Strawberry Pop Pop Pop

Strawberry Pop Pop Pop chapter 34

Ten minutes past ten.

Han Yang, carrying a bag of medicine, panting, finally found Gu Nuan sitting with his knees pulled up in a corner of the hospital.

“Gu Nuan?!”

Han Yang rushed over and squatted down to pat his shoulder. “Why are you sitting here? What happened?” He urgently asked, but Gu Nuan didn’t react at all.

Han Yang slightly tightened his grip on Gu Nuan’s shoulder and noticed that he was trembling slightly.

A girl sitting on a nearby lounge chair expressed concern, “He’s been here for a long time, but we don’t know what happened.”

Han Yang wanted to comfort Gu Nuan, but there were too many people around, and this was the obstetrics and gynecology department, with many pregnant women. He didn’t want to release his soothing pheromones here, which might affect others.

He gently touched Gu Nuan’s shoulder and spoke softly over and over again, trying to get Gu Nuan to relax. “Gu Nuan, don’t be afraid, just relax a bit.”

Gu Nuan’s knuckles turned white as he clutched his own clothes, refusing to lift his head.

“Gu Nuan, don’t be afraid, look at me. Do you know who I am?”

Han Yang leaned closer, ignoring the gaze of the people around him. He knelt down and got closer to Gu Nuan, speaking gently and patiently.

When Gu Nuan finally moved slightly, Han Yang pulled him into his arms and patted his back, allowing him to smell the minty pheromones on his body up close.

Gu Nuan was momentarily taken aback, but in his stiff state, he gradually recognized Han Yang’s pheromones.

Han Yang was an Alpha with excellent control over pheromones, and he was currently using soothing pheromones that wouldn’t affect others to take care of Gu Nuan in his arms.

Perhaps the soothing pheromones had some effect, as Gu Nuan’s hands finally relaxed a bit, and he slowly raised his head to look at Han Yang.

Seizing the opportunity, Han Yang hugged him tightly, allowing Gu Nuan to follow his movements and hug him back.

“Brother…” Gu Nuan called softly, his tears staining Han Yang’s clothes.

Han Yang heard Gu Nuan’s crying, very soft, as if he couldn’t cry anymore.

His heart seemed to be cut by something, and this kind of crying, Han Yang had heard it many years ago. It was after that accident when Han Yang stayed outside Gu Nuan’s hospital room and heard Gu Nuan crying in his blanket during the time when Ji Mu was away. It was very quiet, but it felt like a boulder pressing on Han Yang’s heart, rolling back and forth.

Rolling out bloodstains.

So later, when Gu Nuan reached out with a bright smile and held Han Yang’s hand, Han Yang was a little bewildered.

At that time, 17-year-old Han Yang asked 14-year-old Gu Nuan, “Is it still hurting?”

He was referring to Gu Nuan’s glands, but also to Gu Nuan’s heart.

“It’s all better!” Gu Nuan simply pretended to be nonchalant. “The hospital is so boring. I want to go home quickly and do homework with you, brother. But Dad said I might have to transfer schools.”

He held Han Yang’s hand and not only didn’t cry but also smiled beautifully. “Brother, I won’t cry anymore. Don’t always hide outside, come inside and stay with me.”

Han Yang couldn’t remember what expression he had on his face that day.

All he remembered was Gu Nuan’s crying in the blanket and Gu Nuan’s smile as if nothing had happened.

Right now, Han Yang was sweating profusely and extremely anxious.

He picked up Gu Nuan, not caring about anything else. With the “No Running” sign in the hospital, he quickly went to the doctor who had just seen Gu Nuan.

But this didn’t seem like a reaction to the injection, and Dr. Wang checked Gu Nuan and said seriously, “In the hours immediately after the injection, his glands can be more sensitive, and his emotions can be easily frightened. Did he see something just now? Something he’s afraid of?”

Han Yang couldn’t answer because they had been apart for about half an hour.

The doctor prescribed some soothing medications, all at tiny doses. Seeing that Gu Nuan was still curled up in his arms and refusing to let go, Han Yang asked a nurse to get the medication.

