Second Love

Second Love chapter 5

Jiang Yun’s surgery was scheduled for a few days later. After discussions between Cheng Huai and Jiang Yun’s parents, they decided that Cheng Huai would accompany Jiang Yun to the UK for the operation. Cheng Huai had always been meticulous, so they felt reassured.

For now, let’s temporarily ignore the incident where Jiang Yun pleaded with his parents. He didn’t want to go on a vacation abroad with Cheng Huai and still have his parents tagging along. Besides, Cheng Huai had already arranged a luxurious seaside room…

Oh no, it was a VIP room at the hospital.

But Cheng Huai did prepare a luxurious seaside room. This time, Cheng Huai had a sufficient reason. Under the guise of the “official business” of the vision restoration surgery, he secretly arranged their private itinerary.

Jiang Yun wasn’t interested in traveling; he couldn’t see the landscapes. Although he knew that even if he couldn’t see, Cheng Huai would be his eyes, describing the scenery they encountered with poetic and picturesque words, Jiang Yun still felt that he would spoil Cheng Huai’s enjoyment.

With two full days before the surgery, Cheng Huai didn’t want Jiang Yun to move into that antiseptic-smelling building so early. Cheng Huai planned their daytime activities to be packed. After all, this was a rare opportunity for the two of them to go out and experience the customs of a foreign land.

The surprise was well kept a secret. Before Jiang Yun left, he thought he was simply having surgery and would be back in a little over a week. But unexpectedly, Cheng Huai had a pleasant surprise for him.

In the early morning, they woke up in each other’s arms. Cheng Huai looked at the warm golden sunlight streaming into the room, illuminating Jiang Yun’s face, making it extraordinarily beautiful. Jiang Yun tilted his head, facing the French windows, staring blankly outside. As a blind person, Jiang Yun had zero perception of sunlight, even if it shone directly on him, he couldn’t feel any glaring light. However, he could feel the warmth of the sunlight.

Cheng Huai propped himself up halfway, supporting his elbow and raising his other hand without making a sound. It hung in the air above Jiang Yun’s eyes. “The sky outside is very blue. Can you feel the warmth of the sunlight? You can try to imagine the gentle feeling of the breeze brushing against your cheeks.”

“And the sound of the sea, there are several seagulls flying over the sea.”

Knowing that Cheng Huai was using his hand to block the incoming sunlight for him, Jiang Yun, with his sensitive hearing, listened to Cheng Huai’s description. While listening, he tried to imagine. Before losing his sight, he had watched nature documentaries and seen what seagulls looked like.

Sunshine, beach, blue sea, and a companion, Jiang Yun thought this way and couldn’t help but smile.

Jiang Yun’s expression seemed very relaxed, but Cheng Huai couldn’t read minds. Just as he was about to ask what Jiang Yun was thinking, he was tightly hugged around the waist.

Without saying a word, the furry head rubbed against his shoulder, a gesture of goodwill.

“I feel very happy now,” Jiang Yun said softly.

“…” Cheng Huai’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

So, Jiang Yun took the initiative to kiss Cheng Huai’s face, “Hurry up and kiss me.”

Immediately after, Cheng Huai pressed his body onto Jiang Yun.


They also walked along the coastline, with the sound of the sea in their ears. Just holding hands and quietly strolling. Occasionally, Jiang Yun would rest his head on Cheng Huai’s shoulder.

“You don’t need to worry about me,” Jiang Yun said.

“I’m not…”

“I believe the surgery will be successful,” Jiang Yun raised his head, full of attachment, “If God hears my prayers, he will know how much I want to see your face.”

Not only in this life but also in the next, Jiang Yun wanted to be with Cheng Huai.

When they heard about drinking Meng Po’s soup on the Bridge of Helplessness to forget everything in this life, at least in this life, Jiang Yun wanted to remember Cheng Huai’s appearance firmly.

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