Stars run to him

Stars run to him chapter 6

Hello, Stop Saying “Hello”

Approximately a week had passed, and Lin Yuxing had a very rough time.

The mocking posts about him on the internet had disappeared, but a post expressing blessings inexplicably appeared in the popular section and was even highlighted.

The commenters also had a complete change of attitude, offering sincere blessings one after another. Within a few days, the blessings completely overshadowed the insignificant personal attacks.

If it weren’t for Lin Yuxing being one of the main characters in the recent incident, even he himself would have believed it to be true.

 He had sent several messages to the owner of the blessing post, saying both good and bad things, but the other person never replied.

Today was no different. Lin Yuxing continuously sent the private messages again:

[Hello, I’ve sent you a photo of my student ID card to prove that it’s really me.]

[Hello, now that you’ve seen my student ID card, please delete the post. I’m not in a relationship with Gu Zhongyi. We just happened to have something to discuss and had a meal together. Your post is causing us serious trouble, so please delete it as soon as possible!]

[Hello, I’m single and don’t need your blessings.]

[Hello, I’m tired of saying “hello” all the time.]

[Hello, do you even know that spreading rumors is illegal?]

[Hello, did I offend you before? If I did, I can apologize in person. Please delete the post.]

With each message, the other person read them but didn’t reply.

Lin Yuxing had a reasonable suspicion that this person was doing it on purpose. He looked at the decreasing number of delivery orders on his phone and became furious. Since he didn’t have any orders to take that day anyway, he decided to confront this person: [Hello, are you intentionally targeting me?]

He didn’t expect the other person to reply.

But to his surprise, the other person actually replied after this private message.

Perhaps they were tired of him.

ID789: [No.]

Lin Yuxing: [Hello, did you read those messages I sent earlier?]

ID789: [Yes.]

Lin Yuxing: [Hello, why did you read them and still not delete the post?]

Ten minutes passed, and there was no response from the other person.

Anxious, Lin Yuxing asked: [Hello, are you still there?]

ID789: [Yes.]

ID789: [You don’t have to say “hello” in every sentence.]

Lin Yuxing’s politeness instantly vanished, and he asked unhappily: [Excuse me, do you think I’m trying to deceive you? I swear, I’m really not in a relationship with Gu Zhongyi. Otherwise, who would want to hide it when dating such a handsome guy in the whole school?]

ID789: [Hmm.]

Lin Yuxing was rendered speechless by their coldness: [Do you think I’m a good match for him?]

This was clearly a sarcastic remark.

To his surprise, ID789 questioned back: [Why would you think you’re not a good match?]

Lin Yuxing was taken aback. “Why are you asking me that??”

Lin Yuxing furrowed his brows tightly and thought carefully. If this person thought he wasn’t a good match for Gu Zhongyi, they wouldn’t have posted blessings…

In order to get the other person to delete the post, Lin Yuxing mustered up the courage to belittle himself: [I’m poor, ugly, and plain. I’m not worthy of him, and he wouldn’t be interested in me either. Please stop with the misguided blessings. It’s causing both him and me a lot of trouble!]

ID789 seemed like a stubborn person: [Don’t say such things about yourself. I think you’re great.]

For a moment, Lin Yuxing couldn’t tell whether the other person was being serious or mocking him.

Faced with difficulties in life, Lin Yuxing could only swallow his anger and frustration.

He changed his tone: [Fellow student, your post has been in the popular section for several days now, and everyone thinks Gu Zhongyi and I are dating. They are afraid of offending Gu Zhongyi, so they no longer ask me to run errands. I can’t get any orders, and life is quite difficult…]

Lin Yuxing was afraid that the other person wouldn’t believe him, so he explained: [Maybe you don’t know, but my family situation is not good. I rely on doing odd jobs at school to earn a living and support my family.]

He sounded quite aggrieved, and it was indeed the reality.

Sitting hungrily at an empty table in the convenience store, Lin Yuxing couldn’t even afford to buy a rice ball. He was waiting for Su Li’s elective class to end so they could go to the cafeteria in the north area.

Several minutes later, ID789 replied: [Supporting your family?]

Lin Yuxing didn’t like to complain, but in his current situation, he had no choice.

Suspecting that ID789 was someone who responded better to softness than harshness, he immediately made another request: “[So, please delete the post? Afterwards, I can help you with ten errands for free. Even if it’s the farthest cafeteria and convenience store in the school, I won’t charge you for the errands.]”

No reply from the other side.

Lin Yuxing replied: “[Twenty times, I’m begging you!]”

No reply from the other side.

Grinding his teeth, Lin Yuxing negotiated: “[How about for one semester? Or you tell me, how long should I run errands for you? I’m truly a person of my word, I won’t deceive you.]”

ID789 still didn’t reply.

Unable to reach an agreement through negotiation, Lin Yuxing sighed in frustration.

One minute later, ID789 suddenly messaged him: “[It’s deleted, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.]”

Lin Yuxing quickly checked and found that the post was indeed deleted, and he felt relieved.

Lin Yuxing: “[Thank you! I’ll run errands for one semester, and I’ll keep my word.]”

ID789: “[Let’s become friends.]”

