Stars run to him

Stars run to him chapter 81

Go ahead and try!

The next morning, Lin Yuxing turned off the alarm clock and woke up full of energy.

He got out of bed quietly and washed up before leaving. He rode his second-hand bicycle to the cafeteria and bought two breakfasts.

The round trip took less than fifteen minutes.

As he entered the room, Lin Yuxing shouted loudly, “Su Li, get up and read!”

Su Li on the adjacent bed reacted promptly. In a half-awake state, he struggled to reach for his phone, “Didn’t I just close my eyes a few hours ago? Why do I have to get up? Ah, is it Saturday today? Can’t I sleep in…”

“It’s already nine-thirty, if you don’t want to fail, get up and study.”

Lin Yuxing put one breakfast on his desk and quickly finished two vegetable buns himself. He squatted down and started packing his things, stuffing his clothes and daily necessities into his suitcase.

“I’m going to stay at my senior’s place for a while, and I’ll move back after the summer break.”

“What? You’re leaving again!” Su Li said with a bitter face, “what about work?”

“Sister Zhou closed her shop when the vacation started. She went on a trip early.”

“What about the exams?”

“I’ll come back by bus to take the exams,” Lin Yuxing said, “and occasionally, I can hitch a ride with my senior.”

“Hmph, I’m sure he’ll drive you every day.” Su Li had long seen through Gu Zhongyi’s sticky attachment. He waved his hand and said, “You’ve grown up, and I can’t keep you around.”

Lin Yuxing embarrassedly smiled, as he and his brother had agreed to give Gu Zhongyi a surprise that day, so they didn’t tell him yesterday.

Seeing him smiling, Su Li poked his arm sadly, “Remember to hang out with me during the summer break and don’t forget your friends.”

Lin Yuxing didn’t have many things, so he quickly packed up.

He zipped up his suitcase and said, “I know. I’m leaving now, bye.”


As soon as Lin Yuxing reached downstairs, he was stopped by the dormitory aunt.

The dormitory aunt was about to knock on Lin Yuxing’s door when she saw him coming out with his suitcase. Standing beside her were two people, one was Lin Yuxing’s teacher, and the other was a stranger with gold-rimmed glasses.

“Lin Yuxing, why didn’t you answer your phone?”

The teacher wasn’t as gentle and sounded somewhat reproachful for Lin Yuxing not picking him phone.

Lin Yuxing awkwardly took out his phone and saw two missed calls from unknown numbers. Perhaps he didn’t notice them while riding the bike just now.

“Sorry, Teacher Zhang.”

Teacher Zhang gestured for Lin Yuxing to come out.

The three of them walked to the dormitory door, and the silent man said to Lin Yuxing, “Hello, I am Gu Zhuang’s secretary, Chen Hua.”

He politely handed over a business card while changing his introduction method, “Mr. Gu is, in fact, Gu Zhongyi’s father.”

Turning to Teacher Zhang, he smiled officially, “I’ll handle it from here, there’s nothing else, thank you, Teacher Zhang.”

“Not at all, not at all.”

Teacher Zhang understood the meaning of his words and left tactfully.

Chen Hua then explained the purpose of this visit, “Mr. Lin, Mr. Gu wants to see you.”

Lin Yuxing’s fingers holding the business card stiffened, and he subconsciously glanced at his suitcase.

He didn’t know much about Gu Zhongyi’s father, but through his interactions with Gu Zhongyi, he knew that this father and son were not close, and their relationship was toxic.

Moreover, Gu Zhongyi didn’t like him.

In this situation, this invitation could very well be a “trap.”

He shouldn’t go.

Chen Hua immediately saw through Lin Yuxing’s thoughts.

“Mr. Lin, it’s better not to refuse. It’s also good for the young master.” Chen Hua opened the trunk, preparing to help Lin Yuxing with the luggage. He went on, “You are someone the young master values, and Mr. Gu also values you. This time, you won’t suffer any losses.”

Lin Yuxing felt helpless and understood that he had no choice but to go.

“Let me leave the luggage in my dorm.”

