Strawberry Pop Pop Pop

Strawberry Pop Pop Pop chapter 4

To his surprise, just two years apart, Han Yang had completely transformed into a mature alpha, and even his pheromones had become more captivating and pleasant.

Although Gu Nuan had stopped emitting pheromones since he was in the second year of junior high, it didn’t affect his ability to sense alpha pheromones. He also had preferences when it came to pheromones. For instance, he didn’t like strong scents; he preferred fresher ones.

Han Yang’s minty scent happened to align with Gu Nuan’s preferences.

Gu Nuan had initially planned to say a second sentence, but he missed Han Yang so much that his mouth couldn’t keep up with his body’s pace. He impulsively rushed into Han Yang’s arms, just like in the past, and rubbed against him vigorously, capturing the minty scent all over his face.

The umbrella handle hit Han Yang’s shoulder, causing a slight pain, like an initial impulsive welcome.

Reluctantly, Han Yang grabbed the umbrella handle from Gu Nuan’s hand. The next moment, he heard Gu Nuan sniffling softly, saying, “Brother, I really, really missed you…”

Gu Nuan tilted his head up, and Han Yang’s face reflected in his amber eyes.

He blinked and, in response to the moment, he asked, “Did you miss me?”

“Gu Nuan,” Han Yang called his name, just like he had for many years. He had always tolerated Gu Nuan’s chattering. He gently touched Gu Nuan’s soft hair and replied, “I missed you too.”

“Liar, you never video-called me. It was always me who called you.”

Suddenly, the rain intensified, hitting the umbrella and making it feel heavier in Han Yang’s hand.

He was afraid the rain would soak Gu Nuan, so he tilted the umbrella more toward Gu Nuan’s side.

At this moment, Gu Yuanchen decisively interrupted their reunion as he came down from the driver’s seat. He took the umbrella from Ji Mu’s hand and said to Gu Nuan, “Xiaonuan, Han Yang just returned today, and he must be tired. Don’t stick to him like this.”

Han Yang immediately told Gu Yuanchen, “Uncle Gu, I’m not that tired.” Then, he smiled at Ji Mu and said, “Uncle Ji, I’m back.”

Ji Mu looked at the mature and sensible Han Yang, feeling pleased. He stepped forward and shook Han Yang’s arm, saying, “Welcome back. Let’s get inside quickly; the rain is getting heavier.”

Gu Yuanchen was satisfied with Han Yang’s response, but he couldn’t help but remark, “You spoil him too much.”

Gu Nuan pouted and was reluctantly separated from Han Yang’s embrace by Gu Yuanchen’s words.

Volunteering himself, Gu Nuan said to Han Yang, “Shall I help you with your luggage? I’ve grown a lot taller than before, and I’m much stronger now!”

“Sure.” Han Yang nodded slightly and handed the lightest bag to Gu Nuan.

Gu Nuan waved it off, saying, “Give me the heaviest one.”

Helplessly, Han Yang handed over the seemingly heavy bag to Gu Nuan. He then carried a larger suitcase himself, with a heavy backpack placed on top of it. With one hand holding the umbrella, he followed Gu Nuan into the house.

Han Yang’s luggage was easy to manage, and he quickly unpacked everything.

Looking around, he saw that his room, which he hadn’t lived in for two years, had been thoroughly cleaned. The bedding still emitted a faint fragrance, a blend of the familiar laundry detergent and the scent of the sunlight.

From childhood to now, the Gu family had always used this laundry detergent, never changing.

Han Yang felt like he had finally returned “home.”

In the room, he noticed the exercise books he used during junior high and high school, as well as an outdated model airplane displayed in a glass bookshelf.

Han Yang went to the bookshelf, deep in thought. He picked up the model plane and found it to be exceptionally clean, cleaner than any other decoration in the room.

It was a gift Gu Nuan had given him when he was seven years old, and Han Yang cherished it dearly. He carefully placed it back in its original position.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching. Turning around, he saw Gu Nuan gently knocking on his partially open door, with a smile that seemed so obedient. “Do you need any help?”

“No need, I’ve already tidied up.”

“Uncle Zhang brought a box of peaches. Do you want to have some?” Gu Nuan had always been fond of his older brother and would sweetly smile at him with every word he spoke.

