Stars run to him

Stars run to him chapter 70

Where is he?

When Lin Yuxing chased after him, the man was also walking back.

This time, the man was not with his wife and child. They looked at each other, and the man’s face showed surprise. He didn’t expect Lin Yuxing to come out to find him.

In the crowd, Lin Yuxing gasped for breath, and his chest rose and fell. He must have been looking for him for a while.

“Uncle Qu.” Lin Yuxing’s mouth called out the name subtly.

After many years, Qu Ling had aged a lot and looked more worn out than before, no longer as spirited as he used to be. He walked calmly towards Lin Yuxing, looking at his improper outfit, Qu Ling remained silent.

The two walked to a corner, where there were fewer people.

“It’s been a long time, little star.”

Lin Yuxing didn’t respond, and it took a long time before he said, “Is it really you…” He looked at the scar on Qu Ling’s hand, and he couldn’t forget that summer when Qu Ling handed him a piece of dried plum candy.

It was because of that candy and because of Qu Ling that the summer became particularly unbearable.

Qu Ling followed Lin Yuxing’s gaze and glanced at his hand. He suddenly understood, “I was wondering how you suddenly recognized me.” These two scars are unique in shape and hard to forget.

And he was also the one who separated the two brothers, so Lin Yuxing couldn’t forget.

The exhibition hall was noisy.

Qu Ling didn’t have much time to catch up with Lin Yuxing. Moreover, he felt that Lin Yuxing seemed a bit depressed and probably hadn’t figured out what to say and ask.

So, he gave Lin Yuxing a business card.

“My wife and child are still waiting for me, and I can’t stay here for long. If you have time, let’s meet privately. I have something for you. It’s something from… your brother.”

Obviously, Lin Yuxing’s shoulder shook.

At the moment when Qu Ling was about to leave, Lin Yuxing stopped him by grabbing his wrist, holding on tightly, and gritted his teeth, “Explain everything clearly!”

The standoff between the two attracted strange looks from the people around them.

Qu Ling looked at the time and adjusted his gaze calmly.

 Perhaps because of shame or maybe feeling guilty, he made a concession.

He gestured for Lin Yuxing to let go, “Wait a moment.”

Qu Ling made a call to his assistant, asking the assistant to send his wife and child back to the hotel.

Then, he calmly asked Lin Yuxing, “How much longer do you have to work? I can wait for you. Let’s find a quiet place; this place isn’t very suitable.”

Lin Yuxing wasn’t in the mood to continue working, and he didn’t hesitate, saying, “I can finish right now.”

But Qu Ling seemed to be somewhat repulsed by his attire.

Lin Yuxing immediately said, “Wait a few minutes for me to change.”

Soon,  Qu Ling’s assistant called a car for them. The destination was a café near a hotel.

Qu Ling specifically asked for a secluded private room, looked at the menu, and asked, “Would you like something to drink?”

“Thank you, I’m not thirsty.”

Qu Ling directly ordered a drink that Lin Yuheng liked to drink, thinking that the preferences of the twins probably weren’t much different.

But Qu Ling overlooked one thing: Lin Yuxing’s family background and upbringing never allowed him the luxury of savoring a cup of coffee in the afternoon.

Lin Yuxing had never experienced the kind of coffee that cost hundreds of yuan for a small cup. He looked at the drink in front of him and did not touch it or have any desire to drink it.

He was waiting for Qu Ling to give him an answer.

However, Qu Ling remained silent, only saying, “This time, I specially brought my wife back to the country for a break and wanted to meet some long-lost relatives.”

“Mr. Qu, I’m not interested in these things,” Lin Yuxing straightforwardly replied, discarding his previous timidity.

Qu Ling tried to ease the awkward atmosphere by smiling and saying, “You have changed a lot, but you and Yuheng look exactly the same.”

Lin Yuxing did not comment and lowered his gaze.

Suddenly, Lin Yuxing’s phone vibrated with a message from “Liao Yan” and an unanswered call. He replied to the message.

Qu Ling took a sip of coffee and asked, “A friend?”

Lin Yuxing answered briefly, “Yes.”

Qu Ling, who didn’t understand, said, “I never thought that you would be more cheerful than Yuheng now.”


Only now did Qu Ling realize that Lin Yuheng had not made any friends during his years abroad.

Qu Ling clasped his hands on the table and said, “Yuheng didn’t like talking much and had no friends during the years he stayed with me.”

But the reality was different.

Every day after class, Lin Yuheng had to return to the villa and play the role of “Qu Xing.” It became his basic task to live in the Qu family. If he couldn’t do it properly, he would be ruthlessly kicked out.

He never had the time to make friends.

But in Qu Ling’s eyes, children from orphanages were simply struggling to survive, no matter where they went.

He believed that he provided Lin Yuheng with an unparalleled environment for growth, nurturing him into a capable person.

From a certain perspective, he felt he didn’t owe Lin Yuheng anything.

So when Lin Yuheng first argued with him, Qu Ling angrily slapped him. He believed that the best way to deal with someone who didn’t know how to be grateful was to kick them out mercilessly.

