Stars run to him

Stars run to him chapter 92

Extra 4: Su Li and Liang Xie (Part 1)

April, flowers bloomed in full.

A cheap second-hand car slowly stopped in front of a villa area.

The driver’s window was rolled down, and Su Li poked out half of his head, politely telling the gatekeeper, “Hello, I’m a friend of the resident in Building 8. My last name is Su.”

The gatekeeper lowered his head to check that day’s visitor registration for Building 8 and confirmed Su Li’s license plate. He then said, “Mr. Su, please this way.”

The gatekeeper pressed a button beside him, and the entrance gate of the community opened.

Under the clear sky, the flowers in the community were blooming, filling the air with fragrance.

Su Li carefully stared at both sides, following the house numbers of one villa after another.

“Building 8, Building 8…” he muttered under his breath and then his eyebrows lifted in delight. He said to the Alpha in the passenger seat, “Liang Xie, we’re here!”

In front of them, there was a sign labeled “8” on the left side of a villa’s gate.

Faintly, there was the sound of cheerful laughter coming from inside the villa, which sounded like Yang Qing’s voice.

Su Li smirked and commented, “Yang Senior really has a loud voice. You can hear him from miles away.” He slowly drove the car in and parked it securely in a parking space on the side of the yard.

In an instant, the modest little car contrasted sharply with the luxury cars on both sides.

However, Su Li didn’t mind at all.

He really liked the second-hand car he had saved up to buy. It was very convenient for him.

Suddenly, a petal floated onto the windshield.

Su Li gazed at the beautiful appearance of the villa and sighed, “Yuxing’s new home is really big. How much do you think it costs?”

Beside him, Liang Xie calmly said out a number that made Su Li gulp down saliva in shock.


Liang Xie lifted his head at the sound and nodded, “The property prices in this area are all quite frightening.” Liang Xie’s handsome face looked good, and his mood was good too. “But if you like, we could move to this community in the future.”

“No, it’s not that! Yuxing just moved into a new house. I’ll definitely have to compliment him when we get inside. It’s just basic courtesy.” Su Li hastily denied, saying with particular contentment, “The villa is too big. I think an ordinary house will be okay for us.”

Saying this, he quickly undid his seatbelt and got out of the car.

“Wait for me to help you.”

Su Li quickened his pace, went around the front of the car, and habitually helped open the passenger door. “Be careful.”

Liang Xie held a foldable crutch and got out of the car slowly and cautiously. His feet landed on the ground with considerable effort.

“Liang Xie, take it slow.”

Su Li carefully supported Liang Xie until he steadied himself, and then he loosened his grip a bit.

Soon after, Liang Xie unfolded the crutch and smiled, “I can walk on my own.”

Su Li smiled too, his small tiger teeth were very charming.

“Okay! The doctor said that walking more is beneficial for your recovery!”

Although he said this, Su Li stayed by Liang Xie’s side, practically glued to him. Every now and then, his hand would reach out to support Liang Xie, afraid that he might fall.

Su Li chattered on and on, “Today is the first time you’ll be meeting my friends. They’re all very nice people. When you were abroad before, Yuxing and Gu Nuan were always concerned about how your treatment was progressing.”

Liang Xie knew all this, “The people around you are all very kind.”

Upon hearing that, Su Li pursed his lips sadly, “My parents…”

Liang Xie stopped and held his hand, comforting him, “Your parents are also very good. They just care about you too much. If I were them, I might not be as kind too.”

Six years ago, with Su Li’s encouragement, Liang Xie decided to go abroad for treatment.

However, the treatment process was long and tedious, and it wasn’t convenient to return to the country. Thus, the two of them became a distant long-distance couple. Fortunately, Su Li was willing to travel and often took advantage of breaks, flying to foreign countries to accompany Liang Xie, without considering the hardships.

Naturally, as a student, Su Li couldn’t afford the cost of airfare, so he mostly used Liang Xie’s credit card.

Liang Xie was five years older than Su Li and had plenty of money. He was also more than willing to bear this expense. He was very moved by Su Li’s unwavering support and wanted to become a better person for him.

Through all this back and forth, time passed in the blink of an eye, and they ended up dating. At Su Li’s initiative, Liang Xie, unable to resist his feelings, marked Su Li’s Omega neck.

From then on, their romantic relationship couldn’t be hidden anymore.

Su Li’s parents weren’t fools either. Over the years, their son had repeatedly flown abroad, and he wasn’t lacking money anymore. It was clear he had set his heart on someone and couldn’t be held back.

At first, Su Li’s parents didn’t push him about his love situation, hoping he would bring the person back to meet them.

But after seeing the mark on their son’s nape, the couple was thoroughly angry.

What kind of Alpha did this?

He marked him without a word, and he didn’t even come to meet the parents?

Su Li’s parents were so angry they made a harsh decision: “If he doesn’t come meet us this year, he doesn’t need to come in the future!”

Su Li was overjoyed, looking like he had succeeded in his plan.

He said, “Dad, Mom, you were the ones who asked him to come! You’re not allowed to change your mind later!”

