Stars run to him

Stars run to him chapter 10

Credited with 3000 yuan!

Lin Yuxing woke up, having not slept well. He was drenched in cold sweat, anxiously wiping off the tiny beads of sweat from his forehead. He closed his eyes tightly, unwilling to recall any childhood memories.

Beside him, Su Li’s voice came through, “You’re awake? Why didn’t you cover yourself with a blanket while sleeping? And why are you all sweaty? Are you okay?”

Lin Yuxing replied confused, “I’m fine… What time is it?”

“It’s a little past eight. I made plans to play games with someone this morning,” Su Li complained, stretching lazily. “Ah, I’m so sleepy. No early classes, but I still have to wake up early.”

Lin Yuxing paid no attention to Su Li’s complaints. He quickly got up, tidied himself up a bit, and rushed out of the dormitory door, saying, “I’ll be late for work!”

“You found a job?” Su Li shouted, asking.

Lin Yuxing was already long gone.

Su Li scratched his nose, regretting that he had even asked his parents for an advance on his monthly allowance to help Lin Yuxing during this period. He thought that Lin Yuxing probably didn’t need it anymore. Feeling itchy to spend some money, he bought a set of appearance enhancements  on the game interface and gifted it to a friend on his friend list.

Su Li’s game ID was “Doujiang ZhandouTiao” (Soy Milk Dipped in Fried Dough Sticks).

Doujiang ZhandouTiao sent a private message: [Pro, let’s continue playing together today. Muah muah muah (kissing emoji)]

The reply came quickly from the other side: [Stop fooling around.]

Su Li smiled brightly.

On the other side, relying on his strong physical strength, Lin Yuxing arrived at the bakery at half-past eight.

Zhou Jie was busy baking.

Lin Yuxing had a pale complexion and kept apologizing.

Seeing that he didn’t look well, Zhou Jie just told him not to be late next time and left it at that.

Lin Yuxing nodded, tied on an apron, put on a mask and gloves, and started working. His movements were skilled, as if he had worked at a bakery before.

Seeing Zhou Jie’s curiosity, Lin Yuxing took the initiative to say, “During the summer vacation of my senior year in high school, I worked at a bakery in town for over two months. I did everything there, from morning till night.”

It was also during that time that, under Lin Xiufeng’s suggestion, he managed to save up a sum of money and handed it over to his uncle. He promised to send money back every month and not be a “leech.” At his uncle’s request, he even wrote a promissory note and IOU, in exchange for the opportunity to study without being disturbed by the “family.”

At first, Lin Yuxing’s tuition fee was the biggest problem.

Fortunately, with the help of his neighbor, he applied for a student loan and successfully entered C University.

To others, the path to a university was a necessary journey, but for him, it felt like an unattainable dream.

He cherished that dream and had no intention of wasting it.

Lin Yuxing earnestly focused on his work, but his head still felt heavy. He took a deep breath, thinking it was probably because he caught a cold from being on the balcony the previous night.

He knew he was sick, but on his first day of work, he didn’t want to give up halfway. He thought he could endure a little longer before taking a break. Unfortunately, his vision went black, and Lin Yuxing collapsed.

When he woke up again, only a minute had passed.

He caught a faint scent of bitter orange.

“Lin Yuxing! Lin Yuxing—”

Lin Yuxing heard a piercing ringing in his ears, and the voices of Zhou Jie and Gu Zhongyi merged together, becoming rhythmic drumming that struck his consciousness.

Soon, Lin Yuxing felt himself being lifted up. He slowly opened his eyes and called out the person’s name before him, “Gu Zhongyi…”

He was still dazed, not even addressing him as “senior,” just calling him by his name.

Worried that the cold wind would blow on him, Gu Zhongyi quickly walked to his car and placed Lin Yuxing in the back seat. “I’ll take you to the campus hospital. You have a slight fever,” he said quickly, frowning with concern.

Lin Yuxing was taken aback and weakly closed his eyes.

Thanks to Gu Zhongyi’s help, the fever wasn’t too extreme, and he just needed to take medication for a few days. Combined with his recent worries and lack of rest, it was why he fainted.

After prescribing medicine for Lin Yuxing, the campus doctor advised him to rest in bed for a while before leaving.

As soon as Lin Yuxing’s head touched the pillow, he fell asleep instantly.

Gu Zhongyi, who returned after paying for the medicine, saw that scene and had no complaints. He pulled up a chair and sat by the bedside, reaching out to touch Lin Yuxing’s slightly damp forehead.

The campus doctor recognized Gu Zhongyi and joked, “What, another pursuer of yours? Why do I feel like this situation is a bit different?”

Gu Zhongyi replied calmly, “This time, I was the one who got rejected.”

The campus doctor couldn’t believe it and was stunned for a few seconds before saying, “Is it true? I thought you… I didn’t expect you to have such worldly desires, Gu Zhongyi.”

Gu Zhongyi gestured for him to lower his voice. He didn’t expect to receive a lecture from a campus doctor. Out of kindness, the doctor gently reminded him, “He’s too thin, he looks a bit malnourished. Many students are excessively dieting these days. Since you like him, talk to him about it. Being too thin is unhealthy. Try to make sure he eats nutritious food more, okay?”

