Strawberry Pop Pop Pop

Strawberry Pop Pop Pop chapter 24

Han Yang’s audition was scheduled for 8:00pm, arranged through a friend he had met while studying abroad.

As soon as Han Yang arrived, someone at the office building’s entrance greeted him from afar. “Han Yang!” Xia Fei called out loudly. “Over here! Come this way!”

Gu Nuan recognized the tall and slender alpha man. He was a senior Han Yang had met when he first went abroad to study, majoring in directing. He had graduated and returned to China last year.

During Han Yang’s time abroad, Xia Fei and another senior, Lao Liang, had become friends with him through some fortunate circumstances. Over the years, both of them had taken great care of Han Yang.

Whenever Han Yang video-called Gu Nuan, he would often mention them and even showed Gu Nuan a photo of the three of them together.

Today was the first time Gu Nuan had met Xia Fei in person. He followed behind Han Yang, curiously taking a closer look at the tall man.

“Xia Ge, it’s been a while,” Han Yang quickened his pace, worried that Gu Nuan might lag behind. He habitually turned around to check on Gu Nuan, just like when they were kids. Gu Nuan was always good at keeping up, following wherever Han Yang went.

Initially, Xia Fei hadn’t noticed Gu Nuan. He was about to say something when he was immediately captivated by the little head behind Han Yang.

He took a closer look.

“Why did you bring someone with you to the audition? Are you nervous?” Xia Fei furrowed his brows, a bit worried, but he couldn’t help teasing, “Not bad, kid, when did you start dating? Is he a beta?”

Xia Fei didn’t sense Gu Nuan’s pheromones and wondered why such a good-looking beta wasn’t pursuing an acting career.

He couldn’t help but revert to his professional habits; it was hard to shake them.

One sentence from Han Yang interrupted his speculation. “This is my younger brother, the one I mentioned before, Gu Nuan.” He waved at Gu Nuan. “This is Xia Fei, my senior when I studied abroad.”

Gu Nuan quickly extended his hand and politely said, “Hello, senior. I’m Gu Nuan.” In his heart, he silently added, “I’ll probably be Han Yang’s omega partner in the future, so I won’t introduce myself with that for now.”

Xia Fei had guessed Gu Nuan’s identity incorrectly, and he felt embarrassed, his toes curling in his shoes. He shook Gu Nuan’s hand and said, “Hello, hello, I’m Xia Fei. I’m two years older than Han Yang. Just call me Xia Ge. Han Yang used to mention you to us all the time, but I didn’t expect you to have grown this big.”

He smiled apologetically, still holding Gu Nuan’s hand and thinking about whether he should convince Gu Nuan to audition as well.

However, before Xia Fei could continue, Han Yang had already held onto Xia Fei’s hand, and it was clear from his eyes that he thought Xia Fei had held it for too long.

Xia Fei awkwardly let go.

Han Yang asked, “Xia Ge, there was a little unexpected situation today, so I had to bring my younger brother with me. Can he come upstairs with us?”

“Of course.”

Xia Fei patted Han Yang’s back warmly and engaged in a conversation with Han Yang. “Did you see Lao Liang’s recent social media posts? He’s living the high life, surrounded by beauties. Running a company is no small feat… Oh, by the way, has he talked to you about wanting to sign you? Did he get in touch?”

“He mentioned it once and said we should discuss it in more detail when he has some free time. He’s been busy lately.” Han Yang seemed to be considering something.

Xia Fei chimed in, “Lao Liang won’t let you down. Although not many of their artists in the company have become superstars, most of them have decent careers. I’ll keep an eye out for you.”

Gu Nuan listened quietly and quickly realized what they were talking about.

No wonder Han Yang had expressed a desire to develop as an actor as soon as he returned to China. Gu Nuan had been worried that Han Yang might have a hard time without any connections. As it turned out, Xia Fei and Lao Liang had been discussing it with him early on.

The three of them reached the elevator, and Xia Fei pressed the button for their floor.

He added, “When you meet my dad later, just relax. Don’t be too nervous.”

The director of the film Han Yang was auditioning for was Xia Fei’s father, Xia Zhouyu.

Xia Zhouyu was a renowned director in China, known for his strict casting decisions. He was famous for not prioritizing popularity or big-name stars but instead focusing on actors who could genuinely fit the roles and deliver a strong performance.

People who made it to his shortlist for auditions had already passed through multiple layers of screening.

During the recent nationwide auditions, since Han Yang wasn’t in China, Xia Fei had asked him to record a video audition as a trial. Unexpectedly, he had been selected.

Xia Fei attributed this to Han Yang’s handsome face.

