this certificate!”

Silly fool buried his head and laughed foolishly.

Alpha quickly grabbed his as a car “whooshed” past the silly fool, causing the wind to brush his fluffy hair.

“Hu…husband.” The silly fool was also startled.

“Walk properly!” Alpha’s expression was stern.

Who hasn’t received a marriage certificate before? Why is the silly fool so excited?

“Cough, let’s put the documents away and watch the road first okay?.”

“Okay.” The silly fool knew about the danger just now and obediently put the marriage certificate in the innermost pocket of the bag. After putting it away, he patted the pocket carefully.

This is a marriage certificate! And he should take good care of it!

The news of Sheng Zhi’s marriage and the upcoming wedding spread like wildfire in their circle. After all, the alpha in charge of the Sheng family was not someone to be trifled with according to rumors.

Sheng Zhi’s few good friends were also very curious about this, but Alpha had kept the silly fool hidden well apart from his company subordinates his friends couldn’t  have “accidentally meet” him despite a few attempts.

Friend: “Some people only know how to hide their partners in a golden cage.”

Sheng Zhi  had a cold expression and looked at his friends with disdain in his eyes.

Tsk, he wouldn’t let these people corrupt his silly fool!he knew them too well

At the wedding, friends finally saw the silly fool who was well protected by Alpha.

The silly fool wore a white suit, and his hair was carefully styled. The warm yellow light flowed on his attire, as he walked every step  until Alpha held his hand.

“Mr. Xu Ke, do you want to marry Mr. Sheng Zhi? Love and be loyal to him, through poverty or wealth, in sickness and in health, till death do you part.”

“I do.” The silly fool answered gladly Of course, he wanted to!

“Mr. Sheng Zhi, do you want to marry the gentleman beside you? Will you hold hands with him through the ordinary and the affluent, willing to share the joys and sorrows for a lifetime?”

“I do.” Alpha replied calmly, but his grip on the silly fool’s hand tightened.

The rings sparkled in the sunlight. Sheng Zhi held the silly fool’s hand, with a blue sky and white clouds above, and a sea of tulips behind them. The breeze brushed their faces, lifting the adorned white veil.

The wedding was quite busy, and everyone was enjoying themselves when the omega disappeared from Alpha’s sight.

Eventually , certain “friends” of Sheng Zhi accidentally stumbled upon him. The group of people were overly enthusiastic, calling him “brother-in-law” and some even chased after him, insisting on giving him red envelopes.

The group of alphas were truly delighted. Sheng Zhi, burdened with responsibilities since childhood, was introverted, always wearing a cold expression. They thought he would live a lonely life.

, the group of friends got drunk, and the silly fool ended up drinking a lot too.

What do a group of drunk alphas do?

Friend 1 (serious and mysterious): Let me tell you guys, my omega is super cute!

Friend 2: Hmph, mine is cuter. he’s an orange-scented Omega, hehe, super sweet~

Friend 3 (very loudly): Mine—

  • ·····

The silly fool perked up and listened intently, then suddenly slammed the table and said forcefully, “My… mine is the cutest, cotton candy—mhm mhm!”

As soon as Sheng Zhi returned, he heard this statement and covered the silly fool’s mouth with a dark expression.

A joke, cotton candy flavor?

The silly fool was really drunk. Alpha covered his mouth, and at first, the silly fool struggled with a “mhm mhm” for a moment. But as soon as he saw that it was Sheng Zhi, he immediately obediently let Alpha hold him.

He smiled foolishly, drunk as ever sticking out his tongue and gently touching Alpha’s palm.

Sheng Zhi seemed to be scalded, quickly retracting his hand, and his ears turned red.

The silly fool laughed silly, “Hehe, my wife is so cute~”

Sheng Zhi: …

Silly fool: Wife~

Sheng Zhi: Call me husband.

Silly fool: Okay, wife~

Sheng Zhi: …

Sheng Zhi: Call me husband!

Silly fool: Hehe~ Wife.



  • Ketkai

    Thank you for your hard work (๓´˘`๓)♡
    It was an enjoyable short read. Perfect when you need fluff or when you’re in the middle of a different novel & needs a break.
    Mc was really lovable, and ml’s devoted in his own way.

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