Stars run to him

Stars run to him chapter 7

December was coming to an end.

Lin Yuxing’s bad luck didn’t actually end with the disappearance of the post.

Xu Xiangchi, for some unknown reason, blocked him on the way to and from classes every day, either sending flowers or gifts. He even went to the extent of holding an umbrella for him on rainy days.

This made Lin Yuxing extremely repulsed, and no matter how many things Xu Xiangchi sent him, he returned them as they came. Sometimes, his anger would rise, and Lin Yuxing wished he could fight Xu Xiangchi.

Fortunately, Su Li would stop him; otherwise, with an Omega’s physique, it would be difficult to win against an Alpha unless he specifically trained for it.

“That bastard thinks I don’t know. He must have made a bet with someone!”

Lin Yuxing knew in his heart, as clear as a mirror, that he was unlucky, so the only option was to avoid Xu Xiangchi.

Therefore, every day, Lin Yuxing would leave the dormitory through a side door and take a detour before finally reaching his classroom. It was time-consuming and troublesome…

The terrifying part was that before long, Xu Xiangchi also blocked the small door of the dormitory.

Lin Yuxing suspected that Xu Xiangchi had bribed someone on the same floor to keep an eye on him. He was exhausted from being pursued and wore a weary face every day.

His classmates in the same department teased him, “Lin Yuxing, you’re really popular recently, almost becoming a celebrity in our department.”

There were also people who had been rejected by Gu Zhongyi and sarcastically taunted Lin Yuxing to his face, saying, “You’re already with Gu Zhongyi, yet you’re still stringing others along. What a player”

Even more frustratingly, Xu Xiangchi’s unresolved ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends treated themselves as “the third party.”

But all of the above were not the biggest trouble Lin Yuxing encountered.

He currently had a Severe hardship, which was not receiving any orders.

At present, in C University, apart from Su Li and Xu Xiangchi, most of the other students believed that Lin Yuxing was Gu Zhongyi’s partner, Hence no one dared to ask Lin Yuxing to run errands?

As the saying goes, “If you want to study in peace at C University, remember not to provoke people from the Gu family.”

Of course, this saying was exaggerated, even the Gu family themselves found it absurd.

Lin Yuxing heard from Su Li that the Gu family was always generous in making donations and doing good deeds. They simply provided additional financial support to various laboratories at C University for research and had no intention of wielding power at the school.

After learning this, Lin Yuxing tried to explain it one by one to his clients.

However, he still didn’t receive any orders.

If this continued, he would lose all his customers!

And the main culprit behind it all was the ID789.

Lin Yuxing complained in his heart. If ID789 had deleted the post earlier,  he wouldn’t be in such a miserable state. Thinking about it, Lin Yuxing wished he could send him a hundred abusive messages!

But he didn’t dare because he was afraid ID789 would post again.

He also couldn’t do it because for now, ID789 was still willing to ask him to run errands. Initially, Lin Yuxing agreed not to accept payment, but later, ID789 insisted on paying.

The reason was: [I’m not that shameless.]

Lin Yuxing furrowed his brows.

[Are you not shameless?] He typed this sentence but deleted it without sending it.

Moreover, even if Lin Yuxing wanted to scold ID789 face to face, he couldn’t. Every time, ID789’s errand orders were requested to be left at the Alpha dormitory in the North Building.

Lin Yuxing had helped him run errands at least ten times but had never seen ID789 in person.

That afternoon, ID789 sent a new order, asking Lin Yuxing to buy lunch he thought was delicious at the South District cafeteria.

As usual, it was to be delivered to the dormitory’s management office.

Lin Yuxing reluctantly accepted the order and ran to the convenience store. His second-hand bicycle, due to his financially difficult times, he had to sell it for a third of its original price.

ID789 transferred an amount on WeChat,

Lin Yuxing: [This convenience store is closer, so the delivery fee should only be 3 yuan.]

ID789 sent another transfer, and Lin Yuxing accepted it.

Lin Yuxing joked in his frustration: [Thanks, now I have money for today’s lunch.]

ID789: [Still no one ordering from you?]

Lin Yuxing: [There is. Aren’t you a person?]

ID789: [……]

ID789: [ buy for me lunch you think is delicious at the South District cafeteria.]

Lin Yuxing: [The South District cafeteria is too expensive, and I haven’t eaten there before. But I see many people buying curry pork chop rice, which should be tasty. should I buy that?]

ID789: [Sure.]

Lin Yuxing: [There’s a queue at the cafeteria, and the delivery fee is fixed at 5 yuan.]

The other party quickly transferred the money without any delay.

In Lin Yuxing’s eyes, if it weren’t for the previous post incident, ID789 would have been a very reliable customer. He rushed all the way to the South District cafeteria. Just like last time, he narrowly managed to grab the last portion of pork chop rice.

He took a picture and sent it to ID789: [You’re lucky, I managed to get the last one.]

ID789: [Sorry, I suddenly need to leave the campus for a while, so I can’t eat it.]

Lin Yuxing hesitated: [Then what should I do?]

He was prepared to refund the money to ID789 and planned to ask someone nearby if they wanted the pork chop rice so he could sell it. After all, it was the most popular lunch option, so he knew he wouldn’t have any trouble selling it.

