Second Love

Second Love chapter 2

After Cheng Huai left, Jiang Yun slept for another hour or so. He got up and washed up around 8:30. On the bathroom counter, the couple’s toothbrushes, once placed side by side, now only had Jiang Yun’s lonely toothbrush remaining as Cheng Huai was away on a business trip.

After finishing his morning routine, Jiang Yun slid open the wardrobe doors to choose his outfit for the day. Before Cheng Huai left, he had already coordinated Jiang Yun’s clothes for the seven days he would be away, so Jiang Yun only needed to blindly select from the options. Jiang Yun randomly picked a hoodie from the seven outfits, put it on with his pajama bottoms, and went to the study to start his work.

“IVEN, turn on the computer.”

“Okay, master.”

The AI butler responded, and soon the computer was up and running.

IVEN was the household’s AI robot butler, specifically purchased by Cheng Huai for Jiang Yun. When the first batch was officially launched in the country, Cheng Huai bought a set. The intelligent butler could handle tasks like turning on/off lights, drawing curtains, making Jiang Yun’s life more convenient due to his visual impairment.

Jiang Yun majored in psychology in college, and he operated an online counseling room for voice consultations. The AI butler fetched the information for Jiang Yun’s counseling room, showing that there were four appointments for the day—two in the morning and two in the afternoon.

Typically, clients would chat with Jiang Yun through voice communication. If there were time conflicts, they would resort to delayed communication, where clients would leave messages about their concerns, and Jiang Yun would provide professional advice once he came online.

They had been living in their current home for over a year. Initially, after getting married, they bought a nice two-bedroom apartment that was cozy despite its size. However, since Jiang Yun worked from home, and Cheng Huai had imposed various restrictions to ensure Jiang Yun’s safety, they decided to move to a larger house.


As the night rain intensified, when Jiang Yun struggled to sleep, Cheng Huai’s timely call came in.

“I checked the weather forecast; it seems to be raining heavily on your side,” Cheng Huai said.


“I suggest you select the sleep-inducing service.”

Jiang Yun, initially bothered by insomnia, was quickly amused by Cheng Huai’s words.

Cheng Huai soothingly said, “Do you want to hear a story from when we first met?”

“I want to… hear about when we first met.”

“How should I put this? You were a little fool when we first met.”

Oh, why did Cheng Huai call Jiang Yun a little fool? Because he couldn’t see, and many things needed Cheng Huai’s care. Besides, the name “little fool” sounded cute.

Thinking about it, they were indeed an old married couple now. In the beginning, when they first got together, despite Jiang Yun being two years older than Cheng Huai, he was pampered to the extreme. If stars were tangible, Cheng Huai would have picked them for Jiang Yun.

Now Cheng Huai would say that he was too infatuated.

Due to his visual impairment, Jiang Yun was genuinely innocent. He couldn’t watch adult content, and Cheng Huai thought that was his biggest loss. In this matter, Cheng Huai appeared more mature than Jiang Yun.

But Jiang Yun quickly learned the basics after Cheng Huai taught him. Cheng Huai helped with some entry-level positions and provided guidance on techniques. Due to his inability to see, Jiang Yun wasn’t very shy in bed. Although he knew about Cheng Huai’s impressive size, after each intimate encounter, Jiang Yun felt like he had lost half his life.

The next day, always waking up with a sore back and aching buttocks, Jiang Yun felt the aftermath of their passionate night. Like an avalanche, no snowflake was innocent during an avalanche, and similarly, when engaged in intimate activities, there wasn’t a part of his body that didn’t ache.

After losing his sight, Jiang Yun went through a long period of self-doubt. Although life continued as usual, and his parents’ love remained unchanged, he fell into a deep sense of inferiority. Despite the Earth still rotating and people bustling around, many sighted individuals lost their most beloved person in the crowds—what about him, a blind man who might never even see his partner’s face?

In reality, fifteen years had passed, and Jiang Yun was no longer as concerned about whether he would succeed.

If there was still hope, it was because of Cheng Huai.

Friends who had met him said Cheng Huai was handsome.

They started dating when they began working, dated for more than a year, and had been married for three years. Their story began very ordinary, without many twists. Cheng Huai’s parents had met while studying abroad, and they advocated for free love.

After confirming their relationship, both families had dinner together, meeting each other’s parents. Initially, Jiang Yun’s parents felt a bit guilty. When Jiang Yun first told them about his relationship, they thought it was just a passing phase. However, the two ended up getting married, and time passed in the blink of an eye.

At the time of their marriage, same-sex marriage was not yet legalized in the country, and it was only approved in the last two years. Cheng Huai’s ideal was Las Vegas, but Jiang Yun was initially hesitant about marriage.

Dating was fine, but marriage required careful consideration.

Although Jiang Yun never mentioned the reason, Cheng Huai knew that Jiang Yun was giving him a chance to back out.

At that time, Cheng Huai forcibly brought Jiang Yun onto a plane, flying to Las Vegas to get their marriage certificate.

Actions speak louder than words.

Jiang Yun was immersed in their shared memories. Cheng Huai, hearing silence from the other end, thought Jiang Yun was upset, so he carefully thought back and earnestly replied, “When I first saw you, I thought your eyes were beautiful.”

Jiang Yun, surprised that Cheng Huai brought up his eyes, felt them getting a bit warm. He rubbed his slightly itchy ears and stammered, “Wh-why?”

“I don’t know; they just looked beautiful.” Cheng Huai continued, “What about you?”

“Me? What can I say? I was just deceived into being with you…” Jiang Yun felt a bit aggrieved talking about this matter, “Anyway, I can’t see, and I don’t know if you look good or not. I just foolishly ended up with you…”

A soft laughter from Cheng Huai came through the phone. “Little fool.”

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