Strawberry Pop Pop Pop

Strawberry Pop Pop Pop chapter 47

Han Yongnian struggled in the sink for a long time, but Han Yang lifted him aside. He was panting heavily, overwhelmed by the fear of death. Han Yongnian continued to gasp and cough, terrified, saying, “I-I didn’t know back then that it was the Gu family’s kid! If I had known, I wouldn’t have dared… The Gu family had already taught me a lesson! I was about to leave anyway, but those two high school kids forcibly dragged me back… I just wanted to save some money before going home. It’s not my fault,…”

He cried ugly tears, which irritated Han Yang. His untimely words also plunged Han Yang back into deep self-blame for what happened to Gu Nuan.

Han Yang clenched his teeth, filled with resentment, and the strength in his right hand was enough to strangle Han Yongnian.

But he couldn’t do it; if he did, what would be the difference between him and Han Yongnian?

Over the years, the Gu family had raised him, taught him how to live a normal life, how to accept and give love. If he killed Han Yongnian now, he would be betraying the people who loved him the most.

In his ears, Han Yongnian continued to beg for mercy, “Please let me go back! I want to go back… I want to go home…”

The evildoer who had been violent in the past had become so weak over the years.

Han Yang had no interest in listening to his pleas. He glanced at the door and saw that it had been opened at some point, and there was a timid woman standing outside, holding a key.

She must have heard the commotion and come to see what was happening.

Han Yang released his grip, trying to control his emotions. He walked over and handed the woman an envelope filled with money. “Deliver a meal to him every day for now and keep an eye on him. Call me if anything happens.”

“Alright, alright!” The woman lived next door and timidly glanced at the old man inside the room who had been beaten, then nervously accepted the money.

The vacant room for half a month had finally found an occupant.

When Han Yang left, he didn’t even look back.

Downstairs, he made a phone call. The first call went unanswered. Han Yang dialed a second time, and finally, someone picked up.

Han Yang spoke, “He came to see me. According to our agreement from half a year ago, when will you come to take him away… Bring a few more people, the sooner, the better.” He added, “Don’t worry about the expenses; I’ve prepared everything.”

On the other end of the phone was Village Chief Li, the witness when Han Yang was taken away by the Gu family.

Village Chief Li sighed, “You’re spending so much money, there’s no shortage of people in the village willing to watch over your father.”

Han Yang politely replied, “Thank you for your trouble.”

“Kid…” Village Chief Li hesitated for a moment before saying, “Although your father is a scoundrel, he’s old now, and he can’t afford to cause trouble. After all, he’s your father. Keeping him locked up like an animal, isn’t that a bit… extreme?”

Han Yang fell silent, and Village Chief Li on the other end of the line became anxious, about to say something more when he heard Han Yang speak calmly, “If we don’t lock him up…”

He would do those things again.

By then, Han Yang would personally kill him before those things happened.

Thinking of this, Han Yang completed his sentence to Village Chief Li, “If we don’t lock him up, he’ll die even sooner.”

He hung up the phone, stood on the roadside, and waited for a taxi.

The cold wind cut through his face like a knife.

When Han Yang got into the taxi, his body began to tremble uncontrollably, and he couldn’t stop it. He vigorously covered his face and rubbed it hard, looking quite disheveled.

In fact, when he first saw Han Yongnian, he thought of Gu Nuan, who had been on the brink of death in the warehouse, surrounded by the stench of blood. This nightmare had awakened him countless times over the past four years, causing him to break open the warehouse door with his bare hands. Covered in blood, burdened by guilt.

How much did he owe Gu Nuan?

Even Han Yang himself probably couldn’t answer that question.


He was lost in thought for a moment and quietly cleaned up the kitchen.

When Han Yang returned to the living room, he saw Gu Nuan holding an empty glass, lost in thought. The glass was now completely empty, and when Han Yang reached for the beer can on the table, he found that it was also empty.