However, the role Han Yang was auditioning for wasn’t a lead but a brief appearance as a psychotic stalker, with only a couple of minutes of screen time in total. Though it wasn’t a prominent role, getting the chance to appear in a movie directed by Xia Zhouyu was a significant opportunity for a newcomer like Han Yang, who hadn’t signed with a company yet.

Upon hearing this, Gu Nuan took a deep breath, realizing he had been focusing on the wrong aspect.

Playing a psychopathic villain, now that sounded thrilling.

The office building was quiet, with few people at this time. The elevator quickly took them to the twentieth floor.

Walking ahead, Xia Fei continued to talk animatedly to Han Yang. “Auditions for minor roles are usually quick. I initially wanted you to come during the day, but you know how my dad is…”

He then pointed ahead. “I’ve arranged everything already. Will you pick out some clothes in that dressing room?”

“No need.” Han Yang was wearing a dark hoodie that day, and he pulled the hood up to deliberately cover his eyes with the bangs that had grown long. “This outfit should be fine.”

“Alright, as long as you feel like a psychopath,” Xia Fei’s phone rang, and he stepped aside to take the call.

Next, Han Yang would wait in the audition area until his name was called. He would sit in the waiting area outside the audition rooms with several other individuals who were auditioning for the same role. There were alphas and betas among them.

However, Xia Fei had mentioned that Xia Zhouyu, the director, had already had a preferred actor in mind for this role, a male beta. They were almost set to go with him, but this young actor became popular due to a TV series and turned down Xia Zhouyu’s movie.

This created an opportunity for Han Yang to audition alongside these people.

He took a deep breath, couldn’t sit still any longer, stood up, and clenched his fists.

Gu Nuan stood up too, holding his hand and whispered, “Brother, you can do it. I believe you can play the psycho well.” Then, realizing something was off, he added, “I mean, your acting skills are excellent. You can portray anyone convincingly.”

Hearing this, his nervous expression relaxed a bit, he smiled, not very noticeably, but Gu Nuan noticed it.

Gu Nuan tilted his head, feeling his heart flutter at the sight of Han Yang’s smile.

After finishing the call, Xia Fei came over, and it was almost Han Yang’s turn. As the previous actors came out one by one, their expressions didn’t look great, and Gu Nuan began to worry about Han Yang.

When they finally called Han Yang’s name, Gu Nuan suddenly raised his head, his cheeks slightly flushed. His refined appearance was replaced by an anxious expression, even more nervous than Han Yang.

Seeing this, Xia Fei asked Gu Nuan kindly, “Do you want to go in and watch?”

“Is that okay?” Gu Nuan didn’t say much in front of Xia Fei, as they weren’t very familiar. To make a good impression on Han Yang, Gu Nuan shyly said, “Xia Ge, thank you.”

“But you have to stay quiet.” Treating the 18-year-old Gu Nuan, Xia Fei put on an adult-like demeanor, waved his hand grandly, and said, “Let’s go, follow me.”

Gu Nuan nodded firmly.

Xia Zhouyu sat at a simple desk with stacks of actors’ profiles in front of him. He was looking down, writing something on a piece of paper, perhaps making checks or marks.

Behind him was a video camera aimed at the auditioning actors.

An assistant standing nearby instructed the crew to lower the lights, saying, “We can start.”

In the dim lighting, Han Yang closed his eyes and began a solo performance. Compared to mature actors, Han Yang’s acting skills were undoubtedly inexperienced. However, it was precisely because of this inexperience that he earnestly wanted to become someone else, and that sincerity made him shine brightly in the darkness.

He was striving to be someone else, and acting allowed him to escape from himself.

Xia Zhouyu watched silently.

He didn’t say much, nor did he stop the audition.

Xia Fei stood with his arms crossed, seriously observing Han Yang’s performance.

Honestly, he thought Han Yang hadn’t performed well this time. Perhaps this role wasn’t a good fit for him, or maybe Han Yang himself wasn’t suitable. His movements and expressions still seemed too stiff.

However, at least Xia Zhouyu hadn’t stopped him, and Xia Fei felt a slight sense of relief.

One of the crew members, who had a good relationship with Xia Fei, made an “OK” hand gesture, indicating that Han Yang was the best among this group of newcomers that day.

Xia Fei smirked; his judgment was rarely wrong.

Turning his head, he saw Gu Nuan watching Han Yang without moving a muscle. In his eyes, there seemed to be an entire universe filled with stars, each one revolving around Han Yang.

Gu Nuan’s unwavering focus fascinated Xia Fei, and it took him a while to snap out of it. He nearly fell into that gaze himself.

After a while, he rubbed his head, silently thinking, “A beautiful person in love, that’s what this is.”

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