ID789: “[Wait a moment.]”

After a short while, ID789 sent him an account. Lin Yuxing didn’t waste any time and immediately added the person as a friend. He noticed that the other person didn’t have social media updates enabled, the profile picture was blank, and the account name was a string of pinyin characters.

Clearly, it was an alternate account.

Shortly after, under Lin Yuxing’s gaze, the person changed their WeChat name to ID789.

Lin Yuxing realized that ID789 seemed to value their  privacy and suddenly felt a sense of mystery. Lin Yuxing proactively greeted him in the chat box, and the other person replied with a simple handshake emoji.

ID789: “[I’m busy, we’ll chat next time.]”

Lin Yuxing: “[OK.]”

At that moment, a group of people entered the convenience store, led by a decent-looking male Alpha. They were holding various items, indicating that they were students from the art department.

The Alpha quickly noticed Lin Yuxing.

Lin Yuxing was focused on typing on his phone and didn’t notice him. So, the Alpha walked over to Lin Yuxing.

As if they were familiar with each other, he directly called out, “Yuxing.”

Lin Yuxing was startled by the unfamiliar voice but recognized the person after looking clearly, “Xu-senior?”

“I told you not to make it so formal. Just call me Chi-ge,” Xu Xiangchi placed a hot drink he had bought in front of Lin Yuxing and said with concern, “Your complexion doesn’t look good, have something warm to drink.”

“I’m not thirsty.”

Regardless, Lin Yuxing had some reservations in his heart since Xu Xiangchi had confessed to him just last week. Since he rejected Xu Xiangchi, it wouldn’t look good to accept any kindness from him.

Xu Xiangchi casually sat down, feeling uneasy when he realized Lin Yuxing didn’t want to engage with him. He cleared his throat and deliberately asked Lin Yuxing, “I saw a post… are you dating Gu Zhongyi?”

However, Lin Yuxing didn’t want to explain further.

He and Xu Xiangchi had met through several errand orders. Every time he received an order from Xu Xiangchi and his group, Lin Yuxing was always reluctant. That was because each time, Lin Yuxing had to endure scorching sun or heavy rain, waiting outside the Alpha dormitory until Xu Xiangchi and the others came to pick up the items at their leisurely pace.

Because of that, Lin Yuxing never really liked Xu Xiangchi.

But inexplicably, Xu Xiangchi, for some unknown reason, suddenly started pursuing him.

Su Li, who was well-informed about campus gossip, had previously warned Lin Yuxing: “Xu Xiangchi, I know him. He’s a playboy from the second year of the art department. He comes from a wealthy family and looks decent. So, after entering college, he has changed partners so frequently that you can use a truck to transport them. Don’t be fooled by his sweet words.”

However, this time, Su Li didn’t need to worry.

As an Omega, Lin Yuxing did indeed feel a flutter in his heart for the outstanding Alpha Gu Zhongyi and was attracted by his pheromones. But he wasn’t someone without principles, and he definitely wouldn’t develop any romantic feelings for an Alpha like Xu Xiangchi.

Unable to get a response from Lin Yuxing, Xu Xiangchi asked again in disbelief, his tone showing some impatience: “Yuxing, you’re really being distant with me. If you don’t speak, does that mean you’re really in a relationship?”

Faced with Xu Xiangchi’s probing, Lin Yuxing initially didn’t plan to pay any attention.

However, Lin Yuxing didn’t want to cause unnecessary trouble for Gu Zhongyi.

“I’m not in a relationship with anyone.” Lin Yuxing added, “This matter has nothing to do with you, Xu Xiangchi, right?”

Exhausted by that topic, his tone unconsciously turned sour. He realized his loss of composure and stood up, maintaining his usual firm attitude.

He pushed the hot drink toward Xu Xiangchi: “Xu Xiangchi, you can have the drink yourself. I have something to do, so I’ll leave first.”

Xu Xiangchi was left hanging, wearing a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face.

Slowly, Xu Xiangchi chuckled.

His companions finished selecting their fast food and playfully sat down in front of Xu Xiangchi.

One of them, seeing Xu Xiangchi being dumped again, said teasingly, “Haven’t you been rejected enough? How much courage do you have? You dare snatch someone from Gu Zhongyi. It’s better not to provoke the people from the Gu family. You’ll have a hard time later. After all, you’re pursuing this poor junior as a bet against us. Just admit defeat and lose gracefully.”

Another person chimed in, “If you lose, you owe each of us 500. Xu Xiangchi, I told you before, don’t always think you’re so charming. Not every Omega is interested in you.”

“Haha, he was just dumped last week, and this week Gu Zhongyi suddenly appeared halfway!”

The group of people joked around , giving off a sense of birds of a feather.

Xu Xiangchi raised an eyebrow, unable to save face, and said in a displeased tone, “Who said I would lose?” For the sake of his dignity, Xu Xiangchi didn’t tell his companions what Lin Yuxing had said earlier. Instead, he snorted disdainfully, feeling confident, and said, “Just wait and see. There’s no Omega that I, Xu Xiangchi, can’t win over.”

Even if–

He dropped a confident remark and proudly said, “Even if it’s something belonging to Gu Zhongyi, so what?”

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