Strawberry Pop Pop Pop

Strawberry Pop Pop Pop chapter 100

Liang Xie felt that since Su Li returned from H Country, the way he looked at him had become somewhat strange.

The strangest part was that he kept glancing at his wheelchair and occasionally held a pair of chopsticks or a rolling pin in his hand. After making some comparisons on his own, he would look disappointed and put the items back in the kitchen.

On this day, Su Li and Liang Xie went out for a “walk” as usual.

It was Su Li who had suggested this “walk,” saying that Liang Xie shouldn’t stay at home every day, and occasionally they should go out and get some fresh air.

Initially, Liang Xie had refused. However, he couldn’t resist Su Li’s persistent persuasion and eventually agreed.

Due to Su Li having a part-time job at a convenience store, they could only go out together on Wednesday evenings and weekends.

It was spring, and the roadside in the upscale apartment complex was filled with apricot blossoms.

Su Li had a lot on his mind, and before Liang Xie could ask, he furrowed his brows and said, “Why did you insist on buying an electric wheelchair?”

Liang Xie was taken aback and replied, “Electric wheelchairs are more convenient.”

Liang Xie didn’t understand what Su Li was asking, and he asked, “What’s wrong?”

Su Li shook his head and mumbled, “It’s a pity.”

Liang Xie didn’t hear clearly, and halfway through their “walk,” he said, “It’s getting late; let’s go back. I still have work to do.”

Both of them had things on their minds. As soon as Su Li returned to the apartment, he went to the kitchen to wash the fruits he had bought. The caregiver Zhang Jie, thinking that they had a disagreement, discreetly glanced at Su Li and cautiously said, “Mr. Su, let me do that. Is everything alright between you and Mr. Liang today? He doesn’t look well.”

“Huh?” Su Li, worried, turned off the water and was about to rush to Liang Xie’s room.

Zhang Jie quickly said, “Mr. Liang said he wanted to rest for a while. Mr. Su, you can go see him later.”

Su Li immediately stopped in his tracks.

While washing the fruits, Zhang Jie inquired, “Mr. Su, did you two have an argument?”

“No,” Su Li said, confused. He couldn’t understand what kind of conflict he could have with Liang Xie.

Zhang Jie responded with a casual “Oh.”

Su Li asked with concern, “Could it be that I took him out for a walk, and he caught a cold?”

“No, it just seems like he’s not in a good mood,” Zhang Jie said and inwardly chuckled.

In truth, Zhang Jie wasn’t too fond of Su Li. She had her own ulterior motives, too many of them, and even before Liang Xie could point them out, Su Li would be the first to notice. In the past, when Zhang Jie wanted to slack off or get an advantage, Liang Xie would typically turn a blind eye to it. Now, however, Su Li wouldn’t pretend not to notice if he caught Zhang Jie being unfair to Liang Xie.

Once, when Zhang Jie tried to take a cake from the refrigerator, she was stopped by Su Li.

That cake was specifically bought by Su Li on the day he received his salary. It wasn’t cheap, and it was the kind that you could only get at Gu Nuan’s house. He had bought two four-inch cakes and they shared the first one. Then Liang Xie had said they would wait to eat the second one together the next day.

However, the next day, Zhang Jie was about to take it, and she was coincidentally caught by Su Li.

“Ah, Mr. Su, Mr. Liang doesn’t eat leftovers. Don’t you know that?”

Zhang Jie took the initiative to speak first and had no intention of returning the cake.

Su Li paused for a moment and then said, “This cake has a shelf life of two days and hasn’t expired yet.”

Zhang Jie: “…”

Su Li had put the cake back in the fridge, thought for a moment, and turned back to say politely, “Mrs. Zhang, if you want to eat cake, just let me know next time, and I’ll get you a piece too.”

“No need, no need…”

“But no matter what, this is Liang Xie’s home. If you want to take something, you need his permission,” Su Li said, having seen Zhang Jie taking advantage of the situation openly on more than one occasion.

This matter had already been resolved, but Zhang Jie had been holding a grudge for quite a while.

She had worked in the apartment for many years, and Liang Xie had never reprimanded her.

She had never thought highly of Su Li, an ordinary-looking omega. She always felt that Liang Xie had only found him on a whim. Once the novelty wore off, it would be over.