“Take him home and let him rest. Have him take this medicine and get a good night’s sleep. If he still doesn’t feel well later, come back, no need to register, just come directly to me.”

“Thank you, Dr. Wang.”

Han Yang left the hospital, put Gu Nuan in the back seat, and only then got into the car. He was immediately grabbed by Gu Nuan’s hand.

Gu Nuan had slightly reddened eyes, and his face was pale. He was trembling and reluctant to leave Han Yang’s embrace, mumbling, “I’m scared…”

“Don’t be afraid anymore, Xiao Nuan. Let’s go home first, okay?” Whenever it was a situation like this, Han Yang would change the way he addressed Gu Nuan.

Gu Nuan might have been overly scared, and he seemed a little dazed. He stubbornly refused to let go of Han Yang’s hand.

Han Yang took off his own coat and covered it over Gu Nuan.

Sure enough, Gu Nuan immediately hugged the coat, which was filled with the scent of mint pheromones. He curled up and fell asleep.

Han Yang sat in the driver’s seat, trying his best to make the soothing pheromones in the car stronger. He wanted to make Gu Nuan feel less uncomfortable.

The car drove all the way to Gu’s villa.

Han Yang carried Gu Nuan into the house, and Aunt Xu, who saw them, followed worriedly. “Young Master, what happened? Is he not feeling well?”

“Aunt Xu, could you pour a glass of warm water for Gu Nuan in his room, please?”

“Sure, right away.”

Han Yang let Gu Nuan sleep on the bed and felt his neck, which was covered in sweat. He went to the bathroom and brought out a basin of warm water, wringing a towel and holding it in his hand. He lifted Gu Nuan again, unbuttoning his clothes, and said to Aunt Xu, “Aunt Xu, could you bring a set of Gu Nuan’s pajamas for me?”

While unbuttoning the clothes, Han Yang noticed something inside Gu Nuan’s clothes, causing his hand to freeze. He said, “wait, I’ll go get the pajamas. Could you please help Gu Nuan wipe himself a bit? He’s covered in sweat.”

Aunt Xu had taken care of Gu Nuan when he was sick before, and her movements were clean and efficient. She quickly wiped Gu Nuan’s body and changed him into his pajamas.

Han Yang fed Gu Nuan his medicine. Gu Nuan seemed thirsty and drank water hurriedly.

“Drink slowly,” Han Yang held the glass, allowing Gu Nuan to lean against him.

After a while, Gu Nuan, seemingly recovering his senses, looked at Han Yang. He lowered his head, nuzzled into Han Yang’s chest, and his voice was soft and hoarse, saying, “Hold me.”

With that, Gu Nuan nestled comfortably against him and finally fell asleep peacefully.

Han Yang lowered his head, lying down on the bed with Gu Nuan in his arms. In the quiet of their room, Gu Nuan was snugly pressed against him, breathing steadily.

However, after a short while, Gu Nuan appeared to be dreaming and furrowed his brow, uttering a soft murmur. It was as if he was struggling within his past memories, unable to distinguish reality from the dream.

“Brother,” Gu Nuan unconsciously spoke, “I don’t like it when you leave me…”

His voice sounded plaintive, as if he feared that his favorite brother would be lost in the next moment, never to return. Gu Nuan took a deep breath, holding Han Yang tighter in his arms, his anxiety evident.

After a while, Han Yang gently kissed his forehead.

Just a light peck.

Han Yang scolded himself but also conflictedly told himself, “Just this once.”

Gu Nuan finally settled down in contentment.

Han Yang looked at Gu Nuan in his arms with a deep, tender gaze and said, “I won’t leave again, I promise.”

Aunt Xu, who had wanted to bring some fruit to Han Yang, happened to see this scene through the partially open door and quietly retreated to the kitchen.

Xiao Meng asked her, “Aunt Xu, what’s going on?”

Aunt Xu shook her head and murmured to herself, “They really match each other. Why didn’t I think of it before…”

Half an hour later, Han Yang came out of the room. He called Gu Yuanchen’s secretary and said, “Uncle Chen, hello, this is Han Yang. Could you help me check the surveillance footage of a hospital?”

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