He kept this in mind, planning to run away later. If the luggage was held hostage in the trunk, he would be in trouble…

Inside the spacious car, Lin Yuxing was extremely uneasy.

Throughout the journey, Chen Hua drove in silence and didn’t talk to him.

Until the car entered a beautifully decorated hotel courtyard, Chen Hua finally spoke, “Mr. Lin, we’ve arrived.” He got out of the car and politely opened the door for Lin Yuxing.

Despite the courteous treatment, Lin Yuxing felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

With nervous steps, he followed Chen Hua.

They passed through the lobby and walked through several corridors.

Inside the courtyard was a hidden paradise, a picturesque scene that seemed like an otherworldly realm hidden within the city. Lin Yuxing was amazed but dared not slow down to admire it.

Chen Hua led him to a private room and knocked twice before opening the door. “Mr. Lin, please come in.”

Lin Yuxing hesitated, staying where he was, neither sitting down nor greeting.

It wasn’t that Lin Yuxing didn’t know manners, but the moment he stepped into the room, he felt an unfriendly pheromone attack. That pheromone was unreasonable and oppressive, suppressing his perception.

As an Omega, Lin Yuxing could be certain that Gu Zhuang detested him.

Intimidated by the pheromones, his breathing became slightly heavy, and he tightly held onto his clothes. Under the pressure of the pheromones, Lin Yuxing seemed to have lost all his momentum.

Behind him, the waiter and Chen Hua had already left the room, gently closing the door.

Gu Zhuang raised his eyes, and in his indifferent gaze, there was a chilling December.

He coldly said, “Can’t speak?”

Lin Yuxing was startled by his voice and trembled all over, with cold sweat on his forehead.

After that, trembling with fear, Lin Yuxing’s first words to Gu Zhuang were not greetings or respectful words, but rather, “Uncle Gu, if you genuinely want to talk to me, please restrict your pheromones.”

Upon hearing this, Gu Zhuang lightly touched the edge of the teacup with his fingertips.

“Omegas, just like Alphas, can be of high, average, or low quality. If you can’t even bear a little pheromone, you must belong to the ‘low-quality’ category,” Gu Zhuang said.

As a student specialized in pheromones, Lin Yuxing felt displeased by the discriminatory labels. However, due to his damaged glands, he did indeed belong to what Gu Zhuang called a “low-quality” Omega.

“No matter what type of Omega I am, I don’t like pheromones with negative emotions,” Lin Yuxing suppressed his breath and showed no signs of weakness. “If you’re not willing, then I’m afraid this conversation will end here.”

Gu Zhuang raised an eyebrow slightly.

He disliked impolite Omegas, even if he himself had been impolite first.

Nevertheless, it didn’t matter.

He put away his pheromones, quickly restoring the room to normal, demonstrating his strong control.

“Have a seat.”

The table was filled with various exquisite tea treats, but Lin Yuxing had no appetite. The torment he experienced from Gu Zhuang’s pheromones made him pale.

Of course, Gu Zhuang’s true intention was not to invite Lin Yuxing for tea and chat. “Zhongyi is a high-quality Alpha, and any Omega he dates must be compatible in status, if not in quality,” he said.

Lin Yuxing: “…”

Gu Zhuang’s tone changed, “However, he is infatuated with you.”

Gradually, a hint of coldness appeared in Gu Zhuang’s eyes, like a poisonous snake targeting its prey. In his view, Lin Yuxing was an ignorant mouse.

So, Gu Zhuang pretended to be magnanimous, “As a father, I can’t do anything to my child, so I can only accept it.”

He carefully observed Lin Yuxing, trying to figure out what kind of Omega could so deeply capture Gu Zhongyi’s heart. However, after seeing Lin Yuxing in person, he found him extremely ordinary.

In Gu Zhuang’s eyes, an Omega like this, if brought into the Gu family, would probably be a laughingstock.

Unfortunately, his son had become too headstrong.

Not only that, Gu Zhongyi wanted to meddle in affairs that he shouldn’t, forcing Gu Zhuang to make some compromises. Gu Zhuang was a stubborn person with old-fashioned thinking. Gu Zhongyi was his only Alpha child and heir, and he had to keep him by his side.