Moreover, Gu Nuan took out a bottle of strawberry milk from his pocket.  Just like when they were kids, Gu Nuan knew Han Yang liked it, so he kept it for him.

“Brother, this is the strawberry milk we used to drink often when we were kids. I saved a bottle for you.”

Actually, there was only one bottle.

Han Yang accepted the strawberry milk and suddenly realized that he hadn’t had it in a long time. He turned to his desk, picked up an exquisitely wrapped square box, and walked up to Gu Nuan. “Congratulations on getting into C University. This is a gift for you.”

It was a celebration of Gu Nuan’s admission to university and also a gift for his eighteenth birthday.


Fireworks exploded in Gu Nuan’s mind because it was the first time Han Yang had given him a gift in such a proper manner.

Previously, Han Yang always felt that his pocket money came from the Gu family, so he was frugal and only used it for essential expenses.

Especially after going to study abroad, Han Yang even refused the Gu family’s money for living expenses and started working to earn his own. During the initial difficulties, he ate only bread for a whole month.

Whenever Gu Nuan called him during meal times via video chat, he could see that Han Yang’s plate only had a few slices of bread. Han Yang always told Gu Nuan that it was an extra snack, but Gu Nuan knew Han Yang’s personality too well.

As days went on, Han Yang stopped video chatting with Gu Nuan during meal times.

Now, Gu Nuan excitedly accepted the gift box, almost dropping it due to its weight. “Wow, this is quite heavy!.”

Han Yang saw Gu Nuan stunned in place and couldn’t help but smile slightly. “Aren’t you going to open it and take a look?”

Gu Nuan nodded vigorously and quickly unwrapped the gift. The next moment, his entire being was about to fly with joy.

“Brother, how did you know I wanted this DSLR camera?” He lifted the latest model of a DSLR camera, inspecting it from all angles with excitement. “This model is especially hard to find!”

After a while, he remembered something and held the camera firmly in his hands. With a worried expression, he whispered, “This is really expensive…” He tugged at the corner of Han Yang’s shirt, just like when they were kids. “Did I make you spend too much?”

Han Yang knew what he was worried about. “No, I’ve saved up some money over the years.” He looked at the pricey casual wear that Gu Nuan was wearing and thought for a moment before adding, “It’s not too expensive, and as long as you like it, that’s what matters.”

Gu Nuan was particularly clever in this regard. After hearing Han Yang’s reply, he immediately put the DSLR back into the box and cradled it like a treasure in his arms. “Of course, I love it! This will be my number one treasure from now on.”

It was a gift from Han Yang; how could he not like it?

Feeling light-hearted, Gu Nuan almost forgot the purpose of coming over to Han Yang’s room. “Bro, I’ll go cut some peaches for you. I just had one, and it’s so sweet. Would you like some?”

He asked, his eyes sparkling.

Han Yang looked at Gu Nuan, and the smile on his lips never faded. “I’d love to.”

“You like crispy peaches, right? These aren’t soft yet; they’re still crispy and sweet.” Gu Nuan was always like this, talking a lot when he got excited.

After putting the gift back in his room, he headed straight to the kitchen, moving quickly like a whirlwind. This made Ji Mu put down his work several times and remind him to slow down and not to slip. This was a phrase that Ji Mu had often said to him since he was a child.

Gu Nuan happily took a few peaches from the fridge and hurriedly started washing them.

Outside the window, the rain was pouring, and inside the kitchen, the sound of water flowing was also quite loud.

Aunty Xu saw this and quickly approached. “Young Master, let me do it.”

“No need, I can do it myself.” Gu Nuan earnestly cut the first peach into small slices, placing them one by one on a fruit plate.

Aunty Xu asked, “Is it for the Young Master?”

Gu Nuan nodded. “My brother gave me a fantastic gift, so I want to cut a whole plate of peaches for him.”

Aunty Xu glanced at the huge fruit plate. “Won’t it be too much?”

“The appetite of an adult alpha, aunty Xu, I’m afraid you don’t understand.” Gu Nuan said with confidence, “My brother will definitely be able to finish it. He’s always had a big appetite since we were young.”

Aunty Xu replied, “I see…”

Would they still have dinner then?

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