Strawberry Pop Pop Pop

Strawberry Pop Pop Pop chapter 20

Without waiting for Han Yang to expose him, Gu Nuan admitted it himself, “I understand, only thing I’m missing is a car.”

Han Yang went along with it, hoping to dissuade Gu Nuan from this idea.

However, Gu Nuan confidently pulled out a passbook he had prepared. “Currently, given my financial situation, buying a car costing a hundred thousand or so shouldn’t be a problem.”

In the Gu family’s upbringing, Gu Nuan’s life was quite different from that of typical second-generation rich kids. From childhood to adulthood, apart from necessities and gifts on special occasions, Gu Nuan bought most things himself using his own pocket money and New Year’s money. Fortunately, his monthly pocket money and yearly New Year’s money were not small, and over the years, apart from his daily expenses, he had also saved a small portion of it.

With both hands, he handed the passbook over, his eyes shining. “Brother, can I?”

Faced with such a doe eyed Gu Nuan, Han Yang was willing to compromise a hundred percent. However, he didn’t accept the passbook but instead took a slight step back, unintentionally creating some distance between them.

He placed the glass on the bedside table, checked the time, and it was already 2:30 in the morning.

Han Yang said, “You can’t.”

Gu Nuan drooped his head, and the hand holding the passbook drooped as well.

Han Yang gently said, “It’s late, go to sleep.” Seeing that Gu Nuan didn’t move for a long time, he adjusted his mood and approached calmly. “I’ll make sure to come back often.”

He wanted to pat Gu Nuan’s head, but he heard Gu Nuan mutter, “You said the same thing last time.”

Han Yang’s hand froze and then slowly withdrew.

“Since you’re moving out, you definitely won’t meet with me often, and you won’t call me regularly. It’s always me calling you… Brother, do you not actually want me at all?”

Gu Nuan didn’t lift his head, he was in his teenage years, and when he was sad, he had no sense of proportion, saying everything that was on his mind. He roughly rubbed his eyes, tucked the passbook and driver’s license into his pocket, and left without even looking at Han Yang.

The two of them had just reunited for one night but spent it sleepless, each with their own thoughts.

The next day.

Gu Nuan woke up late, sitting at the dining table listlessly eating breakfast. His phone was left in his room, and if someone were to check his search history, they would definitely see Gu Nuan’s confusion.

  • [How to pursue an Alpha who only sees you as a brother?]
  • [The Alpha I secretly admire is about to go far away, what should I do?]
  • [The foreign world is captivating, isn’t it?]
  • [What words are most likely to soften the heart of an Alpha as solid as a rock?]
  • [Is an Alpha with a heart as firm as a rock worth loving? Yes, he is.]

The last question was even self-answered…

Gu Nuan sighed heavily, frustrated with the uselessness of the internet.

At the dining table, there were only Gu Nuan and Han Yang. Gu Yuanchen had gone to the company early in the morning, and Ji Mu was currently in his study.

Both Gu Nuan and Han Yang woke up late that day. Auntie Xu prepared sandwiches for them, one for each person, with Gu Nuan’s portion being half the size of Han Yang’s.

Because of his medication, Gu Nuan didn’t have much of an appetite and was full after just a few bites.

He was preoccupied with his thoughts and didn’t talk to Han Yang. He silently made his way upstairs.

He took two steps, paused for one, and looked back at Han Yang. However, Han Yang was focused on eating his sandwich and didn’t even glance in Gu Nuan’s direction.

Gu Nuan clenched his fists with anger. Flames of frustration burned within him. He took two more steps up, then turned around to face Auntie Xu’s gaze.

“Auntie Xu, Su Li will come over later to hang out. Can you prepare some cake for us?” Gu Nuan used Su Li as a shield, then rushed upstairs, closing his bedroom door.

Seeing this, Auntie Xu glanced at Gu Nuan’s plate. “What’s wrong with the Young Master? He ate even less than usual. Is he in a bad mood? But he was so happy yesterday.”

However, she figured he might have eaten too much last night. She didn’t think much of it and continued with her chores.

On the other hand, Han Yang finished the last bite of his sandwich, picked up both his and Gu Nuan’s plates, and headed to the kitchen.

Auntie Xu followed him and said, “Young Master, let me do that.”

“Thank you.” Han Yang didn’t leave the kitchen. He rolled up his sleeves, took out two tomatoes from the refrigerator, then put them back. He asked Auntie Xu, “Do we have room-temperature tomatoes?”

“Yes, they’re in that shopping bag. I bought them this morning,” Auntie Xu replied. She asked, “Are you going to make sugar-coated tomatoes for Young Master?”


“Then let me do it.”

Han Yang declined, saying, “No need. He likes it when I make it.”

