Stars run to him

Stars run to him chapter 86

Extra 1 part 1

Summer, in the Orphanage.

Seven-year-old Liao Yan sat on a small stool, feeling bored and drowsy.

The fan above him whirred and turned continuously, making him dizzy as he looked up at it.

Liao’s mother covered his eyes with her hand. “Yan, don’t stare at it,” she said, turning away to continue talking with the orphanage director, along with Liao’s father. The adults’ conversation was full of words Liao couldn’t understand at the time.

Liao Yan obediently lowered his head, gazing at the ground, his fingers playing with the buttons on his shirt.

He was starting to miss home a little.

After a while, his gaze drifted to the partially open door. He cautiously leaned over, wanting to see, yet hesitating to go.

There were many kids there, bustling and even livelier than at kindergarten.

The orphanage director noticed his thoughts and asked Liao’s mother, “This child is so cute, I might mistake him for a little girl if I’m not careful.” She looked at Liao Yan again and continued, “Is he an Omega boy? He should be in the second grade of elementary school based on his height.”

“He’s an Alpha boy, only seven years old.”

Liao’s mother saw the surprised expression on the director’s face and casually added, “He’s always been taller than kids his age.”

Liao’s mother’s brows slightly furrowed. “He’s just too introverted and easily bullied. So, we’re planning to let him start school a year later and keep him by our side for now.”

The couple had brought Liao Yan to the orphanage, wanting him to engage in meaningful activities and interact with other kids during the summer break. They donated money to the orphanage and intended to choose a child to sponsor.

Even though Liao Yan didn’t fully understand, his parents wanted him to be part of it.

Liao’s mother held his hand. “Among these photos, choose a big brother or sister. We’ll help them go to school in the future.”

Liao Yan wasn’t very interested.

Liao’s father sighed slightly, then said sternly, “Yan.”

Liao Yan quickly rushed into his mother’s embrace.

The orphanage director, used to dealing with children, took out a few lollipops from a drawer and handed them to Liao Yan.

Pointing outside, she said, “You’ve been watching them. Do you want to be friends with them?”

Liao Yan’s parents were surprised. Their child actually had the initiative to want to play with other kids. Blushing, Liao Yan took a while before saying, “I saw two kids who look the same.”

It was his first time encountering twins in real life, and he found it fascinating.

The orphanage director understood and smiled warmly, “Go ahead, you’ll get along well with them, they are good kids.”

Liao Yan looked up at his mother, then at his father. A hint of expectation hid in his light-colored eyes.

With their approval, the orphanage director held Liao Yan’s hand and led him outside.

Not far away, the slightly taller of the twin boys was holding an old soccer ball. He placed it on the ground and shouted loudly before giving it a powerful kick, sending it rolling to the other twin.

The shorter twin imitated him, shouting and kicking the ball.

The ball gradually deviated from its path and came to a stop by Liao Yan’s feet.

It touched Liao Yan’s brand-new shoes.

The orphanage director picked up the soccer ball and patted the dust off Liao Yan’s shoes. She called the two boys over and introduced, “Yuheng, Xiao Xingxing, this is Xiaoyan.”

The boy known as “Yuheng ” obediently stood in front of the orphanage director while holding his younger brother’s hand. He curiously examined Liao Yan, his straightforward gaze causing Liao Yan to lower his head and hide behind the director.

Liao Yan timidly tugged at the hem of the director’s clothes, wanting to retreat.

Instead, Lin Yuheng spoke first, “I know you.”

Liao Yan cautiously raised his head, noticing that Lin Yuheng’s clothes were messy and even had a hole in them.

Lin Yuheng said, “You came with your mom and dad, right? I saw you brought a lot of snacks.”

Beside him, Xingxing exclaimed, “Is it the chocolate cake from earlier?”

Lin Yuheng nodded and lovingly promised, “I’ll share mine with you later.”

Lin Yuxing cheered and hugged his big brother, “I love chocolate!”

Hearing this, Liao Yan quickly took out the lollipops from his pocket and offered them, “These are chocolate-flavored too. Do you want them?”

Lin Yuxing swallowed his saliva, he loved candy.

Lin Yuheng was afraid Liao Yan would change his mind, so he swiftly took the candy and placed it in his brother’s pocket.

“Thank you.”

Lin Yuheng ruffled Lin Yuxing’s hair and turned to the orphanage director to ask for the soccer ball. The director, however, gave the ball to Liao Yan and gently patted his shoulder. “Go on, play together. You’re all the same age.”

She gestured to Lin Yuheng as well.

Lin Yuheng cleverly followed up, asking Liao Yan, “Want to play together?”

With his newfound candy, Lin Yuxing’s mood was particularly good. His eyes were bright as he softly said, “Let’s play together!”

Liao Yan pursed his lips and handed the soccer ball to Lin Yuheng, who caught it.

Lin Yuheng pulled his hand and warmly invited, “Come on, let’s go play.”

The three kids started playing in the open space.

Lin Yuxing constantly followed Lin Yuheng like a little tail. Occasionally, he would bump into Liao Yan by accident, then sit on the ground and say to Liao Yan, “Big brother, help me up.”

“Silly Xingxing, he’s the same age as us.”

