Strawberry Pop Pop Pop

Strawberry Pop Pop Pop chapter 17

That night, due to weather conditions, the flight couldn’t take off until the next day. They had to stay in a hotel in a small town near the airport.

Ji Mu and Han Yang shared a room, while Gu Yuanchen stayed next door.

Ji Mu ordered a simple meal, consisting of four dishes and a soup. When it was delivered to their room, Han Yang had just finished showering, and Ji Mu was reapplying ointment to his injuries. Those bruises looked painful, but Han Yang’s face was nearly expressionless.

Getting used to pain was the scariest habit.

Ji Mu took the initiative to bring him to the table and opened the meal box for him. “I ordered some home-cooked dishes. If you don’t like them, you can order something else.”

Han Yang picked up his chopsticks. “Thank you, I don’t dislike any of these.”

To ease the atmosphere, Ji Mu asked, “You’re not picky at all?”

Han Yang nodded and took a few bites of rice.

“If only Xiao Nuan wasn’t so picky. He has many things he doesn’t like to eat.” Ji Mu spoke of Gu Nuan with a helpless and happy tone. “But last time when you were at our house for dinner, he actually ate the green peppers he dislikes the most. I think he probably didn’t want you to find out he’s picky.”

Han Yang couldn’t continue the conversation but wanted to hear more about Gu Nuan from Ji Mu.

To him, Gu Nuan was like the sun in the sky. It could be blinding to stare at, but no one could resist the warmth of the sun.

Ji Mu noticed his thoughts and continued to share interesting stories about Gu Nuan.

Han Yang listened attentively, and it seemed like he could smell a faint strawberry scent. After thinking for a while, he realized it was probably the lollipop in his pocket that had become sticky from the room’s heating and was emitting its fragrance.

Only he could smell it, the same sweet scent as Gu Nuan.

Suddenly, Ji Mu’s words came to a halt. After a brief silence, he asked Han Yang, “Why didn’t you call me? Or did you try to call me? Actually, I lost my phone that night and didn’t get a new one until the next afternoon when I got a replacement SIM card.”


“Han Yang, you should have kept on calling me.”


“Xiao Nuan likes you so much. As long as you know how to take advantage of it, you could have used him to get as much help as you want.” If it had been the old Ji Mu when he was young, he would have taken advantage of it for sure.

However, Ji Mu wasn’t suggesting that Han Yang should use Gu Nuan. He was just seeking an answer, one that would help him make a decision.

“Han Yang, the more someone lives in a harsh environment, the more they know what to hold onto and what to let go of.”

He picked up some dishes and put them in Han Yang’s bowl. “And this ‘use’ won’t hurt Xiao Nuan. He has us, but you’re all alone.”

Han Yang put down his chopsticks, unable to speak.

Seeing this, Ji Mu softened his tone. “Don’t worry, no matter what, I will help you. But I want to know the reason why you didn’t call me after that day.”

The prolonged silence almost made Ji Mu give up on asking. The food was getting cold, and he didn’t want to continue pressing Han Yang. There were reasons for unspoken words, and if Han Yang didn’t want to say, Ji Mu didn’t want to press on.

“It’s okay; let’s not talk about it. The food is getting cold; please eat.” Ji Mu couldn’t help but reach out and pat Han Yang’s head, just like he usually did with Gu Nuan.

No one had ever patted Han Yang’s head like that before.

Suddenly, Ji Mu heard Han Yang’s voice, a voice and courage that had only gathered after multiple attempts. “Actually, I did try to call you at first, but I was caught by Uncle Wang. He said he wanted 300,000 from you. Otherwise, he would tell my dad about the help you were offering me…”

“Wang Sheng?”

“300,000 was too much, and I didn’t want him to do this, but I was also afraid he would tell my dad. So, I tore up your number and hid it in my pocket…”

He was helpless.

“My dad is a bad person. He would only hurt you and Gu Nuan.”

Speaking of Gu Nuan, Han Yang’s tears finally fell, hot and scalding, landing on the back of his own hand. He told Ji Mu, “No one has ever been as kind to me as Gu Nuan, so… I want to be kind to him too.”

He wanted to be friends with Gu Nuan, but he had never had any friends before, and he didn’t know how to go about it.

If the price of receiving help was letting Han Yongnian get close to the Gu family and harm Gu Nuan, then Han Yang would rather not have that help. He didn’t want to put Gu Nuan in danger.

After all, he had always been in hell, and going anywhere else wouldn’t make much of a difference to him.

A shooting star streaked across the sky, and Han Yang’s tears were genuine, without a trace of falsehood. Even in the face of adversity, Han Yang had never entertained the thought of harming Gu Nuan.

A person would never be willing to pluck the sun from their own world.