Sugar-coated tomatoes were something Gu Nuan had loved to eat since he was a child. Back when Gu Nuan was in primary school, it was unclear whether it was due to growth or his sweet tooth, but every midnight, he would knock on Han Yang’s door, take Han Yang’s hand, and go to the kitchen to dip tomatoes in sugar from the refrigerator.

He would eat one and then another, getting his hands and mouth all sticky. Even his pajamas would be stained.

So, Han Yang would slice the tomatoes, evenly sprinkle them with granulated sugar, and let Gu Nuan eat them with a fork. These sugar-coated tomatoes tasted even better, and the right balance of sugar was crucial; too much sugar made them too sweet, and too little made them too sour. Han Yang always got the balance just right.

Therefore, every time Gu Nuan ate them, he would be as happy as can be, happily praising, “Big Brother’s sugar-coated tomatoes are the best, a hundred times better than Dad’s, Grandma Zhang’s, or Auntie Xu’s!”

After thinking for a moment, he would add, “Dad’s are the worst. He always stops me from eating sugar!”

Listening to his complaints, Han Yang would wipe Gu Nuan’s mouth with a tissue and remind him, “You need to remember to brush your teeth later.”

“Okay!” Gu Nuan would then spear a piece of tomato and feed it to Han Yang’s mouth.

Seeing Han Yang eat a piece too, he would become overjoyed. “We’ll brush our teeth together later.”

No matter what they did, Gu Nuan would be extremely happy when he was with Han Yang.

At that time, Han Yang was only in the sixth grade of primary school. He was sweetened by the tomatoes to the point where he wrinkled his brow and, while helping Gu Nuan wipe his mouth, he reminded him, “Don’t get it on your clothes again, or Uncle Gu will scold you.”

In fact, Han Yang didn’t really like tomatoes, but since Gu Nuan enjoyed eating them, he had eaten quite a few with him.

Gu Nuan would nod and obediently follow Han Yang’s words then eat seriously and would occasionally give Han Yang a piece. The two little heads would be close together in the kitchen, eating three tomatoes in one go.

They did this every night, and Ji Mu and Gu Yuanchen probably had no idea.

Now, as Han Yang was cutting the tomatoes, he couldn’t help but smile. What was different from before was that Han Yang’s knife skills had improved a lot. He quickly prepared the tomatoes, covered them with plastic wrap, and said to Auntie Xu, “Auntie Xu, can you bring these to Gu Nuan for me?”


He said, “Gu Nuan might still be mad at me.”

Auntie Xu, upon hearing this, thought there was something major going on. She casually took the plate, saying, “The Young Master and you will make up within half an hour.”

Sure enough, half an hour later, Gu Nuan knocked on Han Yang’s door.

He handed the empty plate to Han Yang with an awkward look and sneaked a glance at him. “I want more.” After saying that, he actually burped, a rare occurrence.

Gu Nuan covered his mouth, furious with himself. He had just provided himself with an opportunity, but how could he slip up like that!

Without exposing him, Han Yang took the empty plate and noticed that it was warm from Gu Nuan’s hand. “The tomatoes in the fridge are too cold. I’ll take them out, and we can eat them later.”

Gu Nuan followed Han Yang to the kitchen, but when he passed the living room, he suddenly tugged at Han Yang’s sleeve. “I’m sorry for getting angry with you last night.”

Actually, it was early this morning.

Han Yang turned around and saw Gu Nuan, who had suddenly changed his demeanor, his eyes filled with tears but held back as he said, “Big brother, you’re an adult, and you have a lot of things to do, and many friends around you…”


“I know you’re busy, so it’s normal if you don’t want me around. I’m fine on my own; I’m not sad at all. Not at all! Big brother, please don’t worry about it.”

Han Yang felt a slight twitch in his eyebrows.

But before Gu Nuan could say the next carefully prepared sentence, they heard loud laughter from the entrance.

Su Li’s laughter was like a haunting melody, and Gu Nuan, with his low-level “tea talk,” didn’t even know where he had learned it from. The problem was that he was quite good at it.

Su Li laughed heartily, and the housekeeper who had just opened the door, Auntie Xu, cleared her throat a couple of times. Su Li was immediately pinched by his mother, Su Ling, standing beside him.

Su Li suddenly realized the situation and stifled his laughter. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m just a bit weird, hahaha.”

He was still laughing when he caught Han Yang’s cold gaze. The mad dog that had been rumored in school was indeed a mad dog, and his terrifying gaze hadn’t changed in many years.

Su Li had been afraid of Han Yang since middle school, and now he swallowed his saliva, feeling a little chilled.

He chickened out.

A few seconds later, Gu Nuan, with a flushed face, opened the bedroom door, calling out to Su Li, “Su Li, come into the room!”

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