Second Love

Second Love chapter 16

  • Please tell me your name.

Cheng Huai: “Cheng Huai.”

Jiang Yun: “I’m Jiang Yun.”

  • How old are you?

Cheng Huai: “26.”

Jiang Yun: “I’m 28.”

  • What is your gender?

Cheng Huai: “Asking the obvious.”

Jiang Yun: “Same as above.”

  • What is your personality like?

Cheng Huai: “Mature, domineering.”

Jiang Yun: “Rational, objective, calm.”

  • What is the personality of the other person?

Cheng Huai: “No comment.”

Jiang Yun: “Childish, domineering—Oops,…”

  • When did you two first meet? Where?

Cheng Huai: “We met online.”

Jiang Yun: “Yes, he came to me for consultation on psychological issues.”

  • How do you view discussions about your relationship online, such as comments that a psychologist should not be in a relationship with a patient?

Cheng Huai: “Our relationship is between the two of us. Whatever others say is their business.”

Jiang Yun: “Hmm… I think it’s not that absolute. If you add a time context before the last sentence, Cheng Huai invited me to meet offline at the end of the year. We met in April, and by August, he had already recovered. I knew early on that he had ulterior motives towards me because after August, he always found topics to chat with me about. He approached me for psychological counseling due to work stress, and it wasn’t as serious as everyone thinks.”

  • What was your first impression of each other?

Cheng Huai: “He has a much keener sense than all of us, can chat, very wise and a great listener.”

Jiang Yun: “Very polite and considerate. Hmm… after regaining sight, my first impression of him was that he is handsome.”

  • What do you like about each other?

Cheng Huai: “his soul, gentle personality, body.”

Jiang Yun: “Everything about him…”

  • What do you dislike about each other?

Cheng Huai: “When he transforms into the ‘lying expert.’ Rather than saying dislike, it’s more like feeling sorry. I feel that I’m not good enough to make him completely rely on me.”

Jiang Yun: “Every time the ‘lying’ is exposed, he deliberately reduces intimate contact with me as a punishment.”

  • How do you address each other?

Cheng Huai: “Jiang Jiang, my baby, Gingerbread Baby, Sherlock Jiang Jiang…”

Jiang Yun: “I don’t have a special nickname. Just call him Cheng Huai.”

Cheng Huai: “No, you also call me husband, Ge, uh…”

Jiang Yun: “Shut up!”

  • What do you hope the other person calls you?

Cheng Huai: “Husband, Ge.”

Jiang Yun: “I like both.”

  • If you were to compare each other to an animal, what would it be?

Cheng Huai: “Cat.”

Jiang Yun: “Wolf-dog.”

  • What kind of gifts would you give each other?

Cheng Huai: “Electronic products or lingerie.”

Jiang Yun: “A suit. Let me emphasize, I don’t like Strawberry Bears and SpongeBob.”

  • What kind of gifts would you like to receive?

Cheng Huai: “I hope he packages himself as a gift for me.”

Jiang Yun: “He is the best gift.”

  • Do you have any complaints about each other? If so, what are they?

Cheng Huai: “Too independent, could be more clingy to me.”

Jiang Yun: “Too clingy, too sweet.”

  • Do you have any bad habits?

Cheng Huai: “I love Jiang Jiang too much; I always want to keep him by my side at all times, wanting to protect him well. But actually, Jiang Jiang is very independent and strong.”

Jiang Yun: “Sometimes too clumsy, I need Cheng Huai to teach me many things.”

  • What bad habits does the other person have?

Cheng Huai: “Regarding the previous question, I’m willing to teach, I’m happy to spoil my baby. His bad habit is overthinking and sometimes becoming insecure.”

Jiang Yun: “He always worries that I can’t take care of myself.”

  • What do you hate the other person doing?

Cheng Huai: “Drinking my alcohol when I’m away on a business trip.”

Jiang Yun: “Being away on a business trip for half a month.”

  • What would make the other person angry? Bad habits, for example.

Cheng Huai: “Probably always deceiving him about the Strawberry Bear and SpongeBob underwear he’s been wearing for so many years.”

Jiang Yun: “Not wearing slippers at home. Cheng Huai is afraid I’ll catch a cold, and when he’s away on a business trip, I drink his alcohol alone.”

  • What does the other person do that makes you happy?

Cheng Huai: “Whenever he blushes after doing something particularly cute.”

Jiang Yun: “When he worries about me.”

  • What do you two usually talk about?

Cheng Huai: “Life, work, emotions, and gossip.”

Jiang Yun: “He’s been gossiping lately. I asked him if he liked gossiping. He said he liked gossiping with me.”

  • How often do you fight?

Cheng Huai: “Almost never. We may have different opinions, but we usually communicate well.”

Jiang Yun: “That’s right.”

  • What do you usually fight about?