Su Li had a well-devised plan, and he had actually calculated the timing accurately. Liang Xie’s treatment was about to be completely finished, and he would soon be able to return to the country!

Otherwise, with his timid personality, how could he dare to face his parents?

Moreover, the current Liang Xie was very different from before. In the past, he had to rely on a wheelchair to move around. Now, he could walk with the help of a cane.

For Liang Xie, this was undoubtedly a significant improvement, allowing Su Li to confidently reveal his relationship to his parents.

Otherwise, how many parents could calmly accept their child being with someone who used a wheelchair?

Su Li didn’t want to burden Liang Xie with these worries in advance, so he had been keeping it a secret. Only now did he start preparing his parents, occasionally mentioning his boyfriend and praising him to the skies.

Su Mother: “Tsk.”

Su Father: “Hmph.”

Su Li: “Liang Xie has his shortcomings… but he’s really, really good. He’s the best Alpha I’ve ever met. You’ll see when you meet him!”

Su Mother: “Then why don’t you tell us, what are his shortcomings exactly? You always leave out half the story, how are we supposed to respond?”

Su Li muttered under his breath, “You’ll know when you meet him…”

Su Father: “Hmph.”

Su Mother: “How did you two meet? Where did you meet? You should at least tell us about that, right?”

Su Li sat on the couch and whispered, “We met in school, in a game…”

Su Father & Su Mother: “What?! An online, online online online relationship?!”

“Yeah…” Su Li scratched his nose, feeling quite embarrassed and shy, “I know what you’re going to say. He didn’t lie. I pursued him.”

Su Mother instantly collapsed onto the couch, her headache worsening, feeling like she might have a heart attack from the frustration.

Su Father, concerned for his wife, furiously said to Su Li, “You brat, can you be even more outrageous?! Look how scared you’ve made your mother!”

Su Li pitifully looked at his parents and poked a bunch of grapes on the coffee table with his finger, saying carefree, “Outrageous? I think it’s okay…”


So, after returning to China.

Liang Xie’s top priority was to visit Su Li’s family as soon as possible.

Liang Xie had never been this nervous. He made a lot of preparations, bought many gifts, and went with a sincere heart.

He hoped to gain the approval of Su Li’s parents, as that was what Su Li hoped for.

Unfortunately, upon learning that Liang Xie was disabled, Su Li’s parents couldn’t accept it for a while.

On the day they met, even though Su Li’s parents had mentally prepared themselves, when they saw the cane, they lost their words and their expressions gradually tensed up.

The dishes on the table were delicious, clearly prepared with care, but no one had an appetite.

Su Mother even looked at the mark on the back of Su Li’s neck and became so frustrated that she used feeling unwell as an excuse to leave the room.

Su Father struggled with his words, picked up a pair of chopsticks and put them down, his face obscured.

In this situation, Liang Xie had no choice but to say to Su Father, “Uncle, I’m sorry.”

Under the table, Su Li held Liang Xie’s hand tightly, with great force.

This situation continued for several months, spanning a Chinese New Year.

Liang Xie, thick-skinned, kept visiting repeatedly, while Su Li’s parents kept putting on cold faces.

No parents want to see their children regretting their decisions in the future. They thought they were doing what was right, coldly excluding Liang Xie.

They hoped Liang Xie would give up.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, it was snowing heavily.

Hearing that Su Father was unwell, Liang Xie hurriedly bought ginseng supplements to visit him. He put down the gift box and tactfully didn’t stay long, quickly leaving. Su Li came out of the kitchen with freshly brewed tea.

Seeing Liang Xie leave, Su Li didn’t hesitate. He practically rushed out the door.

Seeing Su Li’s coat left on the sofa, Su Mother, worried about her son catching a cold, grabbed the coat and followed him downstairs.

The outside temperature was very low.

In the snowy area of the community, Su Li was crying, his tears mingling with his sobs as he tightly gripped Liang Xie’s hand.

Liang Xie didn’t say anything, he gently hugged Su Li. Then, he took off his own coat, draped it over Su Li’s shoulders, and wrapped it tightly.

Su Li cried, “Liang Xie, I’m sorry… I didn’t handle it well. I’m so useless. I never thought my parents would react like this, I really didn’t think it would be so serious. I thought, I thought that with the current situation, they could accept it…”

Su Li was heartbroken, his eyes teary, his tears a mix of countless pains and grievances.

Liang Xie patiently wiped away Su Li’s tears, the warmth in his eyes sincere and genuine.

“It’s okay, this doesn’t change us, I still love you.” Liang Xie leaned closer, slightly bending down, and kissed Su Li’s forehead, “Don’t worry, I won’t give up, and you don’t need to cry.”

“Liang Xie…”

“Your eyes are very beautiful, don’t cry.”

“…What, where are my eyes beautiful?” Su Li said amidst tears.

Liang Xie smiled, under the winter sun, his warmth was particularly comforting, “Beautiful, I think they’re beautiful.”

Sniffling, Su Li tightly embraced Liang Xie.

They seemed like a pair of unfortunate mandarin ducks torn apart by malevolent forces.

Behind them, Su Mother stopped for a moment, sighed softly, shook her head, and turned back into the house.

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