Stars run to him

Stars run to him chapter 91

Extra 3 part 2; Nesting

Gu Zhongyi was taken aback and remained speechless.

Seizing the moment of his silence, Lin Yuxing swiftly closed the closet door.

This time, Lin Yuxing was being clever. He used his strength to pull the inside of the door, preventing Gu Zhongyi from moving it even a bit.

If it were any other Omega, they probably wouldn’t have had the strength in such a critical moment. But he was different. He was Lin Yuxing, a powerful Omega capable of effortlessly handling various tasks.

At the same time, Lin Yuxing let out a somewhat puzzled sigh.

He buried his face in a pile of underwear filled with the scent of bitter orange pheromones, rubbing against them contentedly, completely disregarding the anxious Gu Zhongyi outside the closet.

Gu Zhongyi knocked on the closet door. No response.

Gu Zhongyi tried pulling it open, but Lin Yuxing inside whimpered as if in pain.

Gu Zhongyi quickly stopped, afraid of hurting Lin Yuxing, not daring to use force again. He tried to calmly persuade the unusual Lin Yuxing, saying gently, “Yuxing, I won’t take them away. Just open the door.”

No response from inside.

Gu Zhongyi worried that Lin Yuxing might be feeling suffocated in there, so he assured once more, “I really won’t take them.”

“Yuxing, don’t you trust me?”

After repeatedly emphasizing, an annoyed tone finally came from inside, a bit irritable, “I don’t trust you.”

Four simple words, straightforwardly blocking all the kind words Gu Zhongyi had in his heart.

Gu Zhongyi couldn’t believe it. Just two hours ago, Lin Yuxing had been fine, but now he acted as if he didn’t recognize him.

After much hesitation, Gu Zhongyi cautiously asked, “Do you know who I am?”

Inside the closet, the Omega remained silent.

Gu Zhongyi persisted, “Lin Yuxing, do you know who I am?”

Upon hearing his full name, Lin Yuxing inside the closet exhibited a slight reaction. He hesitated, biting his lip for a long while. However, his mind was blank, unable to think clearly.

Currently, his mind told him that there was only one thing he could do—gather all the things filled with the bitter orange pheromones to build a nest.

But what to do after nesting, his brain hadn’t given him any instructions yet.

All because… this nest he built wasn’t perfect, and the pheromone scent was far from strong enough.

Lin Yuxing looked at the clothes he had gathered. Using his Omega’s acute intuition, he judged that underwear was the best material for nesting. However, he had already searched the entire house, and all the underwear was here with him.

He was in distress, almost on the brink of tears from frustration.

Outside, there was someone constantly talking to him, annoying him to the point of anger.

His nose felt a tingle, and he opened the closet door, tears welling up in his reddened eyes. He wore an expression that made anyone who saw him want to pity him. Gu Zhongyi felt his heart ache for him.

Gu Zhongyi half-knelt down, wanting to wipe away his tears, wanting to hold him in his arms to console him.

Lin Yuxing turned his head away, saying, “I don’t know you, leave me alone.” Even after saying this harshly, he continued, his voice sounding fierce, “Stop bothering me!”

With that, the closet door closed again with a heavy “swish.”

A soft “clatter” followed.

One of Gu Zhongyi’s strings seemed to snap.

He had lived two lifetimes, but this was the first time he heard such heartless words from Lin Yuxing’s mouth.

I don’t trust you, I don’t know you, don’t bother me!

Gu Zhongyi wiped his face. He had never imagined that nesting would lead to this kind of scenario.

He thought Omega nesting simply involved using some Alpha’s personal belongings or needing more comfort pheromones than usual.

He never knew that nesting could cause someone to lose their memory?! Or even… drastically change their personality?

Gu Zhongyi’s mind was in turmoil.

He tried his best to calm down, to endure.

After a while, Gu Zhongyi sat down beside the closet. He coaxed and pleaded, saying everything he could think of. But Lin Yuxing inside still ignored him, even pounding on the closet’s interior a couple of times in a display of resistance, perhaps in an attempt to get him to be quiet.

