Stars run to him

Stars run to him chapter 49

Elementary School Student Arrives!

Lin Yuxing’s frustration remained on his face, unable to retract it in time. But the sourness in his heart instantly transformed into surging waves.

Taking a deep breath, he blurted out without defense, “Why did you ask such a silly question?”

“Silly question?” Gu Zhongyi asked.

Lin Yuxing quickly changed his tone, “I mean… What’s the need to ask? Of course, I’m willing!”

Not only that, Lin Yuxing gave Gu Zhongyi a reassurance, “I’m with you, not for your money.” As soon as he said it, Lin Yuxing realized it was wrong. Wasn’t he initially with Gu Zhongyi for the money?

It was like shooting himself in the foot.

He became more and more confused as he spoke, changing his words again, and stammered, “What I mean is, I’m also a person who comes from nothing. Yet, you still chose me, right?”

Gu Zhongyi’s eyebrows immediately relaxed as he placed his palm against the back of Lin Yuxing’s hand. His gaze was intense, his eyes sparkling like stars, as if a fire was swirling around Lin Yuxing, attempting to burn away all the uneasiness and anxiety.

Lin Yuxing’s worries shifted elsewhere. After contemplating for a moment, he asked, “Are you really willing to leave your family for me?”


“Don’t you regret it?”

“I have no regrets.”

But Lin Yuxing was afraid that Gu Zhongyi might change his mind or that his words were just empty promises.

In a soft voice, Lin Yuxing said, “Have you ever thought that we… haven’t known each other for very long?”

“The length of time we’ve known each other doesn’t affect how i feel about you.”

Gu Zhongyi expressed his feelings once again, with a solemn tone that filled Lin Yuxing’s heart with joy.

In love, it seemed that a person’s brain would run slowly, replaying the words they wanted to hear repeatedly.

“But your family…” Lin Yuxing stopped his voice here. He had heard Su Li talk about Gu Zhongyi’s family and knew that Gu Zhongyi didn’t like mentioning his so-called “family.”

In that instant, Lin Yuxing suddenly felt enlightened.

Perhaps they sympathized with each other, which was why they were attracted to each other and fell in love. That reason was absurd, but it stirred up a myriad of emotions in Lin Yuxing, giving him a sense of belonging.

Lin Yuxing didn’t plan to ask anything further. He earnestly said to Gu Zhongyi, “Thank you for choosing me. I will treat you well.”

The last word was light and fast, like a fruit just ripened on a branch, sincere like a slow but affectionate letter sent in the old days.

Gu Zhongyi’s heart warmed. “Mm.”

Lin Yuxing thought for a moment, then leaned close to Gu Zhongyi’s ear and whispered, giving Gu Zhongyi another promise.

Gu Zhongyi listened, unable to hold back his laughter. He raised an eyebrow slightly, “You two have this kind of agreement?”

“That’s why, try not to have a cold face towards Gu Nuan. When I enter the company, I’ll work very hard.” Lin Yuxing had never been so lively before, his tone relaxed. “Our life will only get better.”

Lin Yuxing was determined to rely on Gu Nuan’s support!

However, Lin Yuxing couldn’t help but sigh at the wonders of fate. They were actually facing the problem of elopement just like in a TV drama.

Was this the hardship of being in love with the son from a wealthy family?

Lin Yuxing felt nervous but couldn’t help but relax unknowingly, realizing that he was hungry.


Gu Zhongyi sat back in his seat. “Let’s eat first.” He picked up food for Lin Yuxing. “We need to eat well before we can successfully elope.”

Lin Yuxing caught Gu Zhongyi’s joking remark, “okay, i’ll eat three bowls of rice and finish the cake Gu Nuan gave us.”

“You didn’t have cake in the afternoon?”

“I really wanted to, but I want to eat it with you.”

The smile on Gu Zhongyi’s lips couldn’t be suppressed.

Time flew by, and it was the day when tutoring officially began.

Lin Yuxing stood in front of the mirror, carefully tidying his clothes. “Do I look like a teacher in this outfit?”

Gu Zhongyi directly handed him a light-colored turtleneck and said, “The one you’re wearing is too thick. Change to a thinner one.”

With the apartment’s heating on, Lin Yuxing’s previous turtleneck wasn’t suitable.

“But this one makes me look small.”

Gu Zhongyi reminded him, “You’re only 19.”