Gu Nuan had taken the opportunity while he was gone to pour the remaining half of the can into his glass and had drunk it all. Currently, Gu Nuan was sitting in a daze on a chair.

Han Yang tried to call out to him, “Gu Nuan?”

Gu Nuan raised his hand quickly and shouted loudly, “Here!”


It seemed like he was drunk.

Han Yang sighed inwardly. He patiently led Gu Nuan to the bathroom, helped him brush his teeth and wash his face, and then held Gu Nuan’s hand to make him sit on the edge of the bed. He brought a basin of warm water to wash Gu Nuan’s feet.

Gu Nuan was drunk and unresponsive.

He stared blankly at Han Yang, who was helping him take off his socks and wash his feet. Then he reached out and touched Han Yang’s head, saying in a slightly slurred voice, “You’re really the best.”

Han Yang: “?”

Gu Nuan continued to touch Han Yang’s head, and when he was done, he took out the key that Han Yang had given him from his pocket and flashed it in front of Han Yang as if showing off. “Do you know what this is?”

“A key.”

“Yeah, it’s from my brother. Do you have one?”

Han Yang found it amusing and said, “No.”

Gu Nuan, the little drunkard, laughed and said excitedly, “Of course not, this is from my brother!” He repeated it, holding the key in his hand and treasuring it. Finally, he asked Han Yang, “Can you find me a piece of string? This long should be enough.” He gestured with his hands to show the length he wanted.

Han Yang didn’t know how to deal with a drunkard, but he decided to give Gu Nuan whatever he wanted. He found a piece of string from a drawer, not sure where it had come from, perhaps a free gift with a purchase, but it happened to be the right length that Gu Nuan wanted. He handed it to Gu Nuan and asked, “What do you need the string for?”

Gu Nuan lowered his head without responding, engrossed in playing with the string.

In no time, Gu Nuan had threaded the key onto the string and worn it around his neck.

Han Yang was speechless.

Han Yang said, “Gu Nuan, it’s really strange to wear it like that.” After all, it was unusual for adults to hang their keys on their chests.

Gu Nuan didn’t want to take it off and reached out to touch the key hanging in front of his chest. He shyly said to Han Yang, “With this, I can come to see my brother more often, right? My brother gave me the key because he likes me, right?”

His words were filled with heartache, and his tone carried a soft, nasal quality.

“Sometimes, I’m afraid that I bother my brother. But I don’t know how to pursue him. I don’t really understand what I should do, and I’m getting anxious.” Gu Nuan sniffled and complained, “Growing up is really hard, and when you grow up… your brother wants to leave you…”

Every day, he wanted to come and see Han Yang, but he was also afraid of disturbing Han Yang’s rest. Gu Nuan was clearly the young master pampered by the Gu family, and he could be more willful and less sensible, but with Han Yang, he became a wronged and obedient little baby.

Han Yang’s heart ached, and he crouched down, reaching out to touch Gu Nuan’s slightly warm cheek. “I’m not bothered by you, and I really like it when you come to see me.”

But Gu Nuan lowered his head, lost in his thoughts.

“Gu Nuan.”


“Do you still remember what I told you before? When you graduate from high school, I want to tell you something.”

“W-what is it? I… I don’t remember.” Gu Nuan held the key and tried hard to remember.

Han Yang spoke gently, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember. When I find the most suitable way to handle this troublesome matter, I will take care of it immediately. I’ll do my best not to make you wait too long. Can you wait for me?”

Gu Nuan, in his tipsy state, rubbed his eyes and listened, but it’s unclear if he fully understood.

Han Yang smiled bitterly, “I understand that I don’t have the right to ask you to wait for me. But no matter when that time comes, whether you still like me or have already fallen for someone else, I will tell you.”

He was saying one thing but feeling another. How could he tolerate Gu Nuan liking someone else?

However, when things hadn’t progressed to that point, most people thought they were magnanimous and understanding, but in reality, everyone could be quite petty.

Han Yang was no exception, just lacking self-awareness.

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