Since he couldn’t break Gu Zhongyi’s wings at the moment, he had to take a step back. He first needed to find a way to catch Gu Zhongyi’s weakness and later figure out how to clip those wings.

If that still didn’t work, he could break both his “hands” and “legs.”

Gu Zhuang’s voice was deep, “You and Zhongyi will go abroad together, and I will arrange a good school for you. In the future, I won’t treat you poorly. Your living expenses, including housing, a car, and others, I will provide for you.”

Lin Yuxing almost didn’t understand the C-country language he spoke.


Gu Zhuang said, “I don’t need to repeat myself.”

He lightly tapped the table, and Chen Hua entered from outside, placing prepared documents in front of Lin Yuxing.

Gu Zhuang continued, “These are the documents from the school and hospital. I will arrange the best treatment for you abroad.” He moved two fingers slightly, pointing to his own neck, “Since you will become part of the Gu family as an Omega, you cannot have any potential issues. I hope you understand and remember this.”

His attitude seemed mild, but the underlying meaning was that of a high and mighty benefactor.

In his twisted mindset, Lin Yuxing was a lowly ant, a beggar crawling at his feet.

He gave something, and Lin Yuxing should be grateful and accept it.

After all, Gu Zhuang would never allow Lin Yuxing to stay with Gu Zhongyi for too long.

All of this was just a temporary tactic.

He had to pretend to be reconciled, make Gu Zhongyi give up on the idea of leaving the Gu family, and quickly send both of them abroad, trying his best to cut off Gu Zhongyi’s thoughts of investigating the car accident case.

Once everything settled down and after Gu Zhongyi had been “reformed,” Lin Yuxing would be of no use anymore.

If it weren’t for the mishap of that car accident, none of these troubles would have occurred.

Unfortunately, Gu Zhuang’s acting skills were poor. Or perhaps, he simply didn’t want to act.

Looking at the silent Lin Yuxing, Gu Zhuang became a bit impatient, “If you have other requests, you can also mention them.”

However, Lin Yuxing looked at the tempting conditions in front of him with indifference. The “affection” built on money was filled with a cold copper smell, making him uncomfortable.

Through Gu Zhuang’s arrogant words, Lin Yuxing finally understood the environment in which Gu Zhongyi grew up.

He asked, “Back then, he didn’t come back to the orphanage to take me because of you, right?”

Gu Zhuang furrowed his brow.

Lin Yuxing asked further, “Did you change your mind because you found out about the scars on my body?”

Chen Hua glared angrily, wanting to stop Lin Yuxing’s rudeness, but Gu Zhuang stopped him. Chen Hua took a step back, respectfully.

Seeing Gu Zhuang’s expression, Lin Yuxing knew he was right. He was momentarily stunned and asked, “Back then… Did you break his leg?”

Gu Zhuang still didn’t answer.

Lin Yuxing understood.

In an instant, a sense of sadness and melancholy overwhelmed Lin Yuxing’s heart, as if he had fallen into a pool of memories about Ayi.

He remembered the young Ayi always being sad and lacking confidence. He was such an excellent person, yet he wrapped himself in silence, crippled by self-doubt.

Ayi wasn’t unwilling to communicate with others; he was just too scared to do so.

Children who grew up in love, perhaps they were like Su Li or Gu Nuan, but definitely not like Ayi.

Lin Yuxing also remembered the night when Ayi first arrived at the welfare institution. In the dim light, Ayi took off his clothes, revealing numerous bruises on his body, which frightened Lin Yuxing, and he hugged him tightly.

He touched Ayi’s back like a little adult and said, “In the future… no one will hurt you anymore. I’ll protect you.”

That day, Ayi pushed him away, with tearful eyes.

It left an indelible mark on Lin Yuxing’s heart.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuxing finally stood up.

He firmly rejected Gu Zhuang’s “kindness” without any hesitation.