Seeing this, Gu Zhongyi sighed sadly, “Yuxing, are you really ignoring me? The pheromones you want, I have plenty of them on me. I can give them all to you…”

Before he could finish, Lin Yuxing opened a crack in the closet door and threw out one of Gu Zhongyi’s suit ties, his expression wary and skeptical as he eyed Gu Zhongyi. Then, he closed the door again.

Gu Zhongyi’s mood felt like it had been pierced by an arrow. All his efforts in speaking were met with just one of his own ties.

With no other options, Gu Zhongyi turned to the internet for help.

He searched: [What behaviors do Omegas exhibit during nesting? How should one respond?]

Answers from similar questions:

Internet user: [Every Omega’s reaction during nesting is different, so the behaviors they exhibit and the changes in their personalities can vary.]

Gu Zhongyi changed the question.

He searched: [Why do Omegas hide in closets during nesting?]

Answers from similar questions:

Internet user: [During nesting, Omegas prefer small, enclosed spaces to preserve the pheromones on their nesting materials. Closets are the best choice. But if the house is small enough, the Omega might not choose the closet.]

Gu Zhongyi’s face darkened. It seemed like changing houses wasn’t the best idea.

After understanding, Gu Zhongyi asked another question: [After my Omega nests, it seems like he doesn’t recognize me anymore. How should I handle this?]

Answers from similar questions:

Internet user 1: [What a useless Alpha.]

Internet user 2: [If you can’t even handle this, are you sure your Omega likes you?]

Gu Zhongyi couldn’t help but say, “Of course, Lin Yuxing likes me.”

Inside the closet, Lin Yuxing’s voice came out muffled, “I don’t like you!”

Gu Zhongyi felt like he had been struck by an arrow. He continued scrolling through the internet for answers.

Internet user 3: [During nesting, Omegas may temporarily not recognize their Alpha. But this stage is crucial. Once you pacify them, everything will be sweet. If you can’t… Haha, well, I don’t know what to say then.]

Internet user 4: [Isn’t this simple?]

Internet user 5: [I remember it took me less than ten minutes to get someone into my arms.]

Gu Zhongyi closed the pages, realizing they were of no help.

He paced back and forth, watching time pass second by second, trying a different approach.

He didn’t want to force Lin Yuxing out.

If Lin Yuxing preferred it, he could spend the night in the closet.

So, he crouched by the closet, asking in a warm voice, “Yuxing, you’ve been in there for a while. Are you thirsty? Do you want something to drink?”

With no response, Gu Zhongyi decided to take practical action.

He squeezed a few cups of different juices and placed them outside the closet one by one. As for himself, he was a walking pheromone emitter.

Gu Zhongyi tapped on the closet door and said, “Yuxing, I brought you some juice.”

Lin Yuxing slowly opened a small gap, detecting the sweet scent of fruit.

After tossing and turning all afternoon, Lin Yuxing was indeed feeling a bit thirsty.

Seeing that Lin Yuxing only extended one hand, took a glass of juice into the closet, drank it, and then handed the cup out. Finally, he politely said to Gu Zhongyi, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Gu Zhongyi didn’t dwell on whether Lin Yuxing recognized him or not. He began wholeheartedly providing food and drinks, occasionally striking up a conversation with Lin Yuxing, asking if the nesting materials were enough.

Under his “new friend” negotiation, Lin Yuxing’s guard gradually relaxed. Eventually, he opened the closet door and felt the even stronger scent of pheromones outside the closet.

Lin Yuxing cautiously sat up, hugging his knees.

He felt a bit uneasy, picking up a few pairs of underwear and squeezing them in his hand, speaking softly, “Not enough, I… I want more.” He glanced at the underwear in his hand, his mind hazy, “Having these will be enough, I want to finish it quickly.”

Gu Zhongyi asked deliberately, “So, are these all your things?”