Considering Lin Yuxing couldn’t even afford a proper meal, how could he not be thin?

Gu Zhongyi stayed by his side, holding his hand tightly, wishing to warm every inch of his palm with his body heat.

It was only when Lin Yuxing began to wake up that Gu Zhongyi released his hand.

Lin Yuxing’s fever had subsided, and he had slept soundly. When he saw Gu Zhongyi, his mind raced: but was too weak to complain.

Gu Zhongyi was the first to speak, “Do you want some water?”

Lin Yuxing shook his head, “Where are we?”

“At the campus hospital.”

Gu Zhongyi glanced at the time, “It’s already noon. Shall we have lunch together…” he paused and asked, “what do you want to eat? I can go buy it.”

“I’m not hungry,” Lin Yuxing thanked him hoarsely, “Senior, thank you for bringing me here.”

“It’s nothing.”

He looked at Gu Zhongyi and asked, “How did you end up at the bakery?”

“Coincidence, do you believe me?” Gu Zhongyi was still able to joke.

Lin Yuxing shook his head again.

After a moment of silence, Gu Zhongyi asked, “Are you really not considering what i proposed yesterday?”

Lin Yuxing couldn’t answer.

His mind was filled with thoughts of “Gu Zhongyi likes him,” and he felt somewhat unworthy of that love. He just couldn’t understand how someone as outstanding as Gu Zhongyi noticed him.

Unable to hold back, Lin Yuxing asked in his state of confusion, “Senior, are you…”

“What?” Gu Zhongyi interrupted.

Regret and guilt were written all over Lin Yuxing’s face, making it heart-wrenching. He spoke softer and softer, until his last word was only a whisper, “…Do you… like me?”

Gu Zhongyi was an intelligent person, and he instantly realized that his actions were too obvious, needlessly adding to Lin Yuxing’s troubles.

So, Gu Zhongyi immediately denied, “No.”

Lin Yuxing’s small hand clenched, feeling a bit at a loss.

Gu Zhongyi maintained a calm and logical attitude, saying, “Actually, during the meal together that day, I intended to tell you about the idea of pretending to date and ask for your opinion. However, you clarified the misunderstanding first, and I didn’t know how to bring it up. If my behavior and attitude that day led to your misunderstanding, I apologize. It wasn’t my intention.”

Lin Yuxing was stunned, “So… so you don’t have feelings for me…”

“No, I don’t.”

Seeing Gu Zhongyi’s blank expression, Lin Yuxing was completely convinced that he was telling the truth.

Now, Lin Yuxing wished he could find a hole to hide in. He actually misunderstood Gu Zhongyi’s intentions, the school’s heartthrob, liking him! Damn, what a massive misunderstanding! It was even more outrageous than the posts on the forums wishing them a hundred years of happiness!

Gu Zhongyi couldn’t help but ask, “So, did you reject my request because of this… misunderstanding?”

As soon as those words were spoken, Lin Yuxing was finally stirred up.

It was the same for him. He did think that Gu Zhongyi was outstanding and attractive, but being attracted to someone didn’t actually mean liking them, and liking someone didn’t mean it had to be spoken out loud.

Lin Yuxing knew that under Xu Xiangchi’s pursuit, Gu Zhongyi’s proposal was the best shield. He came to C University to survive, not to date, let alone get entangled with anyone.

Lin Yuxing also believed that he didn’t need love. Just being alive was already more tiring for him than his peers, and with all his flaws, he simply wasn’t qualified for love.

And what Gu Zhongyi said was indeed the most convenient solution for the two of them. Moreover, there was also a reward involved, which really made him tempted.

Opportunities don’t come twice!

Gu Zhongyi was a person who seized opportunities better than Lin Yuxing. He saw the change in Lin Yuxing’s face and deliberately said, “The pursuers around me have always been troubling me. Even if I don’t find you, I will find someone else to play this role. But personally, I think you are the most suitable candidate, so can you think about it again?”

The defensive walls in Lin Yuxing’s heart gradually crumbled, and his expression relaxed slightly. “I’m suitable?”

“Yes, you’re very suitable.” After affirming, Gu Zhongyi spoke with a touch of regret, “But if you really don’t want to, I won’t force you. I’ll handle this matter and won’t disturb your life anymore.”

After speaking, he stood up, pretending to leave.

One second, two seconds.

The third second—sure enough.

Lin Yuxing changed his usual demeanor, completely different from his previously weak appearance. He tightly grabbed Gu Zhongyi’s wrist, afraid that Gu Zhongyi would leave.

Stars shone in Lin Yuxing’s eyes. “Senior, I think I can do it! I don’t need to think about it anymore!”

Gu Zhongyi’s eyebrows couldn’t help but twitch, concealing his joy.

Lin Yuxing said loudly, “Then today is our first day of dating!” Immediately after, he quickly added, “Senior, can I, can I get an advance on my salary?”

Gu Zhongyi readily agreed, “Of course you can.”

Ding Dong—

In just a few minutes.

[【CC Bank】Your account 8967 received a deposit of 3,000 yuan on December 26th at 11:05.]

There were a total of 20 words, shining brightly.

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