“He looks taller…” Lin Yuxing hesitated, wanting to retract his hand.

Liao Yan quickly held onto it, gently patting the dirt off him as well.

But before Liao Yan finished patting the dirt, Lin Yuxing mischievously snatched the ball from him. Lin Yuheng, who was beside them, chased after it, shouting “foul,” but his laughter grew louder.

The bond between those two brothers was so strong that it made Liao Yan envious.

Liao Yan watched the twins playfully interact with each other and felt a little left out. It was at this moment that he realized all the other kids had gathered together, except for the two; it felt like they were being excluded.

He lost himself in thought.

Suddenly, Lin Yuheng, who ran back to his side, said breathlessly, “Do you want to play with the other kids over there?”

Liao Yan looked back at him.

Lin Yuheng advised him, “Just say you came with your mom and dad. That way, they won’t bully you.”

Liao Yan asked, “Aren’t you guys going to play with them too?”

Lin Yuheng snorted, a disdainful expression crossing his delicate face. “Who wants to play with that group of idiots?”

Lin Yuxing revealed the truth, saying, “They bullied me, so we won’t play with them anymore. Big brother… Xiaoyan, do you want to go and play with them? They’re not as fun as we are, um—”

Lin Yuheng quickly covered Lin Yuxing’s mouth, holding the soccer ball with one hand and dragging his brother to rest under the shade of a tree.

Liao Yan suddenly realized that those two kids were just like him – they didn’t fit in with the others.

He felt a sense of belonging and hurriedly followed them.

Because he was tall, he quickly caught up with them.

“I don’t want to play with them, I want to play with you.”

Lin Yuheng greatly appreciated Liao Yan’s choice. He set the ball down and led the two of them to the backyard of the orphanage. There, a few fruit trees were planted, each with a small sign underneath displaying several names.

Lin Yuheng and Lin Yuxing had planted an orange tree and a small sapling.

The two brothers seemed to like Liao Yan and brought him to see their treasures.

Children’s friendships form quickly, becoming deep bonds in no time. Lin Yue Xing confidently declared, “Our orange tree will definitely grow the best. You’re a good person, so I’ll give you two oranges when they’re ready.”

Liao Yan honestly replied, “Thank you.”

Upon hearing the word “oranges,” Lin Yuxing’s mouth watered. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and envisioned the future, saying, “When the orange tree grows big, we can eat free oranges everyday. That sounds amazing.”

The next day, Liao Yan came back to the orphanage with a bag of oranges and a bag of snacks.

Since oranges weren’t in season, they weren’t very sweet.

Liao Yan hesitated before placing them in front of Lin Yuheng. He felt they were heavy, so he picked them up again and handed one to each of them.

Liao’s mother happily rubbed the cheeks of Lin Yuheng and Lin Yuxing when she met them.

Liao Yan awkwardly nudged his mother, saying, “Mom, please stop.”

“I just wanted to see the friends you made and keep talking about. They look so good and cute.” Liao’s mother had bought new clothes for both brothers. “Are you both Omegas?”

Lin Yuheng stared in astonishment at the new clothes Liao’s mother handed over, and he blushed – a rare sight. He politely nodded and pointed at his younger brother. “I’m the older brother, and he’s the younger one.”

A fact that was clear at a glance.

It had been a while since Lin Yuheng had worn such new clothes, and he said, “Thank you, Auntie. We’ll wear these clothes nicely.” After saying that, he tugged at Lin Yuxing’s hand.

Lin Yuxing was overwhelmed by the sourness of the oranges, his eyes brimming with tears. He sweetly said, “Thank you, Auntie.”

Liao Yan thought he was touched and tearing up, feeling unsure about how to respond.

Little did he know, Lin Yuheng grabbed his hand and whispered in his ear, “He’s crying because the oranges are sour.”

Liao Yan was taken aback and then burst into laughter.

How could oranges be so sour that they made someone cry?

Did oranges even get that sour? He peeled one and took a bite, scrunching up his face at the sourness.

The three kids laughed together.

Seeing this, Liao’s mother said with satisfaction, “You can play with them here this afternoon. Your dad and I have some things to take care of. We’ll come to pick you up later.”

Lin Yuxing being the most talkative, “Xiaoyan can have dinner with us. We’re having ribs tonight, super delicious. Auntie, please pick him up a little later. He can stay here and sleep too.”

Liao Yan was taken aback.

Lin Yuheng quickly stuffed an orange slice into Lin Yuxing’s mouth to make him stop talking.

When Liao’s mother left, the three of them ran to the backyard to play.

They placed the sour oranges next to the orange tree. Lin Yuxing cutely lectured the tree, “Try it, but don’t become as sour as them.”

Liao Yan felt embarrassed, saying, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know they were sour.”

Lin Yuheng bumped his arm, asking, “Why are you apologizing?”

“nothing…. it’s just…” Liao Yan bit his lip, “I’m shy when I talk. In kindergarten, the other kids always laugh at me.”

Lin Yuheng and Lin Yuxing didn’t understand. In their eyes, what did it matter if someone felt shy while talking? Why would that be funny?

But Liao Yan often felt very sad, so he never talked much.

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