“I’m sorry, I won’t accept anything you said. Thank you for inviting me for tea, but I’ll take my leave now.” He stood up, bowed slightly, and was about to turn around and open the door when Gu Zhuang coldly snorted.

Lin Yuxing stopped, turned slightly, and looked at Gu Zhuang with a dignified gaze.

Gu Zhuang had no intention of negotiating, “I’m not seeking your consent.”

“Uncle Gu, it seems you couldn’t persuade him, so you came to me for a compromise, right?”


Lin Yuxing replied, “But I declined your offer.”

Gu Zhuang couldn’t help but get angry and rubbed his temple, “I can make him give you up again, for a second time.” He asked, “Want to try me?”

Lin Yuxing didn’t hesitate, “Sure.”

Gu Zhuang was taken aback, “…”

Chen Hua was also stunned.

“Sure? ” What kind of response was that?

Lin Yuxing took a step towards Gu Zhuang.

In a firm tone, he said, “Do you know? When I was young, I misunderstood that he had broken our promise. Although I don’t blame him, I was heartbroken. Today, I’m especially grateful to you. You made it clear to me how he truly feels about me, and I understand that when he left me back then, it was truly unavoidable.”

Gu Zhuang wasn’t interested in hearing all of this, “Don’t toast if you can’t drink.”

Lin Yuxing remained calm and said, “Uncle Gu, I might be a little poor, but that doesn’t mean I’m stupid. Since you dislike me so much, you won’t accept me being with him either. Similarly, I can’t afford the future price for the benefits you offer.”

He knew very well what that price would be.

Interestingly, if Gu Zhuang had pretended to be a bit more sincere, Lin Yuxing might not have seen through his deception and calculations so thoroughly.

“You said you could make him give me up again. Since you want to do that, I won’t stop you. Go ahead and try!”


Gu Zhuang clenched his fists in anger, and dangerous pheromones began to gather subtly.

Lin Yuxing didn’t want to be affected by the pheromones again, so he sensed the situation was not favorable and spoke concisely, “Even if Gu Zhongyi is forced to give me up, I’ll be like a sticky piece of gum that he can’t get rid of. I’ll stick to him and wait for him.”

In any case, he would never let him down.

That speech of Lin Yuxing infuriated Gu Zhuang to the point of releasing pheromones that could get him arrested by the C-country police.

Fortunately, Lin Yuxing was quick on his feet and managed to escape before being affected.

As Lin Yuxing left, the door of the private room closed again.

Gu Zhuang slammed the teacup on the floor, and the exquisite porcelain instantly shattered, making a harsh sound.

Chen Hua bowed, even though he couldn’t sense the pheromones, he dared not breathe normally.

Gu Zhuang gnashed his teeth in anger, his face nearly ferocious, “Chen Hua, it’s time for you to act.”

“Mr. Gu, not to mention that Young Master has evidence of your wrongdoing, recently, Gu Yuanchen, that old fox, has been acting up as well. If you really act against Lin Yuxing, Young Master might get emotional, and it will be detrimental to you in various aspects.” Chen Hua analyzed calmly, “We should think long-term—”

“Then target Gu Zhongyi!”

Chen Hua thought he must have misheard, shocked, he opened his mouth wide.

Gu Zhuang gave a harsh order, “I don’t care if you break my son’s leg or his hand. By next month at the latest, I want to see him ‘obedient’ in the hospital.”

“Mr. Gu, but Young Master…”

Gu Zhuang thought he understood Gu Zhongyi very well, “He was raised by me and is very intelligent. He knows that I need a successor, so he won’t really do anything to me.”

“Zhongyi is still young and lacks experience and determination. Chen Hua, before he realizes he will be persuaded by Gu Yuanchen and rely on him, I need you to handle this matter quickly.”

Chen Hua immediately replied, “Yes, Mr. Gu!”

Gu Zhuang’s face turned dark, and he said grimly, “Since Xu Wanling doesn’t want to give birth, then the cooperation between her family and mine should come to an end.” After all, there were plenty of prestigious ladies willing to have children, why should he focus on just her?

What needed to be abandoned, he, Gu Zhuang, would abandon!

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