Cheng Huai: “Just some small things. We resolve them after chatting.”

Jiang Yun: “En, there’s no deep-seated conflict. He usually gives in.”

  • What do you do when you fight?

Cheng Huai: “I usually give in.”

Jiang Yun: “I listen to him.”

  • Who is more likely to apologize?

Cheng Huai: “He is.”

Jiang Yun: “No, you are.”

Cheng Huai: “No, you are.”

Jiang Yun: “No, you are.”

Cheng Huai: “No, you are.”

Jiang Yun: “No, you are.”

Cheng Huai: “No, you are.”

Jiang Yun: “No, you are.”

Cheng Huai: “Fine, I’m more likely to apologize.”

  • What is the most memorable moment you’ve had together?

Cheng Huai: “The first time he stayed at my place after the blind date. We chatted until midnight, and he was very energetic.”

Jiang Yun: “The first time he took me to meet his parents. It was a warm feeling, very memorable.”

  • What was the happiest moment?

Cheng Huai: “Every moment with him is happy. If I have to pick one, it’s the day he agreed to be my boyfriend.”

Jiang Yun: “Every moment is happy. If I have to pick one, it’s the day he asked me to be his boyfriend.”

  • What was the most difficult time for your relationship?

Cheng Huai: “We haven’t encountered particularly difficult times yet. But if we do, we’ll face it together.”

Jiang Yun: “That’s right. We’ll face it together.”

  • How do you express love to each other?

Cheng Huai: “I like expressing it through actions. For example, taking care of him, preparing meals, and understanding him.”

Jiang Yun: “I express it through words. For example, saying ‘I love you’ and appreciating him through words.”

  • What is the other person’s favorite food?

Cheng Huai: “Spicy hot pot, although he can’t eat it too often.”

Jiang Yun: “Hot pot, but I can’t eat it too often.”

  • What is the other person’s favorite drink?

Cheng Huai: “fruit tea.”

Jiang Yun: “Coffee.”

  • What is the other person’s favorite color?

Cheng Huai: “Blue.”

Jiang Yun: “Black.”

  • What is the other person’s favorite movie?

Cheng Huai: “Inception.”

Jiang Yun: “The Shawshank Redemption.”

  • What is the other person’s favorite book?

Cheng Huai: “The Little Prince.”

Jiang Yun: “Crime and Punishment.”

  • What is the other person’s favorite type of music?

Cheng Huai: “Jazz.”

Jiang Yun: “Classical.”

  • What is the other person’s dream?

Cheng Huai: “He wants to be a good psychologist and help more people.”

Jiang Yun: “To have a happy family.”

  • How do you feel about living together?

Cheng Huai: “Very happy. I can take care of him every day.”

Jiang Yun: “En, very happy. He takes care of me very well.”

  • Do you have any concerns about living together?

Cheng Huai: “Sometimes I’m afraid I’ll be too strict with him.”

Jiang Yun: “Sometimes I’m afraid I’ll be too dependent on him.”

  • What do you like to do together?

Cheng Huai: “Watching movies, cooking together, and traveling.”

Jiang Yun: “Reading together, cooking together, and traveling.”

  • What do you do when you have free time?

Cheng Huai: “Cooking, reading, and taking him out to relax.”

Jiang Yun: “Reading, going out to eat, and taking care of my plants.”

  • How do you view the idea of marriage?

Cheng Huai: “Very positive. I want to marry him.”

Jiang Yun: “I also want to marry him.”

  • Have you discussed the topic of marriage?

Cheng Huai: “Yes, we have.”

Jiang Yun: “Yes, we have.”

  • How do you view the idea of having children?

Cheng Huai: “Very positive. I want to have children with him.”

Jiang Yun: “I also want to have children with him.”

  • Have you discussed the topic of having children?

Cheng Huai: “Yes, we have.”

Jiang Yun: “Yes, we have.”

  • What is the most romantic thing you’ve done for each other?

Cheng Huai: “On our anniversary, I prepared a candlelit dinner and confessed to him again.”

Jiang Yun: “I always surprise him with outfits he likes to see me in.”

  • What is the most romantic thing the other person has done for you?

Cheng Huai: “On my birthday, he prepared a surprise party with all our friends.”

Jiang Yun: “He arranged for my favorite band to come to our home to perform on my birthday.”

  • How do you celebrate anniversaries?

Cheng Huai: “Traveling together and having a romantic dinner.”

Jiang Yun: “Traveling together and exchanging heartfelt letters.”

  • How do you resolve conflicts?

Cheng Huai: “Communicate and compromise.”

Jiang Yun: “Talk it out calmly.”

  • What is your wish for the future?

Cheng Huai: “To live a happy and fulfilling life with Jiang Jiang.”

Jiang Yun: “To have a happy family with Cheng Huai and continue to grow together.”


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