Lin Yuxing’s shoulders slumped as he couldn’t refute Gu Zhongyi’s words. He muttered, “but so are you.”

But Gu Zhongyi gave off a mature vibe and didn’t seem like a teenager. Lin Yuxing envied him and pursed his lips, eager to look like an adult. He reluctantly said, “I want to give the students a sense of security. I can’t be too casual.”

Gu Zhongyi stepped forward and squeezed Lin Yuxing’s shoulder. “but if you’re too serious; the students won’t feel secure.”

Lin Yuxing vaguely understood. He had always respected teachers since he was young. “Is that so?”

“Of course.” Gu Zhongyi helped him tidy his hair. “Every student naturally fears their teacher.”

Curiously, Lin Yuxing asked, “Are you the same?”

Gu Zhongyi had been an outstanding student since elementary school, always making the teachers happy. Plus, he was well-behaved and rarely received punishment from teachers.

“I suppose so,” he said. “but It’s better to look more approachable “

As Gu Zhongyi said that, he felt a bit sorry for Zhang’s child. The child had a perfectly fine vacation, but Gu Zhongyi dragged him here just so Lin Yuxing could take his first tutoring job offer instead.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, Zhang’s wife, Fang Mei, promptly brought the child to the apartment.

She learned that it was her husband’s company’s benefit and that a talented student from C University would be teaching, which made her overjoyed. She led her child into the apartment and instructed the child, “Yuanyuan, greet the teacher.”

The little boy called Zhang Yuanyuan, looked very well-behaved. His face blushing, he politely greeted, ‘Hello, my name is Zhang Yuanyuan. The ‘Yuan’ in ‘Yuan Garden’ and the ‘Yuan’ in ‘distant place.’

Lin Yuxing grabbed a handful of prepared snacks and placed them in his hands, saying, ‘Hello, my name is Lin Yuxing. You can call me Teacher Lin.’

‘Teacher Lin, hello.’

Zhang Yuanyuan then looked at Gu Zhongyi, not knowing what kind of teacher he was or how to address him.

Gu Zhongyi just brought out two cups of juice and a cup of tea from the kitchen. ‘I’m not a teacher, you can call me Uncle Gu.’

Upon hearing this, not only Lin Yuxing, but even Fang Mei was shocked.

Lin Yuxing: Does he really have to behave like an old man?

Fang Mei: This is trouble. If he really calls him that, will it offend the Gu family?

Zhang Yuanyuan looked puzzled and innocently said, ‘But you don’t look like an uncle.’

Zhang Yuanyuan was 8 years old, and Gu Zhongyi  19 years old, only an 11-year difference. Moreover, 19 year olds were never old enough to be called uncle.

Gu Zhongyi was dumbfounded and didn’t expect that. After all, according to his normal timeline, he was indeed at the age where he should be called ‘uncle.’

He cleared his throat and said, ‘then call me older brother.’

Zhang Yuanyuan nodded, feeling it made sense, and obediently said, ‘Hello, Brother Gu.’ He held the snacks in his hand and curiously looked at Lin Yuxing, thinking that that day would be a leisurely day.

Because that Teacher Lin seemed to have a good personality and looked good, he definitely wasn’t a strict or grumpy person.

Zhang Yuanyuan smiled at Lin Yuxing with a “plan” in mind, revealing two cute little tiger teeth.

Lin Yuxing’s heart was melted by the child’s smile, and he quickly gave him more snacks.

But Zhang Yuanyuan was wrong.

He didn’t understand Lin Yuxing, nor did he know that Lin Yuxing was a very dedicated worker.

As soon as they sat down at the desk, Lin Yuxing changed his demeanor. He lost his previous amiability and became a responsible tutor focused on his job.

Lin Yuxing placed a thick stack of A4 papers in front of Zhang Yuanyuan.

“These are math and English test papers based on the knowledge points of grades 1 to 3 and our tutoring progress. From today until the end of winter vacation, we’ll strive to learn and combine this knowledge.”

From the moment Lin Yuxing received the news of the tutoring job, he had prepared a lot.

The little boy was so scared that he chewed on the candy in his mouth wide eyed.

Lin Yuxing solemnly placed a test paper in front of Zhang Yuanyuan and rolled up his sleeves confidently. “Learning only two hours a day is quite intense, so let’s get started!”

Zhang Yuanyuan: Help!

The joyful winter vacation of that elementary school student was completely ruined in Gu Zhongyi’s apartment.

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