Hearing these words, Ji Mu’s heart tightened. He bent down and hugged Han Yang. Facing the sobbing Han Yang, Ji Mu held him tightly, gently patting his back. “Good child, thank you for being willing to protect Xiao Nuan.”

“…I’m sorry,” Han Yang cried. “When I grow up, I will return all the money to you that my dad took.”

“As long as you grow up healthy, that money doesn’t matter.” Ji Mu assured him firmly, “I told you before, I’m very wealthy, and I’m willing to help you.”

Han Yang sniffled.

At that moment, Ji Mu made a decision in his heart. “Han Yang, we won’t go to the private school in the neighboring city. Okay?”

“I’ll do as you say.” Han Yang believed he didn’t have the right to refuse anything or make choices. Even if Ji Mu decided to send him back tomorrow, he wouldn’t complain.

Ji Mu smiled faintly. “Let’s go to Xiao Nuan’s school. He’ll definitely be very happy. I’ve already discussed this with your mother…” He held Han Yang’s hand and said seriously, “I told her that you’re a very good child, and you’ll have a brand new life and a bright future. Even though she gave up on you, I won’t.”

Han Yang didn’t react immediately, but he heard Ji Mu say, “Come home with me and become part of our family. Will you?”


This was the beginning of a new life.


The glass door of the office swung open, and 22-year-old Han Yang set down the photo he had been holding, bringing an end to this long reminiscence. He smiled and said, “Uncle Gu.”

As Gu Yuanchen entered, his assistant followed, bringing in a cup of hot tea for him. At the same time, the assistant replaced the cooled-down tea in front of Han Yang.

Once the assistant left and closed the door behind him, Gu Yuanchen smiled at Han Yang. “We might need to retake the family photo. You and Xiao Nuan have grown up.” After saying that, he habitually patted Han Yang’s shoulder. “How does it feel to be back at the company? I remember you came here a few times when you were in middle school, right?”

He used to come here with Gu Nuan because, at the time, fourth-grade Gu Nuan needed to do an on-site research for a school essay titled “My Father,” which was part of an internal competition.

Otherwise, they rarely had a reason to visit the company.

Han Yang had a good memory, and he remembered that Gu Nuan’s essay had won an award. After all, Gu Yuanchen had donated a significant amount of money to the elementary school.

Thinking about this, he smiled genuinely and said, “It’s good.”

Gu Yuanchen took a sip of tea and asked directly, “Now that you’ve graduated, have you considered what you want to do?”

Before Han Yang could answer, Gu Yuanchen extended an invitation. “How about working here?” He wasn’t expecting an immediate response from Han Yang; he just wanted to give the young man a suitable option as an elder.

However, Han Yang had already made up his mind before returning to China.

Gu Yuanchen sensed that Han Yang had something to say and patiently waited.

Han Yang raised an eyebrow, showing that he had carefully considered his decision. “I don’t plan to join the company, and I’ve already arranged to move out of the house. I’ve entrusted a real estate agency to find me a place.”

The latter part of the sentence left Gu Yuanchen stunned.

Han Yang lowered his head slightly. “I’m sorry, Uncle Gu.”

“If you don’t want to come work in the company, I won’t force you. But regarding moving out of the house, you should have informed us in advance. You know that your Uncle Ji is very concerned about you.”

Gu Yuanchen’s tone became serious, and he was not pleased with Han Yang’s unilateral decision. In essence, he was concerned about the young man and wanted him to stay close so they could take care of him.

Han Yang understood Gu Yuanchen’s intentions. “Uncle Gu, before I went abroad, you told me that you hoped I would take over the company with Gu Nuan in the future. I understand how much you value me, and I also understand that you and Uncle Ji don’t treat me as an outsider but as part of the family.”

Han Yang’s gaze drifted to the framed photo in his hand. He looked at Gu Nuan’s smiling face in the picture, lost in thought for a moment. Then he slowly continued, “But over the past four years abroad, I’ve realized that what I want to do isn’t here.”

“Han Yang.”

“Uncle Gu, the reason I decided to go abroad four years ago hasn’t changed to this day.” Han Yang unintentionally clenched his hand, feeling nervous just like he did back then. “I think it would be better for Gu Nuan and me to live separately.”

This statement firmly lodged Gu Yuanchen’s attempt to persuade him deep in his throat.

Sensing Gu Yuanchen’s momentary hesitation, Han Yang moved his hand slightly and placed the framed photo back onto the desk, neatly and evenly. “But please rest assured, Uncle Gu. I will always be Gu Nuan’s big brother, and I will always stand by his side.”

“I know that you’ve always taken care of me, and I’ll be forever grateful. It’s getting late now, and Uncle Ji and Gu Nuan are waiting for us to have dinner.”

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