She had never regarded Su Li highly.


She washed the fruits slowly and said, “Maybe it’s because Miss Xu visited him yesterday, and he’s not feeling good about it?”

Speaking of Miss Xu – Xu Lin, Su Li fell silent.

Xu Lin and Liang Xie were childhood playmates, having grown up together from an early age. Although they hadn’t had a romantic relationship, their families had always been close.

Even before Liang Xie’s accident, their families had nearly arranged a business marriage. However, after Liang Xie’s leg injury, Xu’s family no longer mentioned the engagement.

Over the years, their contact had been minimal. Just yesterday, Xu Lin, who was working abroad, had come back to visit Liang Xie and brought a wedding invitation.

“Originally, my husband and I had planned for a simple wedding abroad, but our families insisted on a big celebration in our home country first.” Xu Lin looked at Liang Xie, whom she hadn’t seen in a long time, and said gently, “My father sent a wedding invitation to the Liang family. I guessed they probably didn’t tell you or Liang Caicai.”

So, she personally brought the invitation.

“Caicai is still the same, dressing flamboyantly, showing no signs of being the family business CEO.” Xu Lin chuckled. “Caicai is carefree. Despite the immense Liang family business, he just gave it up like that, without a fight.”

Liang Xie calmly replied, “The Liang family atmosphere doesn’t suit him.”

“Yes, Caicai has always been free-spirited, doing things as he pleases.”

Afterward, it seemed that Xu Lin had something else to discuss with Liang Xie and intentionally suggested that they get away from Su Li and Zhang Jie. Su Li was initially reluctant to leave, but Liang Xie had said, “Su Li.”

Su Li reluctantly got up and said, “I’ll go to the study to play games for a while. Call me if you need anything.”

Su Li had felt anxious and wronged, spinning around in the study. If he hadn’t noticed the wedding invitations on the coffee table, he would have suspected that Xu Lin had come to steal Liang Xie away.

After all, Liang Xie was so outstanding. A mere leg injury couldn’t diminish his appeal. Su Li felt grateful in his heart, thanking Xu Lin for not recognizing Liang Xie’s worth.

Su Li understood that if Liang Xie had not been injured, he would never have been with someone like him.

On the other hand, Xu Lin was an extraordinary omega female with a subtle apricot blossom scent that was much more pleasant than his sour grape scent.

Su Li wasn’t sure how he had spent those fifteen minutes, but he remembered that he had walked out of the study as soon as he heard Xu Lin preparing to leave.

Xu Lin had looked at him nonchalantly, seemingly studying him, and then slightly furrowed her brows. Afterward, she glanced at Liang Xie and shook her head helplessly.

She said, “Liang Xie, at my wedding next month, your mother will also be there. It might be better if you come by yourself.”

Su Li wasn’t a fool; he knew he was being rejected. He silently flipped her off in his heart.

Looking at Liang Xie, he remained silent.

Xu Lin hesitated for a moment but ultimately left the apartment.

The atmosphere had suddenly became heavy.

“Is she afraid that you’ll bring me along? I won’t go; I don’t know her, and I also hate attending weddings.” Su Li provided himself with an excuse before Liang Xie had a chance to respond.

“Xu Lin didn’t mean that,” Liang Xie explained. “It’s my mother… She might give you a hard time. She’s probably thinking about that.”

Su Li pursed his lips, knowing he shouldn’t be overly concerned about Liang Xie’s family matters, but his straightforward nature made it hard to resist asking Liang Xie.

Liang Xie didn’t intend to hide it from him; he was just troubled. “There’s an issue with the company, and my grandfather is hospitalized. My mother won’t let this opportunity slip. She’ll probably return to the country soon and find a way to get me back into the company,” he had said, glancing at his leg with self-deprecation. “To her, I’m just a tool to fight for the family’s assets.”

“Liang Xie…”

“Su Li, Xu Lin was kind enough to remind me of these things,” he reached out and held Su Li’s hand. “Don’t overthink it.”

“Okay, I won’t overthink it!” Su Li nodded.

He didn’t understand all the details about the Liang family, but if anyone dared to mistreat or bully Liang Xie, he would be the first to object and call them out.

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