However, ID789 said: [You eat it for me.]

ID789: [Consider it an apology for the previous post.]

ID789: [I was wrong in that matter,  believe me, my intention was not to cause such consequences.]

Lin Yuxing gripped his phone tightly, his palms sweating, feeling like he had just been doused with cold water.

In C University, the South District cafeteria was the farthest but also had the best food.

Lin Yuxing had been there many times, carrying more than ten types of lunch boxes for others, but he had never been able to buy a meal for himself.

Today was no different. He stood by the window and resolutely sold the pork chop rice.

On his phone, he refunded 25 yuan to ID789.

Lin Yuxing: [I sold the pork chop rice and refunded the money to you.]

After saying that, Lin Yuxing went to the North District cafeteria as usual and bought a cheap meal, which was equally delicious. He had never enjoyed a prosperous life since childhood, but he also didn’t like other people’s charity.

He feared that too much sympathy from others would disrupt his life rhythm.

Once a person becomes accustomed to receiving and relying on others, they will find it difficult to endure the injustices in life and develop many unrealistic fantasies and expectations.

ID789 was just someone who disrupted his life through a post, just a customer existing in his phone, just a stranger.

Lin Yuxing had no reason to accept his apology, and even less reason to “indulge” in front of him.

Even if ID789 hadn’t made that post, someone else would have. Perhaps it would have been not a blessing but a mockery. Lin Yuxing wasn’t a petty person; he took it lightly. The reason for all what was happening was all because of the initial prank.

A misunderstanding caused by something he personally sent out through an order, and everything that followed was a chain reaction.

If we were to talk about the original sin, perhaps only the person who placed the flower order could redeem it.

And indeed, he did try, but the result was being informed that the account of the person who placed the order had been deactivated.

Feeling trapped, Lin Yuxing also wished that Gu Zhongyi could go to the forum and post a clarification. However, since that day with him at the cafeteria, Gu Zhongyi seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

And when Lin Yuxing recalled Gu Zhongyi’s expression from that day, he always felt that he was in the wrong.

He didn’t know why, but Gu Zhongyi’s expression seemed familiar to him.

It was like the countless loneliness he had seen during his childhood in the orphanage.

Under the pressure of life, Lin Yuxing no longer insisted on doing deliveries.

Waiting to die was not an option. Before the heat of gossip cooled down, he needed a part-time job to sustain his normal life.

He spent an afternoon visiting stores near the school, looking for part-time work.

After comparing the hourly wage and job flexibility, Lin Yuxing chose a bakery.

The shop had just opened recently, and the recruitment notice had been posted outside for a while. However, they hadn’t found the right person because the hourly wage was slightly lower than other stores.

The shop owner was a young Beta girl named Zhou Jie. She tied her hair into a ponytail and had a cute appearance.

“Your schedule seems quite full, so how about you come over according to your available time?” Zhou Jie said, “This way, you won’t have to compromise your classes, and I won’t have to spend extra money. I can pay you daily or monthly, whichever you prefer.”

Lin Yuxing quickly thanked her.

A part-time job that wouldn’t disrupt his studies was exactly what he needed.

Lin Yuxing quickly calculated in his mind that this part-time job didn’t pay as much as his previous deliveries. But at the moment, it was the best solution to his urgent needs.

Moreover, it offered a greater degree of freedom in terms of time, and he hoped to gradually resume his delivery work in the future.

“Don’t thank me so quickly. It’s a new shop, and we haven’t made much profit yet. The hourly wage is relatively low for the first month, 6 yuan per hour, and it increases to 9 yuan per hour from the second month. If you have any deliveries within the campus, I’ll pay you an additional 2 yuan per order. How does that sound?”

“I have no problem with that!”

Zhou Jie smiled, revealing two dimples. “We often have some leftover bakery items in the shop. If you don’t mind, consider it a perk.”

Lin Yuxing said again, “Boss, thank you, I have no problem at all!”

“Just call me Zhou Jie. So, when can you start working?”

Lin Yuxing wasn’t careless either. “I can start right now.” He was diligent and quick to learn. Within an hour, Lin Yuxing had sorted out the basic tasks he needed to do.

In the evening, Zhou Jie cooked two bowls of noodles and added an extra fried egg in Lin Yuxing’s bowl.

After finishing the noodles, Lin Yuxing dutifully washed the dishes.

He watched Zhou Jie packing up some leftover bakery items, selecting the better ones to put in a bag while putting the less desirable ones in a clean stainless steel basin.

Zhou Jie placed them all in front of Lin Yuxing. “You can keep the bag for yourself to eat, and tidy up the rest of them. We’ll throw them away along with the trash when we finish work.”

Lin Yuxing looked at the burnt bakery items in the basin, hesitated for a moment, and asked with a thick skin, “Zhou Jie, since these will be thrown away anyway, can I take them?”

Zhou Jie thought that Lin Yuxing was hesitant to take them, so she pointed to the bag of better items and said, “You can have this bag, the rest are burnt and not tasty.”

Lin Yuxing quickly said, “I actually like burnt ones. They have a delicious charred flavor!”

Zhou Jie wasn’t surprised at all when she noticed Lin Yuxing’s financial situation. She looked at his slim figure and didn’t ask further, “Sure, go ahead.”

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