Second Love

Second Love chapter 3

On the fourth day of Cheng Huai’s stay in England.

In the middle of the night, right after he finished taking a shower, his phone suddenly vibrated. Wiping his hair half-dry, he picked up the phone to find a call from Jiang Yun.

(Baby invites you to a video call)

Cheng Huai was a bit surprised because Jiang Yun rarely called him at this hour. Without much thought, he pressed the answer button, concerned that something might be wrong.

Jiang Yun’s phone didn’t have a dialing button; usually, it was for video calls, and Cheng Huai was his first contact with a shortcut key. Just tap anywhere on the screen, and it would directly initiate a video call with Cheng Huai.

The screen was black for two or three seconds, indicating that the video call was starting. After connecting, Cheng Huai was about to ask what was happening, “Baby…”

Before he could finish, he was interrupted by the other side.

“Cheng Huai~ I miss you so much… hiccup!” Jiang Yun said slowly and paused between each word. He couldn’t help but hiccup.

Cheng Huai was initially happy because Jiang Yun was usually a serious person who rarely said things like “I miss you.” However, he soon noticed something amiss. The video call was connected, and the picture became clear. Cheng Huai saw that Jiang Yun’s cheeks were flushed, his eyes were teary, and he seemed a bit lifeless.

Even through the screen, there was a strong smell of alcohol.

“Hmm? Are you drinking?” Cheng Huai couldn’t help but frown, and his voice sounded displeased.

“N-no…” Jiang Yun’s face had a rosy hue, and he vehemently denied it. Despite being drunk, he was sensitive to Cheng Huai’s changing mood.

“I thought it was a carbonated drink…” He yawned, feeling a bit drowsy, and rubbed his eyes wearily.

Cheng Huai chuckled silently, knowing this little fool too well. Although he couldn’t see, Jiang Yun was familiar with all the bottles and cans at home. In the fridge, the top layer was Cheng Huai’s wines and whiskeys, and the bottom layer was Jiang Yun’s non-alcoholic drinks.

“You can’t see, but you still have taste buds,” Cheng Huai said.

“I-I didn’t taste it…” Jiang Yun hugged the phone, sounding a bit aggrieved. Lying on the sofa, he found a more comfortable position, tilted his head, and said, “I’m drunk~”

Jiang Yun closed his eyes as if dozing off, half-opened his mouth, waited for a few seconds, and found that there was no sound on the other end of the phone. Cheng Huai didn’t hang up, but he didn’t speak either.

Cheng Huai looked at Jiang Yun’s flushed face and moist lips, suddenly feeling a bit thirsty. He picked up the warm water beside him and took a sip, moistening his lips.

If they weren’t separated by an ocean, Cheng Huai would definitely punish this little cat that was stealing fish. But now, it seemed like the cat deliberately chose today to seduce him. Cheng Huai could see but couldn’t taste.

“Don’t sleep on the sofa; you’ll catch a cold.”

“Okay~” Jiang Yun obediently agreed. He got up from the sofa, holding the phone, and walked dizzily toward the bedroom bathroom.

He knew that Cheng Huai missed him too.

“Don’t take a bath alone when you’re drunk; it’s not safe. You can’t do this next time when I’m not at home.”

“When you’re at home, you won’t let me drink…” Jiang Yun muttered softly.

Actually, Cheng Huai wasn’t someone with strong controlling tendencies; he just paid special attention to certain things about Jiang Yun, all for his well-being.

“You!” Cheng Huai was rendered speechless by Jiang Yun’s backtalk. He thought people’s reactions would slow down when they were drunk, so why did this one become even more clever? Cheng Huai said, “You’re not good at holding your liquor.”

While thinking about this, on the other side, Jiang Yun placed the phone on a table, directly facing the bathtub. Cheng Huai had a complete view from this angle.

Cheng Huai regretted a bit; he initially requested that Jiang Yun connect through video when he took a bath alone because he was worried about his safety. Now it seemed like he was reaping what he had sown.

“Just wash casually; don’t catch a cold.”

“Okay~” Jiang Yun responded drowsily.

When Jiang Yun wrapped himself in a bathrobe and crawled into bed, he continued the video call with Cheng Huai. He bundled up in the blanket, leaving only a round little head exposed, “Cheng Huai, I’m so cold…”

“When are you coming back? I don’t want to sleep alone; I’m cold.”

“Ask IVEN to turn on the air conditioner for you.” Cheng Huai felt that Jiang Yun was unusually clingy tonight, much more than usual.

But he liked it.

Jiang Yun felt a bit disappointed and unwillingly said, “IVEN, set the air conditioner to 26 degrees.”

“Okay, master.”

Neither of them spoke, listening to each other’s breathing. Suddenly, without any context, Jiang Yun said, “Actually, whether the surgery is successful or not, I’m not that concerned anymore… after all, fifteen years have passed.”

Cheng Huai was momentarily stunned, realizing why the usually serious person drank from his own alcoholic beverages tonight.

Jiang Yun continued, “But Zhang Zhang said you’re very handsome.”

Zhang Zhang was Jiang Yun’s best friend, a famous playboy in their gay circle, aiming to sleep with every type 1 in the world.

Jiang Yun really believed that if Cheng Huai hadn’t been with him, this good cabbage would have been stolen by Zhang Zhang sooner or later. Oh, this analogy doesn’t seem quite appropriate. How can a person underneath “steal” someone?

“Do you want to see what I look like?”


“If I disappoint you, will you still want me?” Cheng Huai suppressed a smile and deliberately asked.

“I won’t!” Jiang Yun replied firmly. Just as Cheng Huai was prepared to hear Jiang Yun’s sweet words, Jiang Yun continued, “An ugly wife still has to meet her in-laws.”

Cheng Huai really had to think about how to punish this disobedient little cat.

Jiang Yun giggled, and Cheng Huai’s reaction was entirely within his expectations. Covering his mouth, only a pair of crescent-shaped eyes were revealed. He coaxed, “Just kidding, hehe.”

Cheng Huai chuckled silently. Jiang Yun’s eyes were naturally crescent-shaped, but those beautiful eyes seemed to lack some luster.

He must give Jiang Yun a complete life.

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