After the car accident in D city, Qu Ling received a call from China. At first, he thought it was a scam call, but at the caller’s insistence and explanation, he was convinced of the truth.

His adopted son was dead.

Died in a ridiculous car accident, with no body left.

That day, as he rushed to a piano performance, he suddenly felt dizzy.

Even though he was dissatisfied with Lin Yuheng in many ways, he felt sad at the unexpected separation from him.

However, he still stubbornly believed that it was Lin Yuheng’s own fault and disappointedly considered it as something he brought upon himself, paying no attention to Lin Yuheng’s life or death and handling it casually.

It wasn’t his fault.

Thinking back, he had become much older over the past two years, and as time passed, he began to recall some past events and count his regrets.

He no longer hid anything from Lin Yuxing.

“Two years ago, one day, Yuheng suddenly changed completely, becoming very irritable and making a mess at home. He said he had to go back to find you; otherwise, it would be too late.”

Outside the window, a flash of lightning suddenly struck, followed by the sound of thunder.

Lin Yuxing couldn’t help but shiver, goosebumps rising on his skin. He looked outside to see the dark layers of clouds shrouding everything, making breathing difficult.

Lin Yuxing particularly hated rainy days without Zhongyi by his side; he always seemed to encounter unpleasant things.

Qu Ling’s voice was heavy, accompanied by the howling wind.

“He seemed like he had gone crazy.”

Recalling the quarrel, Qu Ling still felt a headache. “At that time, he was only 17 years old, and I had a responsibility and obligation towards him. But he acted like he had eaten gunpowder, constantly arguing with me, and even provoked my wife.”


“That was my limit,” Qu Ling said helplessly, “It was the first time I hit him. My hands are meant for playing the piano, but he kept provoking me!”

As Qu Ling recalled his violent actions, he added, “He got hit, refused to accept it, and threatened to sever ties with me. So, I didn’t have any option but to allow him to return to China.”

At that time, Qu Ling reasonably suspected that Lin Yuheng was upset about the arrival of the new “Qu Xing.” He thought that children from orphanages were like that, always threatening others when things didn’t go their way.

Now thinking about it, he wondered why he got angry with an underage child.

If he had been stubborn and didn’t agree to let Lin Yuheng return to China, perhaps Lin Yuheng would still be alive.

Qu Ling closed his eyes, feeling heartache, and looked sadly at Lin Yuxing.

In response, Lin Yuxing’s eyes were cold, with a gaze that seemed to strip him naked.

Qu Ling swallowed a mouthful of saliva, avoiding eye contact, and said, “I didn’t stop him from going back to China but I did prepare some money for him, intending to give it to him when he turned 18, so he could do what he wanted.”


Despite Qu Ling’s emotional speech, Lin Yuxing couldn’t help but feel insincere.

Unfortunately, Lin Yuxing had no time to consider the authenticity of Qu Ling’s words; all he could think about was the “stranger” who had pushed him on the sidewalk two years ago.

Could that person have been Lin Yuheng?

No, that would be too unbelievable.

If that person was Lin Yuheng, how did he know about the car accident? After saving him, where did Lin Yuheng go? Why didn’t he immediately reveal his identity?

There were too many logical loopholes, and Lin Yuxing found it absurd and far-fetched.

Not long after, the assistant knocked on the door of the private room. “Mr. Qu, it’s me.”

“Come in.”

The assistant entered with a not-so-small black box and gently placed it on the table.

Qu Ling said, “These are all his belongings.”

Lin Yuxing hurriedly opened the box to find Lin Yuheng’s school supplies from his student days and a box with a password lock.

“I don’t know the password for that box or what’s inside,” Qu Ling said, handing it all to Lin Yuxing. “I’m giving these to you as a way to return them to your brother.” He added, “There’s also a card inside with the password being your birthdays. That was the money I originally planned to give him, and now it’s all—”


Lin Yuxing suppressed his emotions and pretended to show no expression as he lifted his head. Amidst various speculations, his patience was reaching its limit.

Frustrated, Lin Yuxing’s every word was tinged with irritation, a side of him he had never shown before.

“Mr. Qu, I don’t have time to waste on your indirectness. Where is Lin Yuheng, exactly? That’s all I want to know.”

Lin Yuxing didn’t understand Qu Ling’s intentions, nor did he want to. He simply didn’t want to think about the worst possibility. But his hand, inadvertently, slipped to his thigh, and a chill ran through his palm.

He was trembling; he had already guessed.

He desperately hoped that Qu Ling could give him a completely different answer.

Unfortunately, Qu Ling was cruel beyond measure.

“I brought these things back to the country this time not only to visit my family but also to burn them here, as a way of returning them to your brother. But today, after meeting you, I thought it might be better to give them to you.”

Qu Ling sighed and said, “You are his only relative; you should know about his death.”

Another thunderclap, and heavy rain poured down in early June, ruthlessly striking the windows.

Lin Yuxing felt as if all the strength had been drained from his body, and in an instant, he slumped into the chair.

Qu Ling told Lin Yuxing, “On August 2nd, 20xx, he was hit by a vehicle on a pedestrian bridge in D city and fell into the river. Due to the heavy rain, his body has not been found to this day.”

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