Lin Yuxing pursed his lips, “My Alpha’s.”

Gu Zhongyi smiled and asked, “Who is your Alpha?”

Lin Yuxing froze for a moment, suddenly caught off guard by this question.

Seizing the moment Lin Yuxing was lost in thought, Gu Zhongyi leaned over at the right time, reaching out and caressing Lin Yuxing’s face. Before Lin Yuxing could react, Gu Zhongyi kissed him, parting Lin Yuxing’s slightly closed lips without hesitation. Their lips and teeth intertwined, carrying a scent of pheromones stronger than anything else.

Lin Yuxing was kissed into a daze, and after a few moments, Gu Zhongyi carried him out of the closet effortlessly.

Leaving the carefully constructed space, Lin Yuxing was startled, huddling against Gu Zhongyi and pleading, “Don’t…”

“Don’t what?”

“I can’t be without them.”

“But you have me. I will give you something even better.”

Gu Zhongyi held him tightly, using his potent pheromones to fill every missing piece within Lin Yuxing.

Lin Yuxing, without realizing it, had been intoxicated by the pleasure Gu Zhongyi’s pheromones brought him. He became enamored with Gu Zhongyi’s caresses, occasionally acting cute in his arms, asking for a kiss or something more intimate.

Lin Yuxing was no longer his usual self.

Yet, no matter when, he always had to tightly clasp a pair of Gu Zhongyi’s underwear. Even more astonishing, the one he held was the one Gu Zhongyi had just taken off.

Lin Yuxing found this one the most fragrant and loved it the most.

He held it tightly to his chest, while he himself was held by Gu Zhongyi.

Naturally, the things in the closet were moved onto the bed under the assault of Lin Yuxing’s tears, creating a chaotic mess resembling a pile of discarded clothing.

But Lin Yuxing was immensely satisfied. He felt that his Alpha loved him very much.

“Zhongyi ge, I won’t let you go outside.” Lin Yuxing, like an unreasonable child, spoke words he had never said before, “I won’t let you leave my side.”

Little did he know that what Ji Mu said was true. After being marked, an Alpha’s companionship was incredibly important to an Omega.

The moment he left for a brief moment, his Omega would become unsettled.

Soon after, an unexpected heat period came.

Lin Yuxing, feeling full of affection, opened his eyes and covered himself tightly with the blanket. No matter what Gu Zhongyi said, he refused to come out.

Gu Zhongyi thought he hadn’t fully recovered yet, so he coaxed him like fishing, holding a pair of underwear and saying, “Yuxing, do you know what this is? This is your favorite underwear, Yuxing?”

Lin Yuxing’s internal anger flared up: Who said it’s my favorite?!

Lin Yuxing felt ashamed and wanted to bury himself right there.

There were many ways for an Omega to nest, and he happened to have the most ridiculous one.

An Omega stealing underwear, who wouldn’t find that funny? Was there anyone else in the world as comical as him?

Lin Yuxing flipped the blanket open, took the underwear, and tossed it aside. Tears streamed down his face, and he wished he could just live on another planet.

Gu Zhongyi finally realized that his Omega had fully recovered.

Gu Zhongyi looked at the distressed Lin Yuxing, feeling both regretful for the swiftly passing time and heartbroken, he embraced him, “I’ll throw them away later.”



Lin Yuxing sniffled, unusually unreserved this time. He resolved, “Burn them all.”

Lin Yuxing sobbed, “I hate nesting, I really hate it… Stealing underwear is too stupid, I’m so embarrassed, there’s no one else in the world as embarrassing as me. I’m the only Omega who steals underwear, right? Only me… Sob, only me…”

Gu Zhongyi patted his back, not knowing how to comfort him, so he indirectly blamed Gu Nuan.

“And Gu Nuan…….”

While Gu Nuan was in the office, looking at documents, he sneezed three times in a row.

Gu Nuan rubbed his nose, “Huh? Am I getting a cold again?”

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